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gaming 3DS Thread!


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I'm so glad someone created this thread. We need to create a 3DS forum skin so someone can complain about how the 3DS is not relevant on a My Little Pony forum site.



As far as 3DS games go, I'm definitely getting Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns even though there's a TON of other games that I want.


Who wants to preorder the Super Mario 3D Land Tanooki Mario Keychain? I would since I have no keychain at all.


I want to preorder Super Mario 3D Land for that keychain but I'm still undecided.


I'm probably going to get Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights even though people say it's a Professor Layton knock-off.


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I'm patiently awaiting the release of SM3DL and Sonic Generations. Once those are out my 3DS will finally start seeing some real use.


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best—" and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

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Honestly, I lust want me some epic VC games, SML3D, MK7, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon Gray, and I shall be a happy camper with my 3DS. Also, I fully support the idea of having a 3DS skin here.


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I really enjoyed my 3DS when I got it at launch, but lately it's just been collecting dust. Aside from occasionally playing the ambassador games, streetpassing, and watching a video or two, I don't touch it.

I need me some MK7 plz.



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I have a 3DS, but the saddest part is that I cannot even see the 3D! My eyes are too messed up :(


You arent missing much I assure you. Just missing headaches and ghosting.

PC Supremacy

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I have a 3DS, but the saddest part is that I cannot even see the 3D! My eyes are too messed up :(


Alot of people don't use the 3D feature. They just play the game.

And the 3D just causes you headache :B



Thanks ya Discord (oh gawd, i said thanks to discord!!!)

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I got the Aqua Blue colored 3DS as a random friendship present from my best friend ever on June 9th, ten days before Ocarina of Time 3DS came out. Toys R Us was having a special deal where if you bought the 3DS, they would throw in a pack of free rainbow colored styluses (the kind which do not fit in the system, har har) and a Nintendogs + Cats game for only $10.When we got back to her house and started fiddling with it, I could tell that she really liked the system too - so I drove us back to the mall that day and bought her her very own black 3DS! It's a pretty lulzy story, and everyone who's heard it has asked: "What is the point? You could have just bought your own." While that is true, I believe it was a lot more meaningful and special this way. A lesson that Twilight Sparkle could very well write in a letter to Princess Celestia, I daresay!


I only own two games for the 3DS at the moment (not counting the free games for the Ambassadors and the recent release of Zelda: Four Swords, which is fantastic to play multi-player), and they are the aforementioned Nintendogs + Cats and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I have not played the former too much since the initial purchase, but anyone that knows me knows of my profound love for Zelda! I really like what they did with Ocarina of Time, and it is my dream that someday they will make a portable version of Majora's Mask. That is my current all-time fav Zelda game - we'll see if Skyward Sword or any other can top it for me!


I have been occasionally glancing at Star Fox 64 3D because I really enjoyed the game back in the 1990s, but I do have it on my Wii and the original cartridge is in storage somewhere, so I'm not sure if I'm willing to drop $40 on it yet. It is a great game in itself but the main game is so short! I know it's all about the replayability in collecting the medals and achieving the highest scores, but I am more attracted to stories than scores so... if it had online multiplayer, I probably would have picked it up, but for now we'll just have to wait and see. Did find it cool it was released just before my birthday, though. Star Fox has a tendency of cropping up in early September.


The other games I'm looking forward to are Mario (which is a given, though I'm not as much a fan of the series as I used to be - that said, SMG2 was fantastic), Tales of the Abyss (I am a fan of the Tales of series and have never owned a PS2, so I'm thrilled to finally get the opportunity to play it), Paper Mario (love these games!), and Luigi's Mansion 2.


The one purchase I will be guaranteed to make as close to release as possible is likely Mario Kart 7, though maybe I'll just drop hints to my family instead in December to save myself some funds since I already have to spend around $300 in flights for the holidays.

Edited by LadyHood
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I never get headaches from the 3DS. I can stare at the screen at max 3D for hours and my eyes will be fine. Strangely, I get more of a headache from 3D glasses than the 3DS.


Oh yeah, and right now my most anticipated game is Mario Kart 7. When it comes to Mario Kart, I am an absolute geek. I've got them all (aside from the arcade ones). Out of them, I think Double Dash is my favorite, just because of how strategic it is. But that's off topic. I really like how you'll be able to join someone's race online from the friends list. Now THAT is what I like to see! I just hope DLC will be offered so the game gets updates in the future like extra characters, vehicles, and courses. Speaking of courses, I really like the concept behind Wuhu Island, what with it being one long course rather than a smaller course that you go around 3 times. Why has that not been attempted in a Mario Kart game before?


Other than Mario Kart, I'm looking forward to Super Mario 3D Land and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Too bad Uprising isn't coming out until January next year. :S

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has anypony heard of this new add-on for your 3ds that gives the system an extra analog stick and l r buttons? what's up with that? why did't they have that in the first place? also, i will literally be the first person IN THE WORLD to get animal crossing when it is released ♪( ´▽`)

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I bought an Aqua 3ds at launch. I was the first person in a line of about 10 people (small town). Right now I own Super Street Fighter 3D, Samurai Warriors Chronicle, Dead or Alive Dimentions, and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. I will probably trade all of those except Zelda for credit towards Skyward Sword.


Games I want are: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, Kid Icarus Uprising, Tales of the Abyss, Super Mario Land 3D, Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, and the Monster Hunter games.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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has anypony heard of this new add-on for your 3ds that gives the system an extra analog stick and l r buttons? what's up with that? why did't they have that in the first place? also, i will literally be the first person IN THE WORLD to get animal crossing when it is released ♪( ´▽`)


Yes, nintendo had to add a second analog stick before the 3ds were sell. But well...



Thanks ya Discord (oh gawd, i said thanks to discord!!!)

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