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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"They're crazy... All of them are completely crazy. Why attack something that can't be seen? We're doomed... We're doomed..."

Lonk is silent.

He hasn't thought about this fact at all.

Why are they doing this?

It seems like it's important that this creature be killed, but why?

What is the meaning of this.

It hits him.

He doesn't know.

He does not know at all about why he's doing what he's doing.

He would ask the poem pony, but he'd just give him more cryptic question-answers.

Who started this?


The creature did.


"HEY!" Lonk yelled to the creature. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU?"

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"Ehm w-we're sorta... There!"


The slug let out a sigh of relief when he saw the old, gnarly tree with the door in it that they had come in from earlier. The door were shut tight and there were no handle, but that would be amended soon enough. It had to be sealed behind them in case a horror got loose, or the horrid beast that took their brother came back and wanted to use this dream they unfortunately had to wander through. Something which would not end well for neither them, nor the dreamer it belonged to.


Zinthar were there before the rest of them, sliding past and running the steppes towards the next gate that stood in the way of his freedom, then raising a claw to almost start scratching in it to get through when he saw it were locked. He only barely managed to hold back from the desperate act because a small bit of his dignity finally managed to break through to him, though the action he had been about to do would be painfully obvious to see for the other ones.


The slug however, wasn't saying anything to it. He just got past, and began to unlock the door a little by little, which would take a few minutes before the dream halls would open up in front of them and the dreamer and the cat could get out.


Sure, he Could have teased the cat a little, but it wasn't his style. Besides, he looked like the sort that wouldn't take kindly to that, and he wasn't sorth anything in a fight. How could he really? He were barely away from being a tree.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"W... W-why are y-you..."


Brittle lost her nerve a lot when she made eye contact with the other changeling, afraid and curious at the same time of this creature that she had told she were sort of like. Not as big, nor anywhere near as symmetrical and... perfected, as this one were, but... A changeling all the same.


Changeling... A few days ago, she didn't even know the word, and now look at things. Before she knew it, she had ended up being told there were others like her, that those others had been in an attack on some big city called Canterlot - which really didn't help on her perception that she, and those that looked like her, would have to be monsters - and now she were amongst more of them. Stranger ones than her, with them looking almost the same, having little colour, no mane or a tail, but still, the same. Except for this taller one. This one... She didn't know what was with her, and why she looked so special compared to the others.


It was one of the reasons why she tried to speak with her now: To find out. Though, that it helped her push the knowledge about the horrible thing about to get out behind her were also a plus. And not one she wanted to think about!


"-not... L-Like..."


She pointed with a shaky hoof towards one of the drones, though not keeping her eyes off Allure from her own position where her head were almost touching the ground, whilst looking as submissive as she could. Or well, she looked like she expected a beating and were used to being kept down both physically and mentally, though hopefully this wasn't gonna be something Allure would do to her as well.







Mother just smiled at the female Longma and laid down on the bed on her stomach, looking at Lin with a smile also dancing on her eyes.


"No, I mean not to have too many things fall through the gates Omen traverses through.


There are... Several reasons, why I keep magical items from them as much as possible in this realm, but they still bring them now and again to show their siblings without form, so that they can see some of the wonders from the outside. Omen is little different, and have brought things that I have sometimes needed to remove after it were shown around some, but any of the reborn ones could be the ones to bring int he next thing to watch out for.


The reason I say this is because when you find a place a place of pure magic, then as I said, the ground is likely not going to be stable. Slabs of it will rise into the air and you will not be able to walk normally there, or reach the higher grounds where you'd potentially find the consciousness. This is where my daughters gates can help you get there, which is why I ask you to kindly not throw highly magical debris into the gate when it is.


As for the cave you mention, it can be a place to start, though the place I speak off will not be it unless it haves chambers that reaches deep underground. Pure magic will not allow sacrificial ones to be around them. Not on the worlds I once travelled at least."

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@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind watched with a bit of shock on his face as he learned Stargazer had a daughter. The spider on her tail kinda freaked him too. While some ponies may desire spiders as pets, Rapid Wind did not. However, Rapid Wind was also slightly amused as Stargazer seemed to be an error loading mode. The spider gained his main focus though as he wanted to avoid it touching him or getting too close to him.

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@@Blitz Boom, seeing the door in the tree the thestrel almost jumped for joy seeing his cat friend take off he spred his wings and followed the cat towards the tree door. On futher inspection of the tree cresent glided down taking a bit to look at it some more. "A tree being a gatway to other dreams...is this how night other get about or maybe more intense magic" he said circling the tree

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@Seamore Sandwich, @Melke,  @Mentis Soliloquy,


She heard the mismatched changeling speak. But what came across even louder was her emotions. Fear. Terror. Panic. Apprehension. Not even the bearer of the element of kindness was this timid. But there was something else there. Curiosity. She listened as this scared stiff changeling tried to ask the queen why she was not like...her drones? "Has she never seen a queen before? The way she was acting towards us, it was like she never even seen another changeling before. Judging by how she hadn't instinctively dropped her disguise as most timid lings would to in the presence of a queen, it's possible that she isn't a natural born drone, but an attempt at a convert. Using complex sorcery & alchemy to change one species into another. No wonder she saw us as so foreign. She's never been a part of a hive."


"It's because I am their queen. I rule over them, lead them and guide them. Their my responsibility." she said softly in her dual toned voice. She lowered herself, laying down on the ground the distance opposite her. "Where are you from, young one?" 

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich"Ziggy, this is Ponyville. This should not come as a surprise. We have a pony selling sofa's and quills, so Flowers and Chocolate isn't the biggest stretch." She shakes her head, "Oh, before I forget, one of those letters is for Princess Luna, hopefully that won't be a problem."

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom


"I understand," Lin calmly replied. "I'll make sure nothing unintended happens. It's been enlightening to learn about magic; I didn't know it is like a living being with very real dangers that surpass what I thought I knew about it. Without a home to go back to, I'll have to find something to do to move forward. Maybe I could study magic, possibly without having access to it.  

Lin's depressed demeanor turned into one of hopefulness, though she wasn't jumping at the prospect of finding a future where she actually studies magic. With a possible future up ahead, she could take comfort in that.

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@@Blitz Boom



"The chocolate shop is in Canterlot," the mailmare repeated, "and I'm sorry I can't stay, I need to deliver the mail. If you want I can come back later, though." Derpy was determined not to make any mistakes this time.




@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy



Seamore's attention was split between Ko and the two talking changelings. He was focused on watching the map be made, but he couldn't help but hear the changelings' entire conversation. Miststalker and Carl watched as the dead Diamond Spider was dumped out in front of them, indifferent to the fact that it was dead, and partially confused about why it was being dumped here. The way they saw it, the creature was just a thing, a security device that had failed at the task it was designed for. It's not like they thought of it as one of them. They believe in keeping what you kill, and this creature's hide was actually quite valuable. Such questions were best left to the one in charge however, so the two of them remained silent.



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom




During the attacks, The Forgotten One could feel it's power diminishing. It reached through reality itself toward Lonk in a desperate attempt to restore some of that power, it's hand breaking through into the world of the living, visible... and vulnerable.



@@Rapid Wind


"So, where to first, Fluttershy?" Starlight asked as she started to move toward the door. Twilight waved goodbye. She had a long day ahead of her. Starlight was unsure how this day were going to turn out. She was a bit afraid that her past might be brought up in conversation, not something she was proud of.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Mentis Soliloquy

@@Blitz Boom,



Syo took a moment to stare at the improvised map that was made on the ground. Her eyes darted back and forth from each detail and noting down landmarks that she should be looking for.


"Close enough... Give me a moment." Syo said as she wave her staff around and teleported straight up into the air. She then sat on her key that started to float and surveyed the area around. As Syo looked around, she saw a little cottage on the edge of the forest then a town. That must be it.


Syo came back down after a while and then marked an X on the rough map, near the entrance to the forest from the town. "I will be trying to get us all here. Now try not to disturb me for a short moment."


Syo stood away from the rest and closed her eyes to focus hard on establishing on a solid link between where they were and where they want to go. Her staff started to shine as Syo's magic starts to build up.

Edited by Melke
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@@Rapid Wind,


It took about a minute before the line between Stargazer's brain and the rest of his body got back into business, and he grabbed hold of the foal that, by all accounts, should not be within a day's travel of this town. Or well, he tried at least, but the position of Jelly meant that in the end, she avoided his hoof and fluttered down to the ground by herself instead, giggling.


"Jelly, why, and how, are you here? You should be home in Canterlot and get ready for school tomorrow. If your mother finds you skipping school to surprise visit she'll-"


"She wanted me to give you this."


The filly interrupted her dad and pulled a folded, thick envelope out of her jacket, containing several pieces of papers that Stargazer took out and started to read. As it went on, his expression changed to slightly frowning a few times, giving off a sigh and once, suddenly appearing as if he had 20 more years on his back all of a sudden. As if the energy and will to fight things had left him, leaving him a shell of himself. It was a brief moment, but it were there nevertheless.


Jelly saw it too, but she tried to ignore it. Mommy had said that he'd likely not like the letter to begin with, and she knew he got funny faces when he got letters he didn't expect. Kind of the reason why mommy had always told him to not touch the mail and just let her get through it so she didn't spent the rest of the day laughing at him. Unless it were from the guard, as it then were mostly for them both in the same letter.


Whilst Stargazer went over what was written once more, Jelly turned to face the one he had been talking to when she had followed him. A pegasi, though that was most of what she knew. She hadn't listened in that well when they walked as she had her ears full of cloud.


"Hi, I'm Jelly Drop, who're you?"


The spider also looked at Rapid from the top of her head, though it didn't use much time on it and seemed to dig a little into her mane to take a nap instead. The short look it had sent Rapid though, seemed to be one of disinterest. Something which you wouldn't think a simplistic creature like this could do, but then again, not a regular spider after all. For example, most spiders tended to have more eyes than just two large ones, and wasn't that furry.







"I-It isn't always trees. We - a-and I think her - use doors from the dream halls to others uhm... Dreams. "


The slug kept talking as best as he could whilst doing his to try and get the door unlocked right. Something that were taking some time as he wasn't completely sure on how to do this, which might also be why one of the guards that had kept silent thus far rolled his eyes and walked forward, pushing the slug a bit to the side.


"We don't have time for your delays Xander. Let me."


Xander, as he were now identified as, didn't fight being pushed aside and let it be up to the other of his kin that quickly got the door open, at which point he were nearly pushed aside as well by Zinthar sliding between them to get out into... A dark hall with random doors now and again. Or well, Dark and dark was so much said. There were glittering lights here and there, but the predominant colour seemed to be the darkness between anyway.


"One step closer... Where to now?"


He turned to face the guards and Xander about this, but they were gone. Crescent on the other hoof, would have been able to see how the two guards had taken hold of Xander after the door closed, and seemed to vanish into thin air. For reasons unknown, they seem to have been left alone. Again.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


A-A queen? So she was like an Alicorn for changelings?


Brittle knew a little about alicorns from some filly books she had found once where the pictures had shown them. They looked different from other ponies too, with both wings and horns, bigger manes and tails, and overall bigger than the others in the drawing. Still, not the same as this. A little, but... She hadn't thought this was another royal.


"I-I don't know... only remember the... The c-circus. The circus and t-the cage.


A-are you... Like an A-Alicorn? Circus s-said... Monster. N-Never anypony leading... Just m-monsters..."


Whilst Brittle tried not to get out of her good skin - something that didn't help when the spider hit the ground and the sound made another flame go over her, now giving her back her tail, though also making her shrink and get a third wing made from what looked like jelly-babies between the current ones - asking the queen something along the line of if she were in a position like an alicorn and a part about her being told her kind were monsters, Ashta looked at the dropped guardian with little interest before focusing elsewhere again.


It had failed, it was dead. There were little more too it now, and the corpse he cared little for. It might have value in it's body, but it could be replicated if it were, and the riches of the Beast Court weren't getting hit that much by the small miss of a beaten up, dead guardian that already had some of the crystals taken from them. They had been there to protect it more, and they hadn't, so on a practical level he found them useless as well. Frankly, the ones who killed it could have the useless slab of meat.


"The corpse of a failure. It will not be missed."


As for Ko, he were indifferent, though he'd like to have the corpse for a bit of research if he had to make the call. Some things they might be able to learn from it, though from the voice of Ashta, it sounded like he'd let it rot if their former marks didn't keep it. Disappointing, but he followed the chain of command like a good little soldier. And besides, considering what were going on with the cat after she seemed to have found enough details, whilst he had only been about half done with the map, he had other things to focus on. More important too, if it turned out that she could get them there, though he had some doubts. Seemed like a bit of a mouthful from a cat, even if this one had magic and talked.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



"Canterlot? Must've missed you saying that, sorry."


Ziggy looked a little sheepishly at Derpy, though she didn't get that affected by the awkwardness in this. It was a minor thing, and really, she had put her hoof in her mouth way worse times than this. Not like she had said that she'd race Derpy there or anything after all. though now she really had a craving for candy. She had to try and look after some of it later, but right now, they had things to speak about. Or well, one thing, and that was to say properly goodbye to the mailmare.


"And you better come around later, okay? It was a lot of fun hanging out with you last time and it'd be really good to see you again. Besides, you teach flying to Serenade way better than I managed. Thinking a few nights more and you'll have her making loops like there's no tomorrow."







"It is good to hear that my words have reached you, young one. Though I live for my children now, I tried to educate some before all of this, and it warms an old woman's heart to know that I can still reach those who needs it. Though, there is another thing you need to know that I might as well tell you know."


Mother reach forth with one of her winged arms and gently pressed on Lin's shadowy body with the tip of her index finger.


"This body will cease to be when you leave this world. You are only energy, not a soul, so it cannot contain you outside, and will return you to the one vessel the energy have proven to hold before. That being Sen's body.


You can return to your own instead, but you will need to exit exactly where it lies now, or you will have to traverse the rest of your road carrying both your own body and share your brothers. The foulness should not burden you again unless you actively try to use it's magic if you stay within him, but you would reach better results by being in your own, and keeping the contagion in your own being until you can have it destroyed.


I wish I could have given you a stronger body that could help you until the end, but I am limited in my powers. I can house souls and weave them a new chance, but the power to create life from nothing is beyond my reach since my fall. I'd need strong magic to assist in making the last stage of a body, and even then, you'd need to be here as a soul, and not just energy. 


You can be sustained whilst in my domain, as I have build you a vessel of sorts from the blocks of this world and it will see you as another part of it. Beyond here though, you need to know of the limitations this includes, before you wander through and unravel with no idea why."


The concern for Lin's well being were heard clearly in Mother's voice, but it were no different from how she had seen thus far. Frankly, the strange creature had yet to not appear as a caring, emotional being for those that mattered even slightly to her, and as friends of her daughter, the Longma siblings seemed to be covered well under that.

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@@Blitz Boom "What about in here?" Cyan Flare suggested to Happy, gesturing towards a sturdy looking building with her left wing. She felt her stomach still churning, and remembered the medicine that she had. "No time for that..." she told herself. "Once were safe, maybe." She galloped towards the building shed spotted and observed how it seemed quite unaffected by the wind - for now, at least. She called out to everypony else to find shelter, then looked back at Happy.

Edited by Wolves
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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich, Serenade rolls her eyes, and her wings flutter briefly, "My door is always open Derpy.". Once Derpy leaves, Serenade heads back inside and will refresh both her and Ziggy's tea. "I'm hoping I can set up the meeting with Princess Sparkle after I go to my parents. Besides, I promised Dad I would show him some of my research."

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It reached through reality itself toward Lonk in a desperate attempt to restore some of that power, it's hand breaking through into the world of the living, visible... and vulnerable.

Lonk realized his remark may have not been taking as lightly as he hoped.

A large hand was reaching out of nowhere at him. Lonk thinks it wants blood.

He turns and starts to run away from it. Nooooooope. He's not going to be able to contest with that huge thing. 

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@Seamore Sandwich, @Melke, @Denim&Venom, @Mentis Soliloquy,


"The circus? Well right now she does look the part of a sideshow attraction. And being locked in a cage? Called a monster. No wonder her confidence & knowledge of us is practically non existent. "


Still laying on the ground opposite her, allure softly replied. "Yes, that is an accurate analogy. In a way, I am the Celestial, Luna, Cadenza or Sparkle to my group of changelings. My hive. And yes, some of our kind are monsters. I wont argue that. I've had to face those monsters myself, many times. Loosing, more often than not." She looked a bit more somber after mentioning that. "Tell me, looking at me now, do you see a monster?"



"So, from what I'm gathering, it sounds like this 'forbidden one', might be in Ponyville. Is there any information on this thing that could be of use to our little war band that's being assembled?" Priestess asked of the gathering party.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

Ginger Lightning Got up from where she was sitting her wound was sore but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore..She saw the arm and decided she was going to bite it...She didn't have toxic venom or poison but, she did have long,sharp, fangs that would probably hurt it if she bit it...

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@Seamore Sandwich


​"We could always go over to my cottage, I'm pretty sure maybe a new animal friend is waiting for you," Fluttershy said, thinking Starlight might like to have a pet.


 "How about we go to a café first?" Discord asked, "I'm feeling a little peckish."


 "Umm..." Fluttershy answered as she wasn't 100% sure this was a good idea and though Discord was reformed and her friend, he was still the spirit of chaos and liked to do the occasional prank.


 "So, what do you say, Starlight? Go to a café to get a bite to eat or to Fluttershy's cottage?" Discord asked as he thought about Starlight's opinion. He also thought to himself if Starlight agreed with him, Fluttershy would have to nod and come along.


@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind didn't answer until the spider had gone into Jelly Drop's mane.


 "I'm Rapid Wind," he answered in a bit of a spooked voice as he didn't like to imagine a spider crawling its way around his mane or body.

Edited by Rapid Wind
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@@Blitz Boom


Lin frowned in disappointment, not because she would need to be separated but she was merely unsure. She kept the words spoken to her but her previous condition was... more complicated. 

"I'm not sure I could follow through with your words. I merged with my brother because I used magic to transform the state of my physical body into an essence that could bind with another. And when I was done, I should be able to separate from myself from him. I was too weak and not knowledgable enough to reverse the process so... I don't have a body to go back to unless I change myself manually. Does your advice still apply?"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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It wasn't a bad locale that she had found. Like most buildings, it were unaffected by the winds, it looked secure and possible to hide in whilst still giving some overview on things... Yes, it'd do. Just as soon as they got the place for themselves that were.


A few hadn't listened when Cyan had told them to find shelter - which they tok as hiding on the outskirts of the forest, going into a few of the houses not on the edge of the storm or towards the hospital - and instead now stood and blocked their way, looking unsure what were going on and likely contemplating to take what was to be their hideout for themselves. That wouldn't really do.


He waited until he were sure that Cyan were more focused anywhere and then pointed towards the forest with a scared look in his eyes. Something that, predictably, got the scared townsponies to look over in instinct as their panic led them to think something would come from anywhere. And something Did come. However, that thing were from the area around the storm where suddenly, a rock came flying and hit one of the ponies in the leg, not making a crack, but making him fall down from what were likely a dislocated bone. That or a broken one, but he'd likely scream more than he did if that were.


It'd make them all look over again between starring at the injured pony and towards the wind dome, but it would be too late for them to have seen his eyes glow green and a small patch of jade aura shine on his head as he had used his magic to throw the projectile, making sure that it appeared as if the winds had sent it flying and accidentally hit the stallion. Especially Cyan had he made extra sure hadn't been looking in a direction where she'd see it was lil' 'ol changeling him that had done this. There were a few reasons for this, beyond not wanting to be caught, but generally speaking you could say that he just wasn't done with her yet.


"Dear Celestia!"


To play the act though, he had to do his part of the concerned stranger that wandered a few steppes closer to the weeping pony and his entourage with worry and shock in his voice and face.


"By the light, it looks like he really needs a doctor."


He turned and pointed towards the nearby hospital. A stupid action in his eyes really, as they lived here and should know it, but sometimes you had to fork over the painfully obvious when dealing with panicky ones.


"Quick, get the poor fellah to them before he starts hurting more, and stay there, okay? It ain't safe out here right now."


It should do the trick, and they'd have easy access to the shelter Cyan had pointed out whilst these ponies went away and to the hospital where they could handle the little... *Accident* that had befallen their friend.







Ziggy waved off Derpy with a big grin on her face when she left, wondering when the mailmare would eventually be back and contemplating just tacklehugging her without warning when it were, It felt like days since she had last done a proper surprise hug, and Derpy would be perfect for swooping out of the sky. Would be a fun change to the usual *swoop down and hug a random earth pony or unicorn* depending on how fast Derpy were. Pegasi could be hard to catch sometimes.


"Better to get it over with as soon as possible I'd say. Could end up spooking in your mind forever about her potentially finding out on her own and doing something bad otherwise, and that's not a nice thought to have lingering in your noggin."


She took a sip of her tea before she went on again, savouring the taste of the brew for a little. A minor pleasure, but most of the good things in life were the small things far as she were concerned, and enjoying a good cup of tea certainly went in over that. Perhaps another time, she could take one of the brews she learned to do at home with her and show Serenade the sort of cups Zebra's brewed? Hmmm... Something to think about for sure.


"Does your dad know a lot about stars too by the way? Sounds a bit like it."





@@Seamore Sandwich,



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Brittle looked at the queen with her fear not lessened, despite the calm voice of Allure and the way she approached things. However, her curiosity seemed to grow a little more, and her heart rate slowed down a tiny amount. Not by much, and it would barely be seen in her emotions as she were still having thoughts of how everything was going to end badly around her knock around in her head, but it were a sort of progress at least.


"S-Scary... Not monster... "


Though Brittle had some control over feeling out emotions herself, neither the drones nor their queen were readable by her. She could sense it in animals, ponies and some near pony things like Briar, but her own kin were like shielded to her, and she had no idea what the emotion were of Allure and her gathered ones. Made it even harder to know what to think, though at least she couldn't feel if they were disgusted with her.


She knew she weren't normal, even by changeling standards, from what she had been told recently. They were supposedly like the drones most of them, and now it looked like their leaders were just more evolved from that. But her? She were a random mismatch of looks that were barely making her out to be anything else than a freak of nature. A monster, just like they had said at the circus.


As such, she had been sure that if she ever met others of her kin, they would look on her like she were a spot of dirt that had to be cleaned up. Just like the animals, the ponies, and... Well, more or less everypony she could remember having ever met had done. Now though... She couldn't tell if they did and just hid it, or if they didn't look down upon her, and it made her a bit more curious, as well as confused.


"C-_can you... I-I mean, do you all a-also... Change? Look l-like other t-things? T-They kept me bec... Because I could... S-Said it was f-fun to see. N-Not fun to do. Not w-when... Doesn't w-work."


She started stuttering and holding paused more as she talked with the queen, trying to see if she could learn anything, even if it was small. Simple stuff too, like if she could also transform, and if it were controlled. She didn't know if her not being able to control it was normal after all, or if something were wrong. Just that she had no control over it, and hadn't the faintest idea how she should even start finding out.


Well, beyond trying to ask Queen Allure that were, but they'd see how long that could last.





@@Rapid Wind,


"Hehe, okay. How do you know my dad?"


"...I met him at the train station."


Stargazer answered and finally looked away from the papers that he folded up again and stuck to his belt, looking like he had a minor migraine from reading what were in there. Something that might also be the reason why he took hold of his cup and gulped most of the remaining liquid down fast, trying to drown it for the time being.


It seemed to help when it were, though he did have a look of surrender still going over him, as well as contemplation on what to do from here. Though he supposed, he could always just start by telling a few things to Rapid so he wouldn't wonder what just went on here like he had.


"I apologise for this. It seems like her mother moved Jelly here without thinking to tell me of it beforehoof. Doctors and such have been informed at least though, so there's that, though I need to get some things done about this later. Like finding whoever is in charge of the school and making sure to give some contact information."


More figurative weight seemed to fall on his shoulders and pull him down, but at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been. With her medical journal transferred, along with some things from her old school, there were little he had to actually get done, but several things he had to double check. It were going to be a while still before he got some sleep it seemed.


"You didn't want me here?"


Jelly turned around and looked up at her dad with big eyes that were met with a somewhat tired shake of her father's head.


"Of course I do Jelly, I just wished I had been told before so I could get things prepared in advance, like finding a solid head beam you could sleep from or a place for Gary to roam without accidentally crawling on my face. Though, I haven't been in the basement yet, and there's likely a bunch of critters he can find down there to eat for the first period of time at least. We'll have to check on that when we get home later."


The spider stuck his head out when the mention of the basement of critters came forth. Not by much, but the prospect of food after the long journey here sounded good for the fuzzy thing. Heck, it always sounded good to him with food.







Mother lifted an eyelid in surprise.


"You made your body into energy? it were not just moved? How strange...


In that case, then no, it doesn't. Not completely at least.


If your body is now an energy meant to take over others, then you'd either need to be able to gather enough energy to gather yourself now that you are apart, or your state is permanent, and you'll need a vessel between sessions. A new body to host the old, so to speak.


I can perhaps tell you of how to get either done, but I need something from you first. Something you need to tell me."


Mother leaned in a little closer from her position on the bed, looking into the eyes of the smaller creature that were Lin.


"Have you felt like there is a part of you missing recently? Perhaps not a great one, but like there is something lacking that was there before, and in so case, from when?


You see, if your body is nor pure essence, your soul should still be with it, but I didn't see it when you were taken apart. It could just mean your brother's spirit holds it close enough so that I didn't see it at first, or - and this is what I fear - that it have felt like that for a while now, and your soul were absorbed by the objected holding the accursed magic.


Neither is a process that cannot be redeemed in some way, but I need to know if I am to help you. I need to be aware of where your soul are in all of this."

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@@Blitz Boom Cyan Flare turned back to see the injured pony limping towards the hospital, helped by two others. She thought of rushing over to him, but she could see he would be okay if they got him to safety in time. Turning to Happy, she said, "should we head into the house?" The wind whipped viciously at her mane, knotting it into messy tangles, and the feathers on her wings ruffled. Several others headed into the hospital with the hurt pony.

Trotting towards the house, she knocked on the door only to find that it creaked slowly open. The ponies who lived here had surely fled before this unnatural storm had gotten too bad, surely.

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@Seamore Sandwich, @Melke, @Mentis Soliloquy,


"Well, I'm sorry you have that impression of me." Normally Allure would like intimidation in other changelings, but not this time. She listened as Brittle attempted to ask her question. If she could change too. "Well, it is in our namesake dear. Yes I can change. So can my drones. So can my young. So can my mate but she has a different excuse. Would you like to see?" 

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods, "Your right, hence why I told my parents that I plan on coming home for a visit, I just need to visit the Castle of Friendship". Serenade takes a sip of her tea, "He is the reason I started learning Astronomy, Before her met Mom, he worked with the local Guard around Baltimare updating their maps....After mom's accident, he took up a position at the University teaching, and has been there ever since." Serenade reaches over, grabs the tea kettle and refreshes her tea. "Dad is also the one who gave me that book, and he was the one from who I got my love of music. " 

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin turned around and went into deep contemplation, rummaging through her thoughts for anything that might be related. If something was missing, she wasn't sure. Besides the apparent lack of a body of her own, there might be something else that could provide an answer. The longer she thought about anything missing, she began piecing together information, and the lack of information. Her thoughts weren't her own but they were familiar. The most distant ones are those seen through another's eyes and those eyes know her. 


"I might know what is missing," Lin began, almost exclaiming. "My memories of before placing the wards in the Everfree Forest are as far back as I can remember. The rest are seen from another's eyes, very likely Sen's. I know those too well since I remember seeing some of them when I first bonded to Sen's body. Perhaps he might be able to access mine? Is this what you mean?" 

She wasn't sure but she could try it out. Sen, however, isn't too keen on the idea but that was based on him staying away and wanting nothing to do with anything related to Lin's "accursed" magic.

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@Blitz Boom


 "Perhaps it's best I step out for a bit," Rapid Wind suggested as he thought it would be easier for Stargazer to sort something out for Jelly Drop without him being around. Plus, with no younger siblings Rapid Wind felt a little inexperienced and out of his depth.

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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze


"Awww, I really wanted to use those... I could make all sorts of naaaasty contraptions with those. I'm kind of scared to ask, but how valuable are we talking? Because maybe if I save up...maybe...


I see, so you cast a spell in it, and it holds that spell for later use, or just casts it until the energy runs out? Or am I wrong?

And letting it hold raw energy, that would be very handy. If used correctly, you could perform feats waaaay more difficult than you can handle... Where can I get one? Or two? Three? These gems need to be in my life!


Huh, those Breezies don't sound so bad. Just be patient, and everything is great! Plus, "childish fun" isn't that bad, once in a while.

And are you sure about curse magic being better to deal with? 7.41% is a lot of percents. That means that roughly once every thirteen times something goes horribly wrong. And things going wrong with curse magic doesn't sound like super happy fun-times."


Frosty smiled as he watched Nerzhei's expression. He loved pointing out this sort of stuff, but he didn't often get the chance to do so.


"Yup! Just like a magical spyglass! Just point it, and go! And if you wanted to go really fancy, you could make it so that you could change the diameter of the hole, so you wouldn't have to keep it pointed exactly at the where the magic was coming from.


Of course it wouldn't be easy, but it wouldn't be satisfying if it wasn't.


Well, eh, thanks. I wouldn't call myself a scholar, I've just been reading books, and doing weird magic things for pretty much all my life.


Also, what are we actually going to do? I mean, is there some sort of problem with us being here, or are you just going to send us on our merry way home?"

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"Sounds like a plan. We better get cracking too before one of us ends up with a rock headed our way."


Whilst outside he still seemed worried about what had just happened, inside his mind, a gleeful cackling rung through his being at the mention of potential rocks flinging about.


Far be it from him to show this to most others, but that didn't mean that he couldn't enjoy his own work for himself, and store it someplace in his memory for the next time he got back to the hive so he could share the tale, and hear what else had gone on with the other drones, his queen, or the hive in general. He knew that they'd get a kick out of hearing how he had tackled the situation at least, and the majority of the drones would be curious about whatever were the deal with this dome over Ponyville when he started talking. Well, the majority that talked with him that were.


Though he missed his hive greatly, and had some good friends there, the overarching feeling were not positive about him. It ranged from some thinking he were too much of a freak, to questioning his loyalties since he had his full, cognitive will to ignore the call of the hive if he so wanted, and off the course the jealousy of them thinking he was too much of the queen's golden colt.


The last one he could agree with. The queen had always taken a liking to him over the others as he could prove more ruthless at times than some of her other converts, and that he were a unique individual were not something that passed her eye either. A changeling were one thing, but a human changeling? And one that swore allegiance of his own free will? He were a special being, and it had drawn her eye. In more way than one, of that he were sure.


Happy set down his cart at a somewhat less windy part at the house and let out a sigh.


How he missed seeing her, and everypony else. Even when times were bad there, he felt like part of something greater, and more at home than he had ever been in his life. To have not been with that for what,a year now? And not having even heard words for months, were wearing him down at times. Sure, the road were good for him, and he got satisfaction in knowing he did what his queen wanted him to, but who wouldn't want to be back home sometimes?


Oh well, perhaps the day would soon come when a courier would find him and deliver if not news that he could come home, some orders at least. He could still go on what he had, but more specific ones would be helpful really.


But thoughts for another time. For now, he entered the house with Cyan and looked around in the darkened, hastily abandoned house. Or well, it Looked abandoned from here at least, and there wasn't anypony whimpering or screaming that he could hear.


"Close, without being too close. Should do the trick, though when this abysmal weather is over we'd better leave before the owners come back and we'll end up getting an earful."







Brittle slowly nodded at the queen. She didn't seem so bad right now, but most ponies didn't and still scared her. Heck, anything that breathed - and a some things that didn't - tended to strike her as scary in one way or another. Fangs, claws, bad emotions, size, etc. Didn't really matter how little it might seem for most. For her, it was still terrifying.


"C-Can you j-just change? N-Nothing random? Always u-under c-control? I c-can't... Don't k-know how..."


Heck, she didn't even know if you were supposed to. She only knew of Changelings from the view of things she had gotten from the one meeting Briar had with one, and that hadn't said That much.







"Sounds like you got a really good family relationship going with your dad."


It sounded blissfully to Ziggy to head something like this. To have someone that close in your life that you could idolise and have a good connection with was important for a foal, and especially for somepony who must have felt sorta isolated being a siren and all. He was a stallion that she looked forward to meeting eventually for sure.


She sorta wanted to ask in more to Serenade's mother, but it might not be the right time for probing into that if the accident was a sore thing to poke at. She knew that she wouldn't be that much up for pouring out things about a tragedy like that herself at least, so she shouldn't expect Serenade to want to do so either. Heck, who could expect that from anypony? Some things were just bound to push out bad vibes.







Mother were quiet for what seemed like minutes, contemplating what were being said and the oddity of the situation once more.


"...Memories can sometimes tie into your soul, though it is not common. If that is what happened though, then yes, your mind could have taken memories close to your own - that being those of your brother - and copied those in stead of your own. Still, this is a rare thing to happen... Though, there is a way to make sure before making assumptions and start digging again."


She rose her right arm and poked the air just next to Lin. A movement that caused literal ripples to form in the air before it swirled open into a small gate around half the size of the Longma, showing a birds eye view of Canterlot. Literally that were, as the gate were opened in the middle of the air a good deal above town.


"Try to push your leg through here, and we will see what happens. If your soul is not with you, the leg will begin to feel like it is unravelling, in which case you should withdraw it immediately before I need to fashion you a new leg, and we will see where to seek your soul then. However, if nothing happens... Well, to baseline it, it could mean that your body being made into energy also effectively made your soul spread into the particles of said energy, which can be hard to detect for one such as I that have not been in the business of souls for a long time."





@@Rapid Wind,


"That's silly talk. Mommy already said she took care of everything."


Jelly fluttered in the air a little whilst giggling.


"Not everything. If she sent you here, she likely sent you with some luggage, right? Where is it?"


"I put it at the door. A nice pony helped me find out where your office were."


"Not a safe spot for your things honey. Here, take this-"


Stargazer took off his helmet and looked down in it, taking out a small key attached to a magnet and handed it to his daughter.


"- and get your things into safety, just in case. You can use a bit of time to find a room you like then and take Gary to the basement to feed him a little at the same time so he doesn't start to run all over ponies with flies stuck on them. You know how most doesn't like that."


He spoke softly to Jelly, though not in a condescending way, whilst handing her the key. Something which she took rather quickly and with a happy face beamed up at the Night Guard "Okay. See you later daddy." before giving him a tight hug. Something he returned whilst half whispering in her ear "I'll see you soon honey. I promise." with a small tear going down his face.


Before leaving, she turned to Rapid Wind and said, with a big grin going over her muzzle, "Goodbye Mister Rapid. Hope you and daddy have fun." though she didn't wait on a response before taking to the sky and flying away to Stargazer's office/home, her dad looking after her until he couldn't see her anymore.


With a sigh he turned towards Rapid once more before taking the coffee he had left to his muzzle and down it in a few, large gulps, not stopping until the cup was empty, but looking like he were going to need a refill at the stand for sure.


"Don't get me wrong, she is the shining ray of light in my life between all the mistakes and trouble I have made, and I love to have her here, but... *sigh* I just wish I knew she had come in advance instead of her mother messing things up again..."


He looked off into the distance for a bit, again getting the look like he were worn quite a bit thinner than he generally appeared as, before mumbling something about coffee and taking himself and his cup towards the end of the line at the stand again.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


Nerzhei nodded along, making mental notes of the idea of the spyglass.


"Retractable metal, or a few mechanical parts involving slides perhaps? Several lenses even, each having their own size to focus it more directly or broader, depending on how close or directly you want to find things... Potentially a turner that opens or closes the scope more depending on the way you put it? That might do the trick."


Nerzhei sounded rather excited the more she went on and heard about this. She weren't a strong inventor as many of the ponies and some of the dragons tended to be, but she were a researcher that tried to make something more than simple metals and gears, using magical components that would benefit more than just those who naturally had magic, and discussing new ways to handle that, or heck, having anyone at all to talk to about it as most called her work foolish or pointless, were something that got her fired up a bit.


"And yes, curse magic can be dangerous, but so can all magic and that is still used for beneficial reasons. Even if it goes bad, there is a greater chance things will work out and curse magic tends to be a great source for binding magic, as the dark components combined with the raw nature of curses tends to work well in keeping things gathered, just as long as you don't overdo the dosage or you'll end up creating a cursed artefact. Did that mistake once, and trust me, even as a great energy source, you don't want a large amount of tainted magic like that lurking around. If it's stolen there's nothing good that'll come from it.


Speaking of magic and the stones, yes, some of them can be used for just storing magic for a spell later on, and then recharge as time goes by if you have made it right. Others, like the one I used to find you were in the valley, are more like a permanent spell that is always active, doing with passive effects that feeds of its own energy in a continued loop unless it's smashed or disrupted by anti-magical auras. There are more uses, like some that is meant for storing and then releasing massive bursts of energy in a less than stable manner, but I haven't gotten around to studying those kind of effects yet. The literature is limited on these kind of things, and mostly I have to scavenge parts from old ruins and ageing tomes that takes time to translate. You won't believe how difficult ancient draconic or siren tongue can be, just to mention a few."


Behind them, Qert were visibly rolling his eyes in the tree tops listening to Nerzhei go on one of her nerd rants again. He'd never get why she were so fascinated with something that didn't matter much, like digging through old knowledge or attempting to make magical objects, when she should be focused on hunting or usurping a place in the council. She had the brains to sit there, and though she wasn't a focused fighter she tended to be able to crush most who opposed her into the ground with the help of a few magic tricks and raw, feral rage that helped her well in combat, and yet all she cared about were to research. A pity really, but as long as she were encouraged even a little by the elders to go on, there wasn't gonna be a change that he'd see. Heck, might not even help if everyone told her it was pointless at this stage.


"As for the gems, there's only one way to get the ones I'm using, and that's to dive deep into the ocean and retrieve them from the small deposits here and there a little by little. There's a reason they're called Fool's Treasure though, as the harsh conditions they tend to be in ends up taking the inexperienced or unprepared and keep them there, usually from running out of air. Those are the stronger ones though that can run in a loop or store strong energies even in small slivers, and there are a few different sorts, i just have better access to these.


For those who can just store raw energy, the most commonly one is a pretty regular gem called *Gaea's breath* that tends to show up often in mines, but aren't strong enough for more than small amounts, like slivers that can heat the bath, or a chunk the size of a fist that can be used as anything from a stove to a small firebomb. They're strange, empty crystals that needs to be filled, though I have heard rumours that they are actually mined with magic in them and are just used before being refilled and resold as it's safer. Never been allowed near enough a mine to test it really though, and most of them I know come from Equestria, so not entirely certain.


The weak gems, being farily common, are usually sold at some tourist shops and such for about 10 bits last I heard, whilst those I get from the ocean are, for a sliver, around 300 bits each. The really rare ones though, that can feasibly hold massive power without needing to recharge? They're illegal to sell on the regular market because their potential are so vast, and are only sold to officials in high office like the princesses of Equestria or the Dragon Lord, and the prices there are unknown. On the black market however, a piece as small as an acorn can end up running you up to 15 million bits. Scarce supplies and the danger of owning one can really get these things up to insane heights.


You should read up them at some point. I only know one variant of the strongest gems, called *Primal soul* and if you can find literature on it I think you'd be interested. Who knows? Perhaps you'll end up tripping over a chunk at some point and will know what you're dealing with then. Scholar or not, that wouldn't be a bad thing to have in mind.


In regards to the last question..."


Nerzhei seemed to tone down a bit and scratched her chin.


"Honestly, I don't know what will happen. We haven't caught anyone in here before, where we keep heavy magic around to ensure that no targeted magic can get anywhere near itas we need the natural resources, though my best bet is that you will just be escorted out. We're deep in dragon country, so it shouldn't be an issue with wondering when you'll bring an army. No being are stupid enough to try to aim for the main lands of the draconic races like that.


Only issue there might be is the Dryad. Usually we toss them back into the valley as they are frankly a nasty bunch, but this one seems... Untainted. If she can speak her case well at the court, she might get away from this fine and dandy, though I promise nothing. They can be unpredictable at times, even if they are usually reasonable."

Edited by Blitz Boom
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