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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood Drops blinked at her, she glanced at the gems and moved closer wanting to lick them like the others "What do these taste like?" she asked, she moved towards the green gem and gave it a sniff, it smelled nice. She then sniffed the red gem and blinked, her tail twitched and she let out a low growl "What you gonna do with these?" she asked blinking, she then blinked again "Wood is strong use wood, we don't need metal. Use wood" she repeated. She let out a low growl, she wanted to stay here and use wood, not go elsewhere to find another pony that would need to know what she was.


She stared at the red gem and snorted. She glared at the gem angrily, it was giving her a headache. "Why do we even need metal? It's not like whatever is the issue will be that dangerous." she snorted which was a pure lie. She stared at the red gem, it looked like it was glowing red. She then glared at the dragon "You don't know anything about this disease. You've not even tried to look at my blood work" she snapped. 


"Give me that Red Gem, You think your funny with your mind tricks" she growled. She bared her fangs at the dragon, she was going to attack her unless she stopped. 

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"Hey, that's not nice. Let's get it back!"


Jelly had been searching through a bush when the message came from Krystal about him seeing a griffin take the tiara, and had taken flight right after her goo friend had called out. Why there were a griffin in this area to begin with were anypony's guess, as she didn't see what they'd do here since she thought they all stayed in Griffinstone, but that wasn't important any. What were, was that the griffon in question had something that belonged to Krystal, and if her daddy had taught her anything more than the rest, it were that you should help others, and getting this back would surely be along those lines too.


Granted, he had also told her many a time that she should stay safe, and not jump head-first into trouble, but she were a filly. THese sort of warnings came a little... Late, in the thought process. Sometimes never. Hopefully, nothing bad would happen here though. It was just a griffin that didn't know better, right?

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"Alright. Got it. Let's get rolling​ with the autographs, then." he chuckled, levitating the pen and signing all of the papers, but with different puns. Of course he used the signature comic sans style writing he always used when signing autographs, and signed his name after every pun.




"I shall release him. But, if I hear any screams of pain, be it from her or him, I shall rush over to heal whoever it was that got hurt." Zen smiled, and let go of the male griffin.


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@@Blitz Boom, Astral looked at the envelope. The keys were laid on the table, before Astral grabbed them. She hadn't realized she'd be receiving a house here in Canterlot of all places. "Uh, thanks." She grabbed the envelope. "We may still need help finding the house though." She turned the envelope around, looking at the address. "Even with the address." She took another chocolate truffle. "But aside from that, I'm grateful you were willing to give this to us." She said taking a bite out of the truffle.


"Why did you get it?" Misty asked suddenly, tilting her head whilst looking at Scarcity.

Edited by Lloyd
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@@Blitz Boom


It is incriminating evidence that the previous elder did try to actively get rid of him, but the way that recording sounded.... It was as if he was either genuine in his desire to want utopia. Either that or he is lying under and he really only wants to consolidate his power. Infuriating as it was, there was the matter of whether or not elder Ghilan knew about these and didn't bring it up. It was suspicious but Sen didn't want to make this tense moment worse out of fear of pushing Omen and Lin away from him. His anger was testing him.

"I don't know why he would do this, unless he knew someone would listen," Sen replied. "The magic here is common; these flowers are used to record messages for all sorts of purposes but this one here... I don't know whether I should be baffled or furious, or maybe I can just tear that other one because I've heard enough."

Sen was just about to pick up the second flower when Lin beats him to it. "Brother, I know you are angry but until we can gather enough information out of these flowers, I'm not letting you handle this one."

He didn't argue but was anxious to listen. He angrily responded with: "Just get it over with." 

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Void looked somewhat mortified at Pinkie to begin with, as the way she jumped on Storm's head would likely cause him to either keel over and hit the ground hard, or get his neck snapped. Yet for some reason neither happened. Why, it barely looked like the impact made him react at all whilst the pink attacker merrily say her hellos and went on her way once more.


"...She seems... Happy."


It were far for her to be as judgemental as Null tended to be, nor as blunt, but she did have her thoughts that there was something about that mare that should make her keep an eye out for her. She wouldn't say crazy yet, but being able to land on somepony's head like that, whilst not being a light pegasi or deal any damage, were something that wasn't normal at least. Not in her experience.


"B-But it's good she's here. Foals needs parents, even if it's not their real ones. Things can go b-badly when you don't have any. Though I'm still sorry to hear that Grey's real ones are... I-It's not an easy thing to go through."


She put one of the tables on her back, then followed it with another one after that. She were a robust earth pony, so it shouldn't be much of an issue. The same logic could be used for Storm likely, even if he were a pegasi, considering he hadn't bend his neck before, so she tentatively moved the last two over towards him.


"Mind if I ask, how did you do that thing before? Most pegasi I know are not s-strong, and their bones are weaker than most, but you barely moved from getting P-Pinkie bouncing on your head. Half-blood perhaps?"


The segue wasn't impressive from one topic to the other, but she figured that Storm didn't want to dwell on death right now, and especially not when it involved his adopted son, so she just jumped towards the next thing on the list, as to not get them both trapped in a depressed mood by accident.







"Yes, of course. Let me see..."


It had taken some seconds before Clayton had answered, but considering that the package that had suddenly increased in size before him, were it really that hard to think that he had paused some? He might deal with a few zebras now and again, but not enough to really see much of their magic, which included this odd sorcery.


Still, he signed where he were asked and tried not to ask, as the answer would likely just end up confusing or horrifying him in some way. Experience thus far with Draco had at least learned him that, though he weren't sure if the pony were somewhat mad or just liked to mess around with him. Potentially both.


He couldn't argue against the speed of his services though. This had barely taken an hour, and would normally have been something that could have taken at least six, so as much as his methods disturbed him, the results certainly were top notch. He had to check the box though to see if everything were the right size still though of course, but first, the signatures needed.


It didn't take more than a few seconds to sign, and afterwards, he had a small look in the crate and saw the hinges he had asked for, as well as a letter that somewhat surprised him to see, considering him and his father usually communicated when he were home, or at worst, through letters sent by regular mail. Perhaps this was simply because it eas easier? Might be it were too important to wait as well, but he'd see eventually. For now, he had his business to conduct with Draco, which technically were over now that he were done writing, and with the white mare that seemed to be nearly glued to hid side.


"There you go, and thank you once more for a speedy service Draco. This should get the forepony off my back for a little while hopefully."


He corrected his tie a little and stuck a hoof forth towards the mare, offering a shake to not seem rude.


"Clayton Quartz ma'am. Nice to meet you."


Long Stare didn't say anything, but just looked at the outstretched hoof and squeezed a little closer to Draco, which made Clayton take a step back and put down his hoof.


"I-Is there something wrong? I swear, I didn't mean to cause offense."







Nerzhei had taken caution in making sure that Blood didn't actually touch the gems, even if she got close enough to have a whiff of them, and listened on as the pony for some reason went into an aggressive mood. Or well, she could see why, as perhaps she had not explained fully what she were going to do, which were one of the reasons why she didn't respond with her own annoyance, but instead barely reacted on the growling, went down on a knee so that she could look the pony more directly in the eyes, and started to calmly explain things.


"You said yourself, that your disease is so contagious that contact alone could infect, and if that is the case, being close to your blood alone could potentially be infectious, as it should contain a concentrated dosage of the illness. Worst case, doing any sort of test could result in it getting airborne, and best case, your blood slightly drying and letting of vapors could end up infecting me, neither of which is preferable.


As such, I need to try and get you stabilized first. A cure would be preferable right off the bat, but the only thing I have even heard about that could likely do this do this, is either a panacea, or a dosage of harmony magic. A panacea is a holy grail of medical science, but not something real yet far as I know, whereas harmony is something tangible that can be worked with. However, I have never been able to even find the slightest sliver of harmony magic.


I have theories about how it is created, and how it could be kept stable enough to be tested on, but it is simply that. Theories, and those reuire magic I haven't got any access too.


What I do have, is gems that contains sliver of other sorts of magic. Wind, water, fire and earth makes for the four nature elements. Light, Dark and Soul makes the elements of the cycle of life, and The last... Contains a sliver of Breezie magic. You don't want to know the amount of trust and patience it takes to have them give you even a sliver of this thing."


Nerzhei went through the gems as she explained, ending with the glassy pink gem. One could think that the story of how she got this were interesting, but perhaps another one would be how she got hold of the others as well. Especially one that contained some degree of soul magic, as that sort were not exactly main stream.


"I have tried to use these before to create a synthetic harmony gem before, and I can tell you from experience that wood will not hold the volatile forces in place when it attempts to form enough. It will shatter, and what the magic will do, even in these small amounts, is for anyone to guess. Metal worked the last time to hold it, but the experiment failed. I tried to add a sliver of curse magic, and it devoured the whole thing, turning it into a stone that I pray noone will ever uncover from the volcano I buried it in.


I found later this will not create me harmony in any case, as I still lack something, though the passage of the book I found were too damaged to tell me what, but I believe these can still be used to potentially craft a minor balance gem that could potentially surpress things and keep it contained. A medallion of sorts, that would even things and make you less volatile, so to speak.


Make no mistake: I will run tests on it and make sure it isn't dangerous, which will require some patience from your side as trial and error will be the only way to get this right, but I will not try and bring you into danger, and if it succeeds, it means I should be able to study your blood-work somewhat safely, and work more specifically to try and find a cure for you that is less magical. Something the zebra book will hopefully help with.


But, I will still need metal for this, along with a forge. So either we go to town, and the blacksmith will ask questions, or we take advantage of there being a pony in the woods that could be used to our advantage. And if anyone asks, it is simply for my own tests.. Noone needs to know what you carry around with you, like you asked.


Does this explain things better, Blood? I know it is highly theoretical work, but at this point in time, I believe it the best thing to do for now. I do however, require you to give me an ounce of trust on this. Can you try that?"







Sea Breeze looks on the pieces of papers, and smirked at the puns that were written on these. They were really cheesy, but come on, you should be able to laugh about silly stuff like that now and again, or at least give an amused smile


"Dude, I totally owe you one now. She'd gonna be pumped about this. Why, you might even say that this will rock her world. Eh?"


He elbowed Deadpan a little. Nothing forcefully of course, just a friendly pat that fitted the tone of his voice as he gave his little piece to the pun war.







Null let out a sigh, and rolled her eyes before directly going over and tapping Zen on the shoulders, then point towards the door.


"Hey, somepony awake on the first floor? We're leaving. Give the griffons a chance to speaks things out without us sticking our muzzles in what seems a family matter Or do I need to clock you one and drag you outside?"


She didn't want to do this, but at the same time, she were prepared for it if it came to that. Usually she wouldn't do this, and would stick around as much as it damned well pleased her, but this really did seem a heavy, family matter, and if there were one thing that she did respect, it were family. And especially ones that had issues they needed to get through, which didn't get helped by a couple of strangers asking them stuff along the way.


Let them get it sorted, then see if it was okay to ask some questions.







Scarcity went over and looked at the filly with a warm look in her eyes and a slight smirk, contemplating answering her question.


"I think it better if your friend tells you that, my dear. I'm sure that Chow wouldn't mind telling plenty of things as soon as you have left and head towards your new home, which I assume he is wanting to do right away?"


She didn't even need to look to know that he had moved over towards the door. He were far too predictable to not have done that in her experience.


"Aye, I think we need to. I know where the address is, so we should get over there and stash your things kiddos before they start to grow mold."


He watched as Scarcity slowly went behind her desk once more, and sat down on her comfy seat, all without breaking eye contact with him.


"Feel free to take the bowl and its content with you if you wish to, Astral. Consider it a housewarming gift that should fit well on one of the tables. And as for you Chow... I will be seeing you tomorrow."


"Yeah... I'll be waiting in the shop when it is. But for now, we need to get going. Come along Astral and Misty, ain't no use growing roots here."







"Perhaps I should take the other one too, before it gets destroyed? Might be something we need."


Omen opened her mouth and let out her tongue, who'd seek out the flower Sen were holding and wrap around the stem, though if he wasn't letting go off it, she'd likely not be unable to get it away from him. She couldn't use force, since flowers always seemed so fragile to her, and this one were important. Or at least she thought it were. The information in it sounded like it would be at least, and the way Sin cared for the other one not getting destroyed made it appear valuable to them somehow too.


What it contained were all the value there were to it though, far as she knew. There hadn't been a trace of energy left on it to track for her, so unfortunately, no dice there, as some ponies said. The other one might be different, but she doubted it. If she wanted to have the energy she needed to track things, she were likely going to need another source, though they'd take that when it got there. First off, they had a message to hear, though she hoped it wouldn't make Sen too angry. It might be bad if he went on a rampage in this town.


"Make the flower speak, please?"

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@@Driz,  @@Blitz Boom, Serenade rolls her eyes "Fresh muffins, just finished making them before I went out to look for you." Serenade slowly walks back toward her house, which managed to weather most of what Ponyville suffered. "I should warn you, Fah'lina is...she's not wild, but she's also not domesticated. She's....trained us" 

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@@Blitz Boom


"Pinkie is... Well, she's unique." Storm shook his head slightly as he picked up the two tables. "As for Grey's parents, he actually wasn't too broken up about it... From what he told me, his parents were always pretty distant from him. He's been happier ever since they died, so.. While it is sad that anypony died, at least he's happier now."


"As for me..." Storm chuckled as he moved on to the next item on the list. "Well I'm not really normal by Pegasi standards, or.. Anypony's I guess. In fact my whole family is a bit off in their own ways..." He got a slightly far off look in his eyes as he smiled. "But yeah, my dad is an Earth pony and my mom is a Pegasus." Storm's eye twitched slightly, "And my little brother is a Pegasus with a fox tail.. So lucky." he whispered the last part to himself. "Anyways, Twilight ran some tests on me once; she seemed convinced that I'm made at least partially out of rubber."

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@Blitz Boom

"Don't weorry you didn't do anything wrong she's just a very shy pony. Had trouble getting to know her when she first moved in. But she seems to love my antics," Draco said jokingly with a grin on his muzzle. He looked to Long Stare and chuckled slightly. "Her name is Long Stare and she is a pretty mare isn't she?" Draco asked while also complimenting Long Stare.

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Zen blinked a bit, then gave her head a quick shake. "My apologies, Null, I do tend to get caught up in the moment of things." Zen smiled and started to leave the room, but she still gave Null an apologetic look.



"I sea ​what you did there." Deadpan laughed. "Sorry for the obvious joke, dude. I just had to take it."

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@@Blitz Boom, She looked at Scarcity, and then the bowl. "I'd assume you could always buy a new one anyways..." She said before taking the bowl with her. She walked out with the rest of them, Misty following along, to the main area if the shop, snacking on the chocolate truffles as Astral did. Even whilst she exited the shop she snacked on them until she had managed to eat through all of them. she looked at the empty bowl, she could use it as something to leave on a table, or for casual eating from.


Misty had expected a stranger answer, her question was only because it seemed as if Scarcity got the home just for them. She walked out the store, jumping on the wagon. "Nothing here has gotten moldy, so we're good to go." Misty yelled out to the rest of the group.


Astral chuckled at Misty's comment, standing next to the wagon, waiting for Chow to get the thing hooked up to him. "You're leading the way, again, it seems." She said, with a light chuckle from herself. "Seems you're always the one leading us everywhere doesn't it?" She asked tilting her head at him.

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@@Blitz Boom 


"Well, I mean.... Something did hit my head. We wouldn't really be lying then, huh?" She giggled. "Yeah, muffins sound great!" Trinket said with a smile, following them both while carrying her toolbox between her teeth. After finishing her lunch break, she'd most likely have to get right back to work. If she could finish that one cottage she started on before the sunset, it would already be more than enough for a day. She was feeling great: meeting new ponies, getting to walk around Ponyville for a while (even though it's seen better days) and, on top of it all, enjoy some fresh muffins.


"Also, I've been meaning to ask... You mentioned this Fah'lina a little earlier... What exactly is it? Is it a cat, or... a dog? Like a pet of yours?" She asked, curious.

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@@Moonlit, @@Driz, "She's a....what did Luna call her again, I've forgotten. And no, she's not a pet she's more like a companion. She hangs around us because she finds Ziggy irresistibly chewy and I feed her and my house has some good hiding and hunting spots." Serenade keeps walking.

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"Interesting, but I think it needs more spice. Garlic perhaps? Starswirl tended to like to add that to food. He said it brought a lot of good out in the dishes."


Cresent paused giving him a puzzled look "name one vampony you ever herd of eating garlic, by the way" The bat pony said lowering his voice so the youngster wouldn't hear him


"most pony's don't eat meat do to them being vegetarians I'm unsure how comfy he'll be around eating meat" Cresent said then pulling back from the feline talking in his usual tone.


"Garlic aint the best for vamps yet there's something better" he said going to a cabinet pulling out the spice's. Some of them the feline could recognize some and others possibly not. He pulled out a herb labeled taco and another hey he smiled taking a whiff of them then added it to the pasta.

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin fiddled around with the flower in the hopes of getting it to reveal the message it contained. There was the occasional poking and tapping on the petals and sepals, and the reluctance to wedge one of her claws into the whorled object. She read much about it being inadvisable to do so but she'd rather hear the message than fuss around with it. Besides, the flowers are still in relatively good shape and it looks healthy enough despite being severed from the ground and any source of nutrients. 

After a bit of poking along the tips of the petals, the flower opened and just like the one before it, a bright flash of light followed with blue specks spreading outwards. This time, however, the specks formed a shape of an elderly longma looking straight at the group, its eyes and head appearing to acknowledge the presence of everyone in the room at that moment. 

Let me get right to the point. Why is it that I did what I did? Simple, really. The elders before me have all led us astray; we've held strong when we first set our sights on this land and we prospered under strict leadership. But when times began to change, they allowed it to change them, and that sight of paradise began to fade away. Their problems remained unsolved and left us with even more things to worry about, and so it falls to me to weed out these elements and return to a time when purity and obedience ruled over freedom. It makes living that much easier when the many are told what to believe in and what to do. This system worked before and it will work again.

Sen looked hard at the image of the longma before him, gritting and grinding his teeth with anger. He remembers the night he fled under the cover of darkness, to escape the trial he knew he wouldn't win. But that last night with his family was also the hardest he had to endure... A difficult memory to speak of, one filled with mixed emotions, none of them pleasant. Lin wondered just how much her brother had to go through as she began to piece the puzzle together and for a moment, could feel the emotions Sen felt. Anger and sadness swirling together, tugging at her and refusing to stop. It was all new to her, a side effect of the cure maybe?

It would seem you thought hard, Sen. The decision to abandon the village was smart and it made my job easier. Or it would've been the case if not for your father taking your place in the trial. I made sure he had a taste of what my tenure as elder would entail, and you disappearing before the trial would only show your blatant disregard for the values taught to you. Perhaps being away for a time would get your thoughts straightened out but eventually you will have to come home and when you do, I will be waiting. 

The message ends there with Sen stunned in silence. It would seem as if the elder knew Sen would find this recording, and it ended with a warning to him. Maybe this elder is a lot closer than anyone thinks and he wants him to know it.

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"I think she called her a knight-squirrel? Something like that. I just tend to call her a mimic, because... Hehe, actually, I'll just let you wait and see. I bet she'll get a kick out of it being a surprise."


Normally she'd likely warn a bit more in detail about Fah'lina, but considering how the poor little thing must be feeling right now, having the chance to scare somepony for a quick laugh might do her a world of good, and Trinket didn't look like the sort who had a weak heart that could make this a bother. There weren't any of the signs at least, though if she were wrong, she did have training to help with that. Medical school in Las Pegasus were pretty strict about their students having to learn that, and she'd agree with them that it were for the better to know this, as heart issues could rarely wait until you got them to a hospital. Not untreated at least.


"She's harmless though, no worries. Kinda odd in it, and a lot smarter than she looks like, but not a threat to ponies in general from what I can tell.


Met her in the forest a few weeks back by chance, and she basically found it funny to mess with me, so she kept following me, and then she got to Ponyville and found out that as long as you act the right way you might get snacks... Well, easy food is easy food after all. And like Serenade says, she's got things to chase after and a lot of high places Fah'lina can hide, which seems to be her preferred angle on things.


I wanna know something now, please? I wanna know more about the toys. What sort do you make? How does the shop look like? How did you hear about Ponyville all the way from there less than a day after it was attacked? All sorts of things."







Want me to make it simpler and mention the *vamponies* I have actually met? Including you, that will only take a single claw."


Zinthar had never run into any sort of pony that participated in meat or blood before Crescent. It wasn't in their nature as far as he knew, what with being herbivores and all that instead of predators, though if he had to point a finger at any sort of pony-like creature that might have enjoyed this, thestrals still wouldn't be on the list. They might seem pretty different, but in his mind, they looked to be more related to fruit bats than something more sinister, and the term *vampony* were not something he had ever heard them call themselves either.


Granted, he had only heard a few snippets back when Starswirl were still around, and then seen a few... *converts* later on, but there hadn't been anything making him think them bloodsuckers or meat-eaters.  Perhaps the vampony thing were a subspecies amongst them? Possible, but so were it that they were just not very open with this part. Might be something worth looking into as time went by.


He were about to answer to the other part of Crescent's response, that being about the youngster, when he opened up a spice that made the feline wrinkle his nose a little. The smell were not something he could tell right off the bat - no pun intended - what were, nor whatever or not it was a bad or a good smell, but it didn't last long in it's current form as it was mixed with the other things he had going for the dish, so for the time being, he'd be tentative and just call it interesting.


"...And the colt. I think he saw worse things at this Zecora's hut, no? Unless you aim to wrap the food in fur or something like that, I think it will mean little. And if it does... Hmhmhm, I have ways of *helping* his mind."







"Ain't true. You lead me to your house in the forest, remember? If I had to lead you to that, we'd likely still be in the forest, and you'd be laughing your flank off at me for driving us in circles."


It was true that Chow were a hunter, and as such he knew how to track, but he hadn't exactly been trained in hunting down ponies. He went for animals, who were quite a bit simpler to track and were usually predictable, whereas ponies might as well suddenly stop and crawl into a tree for no reason for example. Combine this with how well these two's house had been blending in with the rest of the forest unless you looked at it from the right angle, and he'd likely have made them wander about for a good, long time whilst Astral went full on hyena.


Granted, he could track ponies if he got some time to work with, but it had to be a pretty non-crowded area or they needed to have something different about their steppes that others didn't, and with the chaos from ponies fleeing town... Not a dang chance.


"Besides, just good that I know my way 'round this here town. Canterlot's pretty big and could make you confused if you've never been here before, which you gals haven't after all. It ain't too far from here, that's true, but still."


They wandered a bit more with him thinking to himself about something, not being in much of a rush, before he turned his head towards the kids again. Something he wanted to get out the way before they got there.


"What's your first impressions on Canterlot thus far by the way? Big ol' town and all that compared to Ponyville. With a healthy dosage of sky-sniffer slapped in over it for good measure."


The last part were added as he glared at a noble that had passed them and given a displeased look to see somepony like them in town. He had also raised his voice a bit to make the snob hear it, but as expected, the only reaction there had been a grimace and moving away faster.







"Don't sweat it."


It was the only thing she said whilst they were still in the room, which were not for many seconds more since Zen had finally gotten it through that noggin' of his that they had to give the feather-bundles some privacy. Sure, she were curious as heck about what the hay were going on, but she knew that in the same situation, she wouldn't want to answer things, and would in fact likely have lashed out in anger. Timing were really everything when it came to wonky situations like this.


When they got into the hallway, she closed the door behind them, then let out a small sigh.


"Family matters. Frankly more secure to step around places with quicksand than trying to tip-toe around that sort of thing when you're not part of it. I'm sure they'll be talkative later on and explain a few things. Like why the heck there's griffins in this here town. I thought they didn't usually roam Equestria? Or haven't I gotten the full scope on how equal this country really is?"







"It's okay dude. Sometimes you just have to try something and then see if it pans out for you."


Sea Breeze had been sitting on that one for a few minutes now, just waiting for the right moment to fire it off. Granted, it wasn't all of his name, but nothing good would come from him mentioning dead right now. He had done that once already, and frankly it was amazing that he hadn't chocked considering how far his big hoof had gone down his stupid muzzle.







"Ah, I see. My apologies."


Considering how Stare flared up like a tomato when Draco had called her pretty, he had his thoughts on how things were with the two of them, but it were something he would rather keep to himself. Assumptions were fine and all, but experience had told him that keeping them to yourself and then see what ended up being true, really were the best way to approach things. Otherwise, all sorts of bad vibes would spread, and the atmosphere might end up pretty sour, and both in business and in social manners, that was not a good thing.


"I think me complimenting her would perhaps be too much, if she is as shy as you say. Perhaps something for another time, when the situation is more calm in it, yes?


If I may ask, did your trip to Canterlot go well? No incidents? No buildings hit or something, right?"






"I-I'm sorry to hear about his parents..."


Void could have said several things here. Among them, something about how you shopuld never think it good when somepony's parents where dead, but she couldn't even say if that were true here or not. If they were just distant, it would be horrible, but it had sounded a bit like there might be more too it. Just being distant shouldn't mean you were happier when they were gone, so... had they perhaps been awful parents? It were not something she liked to think about, but it might have been so, in which case she really didn't want to dig deeper into this. Something Storm seemed to thankfully agree with as he moved on to the next topic, which were to speak of his own family.


"My sister and I are k-kinda the same. Our mum was a pegasus, and our dad an earth pony, but Null is a pegasus like h-her, with dad's temper, while I'm like him, but with mum's mood. She was... A kind mare.


I guess you can say we also have something wrong with us. N-Not that I mean something is wrong with you, or your brother for having a fox tail, I-I'm just saying... I-I mean..."


Void stopped and took a few deep breaths to try and collect herself again. If she had kept on talking, it would just have gone worse, and potentially ended with her in a corner somewhere, whimpering about what stupid things she had been saying this time, but the small break helped her to collect herself a little. Hopefully enough.


"I j-just mean, something is different too. Null and I... We have a sort of aura around us. Of A-Antimagic. It shuts things down, and makes magic f-fizzle out. Except curse stuff. That just goes dormant. It's not... A nice thing to have. H-Honestly, I'd prefer to be made somewhat of rubber too. That sounds nice and durable. O-Or is it because of the bouncy thing Grey mentioned?"


A small smile went back on her face as she remembered the story again, and the visual vaguely came to mind for a moment. It wasn't much, but it were something that made her happy to think about, which she could use right now. Especially after letting out the family secret, though Storm seemed nice thus far, and he wasn't a unicorn after all, so perhaps he wouldn't judge on this? She hoped so at least. He seemed like somepony that would be nice to have as a friend, if possible.







Interesting, so it wasn't all of the longma that knew how to use these flowers? It didn't seem so at least, when you considered how Lin were fumbling around with it at first.


But then again, perhaps she did know, but since she had changed, she wasn't as certain anymore how to do it? Her form looked somewhat similar, yet she had changed a good deal all things considered and had been shown to struggle with what she were now b before. Might be it wasn't just the effects of being half of what Omen were, but also a more physical thing than she had first thought? Possible.


Times like this, Omen really wished that Mother were here. She always seemed to have the answers, and knew how to help her children when they were going astray or needed guidance. She would have known what to do to ease Lin's transaction more, and guide her in the first times, instead of Omen having to try and tell her the few things she knew about the situation at hoof. Not what were going on right now with the flower, as she couldn't really say or do anything here, but more in regards to things likethe questions she had at night, when the others were sleeping.


Yet, Mother had told them to go on for now, and had yet to contact them back. Perhaps she were still busy with their new siblings, but her way of doing things could often be hard to understand for Omen, so it might also be possible that she simply wanted them to do well on their own. Another possible thing to consider, but as the flower were opened and the message poured out, the line of thought vanished under what were now heard. Words that filled her head and circled around, becoming more and more vile every time it began anew.


"Perhaps I should give him to Master Discord as a new toy?"


The words were as neutral as they tended to be, though she felt the slight bubbling of anger in her own head when things went through, and especially at the last part, where it were told that Sen's father had been punished for what he had done.


Though she doubted many things, and could use a good once over with the stick of learning, she knew without doubt that those that willingly harmed their own family, or those that made the family of others suffer for something a relative to them did, were no longer to be considered actual beings. They had crossed a line that wasn't acceptable to her and her kind, and if it wasn't because she wasn't violent, she'd likely do something herself.


But since all she could do were passive things like send others through gates, which were generally more defensive than anything else, the best she could do in these situations were to just let another do things. Might be Sen wanted to do stuff on his own for example, but objectively speaking, she were pretty sure that Discord could make the former elder regret things more sufficient. Though, if Sen wanted to do things on his own, she wouldn't try to stop him. It was his case, and his father that had been hurt after all. Made sense that he had the first right to do things.


"The reasons for taking freedom sounds like it could make sense, but the punishment doesn't. Your father isn't you, so why should he be hurt makes no sense.for something like this? Pointless. Cruel."






"How do I keep getting roped into this?"


The mare mumbled to herself as she walked outside the theater after loosing another three hours of her eternity on useless filler. That is what it felt like to her at least, and what she would refer to it as regardless of how much Cadence said it was to *broaden her horizon* and introduce her to a bit of the higher culture.


The princess weren't here in Canterlot, obviously, as she were busy caring for her foal and had several other things to do back in the Crystal Kingdom anyway - at least that's what she had been told - but that didn't mean she could skip out on attending this performance. The contract were binding, and she had to do Cadence's bidding if she ordered it, even if it were mindless things like this.


Granted, she did think performances were interesting at times, and the ones that were there tonight hadn't been bad, but three hours? She may be nearing her fourth millennia, but that still felt like a lot of time to use on something that could have feasibly been done in one, and then just spread out the acts.


Oh well, at least it were over now, and she hadn't been summoned yet, so she supposed this gave her some time off then. Might as well use that to wander around Canterlot if it came to that, though she'd wait here at the theater a little more. She needed to listen on things, and see if the guards would want to go for her once again, simply because of her differences, or if the words had managed to spread all around this time, so they'd leave her alone. She might be a demonic infused mare wearing mysterious garbs, have flaming ears and a long, scaly tail waving behind her, but she were a legal citizen, and it were becoming tiring.


She felt a harsh chill as she corrected her thick scarf once more, though thankfully it were short lived. Even if it were but autumn currently, it still felt like needles of pure ice assaulted her if she didn't have these clothes warming her body by several degrees above what most ponies would be able to survive.


*sigh* How she longed for the day when she could find a spell or an object that would warm her body instead of this. She missed the freedom of not wearing things such as this, or the feeling of the sun bathing her in its light. Even if it meant her markings would show, she didn't really care. She got strange looks regardless, so what would the difference really be?

  • Brohoof 1
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Meanwhile, having heard about a monster causing destruction in Ponyville, a https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vera-infernium-r8311'>mare was sent to investigate it. She kept her sword sheathed at her side as she walked into town, making sure not to attract attention. What she was really after, was any information she could find.


Edited by J.R.
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@@Blitz Boom



"Knight-squirrel?..." She tilted her head, trying hard to compute that information any way she could. Needless to say, the image that immediately popped in her mind was of a small rodent with fluffy tail, wearing silver armor and miniature sword and shield to fit its tiny little paws. Cute, to say the least. But the more the two tried to explain, the less the blue mare actually understood. Trinket had a blank, dumbfounded expression on her face while she listened to Serenade's and Ziggy's explanation, when she noticed that she had been asked a question.


"...Oh! Um..." She cleared her throat. "Well... My family's store has grown quite a lot these past few years, thankfully. We started off as a small craftwork shop, where my dad worked wood into sculptures, furniture, and a bunch of other things. He taught me some basics and I started crafting toys out of wood for myself when we couldn't afford much. I guess my parents noticed that I had some sort of talent in making toys and we invested in it. We can make a whole lot of different types of toys. To name a few, we have jigsaw puzzles, marionettes, puppets, plushies, action figures, card games, tabletop games... uh... coloring books, pop-up books, miniatures, collectibles, a slime-like thingy you can throw at the wall and it sticks to it that I forgot the name of... and so on. Nowadays, our store is fairly well-known in Baltimare... Looks more like an amusement park than anything." She giggled.


"And I heard about Ponyville just fairly recently. I was planning on going out of Baltimare to run some errands anyway, and someone on the train station was talking about the devastation of the village by some 'demons' or whatever, and about how they needed volunteers. It was just convenient for me, I guess" She smiles.

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@@Driz, @@Blitz Boom, Serenade nods, "It's where I got Princess Luna's Hearth's Warming gift. A Copy of Ogres & Oubliettes, 3rd Edition. Last I heard was she had roped Prince Shining Armor into getting a group together to play." She chuckles, remembering the sight of Luna galloping down the hall, book held in her magic yelling 'THE FUN SHALL BE DOUBLED'. Serenade climbs the stairs to her front door, and opens it, holding it for both Ziggy and Trinket. 

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@Blitz Boom

"Nothing happened usually the flight back is more trouble than not," Draco stated with a chuckle. "Considering the fact that I like to shoot myself out of cannons," Draco muttered with a grin on his face. "But in the end the job gets done and I wait for the next hoity toity snob to request I take his mail or deliver a fake diamond," Draco said with a laugh. "You have no idea how many times that last part actually happened,"

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@@Blitz Boom



"Everyone has their quirks and stuffs." Storm said with a friendly smile, "You two have your magic null-thing, which could actually be very useful in some ways, I think. My brother has his awesome fox-tail and can turn on a dime, and I say and do things that nopony really understands, and can break the sound barrier on take-off... But I'll never be able to get any faster than I am now."


Storm blinked and shook his head, "Sorry about that, kind of went off on a tangent... The point is that things that make you weird or different aren't necessarily a bad thing. Everything is a matter of perspective." He explained, before his ears folded slightly in nervousness, "Um, that makes sense right? I'm not just rambling nonsense and annoying you or anything? I tend to do that somethings."

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@@Blitz Boom@@Seamore Sandwich


Phantom floated aways from the both of them, content to be quiet and observe. Clearly trying to make up his mind whether or not he wanted to take such a chance; if he was successful, he'd get a soul--if he wasn't, nothingness. 


And nothingness was scary.


"...Um..." He made a cheesy grin, putting on a brave face, "it's just like a roller-coaster...I'm gonna go ahead and say yes before fear tells me to say no."


"I'm in, and...I'll follow you guys to the other side."

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"I would also like to keep family matters a secret, and I hate intruding privacy unless absolutely necessary. It's why I tend to...not use my telepathy as much as I use my others." Zen explained, that ever present sweet smile staying in its place.




"Oh, wow, dude, I've actually never heard that one before." Deadpan chuckled.

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@Blitz Boom




*I moand*


¨I wish I could take this ughh this scarf and things of ¨

*I wisper


*ponys walk by


*they look strangley at me


¨well at least it a start for be exepted¨


*I mumble to my self


¨i wish nopony cared about the markings¨

 *I mumble



* says in head

¨i hope i get in the act it was hard enoph to be there for 3 hours¨

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"...And the colt. I think he saw worse things at this Zecora's hut, no? Unless you aim to wrap the food in fur or something like that, I think it will mean little. And if it does... Hmhmhm, I have ways of *helping* his mind."
"lets just play it slow for now, kids been through a lot already back up or a second" Cresent said taking one more stir then bringing the pan to the sink. In the sin had a pop up strainer he was using his wing hook to move said pan into strainer then after the water was out put the noodels back into the pan placing it on the oven.


The thestreal then went towards a cabnit to grab a sauce that zinthar would no doubt recoginize as cheese sauce (wheather ponys eat cheese or not idk but this bat pony dose) adiing it to the pasta nd giving it more stire he sniffed it a bit. Added a few more spice's then brought out 3 bowls for the 3 of them (sorry if this makes you hungry) "foods up" he said


"your still hungry cover right cant bounce away your apitite" he joked.  

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