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Blitz Boom

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Oh yeah, just let me use the tap Sun butt oh so conveniently installed in her own bed room. Oh wait. There isn't one. And oh sorry that I couldn't go out to get any cause I was well y'know, off warding my family from malevolent spirits. I mean were in a dilapidated castle, where do y-"


*knock knock* Allure went and opened the door. "The fresh water you requested your highness." And at the door was a drone holding a bucket of fresh rain water." "Thank you kindly subject." Allure responded. The drone only nodded and walked back to their station as Allure took the bucket in her magical grasp and shut the door. 


"You were saying?"

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He wouldn't get far on his own if it were before he would be run up and trapped, but considering the roar made the position of the large timberwolf easy and they were in a small clearing when it were, there was a good chance that somepony else who looked from above could see what transpired and help him. He should hope so at least, otherwise he were going to have a lot of problems on his hoof soon.


As Storm approached the Dark clouds, the image of a clearing flashed below her, and she could have sworn she had heard a rather terrible noise. With her goal being to investigate the clouds, she was prepared to ignore it, until she saw it. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a colt, and whatever had made that sound couldn't have been far.


Straining herself, she stopped mid-air and turned into a dive. Getting closer, she could see that the colt was face-to-face with an enormous Timberwolf. Storm panicked.


"Look out!" she cried, and in one swift motion, she scooped the colt off the ground and the two of them crashed into the upper branches of a nearby tree. She panted, gazing down at the Timberwolf.

As an afterthought, she turned to the colt and asked: "You okay?"

Edited by AmberDust

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

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Officer Strike came across Stargazer again. She suddenly remembered that the officer had asked her a question but she had already left since she was in a hurry to meet with the other solar guards. 


"Oh.........hello.....there.........sorry I had to rush somewhere. See I had an assignment. I have been quite ignorant lately probably because I have been........buried in.....story ideas.......oh never mind. Your name is Stargazer?" she asked.


She then introduced herself.


"My name is Lightning Strike." she said and held her hoof out.



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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Lonk first just looked at the pony that just picked him up from the sky and somehow carried him over here with a look of confusion.

He noticed that she has a bird's wings on her sides.


Lonk then remembers seeing something like this in school. Briefly was mentioned the other races of ponies, ones who can take to the skies and soar and ones who can harness magic to do all sorts of things. It just seemed like a fairy tale to him. A little comical. He never once thought to a great extent that these other races actually existed.

But now, he just found one. He is flabbergasted.


Then he said, "Um... I don't know."

Because he really doesn't.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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(I'm so sososososo sorry! I never saw your reply for some reason, and I only found it now because I went back and searched for it T.T)


Sole wasn't sure how 'creative' He had to be, but he didn't feel that creativity was a strong point for him. "Why can I never just blow things up anymore" he joked, as he focused his magic into his talons. "Let's start things off simple, and see how it goes" he thought to himself, using his magic to form a small ball of pure chaos. "Since he seems inorganic, then I guess it's okay to use this" he said, summoning a fist-sized purple orb and punting it at the beast's head like a soccer ball. "I call it 'Entropy'. Whatever this hits, it'll randomly change the area it touches into something else... probably cotton candy" he explained briefly.


"I guess you could say it'll... soften him up a bit" he said, grinning at his own groan-worthy pun.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,


"Ziggy" Serenade gasps for breath, "too...tight". She tries to get her forelegs out from Ziggy's grip, but fails, "Ziggy!". She let's out a snort, "Let me go and.....ummphf!" Serenade lands on her rump, she stands and rubs the sore spot. "Are all Pegasi usually this hyper?". She waits for Omen to release Ziggy, while looking around somewhat warily. 

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@@Blitz Boom



"Thanks to your new necklace, you are now a Pegasus yourself, it's not merely an illusion. If you aren't as hyper as she is, I believe you have your answer," Luna said with a smile. "Being made of Everwood, it will need sunshine and occasionally water. It should be able to last a few days out of the sun, but after that it will lose its power. Now that you have been transformed into a Pegasus, you also have Pegasus magic: you will be able to fly, walk on clouds, and with much education, you may eventually learn to manipulate the weather. I can arrange flight and weather control lessons if you would like, I believe Rainbow Dash taught Twilight Sparkle how to fly when she first got her wings, so she might be best suited for the job, unless you have a Pegasus friend you would trust to teach you."



@@Blitz Boom



"That's fine, as long as you hold the bag," Seamore responded, pulling the tie shut and throwing the sack up onto his back right in front of Syo. "So, where should I start... I know! We'll begin with a tale of two sisters: Princess Celestia, who controls the Sun, and Princess Luna, who controls the moon and stars. One day, Princess Luna grew tired of how all the residents of Equestria would rather sleep through her beautiful night and enjoy the day instead. In this very castle, she turned on her sister, blocking out the sun with her moon, attempting to bring about eternal darkness. In that moment she had become: Nightmare Moon. Celestia knew that there must be a balance between day and night, so she fought her sister and eventually had to do the unthinkable, she had to use the Elements of Harmony, banishing her own sister to the moon for a thousand years." Seamore was walking toward the portal while telling this story, and at this point he stepped through the threshold, timed just how he'd planned.


On the other side of the portal, he continued, "A prophecy foretold that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars would aid in her escape. Twilight Sparkle, a Unicorn at the time had discovered this prophecy, and when Nightmare Moon reappeared taking Celestia prisoner, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity set out to find the lost Elements of Harmony so they could defeat Nightmare Moon. They faced several challenges along the way, each proving they had what it took to control the Elements of Harmony. When they arrived at the castle, they found five of the six Elements, the sixth appearing once Twilight realized that each of the others represented one of the Elements. They used this newfound power to defeat Nightmare Moon, changing her back to Princess Luna, and freeing Princess Celestia. Celestia then forgave her sister, and now they rule Equestria together." Since they had entered the Realm of Dreams, Seamore began creating images based on what he had read, depicting the story as he told it in the same art style as the textbooks had. He paused a few times so Syo could watch the animations play out. He also made wings and a horn appear on himself as a joke...





Miles levitated some of the water out of the bucket and over to the stick, which slowly absorbed the water. "This is going to take a few moments. You should probably drink some water yourself, I'm guessing it may have drained s little out of you, too." The stick had indeed absorbed some of her blood, as well as a small portion of her magic in order to keep itself going. "Have you ever had to deal with a cursed chain mail before?" The word 'chain' would trigger a memory in Queen Allure, but that memory would be nothing more than a scream, no context, no clues as to who, where, or even when it was.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Oh I don't need to worry about hydration bruh. I've been drinking this-" She held up a can of mountain dew kick start. "In combination with this."A can of Monster Energy. "All freaking night. So I think I'm hydrated. Surprised I don't need to pee yet. Maybe this thing is impacting my bladder. And as to your question about cursed chain mail, no I have not. It's cumbersome to wear when it's mundane. And it would take too long to disenchant to be worth the effort. Back home we just used intersecting composite plates. Heck, we even made armor out of paper and it worked fine.  I dunno, hey Bae, you ever have to deal with cursed chain mail? Bae. Baaaaeeee. WTF are you looking at?"


Allure appeared to be looking off to the side, staring at nothing in particular. "Buck dammit. Now I'm boring her."

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"Anyway, that's not quite what I meant. I was referring to messages, you know, like the cranes? There are these messages that, if you don't forward it to enough other recipients, you get affected by the curse. One time, I got one of those messages, then another message that they were trying to cut off that chain mail. They told me not to forward it. I ended up getting hit by the curse, of course. Let me tell you, literally having your head on backward for a week is more inconvenient than you'd think. Oh, it looks like it's done abdorbing the water. Also, soda and energy drinks aren't usually that good at rehydration, you should still drink some water. The grape sensations should be gone now, are they?"

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@@Blitz Boom,


"So here we are again, back by the forest. Was Twilight's magic affected in some way or did someone know about this?"

There were too many questions on the back of Senlin's head and not enough answers to satisfy him. Being ill-versed in magic only makes the complications worse as these held him at bay. He considered many possibilities but as the elders had once taught him, there could be many paths ahead but only one will lead him straight and true. Unless he chose to explore each possibility, he could only guess what is really going on but he couldn't spare the time for that. 

"That name... Zecora. I'm not liking the sound of that. Who is she?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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They wouldn't get much time to speak as the tree shortly after made a violent shake from the timberwolf slashing at it with her paw. The old matron were hungry and less than amused at prey trying to fly off like this, even less so when it continued to happen around here. It had made her stop caring to grasp for the ones with wings, but the one she had found hadn't had wings. He were bound to the ground, small and alone. Easy prey, or at least until the winged one showed up and took him.


Much like the scrawny little thing that had yelped at her before, this was an annoyance that she didn't have the patience for during her hunt, and though she normally left the flying ones alone she were not going to this time. Not before she got what she had came for first. She didn't care what it would take, or how much she would have to destroy, this little snack were going to be hers, sooner or later.


Up in the tree they would be able to see the large timberwolf raise a paw once more after the shaking, though this time it wasn't just going to hit the tree in annoyance. This time, she were putting quite a bit more force into it and would break the tall, but unimpressive tree, off near the base. If it had been a more robust one she would have tried to shake them out or climbed it to a degree, but as this wasn't beyond her abilities she were going to get some aggression out on the tree and then finish it off with a squirmy little treat. That is, unless Lonk and Storm would react between the first hit and the one who would crush the tree, or when it were crashing towards the ground. Either way, they had a bit of work cut out for them.







"Zebra mystic in the forest. She's strange, but know things. See things. Perhaps the tail points us towards her."


Omen went silent for a bit again, which seemed to be a recurring thing after she had spoken, before starting to slowly wander into the forest, roughly in the direction she could recall seeing the Zebra's hut at the last time. Though, she wasn't sure it was entirely correct. After the one time she had found the place she had trouble finding it again for some reason, and the three times she had tried since then had all ended with her unable to locate it or Zecora herself. Yet, where would they go if they did not try?






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Omen withdrew her tongue once it seemed that Serenade had gotten some air and Ziggy looked in confusion as the tongue - she hadn't realised it were that before - rolled back into Omen's head. Her instinctual reaction were a mixture of wanting to screwm *eeeew* over it, mixed with curiosity and a want to ask *How do you keep that thing in your head?* though as the talk went on her mind fleeted from that and over into talks about Pegasi and being hyper.


"Pegasi aren't That hyper normally. We got a lot of energy that's usually worked off by us flying around, but I was born with a chemical imbalance that kept me growing way more than I should, and that made my system compensate with more energy. More than was needed it turned out, so I'm all over the place."


She cemented that fact by moving like a flash of light between a few points in a small radius around her, not moving to the untrained eye, but if you knew what to look for you'd see she just kept roughly the same stance when she stood still. It wasn't something Ziggy cared for if others saw though. Didn't change anything, and she was way more interested in others things than that too, like the tall pony who were standing near the others, who made a glimmer go off in her eyes.


"Oh wow, your Princess Luna costume is Amazing! The wings, the horn, the flowing mane and tail, it looks really lifelike. And the shoes and crown is with good details too. You're a Really good cosplayer. Or Princess Luna, but what'd she do out here in the middle of nowhere? Hehe. Oh right, I'm Doc Zinger, forgot to mention that. Who're you?"


Ziggy raised a hoof  over her head and waved at the princess, still thinking that this was just a pony that did the cosplay really well. In Las Pegasus, they had a good deal of random conventions, and it wasn't uncommon for a pony to come up dressed as one of the princesses to various degrees of success. Tall ones, such as herself, usually had the better luck, and she had managed to get a half-decent Princess Celestia look running at one of those things once, but she had never seen anypony as good as this one.


Every detail was there, the height seemed about right - and she loved having somepony around she could see eye to eye with. Didn't happen enough - and the stance and everything was spot on considering the stories and picture she'd seen. It should really tip her off that this were the real Princess she were looking in the eyes now, but Occam's razor said it best: When faced with two theories, go with the one with least assumptions. And her brain couldn't fathom why the real princess would be in this place that for her were still unknown.





@@Officer Strike,


"Good to meet you Strike."


Stargazer took the outstretched hoof and shook it before letting go of it. After Strike had suddenly wandered off before, seemingly focused on something else, Stargazer had wandered a bit to the side and just finished his coffee in peace whilst looking over the locals, sending a few greetings and waves where it were needed to the few he knew by name at this point. It was mostly other vendors that he had brought the one from last night too during the earliest hours of the day so they could discuss the damage he had made to their stands, but that was as good a start as any to be honest.


As he would eventually get into a better rhythm with things and spend more of his days asleep until nightfall, he were unlikely to meet everypony here that fast in any case, and the fewer he had to remember at a time the better the chance of not forgetting who they were because of an influx of new information.


In any case, as he had finished off his coffee and were about to return to the bakery to see if they had something good in there before he would head home and fill out a few papers, the Solar guard had returned. Not what he had expected, but as she explained she had a good deal on her mind and the mare were still young in the job from what he could see. He wouldn't hold it against her with things being a bit overwhelming at times and not having the time to have learned how to sort things right. He hadn't been mu8ch better back in his day.


"Mind if i ask what the assignment is? Perhaps I can help."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Both Briar and Brittle listened closely to what Seamore said, though Brittle were the only one of them being able to see the accompanying visuals to the tale. Though Briar had traveled a long time, Equestria were still a relatively new country for him to be in, and he had only heard a fraction of the tales that followed it. The tale of the sisters Had reached his ears though, surely, but the part where she had returned and these holders of the elements had defeated her? That were new information, and it made him more curious as to the two of the elements he had met at this point in time: Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Perhaps some he should try to ask a few things of if possible over the period of time he would stay in the area.


"I'm afraid that what I could tell about Equestria would seem bland compared to the grand one of the sisters reunited, though I can tell a tale from outside Equstria to accompany a broader view on this world.


Far to the south, were Equestria holds no rule and thick jungle covers the lands, there was once only barren wastes and scattered remains of beasts trying to survive through the barely liveable environment. Ponies, Dragons and Gryphons alike avoided the place to not be lost forever to the dunes unless they had wares to bring to beyond the place, in which case they would send it with a caravan quickly across to safer havens.


On one day, 900 years ago, a stranger from the east clad in thick cloths arrived with a package he claimed needed to go beyond the wastes. The locals of the nearby lands were sceptic at first to help somepony not even willing to show his face, but he paid well for his travels and eventually they allowed him passage with the caravan leaving the same day


The story goes that around halfway in, a storm struck them from out of nowhere and led them astray for days, getting further and further lost whilst until four days after, when supplies were out and hope seemed lost. On that day, when they were scouring the things they had been told to deliver for anything that could sustain them, the stranger took forth his package and unfolded layer upon layer until a glistening seed were shown.


He told them that that were what he went to deliver, though the place had never supposed to be across the desert, but within the very heart of the lands they stood in now. He were met with anger as he revealed the storm to be of his doing, and their plight at his striped paw, yet before they could retaliate against him he let the seed fall to the ground and the hurtful words withered in their mouths.


From were the seed had met with the soil, a sprouting tree started to grow as a blast of green light engulfed them all. When the light had settled, the assembled creatures looked around them to find everything changed. The sprout had become a great tree towering towards the sky in front of them, surrounded by flourishing grass and rapidly growing fauna. Where water had never been seen before, a pool started to fill before their very eyes and as their eyes got used tot he sight they looked upon themselves to find that not only the lands had changed, but them as well.


Moss, bark and grass were growing on their coat, horns were shrinking and changing into flowers, and wings began to fall off as vines started to spread out from beneath. Changes that horrified them more than the expanding lush lands, until the stranger came forth from the base of the tree and told them of what had been done.


What the stranger told them exactly have been passed only to the highest amongst us, but we all know this as the start of both the Jungle of Karan'Zhu, and the Evergrown of said jungle. The seven who were changed through unusual magic were charged with leading the people who were slowly growing on the large tree, told of what their role in things now were and then left alone by the stranger once more, though what he could have said to keep them there is only known to the descendants of those seven, of whom only the Greatmother is the only one that stayed in my tribe.


This is the story we all grow up with knowing in my home, and one that history have been able to support somewhat from what I have learned after leaving there, though only about the appearance of the people and the jungle, as well as the wastes there were there before. Though I can't tell how much of it is true, since I have yet to hear of any magic since then that could change a being like that, this is widely regarded as truth amongst the spread tribes we have, and supported even by those beyond our lands to some degree.


There are many more places in this world, each with their own fascinating stories, but I hope that this have been educational about one part of it at the very least."


He wanted to weave in a question about where she came from, but he couldn't find a way to say it that didn't sound either a bit rude or like a bad segway, so he instead kept quiet and hoped that she would speak a bit of things herself.


Unlikely Seamore, Briar had no visuals in the dream around to help him, as he had no idea how to visualise things here and even if he did, would not have been able to paint a good picture with anything but vague forms and shades.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


"A zebra who knows of magic? This place keeps getting interesting but what is she like, this Zecora?" 

In its entirety, this situation only made Senlin more curious than angry despite what disappointments already plagued the longma. And for all of his troubles, he's seeing more of Ponyville in a day than what he could normally do in a city. It was enough to stave off anything that he'd tell himself to give up and move to another town to look.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom,

"Well, what I'm looking for is a way back, but assuming I can't just hop on over, I suspect I'll need to sustain myself somehow. That said, if I can get an audience with the authorities around here, it might help the process along. And since magic is apparently a thing here, it might help with getting a hold of a library of some sort to see what options I have."


The prospect didn't thrill him - each time he dabbled in magic, it blew up in his face, on occasion literally. No matter the scrolls and diagrams, magic played by its own rules and as much as he tried, he couldn't convincingly fake respect for whatever ancient deity or nonsense undefinable mystical force he was trying to work with. He eventually {which is to say fairly quickly} gave up on the prospect entirely.


"So, where do we go from here?" he asked. "Can I keep going on my own, or do I need an escort?"

Edited by Quinch

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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 They wouldn't get much time to speak as the tree shortly after made a violent shake from the timberwolf slashing at it with her paw. The old matron were hungry and less than amused at prey trying to fly off like this, even less so when it continued to happen around here. It had made her stop caring to grasp for the ones with wings, but the one she had found hadn't had wings. He were bound to the ground, small and alone. Easy prey, or at least until the winged one showed up and took him.   Much like the scrawny little thing that had yelped at her before, this was an annoyance that she didn't have the patience for during her hunt, and though she normally left the flying ones alone she were not going to this time. Not before she got what she had came for first. She didn't care what it would take, or how much she would have to destroy, this little snack were going to be hers, sooner or later.   Up in the tree they would be able to see the large timberwolf raise a paw once more after the shaking, though this time it wasn't just going to hit the tree in annoyance. This time, she were putting quite a bit more force into it and would break the tall, but unimpressive tree, off near the base. If it had been a more robust one she would have tried to shake them out or climbed it to a degree, but as this wasn't beyond her abilities she were going to get some aggression out on the tree and then finish it off with a squirmy little treat. That is, unless Lonk and Storm would react between the first hit and the one who would crush the tree, or when it were crashing towards the ground. Either way, they had a bit of work cut out for them.  



"Oh, bugger off!" Storm cried, clutching the tree in a panic. He gaze swept around the area, looking for a safe place to relocate. Then, she looked at the colt.

"Nowhere to go but up," she decided, and without thinking twice, she scooped him up once again and darted into the sky above the canopy.

She still hadn't quite reached the dark patch of cloud, but that wasn't her concern at the moment. Instead, she flew the colt over to the sturdiest-looking tree* she could find and placed him hastily among the branches.

"What the heck are you doing all by yourself in the forest?" she yelled, once she had regained her breath. She didn't give him a chance to answer, though, as something else caught her attention.

"Hold that thought."


Swooping back down below the trees, Storm picked up a rather large rock. A smirk spread across her face as she re-approached the angered Timberwolf. Storm whistled.

"Eat this, you bully," she yelled, and she lobbed to stone at the beast before making her quick escape back out of sight.

Flying back over to the sturdy tree with a confident air, she looked scathingly at the colt.

"Aren't you a bit young to be getting yourself into this kind of trouble?" she asked, arms crossed on her chest. She raised an eyebrow inquisitively at the colt as she got her first, good look at him.




An everwood tree?


Edited by AmberDust

Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy!

♦ My main OC  Vector Commissions ♦

Ask me anything!


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@@Blitz Boom


Sisilia was on the hunt, her prey not too far away. She stayed hidden among the branches, waiting for the chance to strike.


The tree that Lonk and Storm were hiding in was indeed an Everwood, it's sea green trunk glowing brightly, it's rainbow of pastel leaves moving in the breeze. Instinct alone should keep the Timberwolf back, but if it did indeed continue its attack, a bolt of lightning would come from the tree they were in and the tree next to it, for on the other side of those trees was the clearing where the Everwood saplings were growing. Though they couldn't move, they would still do their best to protect the younger ones. They had no problems with the sentient though, so Sisilia, Lonk, and Storm would be safe there, at least from the trees.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,


Serenade looks back between Luna and Ziggy, "I think...Rainbow Dash would be the better choice, my lady". She walks up next to the Princess and Ziggy, "Um...Ziggy, that is actually Princess Luna. To answer your previous question, we're here cause...I may...have....accidentally....mind controlled you...a tiny bit" Serenade blushes and turns her head away, mumbling the last words. She blinks again, "Actually, your highness, does my Siren magics work in this form? or just the Pegasi magic?"

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Strike nodded.


"Well somethings happened. See there's been a break in at Carousel Boutique and as you know the owner is none other but a friend of Princess Twilight Sparkles!" Strike replied to Stargazer.


She needed the higher officers help as she was still young after all.  


"They want us to go and investigate the Boutique. See if we can find any evidence and then deliver it to The Commander's Office.".



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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"I was camping. I didn't mean to get attacked by timberwolves. Not everything happens for a reason that I can control. I'm not some sort of time-traveling pony or whatever," Lonk said with a hint of sarcasm.


He still doesn't know where he's going. He guesses she's going to take him to safety and not the big ominous clouds in the distance.

Or maybe she is and they're all going to die. Again, he can't control that.

He just has to await his destiny.


And by the way, where did his pack go?

He just realized that his pack that he had on when he went to sleep at camp was missing. It weighed like nothing on his back, so maybe that's why.

His mom's going to ground him again.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"No. No I have not. But I have had to disenchant those that have been cursed. And then go and hunt down the senders. I don't really see the point of sending such curses to random targets unless you're just trying to be a total douche. Lucky, those guys ended up being pretty tasty." She looked at the bowl of water in front of her. She propped herself up on her elbow, grabbed the edge of the bowl w/ her teeth and dragged it towards her. Then she proceeded to start lapping it up the way any ordinary canid would. "Happy now? And yes, the grapes have been silenced."

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze 

@@Frosty Frost


Damon went over to the bed and tried to lay down in it. It was way to small for his 5ft 10 height. But first, he put his weapons and other things down on the floor next to him.Then curled up and put the blankets over him, sighed sadly and closed his eyes, waiting for the next day. 




@@Blitz Boom,


Barrel looked back over at the walking undead, then to his mysterious weapon he pulled off a chalk drawing from the wall near him. He smirked at gunned them till there they were nothing but confetti. (( Just trying to keep this PG as possible ))


"Huh, should have done that earlier." Barrel grinned and kept trotting in the destroyed town. Where ever this town was, it sure was far from the rest of main areas such as Canterlot and Ponyville. 


Barrel looked over to the mysterious pony as he trotted along, his thoughts were mainly why he was here, and is he behind all of this? He gave him an odd look but continued on to find a mean back to Ponyville and the other he had left behind. After a few seconds, more sounds began to play:


(( Play the spoiler ))




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Barrel would be alone for a minute or so as Happy would be wiping off his sickles on the ground and reattaching himself to his wagon. Though the pony had handled things quite effectively - a little Too much for comfort really - there had still been a few close by that hadn't avoided a couple of clean, swift cuts to end them with before the rest of theirs were confettied or what you would call it. Shot seemed obvious, but shooting usually didn't do that kind of thing, so it wasn't sure that applied here.


"Not trying to run away from me, are you mate? Not nice to do before after the celebratory toast."


Happy grinned at Barrel as they trotted along, though he wouldn't have a chance to reply before more music started out of nowhere and Happy internally started to go through the many and varied ways he knew of saying basically *Awh, c'mon!*.


"More? Jeez, for a ghosttown this place sure is active. Wanna stick around and see what's what or should we take a hike and go to a more sane place? I'm sure there's somewhere 'round here were things stay in the ground unless you pull 'em out of there."


Some might call it cowardice, but it wasn't. Happy had fought, and he had won. When more waves came after that it was called a tactical retreat, though that shouldn't stop him from taking a few with him if more of the shamblers began to mess about.







@@Seamore Sandwich,


The timberwolf took a half step backwards when the rock was thrown, though when she saw that it was only that she stopped herself dead in her tracks and just looked up at the little flier with narrowed eyes. When the rock hit her it didn't even make her flinch, but her instinct had still made her draw back for a second because of a lesson she and a lot of others of her kin in the forest had learned the hard way. For the last month in fact, since the crazed bombmaker had come to town.


She had personally been there the first time around when the small, insignificant snack had suddenly tossed something at them that they just thought was a rock, but then learned better when suddenly it exploded and blasted her a few meters away. It were not the only time she had seen that one since then, and the same went for others of her kin, but much like them she had learned to keep distance of her in particular, and otherwise be more careful now when things were thrown by ponies in general, just in case it was another thing that would scorch them.


This one however, didn't seem to have the fire with her, and she were not fast enough to hide from the large matron who followed her and the colt some way towards stronger, more thick trees... And then suddenly stopped, a few meters from them, growling loudly.


Far be it said that Timberwolves were great thinkers, but they still knew some things in the forest that became more and more ingrained into them the longer they lived, and it was information that would be passed down so future generations could learn and adapt quicker to those things. One of those were the Everwood trees, and how none of them, no matter how badly they wanted prey that were hiding around them, should get close to them unless they wanted to regret it.


A few of the small ones might sometimes be able to slip past, but the more there were, or the larger they were, the more likely it were that they would be removed in a painful way, and she was neither small not peaceful.


Much as it annoyed her, she had to look at the pest and her prey in their safe haven without being able to do nothing, and after a few seconds more of growling angrily at them from a distance, she turned around and ran away. If she couldn't have this prey she would have to find other, and soon, as the hunger growled in her.





@@Officer Strike,


Stargazer nodded to what were being said. A robbery from a friend of the new princess seemed like a foolish thing to do, but he had seen a few things dumber than that in his days. Not many, but there had been a few.


"I can rest later. Lead the way and I will assist you as well as I can Strike."


The day shift were not his domain, so it were only fair that he didn't completely take over this investigation but instead went along to help. It would be a good way to learn a little of the locals, the local troublemakers and just as importantly, something about Strike. You could learn a good deal of things about a pony by watching how they handled an investigation in his experience, and the older blank flank had a feeling it would be good to bond a little with this one and learn how to best work with her if other things happened.


It would ruin his plans about getting some sleep, but the coffee would keep him going for some time, and it wasn't the first time he had to pull a double shift so he'd likely manage fine. It wasn't the beginning he had hoped on things here in Ponyville, but the life of a guard wasn't always as predictable as many thought it would be. Sometimes, all you could do was just to keep your head high and flow with the tide.







"Strange. She hides in the forest, speaking in riddles and giving odd advise, but she seemed to know things when I saw her. Things she shouldn't."


Omen kept on walking, wandering over roots and wandering between trees in a search that were not following the rough road that they could have followed out of town.


"Not found her since. I sense her, but nothing is there. I end in circles with no idea where to go."


She wasn't sure if it were magic or if Zecora were just one of those rare individuals who had an innate ability to being untraceable, but she thought magic at least. Otherwise, shouldn't she have been able to find her hut at least? She could usually remember places like that, but when she tried to focus on where the mystics house were she always drew a blank.


A mystery, but she Were a mystic after all, so it seemed fitting even if it were confusing to Omen.







"For the safety of everypony, including yourself, I think it best if I lead you around for now. Besides, where it sounds like I need to take you is a place of... Considerable interest to myself too."


Vivid took a few steps towards the town, slowly at first to make sure that the Human were following, but soon enough it should be in a more general tempo. She had to make sure not to get them too close just yet, but the town were still some distance away, which should give her a little time to divert them into a more secure route. Or well, the road where less would see them basically, as that were likely for the best for the time being.


"As for what you said, you're right. It isn't as easy as just sending you away, as without a specific target you would end up hurling towards a random plane again. And I cannot imagine you will be as fortunate the next place you end as you have been here. Some

of the places I have heard about..."


Vivid shivered slightly as a few bits of what she had been told from Demons before entered her mind. Unpleasant things that she didn't want to think more on, but rose up now and again if the situation seemed vaguely related to it.


"In any case, i think it best we circle around town and aim for the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle. From the few things I have gathered about her from this area and from things her brother let slip, she have - or at least used to have - a library with considerable knowledge. Some calamity destroyed her old library, but I would not be surprised to find that the little mare had gathered a new amount of books, and because of her new stand, likely some of considerable power. It is a good place to start, and you will not find a higher authority close-by."


She had her own reasons for wanting to go there, and if he listened, her Human companion could likely also tell that it had something to do with the princess' knowledge considering the way she had seemed to get more lively when speaking of potentially powerful books. Though how he would take it - or if he would even care - were hard to say.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"So.. Where's the next stop on the Zero-Gravity train?" Lonk replied with another healthy dose of Sarcasm.


He's glad the timberwolves are gone. He doesn't have to deal with them anymore.


The bad news is he still doesn't know where his friends are. Maybe they got eaten by timberwolves? He doesn't want to think about it.


It can only go down from here.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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"I was camping. I didn't mean to get attacked by timberwolves. Not everything happens for a reason that I can control. I'm not some sort of time-traveling pony or whatever," Lonk said with a hint of sarcasm.


Much as it annoyed her, she had to look at the pest and her prey in their safe haven without being able to do nothing, and after a few seconds more of growling angrily at them from a distance, she turned around and ran away. If she couldn't have this prey she would have to find other, and soon, as the hunger growled in her.


"So.. Where's the next stop on the Zero-Gravity train?" Lonk replied with another healthy dose of Sarcasm.


"Yeah, you're welcome," Storm replied. Her voice rung with bitterness, but really she was relieved they were both safe. She picked the colt up once more and, seeing the Timberwolf had run away, lowered him gently to the ground. She nearly apologized for scooping him up so many times. Nearly.

"You really shouldn't be camping in the Everfree forest," the mare said, once they were back on the ground. "Haven't you heard the stories? This place is unnatural and creepy and filled with who-knows-what." She looked at the tree they had been sitting in. Even it looked off.


"was going to explore those dark clouds up ahead, but I guess I should bring you home first, huh?" the mare scratched her head.

"My name's Stormjumper, by the way."

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A bird flew out of one of the trees, and just as it would catch the attention of Lonk and Storm, the half tiger half cobra jumped out of the tree she was in, catching the bird in her mouth then landing on Storm, knocking her onto her back and pinning her to the ground. The bird was hanging out of her mouth as she looked Storm in the eye, nearly dead but still twitching. She then chomped on it a couple times and swallowed the bird whole, running off into the clearing, turning around and stopping to see if her new playmates followed. A smile could be seen on her face, she was clearly enjoying herself.



@@Blitz Boom



"Since you have been transformed into a Pegasus, as opposed to being disguised as one, you won't be able to access your siren magic unless you have great focus, you would have to want it strongly. I will arrange for Rainbow Dash to begin teaching you tomorrow if she'll agree." Luna then turned to Omen. "If you would kindly take me back to the castle in Canterlot, I have other business to which I must attend now that my work here is done."





"Okay, that means we can get back to moving the stick now." Doctor Xeno started pulling the stick slowly again, by this point it was about halfway through. "I'd like to send the blood off to be tested, in case of any infections, just as a precaution. Do either of you have any objections to that?"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"I doubt I'm gonna get sick. But fine whatever.  Not like you're gonna do much else with my blood. Unless you're gonna try and clone me. Then to that I say, ha, let's see you try! You object Bae? Bae? Baaaeee? Priestess'sloyalconcubinesayswhat? Oh for bucks sake..." Priestess started rapidly gulping down the bucket of water. Allure hadn't quite moved from her location, and was unblinkingly staring at one of the walls. Priestess finished with the bucket. *belch!* Pushed the bucket behind her, wrapped her tail around the handle, tightened her grip on it. Then without warning, slinged it towards Allures head. *Clang!* 


Allure blinks rapidly. "Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't listening. What did you say?"

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