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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

The yellow pony-looking thing went over to the water.

"Colorful equine, the wedding is on land."

"Do you have a GPS?"

"Clearly not."

Lucid and Novia were trying to figure out if hay was an actual plant or made of a plant.

"Do you think it is made on a farm or natural?"


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@Blitz Boom 


(Continued from 345)


The changes Zhu made would indeed prevent the small group from triggering the trap, which of course was disappointing to Gaea, as she had hoped to be done with this whole mess sooner rather than later.  She did however remain quiet in her hiding spot for the time being. As the group continued off into the distance, they slowly approached a fate that would find them at a fork in the road, giving directions to a group which would have otherwise headed in the wrong direction.  This new group would eventually make its way into the path of the trap, and it was clear that this group came from money.  There were several wagons nearly overflowing with exotic goods, but in the middle of it all was an ornately decorated carriage that was purple with gold trim.  The nobleman inside was slightly overweight, with a light brown coat and a medium length blonde mane.  He was the type to stop for nopony.  However, he was also not the type to give up the use of his luxurious carriage in favor of riding in another wagon with the goods.  The only thing that would stop this group in its tracks was if his carriage was the one to hit the trap, but with three wagons leading the way before it, setting that up would sure be tricky.  If this group were stopped here, the bandits would surely show themselves.  How could they not?  Gold, gems, and fruits from far away lands?  No thief could resist such temptations.


@Blitz Boom 


(Continued from 346)


Marcus took the book with his magic, flipping through the pages, then stopping on a page with a forested area that was about three days journey away.  On the map, the forest was surrounded in mountains.  “Thank you. This will do perfectly.”  He sat down with the book in his hooves now, flipping back and forth between a few different pages showing the same general area, clearly planning out possible routes. His hoof would occasionally trail across one page, then he would flip to another page, and he would continue from where he had left off on another page, then he would start all over again with a new route.  “We will need supplies for a three day journey, including tools for cutting away shrubbery and clearing away rocks,” he said to one of the elders who gave a nod, then proceeded to the door to go get others started on the preparations.


(Charlie and Penny, on page 347, will be continued next time)

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom Serenade rolled with the hug, ending up on her feet while the blur starts vibrating in place. Another stream of words too fast for anypony to understand. Serenade puts a wingtip on Fah'lina's back, "No need for teeth. Also, she tastes like Sea Salt and Mud, trust me." A hoof stops the blur was speaking, "Brindi....down." Serenade smiles, "I know your happy to see me, but girl, you need to calm." The blur slows down, revealing it to be a reddish-brown Unicorn filly, about 11-22 years old, a seaform green mane cut short and deep blue eyes. 

The filly turns to Ziggy and smiles, "OHMYGOSHAREYOUAZEAGUSORISITPEGBRA" It seems the filly has only one setting. FAST

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@Blitz Boom

“I can imagine,” Lin nodded as she sipped her tea. “It… is a terrible thing to be hit with heavy news like that all of a sudden. Not enough time to come to terms with how time has passed without you. I know you and Clayton know how best to help the miners. ”

Perhaps it might be time to turn their thoughts to more pleasant things. There is enough pain to shoulder with the miners, Clayton, and Amethyst but this has invigorated Lin to do what she can to make sure Filigree really stays caught the next time they meet, more so now than ever. She doesn’t need to see more anguish, hear more about it, the mere idea is enough to drive her to see that goal reached, and she knows she can count on Sen and Omen to see it through. 

As for Sen, he came face to face with the little refraction and smiled, gently running one claw over the creature and addressing both him and Omen at the same time. 

“I believe so, Omen. We’ll help him however we can and one day, we’ll all be able to talk to each other like we’re doing now.”

“I don’t doubt your abilities, Shrimp. One step at a time is how you’ll grow and we will go with your pace.”

Though it wasn’t certain if Shrimp understood anything Sen just said, he is content with those words. This was good for both of them, with Sen no longer being in danger of hissing and aggressive biting and Shrimp being given a little preview of what a conversation is like. It was sort of relaxing for the longma but he wouldn’t rule out the possibility of the refraction suddenly wanting play by biting him. He didn’t mind the idea too much but maybe doing so in the back room of a shop isn’t the best. There is plenty of time to play outside and especially so once they have some time to themselves to work on the diamond chunk. Speaking of which…

“I think it is about time we start work on the the diamond, Amethyst. Thank you for accommodating us, for the information, and for the tea. Let us meet again some time. Perhaps I might be able to bring you some brews from our home.”

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@Blitz Boom


Storm smiled at Star, a mare she had seen multiple times during her deliveries to Sugarcube Corner. "Thanks, Stare. Have a good day!" Ignoring Alonsus completely despite the fact he was the one who finished her order, she smiles and turns to the maid. "Betsy, did yo stop eating again?" She sighs, giving a slight smile. "You-"

Betsy interrupts her with a vacant, blank voice. "Excuse me, but I need to place my order." Despite the lack of emotion, there was a firmness and decisiveness to her voice. However, she kept composure and waited for the mare to move. 


Sigh...it gets to me sometimes. Ponies keep trying to get me to eat more. It is simply a waste of time. It got to her, not in a self-hateful way but rather made her more negative towards others, which was not good for her reputation or career.


Storm stared for a moment, then waved to the employees and walked outdoors, sipping her latte. Nopony really spoke to her, so she put on her pair of black headphone and listened to some music for relaxation as she strolled down. Suddenly, she had a horrid realization that she'd neglected to pay. Nearly spilling her latte, she dashed back.


"Hello, sir. I'd like to order the...ginger stew that mare mentioned." Betsy did a curtsy as she trotted forwards, not wanting to waste time. All she wanted was to eat fast, pay, and get back to her job. This was a waste of precious time.


Storm stops before reaching the restaurant, realizing she'd left her wallet back at her home. Do I really want to go back in? it's only a few bits...She loitered around the entrance, debating the decision. Her panicked visage was in clear view of the employees.

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@Blitz Boom

Returning to Harrowmark anytime soon would be a bit out of the detective's control.  It was so far from Equestria to voyage back and froth from.  His method of getting here to begin with would be difficult to replicate on his own without one of Twisted's spells lays around to nab a green gem from, and then costing another of Scarlet's pocket watches.  If Princess Twilight was keen on making sure the two counties were in constant contact, he was pretty confident she'd develop some sort of portal or such.  Something far beyond his scope as a detective to have to deal with.  He'll file his report and just have to wait and see what comes of it.  "I'm sure you will," he smiled at the mayor who seemed to be buzzing with ideas on how to improve himself and his town now out from under the dark wizard.  Thistle was going to have her hoofs full.

Igniting his horn he gripped the pitcher of water and poured himself a mug of water instead of the available brew.  Putting the pitcher back down, he used his hoof instead to pick up the mug and take his swig.  Cool, refreshing, everything a recovering body needs.  Rising Dusk had indeed noticed the patchwork ascetic the town of Oaksbrook had taken on.  Each house telling a story of how a people had to continue to exist under the blight Twisted had cast upon them.  It was pretty easy to see how their stunted development was so far behind other places in the world like Equestria.  Fashion is one thing, but their technology was another.  A culture shock was on the horizon as they realigned to the light, he was pretty sure that if he even did return, it would be quite different.

Bowing his head in respect as the mayor departed, "Of course."  Considering the fact though, of those that had the power to make the distance to collect him, minus any alicorns, that only leaves The Captain and his sister that he knows of.  And when any of these ponies show up to get him, he's pretty sure their arrival will make enough of a spectral that he won't need to tell the mayor himself of his departure.

Left with Wisp again, it was time to meet her pet undead bird Chirpy.  He listened to the mare talk about her pet the same way a pony in Equestria would about a living one.  Pets in Harrowmark ultimately last longer as they serve as companions in both life and death.  This large raven though had an extra layer the detective could see as most pets didn't have weaves of magic to look at.  Putt his mug down, he held out his hoof for the metal bit the bird had gone out its way to gift to him.  "A pleasure, Chirpy," the unicorn greeted with a smile.  "The spell used to animate Chirpy is very nicely done.  A firmly defined Quessence and Sergile.  Black weave, shinny, not oily or tar.  Outlined in the traditional necrotic green with a nice hum to radiates with Chirpy's movements.  No malice, no ill intent," he explained.  It was always difficult to describe how he saw the world, but it was fun to try at times.  Hardly anything he said made much sense though.  Rising Dusk chuckled, "Means he's a good bird."

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby thought for a second, also trying to sense if there was something that would indicate a way in, a door handle or something, but besides the wagon and cold (and nails and such on the shacks), there was no metal around "I guess we should just start looking for a hatch or something, there doesn't seem to be any metal handles, so use that information as you will." she was tempted to just transform and burn down everything to make the finding easier, but that would have been a bad idea. She then made her way right above the gold, and started searching the area from there, drawing a mental image in her head about what the room could look like based on the golds position and such..


Nada smiled when Berry seemed to enjoy her joke, she had always like to see creatures be happy because of something she said or did, that's why she liked to sing to others so much "Thank you." she thanked for the compliment, though it didn't really give anything to her, since complimenting siren's voice was...well, it was like complimenting a pony for standing on four legs, there really wasn't sirens that didn't have a good singing voice, since that was the main thing their kind did. "And I would be more than happy to learn more...up-to-date songs, though when you think about it, it may actually be the old songs that wipe the floor, since I'm sure that besides anypony who was alive before the banishment, no pony knows most of them." she looked thoughtful "Though they probably won't understand many of them either, since the old language was quite different."  



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Rising Dusk

The raven pushed the piece of metal the last way when it seemed like Rising were ready to take it, and croaked lowly once he took it, and started to give him compliments. What of it the raven could understand sounding like it at least. Ravens were smart birds, but trying to grasp magic were out of their league. The last bit were not, and he proudly puffed up his chest as yet another pony - someone he had never seen no less - agreed that he were a good bird.

This whole display just made Wisp laugh a little more. A pearly chuckle that wouldn't go far, considering the sounds from all around them and the fact that she held a hoof up in front of her muzzle out of politeness, yet she just couldn't contain herself.

"Please forgive me, it's just funny to see how you two got along Dusk. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw something that made me laugh like this."

Harromark hadn't been a place for joy for a very long time now, and especially not this close to the center of the darkness. Only the sadistic had glee in mind when darkness spread so wide and the light slowly died, and those of the wilderness witches who shared in the wants that drove Twisted were more than pleased over how times had changed. They wouldn't have much to laugh at for long now though.

"And he really is a good bird, long as you pay him for his work. If he doesn't get a treat when he delivers a message he gets cranky sand steals things as ransom. He mostly prefers rabbit."

He wouldn't touch live prey if he got bribed to it though. Wriggling, squirming little critters weren't his taste. Slabs of dried meat though, that were a favorite of Chirpy, and mostly the only food he got, beyond the occasional cadaver he'd stumble over now and again. Turns out that being undead, you didn't need as much food anymore as you once did. On the plus side, they could eat rotten things without getting diseases, so convenient cleanup crew weren't hard to find in a the shape of a flock of these cadaver birds.

"I wish I could talk about the magic that drives him, but magic studies were forbidden here. We barely manage to do any magic in general as it is, out of fear that he would spot potential and force us to become apprentices of his.

Though uhm... We may have sneaked in some things over the years that he didn't seem to notice, so the mayor may know something. I for one though, are just happy that it ended like this, and not with Chirpy coming back as a wicker bird. Not the most hostile of creatures, but they are still savage and wild. Perhaps it were due to Twisted and the darkness he poured into the ground, or they have always been so? I'm not sure, yet I still think that the wicker creatures are usually the worst thing one can reawaken as in Harrowmark.

Hopefully now that the goddess of peaceful rest have gotten her herald back, there are a greater chance that upon death, we will not have to wander the lands again, but can just slumber eternally under her wings. That is what high priestess Thistle says will happen at least, to those who have faith in Viz'nay."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Roger that chief. Let's see what we can find."

Usually Ruby didn't take orders, but this here were fine. Ruby's catch, Ruby's lead. Only fair.

Mighty boring trying to find a hidden entrance though. This place were overgrown and hadn't any obvious entrance to anywhere, though it sounded like it were below them, so that were a start. Meant she didn't need to have to wander around to find an invisible door leading upwards. One time had been plenty enough of that for her taste.

After a few minutes, below some shrubbery, she found something poking up through the greens.

"Hey, I think I found a handle. I'll go get the shovel."

What? She weren't a dog, she didn't dig with her hooves. She'd go grab the shovel and then get on with it, to see if there were really an entrance here, or if it were just some metal or whatever stuck in the ground.



@Catpone Cerberus

"The princesses and the nobles would probably get it. They like theater, operas, all that sorta stuff. We got somepony in Ponyville too called Octavia that's really into classical music. Perhaps you two might end up getting along once they all get to know you."

The mental image of Octavia and Nada on a scene, presenting some sorta big, grandeur performance to the princesses and snooty nobles were a pretty nice one. Hopefully a realistic one too, since that'd really mean that Nada had gotten far. Nobles didn't trust or like anypony other than themselves after all. Okay that were a broad stereotype, but still, a lot of them were kinda mean-spirited and had their noses way up high in the sky.

"What sorta things did you perform with back in the day? Y'know, before went all haywire. Purely just some singing, or did you make a show out of it? Did you have a theater crew perhaps?"




On 6/18/2019 at 2:06 PM, EQ_Theta said:

As for Sen, he came face to face with the little refraction and smiled, gently running one claw over the creature and addressing both him and Omen at the same time. 

“I believe so, Omen. We’ll help him however we can and one day, we’ll all be able to talk to each other like we’re doing now.”

“I don’t doubt your abilities, Shrimp. One step at a time is how you’ll grow and we will go with your pace.”

Shrimp squirmed and chirped as yet another started to pet him. Happy little thing were bathing in the attention and swaying like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.

"Z... Z-he... Zhem?"

The refraction tried his best to say Sen's name, and would nibble playfully towards the longma's claws after he had forced this out of him. Much like with Omen, it were clear that he still weren't developed enough to really grasp how names were supposed to be pronounced, but he were trying, and he felt pretty proud of himself for trying a new word. This however, marked Lin as the last one whom he hadn't tried to say the name off of his three, primary caretakers. Perhaps if she pushed him a little about it, he'd try, but otherwise it were bound to come sooner or later.

On 6/18/2019 at 2:06 PM, EQ_Theta said:

f which…

“I think it is about time we start work on the the diamond, Amethyst. Thank you for accommodating us, for the information, and for the tea. Let us meet again some time. Perhaps I might be able to bring you some brews from our home."

"It sounds delightful dear. And know that from the bottom of my heart, I thank you profoundly for saving my friends, and doing your best to bring to light the one whom hurt them. May Celestia watch over you all, til our paths crosses again. Within the week I suppose, seeing as the diamond must be cut once it is fully cleansed, yet all in due time. Let the little one work at his own pace, and we will meet in due time."

Getting up, Amethyst emptied the drawer with mint leaves and put it in a little bag, along with the one that Sen had chosen to drink from into a separate bag, and handed them both to the longma siblings.

"A little gift for you. Please, I insist."

Lin for one had clearly enjoyed her tea, and while these leaves were perhaps not the easiest ones to come around, Amethyst could simply go to her friends shop and buy another bag of them. It were not the first time, and it wouldn't be the last either, as sometimes Amethyst did have company that liked tea, and it were hardly ever the case that folks picked every variant equally. usually there were a few favorites that went away somewhat quickly.



@Seamore Sandwich

This were a far more interesting target for the thieves, that were certain. 

A bloated rich pony, showing off his wealth wherever he went would be a prime target for some kind of robbery, and quite frankly, he would deserve it. Travelling like this and parading your own often ill-gotten blessings got no sympathy from Zhu, though he could not say that he found pleasure in what had to be done regardless. His ensuing bad day seemed near destined to be felt by those working for him, as well as his family, though of course, things may still change. The odds were not high, but there were the option that after the robbery, he'd return a changed pony, whom had learned a lesson about flaunting his wealth, and take others for granted. Unlikely, but plausible.

How to make this cart hit the trap above the wagons in front though, that were the question.

Zhu could simply have the cart lifted and smacked down on said trap with somewhat strain, and force him into the trap, yet that wouldn't help them to move more subtly in this manner. He could divert the wagons in front slightly, leaving an opening by forcing whom were pulling to wander to the side somewhat with a pressure point of wind.

However, he felt a more... Subtle approach could be met, and as such, he silently focused what magic he had into making the dirt near the trap, and in a line across the path, rise up enough to give a sort of small speed bump/tiny hill, yet also make it so that the trap shouldn't be hitting the first wagon that would go over it. This were going to be strained for Zhu though, as it were quite a bit of weight to prevent from going through, as well as ensuing that it, and the others near it, would get through this in a stable manner as to not draw suspicion.

Nothing were perfect though, and it may well be that the first one would drop through and hit the trap, as he would underestimate what went on here, in which case they had to take more drastic measures. Other things could also go wrong, but the stored spells that he had on him in the varied trinkets and amulets he were carrying could potentially help them with that when time came. They would see how this would go. With some luck, the first would succeed, and he could drop the rich pony straight into the trap, instead of quite literally forcing them to stay here by say, taking the wind away around their faces, and deprive them of ozygen enough that they may pass out. An easy way to do this, but it would perhaps draw suspicion, so that were option number two right now. One way or another, these ponies were to stay here though, he would ensure that.



@Seamore Sandwich

"It sounds as if there is a plan in motion. However, in case you need me further for retrieval of something you have need of, you may find me in the records room. I have something which I need to procure from there, if it still remains. Omen, if you would follow me please?"

With that, Belladonna would bow her head to Marcus before they both departed, with her heading out to see if she could find the information on Filigree that may have been left behind when she were part of this place. Her original reason to come here, and one she would not forget, now that she did not have more pressing matters. Were Marcus to send word to her that he needed something though, it could be arranged, and the records would wait for another time.

Her brothers life were on the line here. Surely the longma and their friends would understand a certain prioritizing happening when that were the stakes she had in this mission of Marcus's. Hopefully he were not only as good as the tomes had said, but indeed stronger. If not, then those he brought better be, so that they could complete their mission, reclaim their target, and give new life to those who had given nearly all they had for the cause.




"We got spiders that makes hay here. I mixed them with scarecrows for funsies, and now this place have hay. Also a lot of really aggressive, bird-eating spiders, but that's kinda cool too."

Getting to the pony int he water, they'd find... Are you for real?

"Yep. It's a mirror slime. I sorta thought they had all been eaten by now. Spiff!"

*Sigh* A blue pool indeed had a pony in it below the surface, yet said pony didn't seem to be able to get out as he in panic kept hammering on the other side of the gelatinous goo creature that slowly moved across the ground.

"It hides on trees like flat disks, mimicking a mirror, and when somepony then comes to look into it- *Snap! You're grabbed and dragged into it's stomach. The water's gonna drown him and then fill with sto-oooh, right. We need him alive to attend the wedding. Eh, alright."

Signalling a nearby tree, Anomaly would make it spit out a big ol' hammer towards her, that she'd then swing down like they were at a carnival fair, which shattered the surface of the slime, and allowed the pony to get up, gasping for air.

"You made me hit my poor, innocent murder slime. You better be nice the rest of the day mister. Henry? Think you can take him to the wedding area? It's where we made the fun houses."

Henry nodded at the request and took the somewhat delusional pony in his grip and walked back to where they came from with the equine solidly planted in the meaty hand he also wandered on when going. The pony would be safe, but he'd end up getting a nervous breakdown like this.

"Make sure he gets to the bar snoochums! He's gonna need like, the entire thing. Twice."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Sweet Scoop

Stare gave a small wave back at Storm after she were addressed. The mare were part ofpartir exchange of goods with the bakery, and since Stare were the main server in this place, they had tun into another quite a few times here. Alonsus didn't know that, but seeing that the two mares knew eachother made him almost glow, whilst a bigger grin spread on his face. To him, this seemed like a friend of Stare, and he would have said something about this, if it were not for the dressed up mare that Storm seemingly knew well too coming towards the desk to order herself. Plus, for some reason it seemed that Storm ignored him.

...Nah  surely she were just busy with her friends and distracted. Alonsus would not simply be ignored with little reason, certainly.

"A ginger stew? Worry not madame, Alonsus shall comply."

He'd give her a warm, winning smile, and wander to the kitchen through the door behind him to get Chop Chop on it. He figured that Stare could handle expediting the first mare if she so preferred.

Stare however, just looked on as said mare left without paying. She didn't like conflict that much, so in cases like this she'd just remember who it were, and let their boss know. Usually they just left the bill for the next time whoever got in here again. Some folks were in a mighty big hurry sometimes after all, so sometimes it slipped their minds. If they did just bail on it and didn't show for days on end, Straw usually just wrote it off and instructed the baristas to not serve said being again. Usually too little to bring the authorities into things for in his mind.

However, said mare did return, and started to space outside the store. Since she weren't sure what to do here, Stare would go outside to her and figure out what the case were.

As she walked out, Alonsus would be firmly back at the counter again.

"It will be done with four to five minutes madame. Alonsus assures you of it.

Would you like a table to wait at until it is done?"

Little thing honestly looked like she could really use a bowl or five right now, but Alonsus weren't here to judge the customers like that. They had rules against that, and really  if the mare chose to be this thin, who were he to twll her otherwise? Unless of course it were a health hazard. It were hard to say how bad it were with that dress if hers on.

Outside, Stare would approach Storm and once she were sure the mare had bitten notice in the company, would say the first words.

"Is everything okay, Storm?"




The wingtip and words stopped Fah'lina from going on the attack, but she were still standing on a nearby object, back arched and growling ever so slightly at the speed talker. Already she didn't like this one.

Ziggy were a completelt different matter. Soon as the filly came over and started talking to her, the energy that just sparked from the little thing just infected Ziggy and she quickly grabbed hold of the filly and lifted her into the air.

"Zegasus, hi!"

Then Ziggy would take her into a big hug, whildt flying a half meter above ground, and making a *yeeeeey* sound.

After about fifteen seconds, she would hold the filly in stretched hooves again, with a near crazed joy going over her face.

"Filly filly, how you do? My name's Ziggy, who are you?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

That's when Lucid realized Anomaly was a little too crazy. He didn't think Anomaly took the lives of others seriously enough.

"You should really take their lives seriously."

Novia agreed.

"I have to agree here."

Lumen didn't pay attention since he was busy watching for penguins, but he would agree.

"Where are the penguins?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom
She looked to Chow, smirking a bit as she chuckled to herself "So there wasn't a point in letting her blackmail me then. Though if I know where she's going I can figure out what she's doing"

"Still feels foolish, not all the guards would know after all." Iron looked to Chow, looking a bit distraught at his question "Before Sapphire met me, she'd do anything to get what she wants, now in the situation she's in, she might very well return to those habits to get her body. But I also know what they need to do it."

"you suggesting we find it for them?"

"Possibly, but with this weird guard thing happening just now... Not sure if we should."

Astral rolled her eyes and looked to Chow and Misty. "I'm probably good for now with magic, I could handle this other situation. Iron, I trust you, for now." She glanced at him, then at the ground nervously. "Seeing how you didn't run away when you had a chance. Now to find out where Null and Void are, unfortunately we don't know their current location."

He smirked and walked back inside, looking to Astral. "You seem to forget I could find out." His eyes turned white for a moment, before they turning back to normal. "The hospital apparently."

"Oh, well I'll go find them then" she said, teleporting away.

Opal laughed to herself, looking down from the roof of Astrals house. "That mare isn't as smart as I thought, only protecting her door." She chuckled again, teleporting to the hospital.
"Magic probably." He chuckled as he looked to the map, rubbing the back of his head. "How is it there?" He looked to Tidal Wave. "Oh wait, we'll find out when we get there I suppose"

"Why are you sorry for me?" Chariot chuckled to himself. "Far as I'm concerned I deserve this." He lowered his head, but kept a weird smile, as if he was ensured by something, but it didn't appear he was planning anything "But I can handle it here."



Zealous looked around, taking all the stuff in, a neutral expression to all the items, seemingly uninterested. "Keep in mind I know less about all of this than you do." He said, looking to Watts

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom The Filly is practically vibrating, "IamBrindisi" Her horn lights up in a faint blue glow, "Ivenevermetazegasusbeforeoneofmyschoolmatesisaseaponyandshesreallycoolandohserenademomisbehindyou". She giggles, breaks free of Ziggy's grasp and zooms around the mare, taking in everything. A cough breaks the filly's attempt to break the land speed Record by a Unicorn, and the Brindisi stops, gulps and turns her head. "Heymom",

An older Unicorn mare stands there, looking almost like a statue. She has dark blue fur, a faded copper mane. But that three most obvious points are....the chipped and blunted Horn, the missing right foreleg and the four massive parallel scars that run down her body, starting at the top of her skull, running down and across her right eye, which is milky white. From there, they run down her neck, across the right shoulder and down her body, ending at her flank and the ruined cutie mark. 

Upon seeing this mare Serenade immediately turns into a large version of the filly, leaping and wrapping the mare in a winged hug. "MOTHER!" Serenade giggles and nuzzles the mare. 

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@Blitz Boom

“Many thanks. Now it’s certain I’ll have to stop by with a sample for you, Amethyst. Not that that’s a terrible thing…” 

Lin gleefully accepted the gift before putting it away in Sen’s pack. She wishes she could find Filigree sooner but even with that matter settled, there is still the time-bound matter of the diamond chunk. Between that and having to move back and forth between Canterlot and the city outskirts, they wouldn’t be able to head on home just yet. Such is the way things are but they are now dug in deep; the way out is to see this matter to the end. Filigree made this personal, much more so than it used to. 

Meanwhile, Sen could only smile and happily play along with Shrimp, using one of his talons and mimicking the movements of a worm. This probably means they are now on good terms with each other. Without hesitation, Sen moved in closer and nuzzled the little creature. 

“Very good, Shrimp! And you will get better and better.”

A gate opened nearby, just next to the door to the shop. Beyond it was the same cave they departed from in the morning, isolated but close by in case they are ever needed in Canterlot again. Sen picked up the little refraction, placing him on his head and grabbing the diamond chunk before walking over to the gate.

“Sen, Omen, we’ve got some work to do.”

The siblings respectfully bowed to Amethyst before walking through the gate, though they would wait for Omen to step through before sealing the gate. On the other side, Sen dropped the heavy chunk on the ground and brought Shrimp close to examine the diamond.

“This one will take a while but Amethyst says you can cleanse this diamond. You do what you do best and we’ll get you some vegetables and berries so you won’t get sick of gems.”

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@Catpone Cerberus 

You're right! I am Overly Long & Complicated! Widdershins waves his scarf-like, arm-length ears into the air; continuing to use them to gesture wildly and most likely intentionally taunting the cathorse with the waggling motion the latter had priorly mentioned. A pretty apt observation, you!

 Hum-Hah. You're mispronouncing that, you know.  Widdershins mulls out loud, laying on his back as if cloud gazing and having a deep, philosophical discussion with a lifelong friend.

It's "Dakonnaguess." *

And we, as a species, at least along conventual terminology of that term, simply become. Some of us chose to become what we are & some of us were one all along. One theory states that we're all born in a side-pocket-dimension! But point is! We are, for lack of a more succinct term: Living Concepts! 

 Short of the Long of it is, we come from alotta places!

Course. I... haven't actually met too many of my own kind, often.

 Maybe I ain't supposed to share this with mortals, buuuut… Word is that Equestria is a breeding ground for Draconehwhee! We do fit a loose definition after all. Most of us look a lot more normal**. Think there's at least two of us here that are just regular ponies that don't even know their draconequee.


 If I can trade you right back a query of my own...

 So what was it, your Father a cat and ya Mother the pony? Like, Biological, Yo?




 * Author's Note: Widdershins is incapable of pronouncing his own species name. Considering the amount of tongues he's collected inside his head, he has a rather wide range of vocal mastery despite his malfunctioning mouth. Clearly, he's mispronouncing on purpose.

** Well, Normal-In-Context anyway.


… Stop that. You're not allowed to provide clarifying structure to what was previously written. 

But i'm also you! By merit of being aware of being a written character!

 I'm putting a stop to this fourth wall breaking before it detracts further from our entry into the rp thread.


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom


Storm panics. "...I screwed up and forgot my wallet at home. Should I...uh, work the debt off?" Nervous sweat began dripping down her head as many thoughts coursed through her mind. Suddenly, the the ground began vibrating in a small area. She thought happy things, and the rumbling stopped. 

"Sorry. That's...yeah. Or should I just go home and get my wallet? I'll pay double for the trouble, Stare..." She gives a shaky smile.


Betsy shakes her head. "I'll sit once I've got my meal, sir." She stepped to the side and waited, staring forwards blankly. She didn't let her thoughts flow as to attempt avoiding conversing with the clearly talkative stallion. Her stomach growled loudly. She blushed from embarassment. Realizing he'd probably look in her direction, she directed her gaze towards the kitchen and the busy chef.

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Dawn looked at the ground from on top of the dragon's back and then out to the town in the direction. "To the east," Dawn told him, sounding defeated and rather tired from what they've just been through. "About a ten minute flight."

@Blitz Boom


"Booze? Wine? Alocohool?" Aurora was unsure of what Happy was saying, and thankfully, it was distracting enough to get her back into a relatively normal and upbeat mood from all the fighting that had transpired. "I have never heard of these things. I think my parents avoided using them in front of me or something. Do you think you can explain further?" she then took a breath and let it out slowly, looking between the trees in case anything else jumped out at them. "I'm glad the Timberwolves weren't some kind of big monster though. I've heard of Ursas, but, never seen one. Heard they have beautiful, star-studded coats too, wouldn't mind a glimpse of one."

@Blitz Boom


"Hatred? That's an Element?" Karmic asked in quiet shock, her head looking up Enzo's neck to the back of his head. "You were helping guard an emotion?" Her questions died on her tongue though when she listened to the rest and she grew quiet, thinking, and look, at the roiling waves below them. She watched the waves calm as they approached land and spoke up again. "I have felt loneliness. For the longest time, I was lonely and, just wandering Equestria. I had to fend for myself, but it didn't help that I'd often go in a trance. As much as I want Atzy out of my head ... I like her constant noise. It means I have something to listen to rather than imaginary voices of old friends and family in my head."



"Oh, of course, of course!" Watts grinned. "I'm just so glad the shop is still here," she added excitedly, zipping from item to item with excited flutterings of her wings. "But, the owner should be around here somewhere," she said when she looked at the empty cashier counter and went up to it. A couple of knocks on the counter, and a pony with a shock of white mane and a white coat emerged from the door behind the counter. Watts and the shopkeep chatted about gizmos and gadgets until he disappeared into the backroom and came back with an item. It was a harness, and attached to it, between where the wings should go, was a small device. Watts thanked him, and then gestured to Zealous before tapping her head and shrugging. The shopkeeper disappeared into the backroom once more and handed her a few different items this time around. One was a tool that looked like it was meant for scraping bone, or in this case bone protrusions such as a horn. A second was a crystal imbued with magic and the third item were a pack of screws. Watts thanked him graciously, paid for it all with her bits, and placed the items in her saddlebags.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Ruby searched around in a certain pattern that let her cover lot of space quickly, though it wasn't enough since spicy found what they were looking for first. She went to look at what spicy found, because she was curious why she hadn't been able to sense the handle, though there was several reasons why it could be, the most obvious one being that it was made of wood or something else non-shiny, but if that wasn't the case, it could be either so rusted that she couldn't sense it, or so misshaped that she didn't realize it's a handle. She waited for Spicy to finish digging. 


Nada was thoughtful about Berry's first comment, but didn't say anything to it. "Just singing, I had a specific place where I sang but besides some chairs for ponies there wasn't anything special there." "I did dance a bit too of course, but I wouldn't necessarily call that part of a show since I do it naturally, it helps me to get into the song better." she looked thoughtful "I wonder if that place is still there, I mean, the forest has expanded so much it has most likely taken it over, but it could still be recognizable."



"huh." Cerberus simply let out, seeming almost disappointed about the response, it was kinda what he was expecting, it would have been so much more interesting if they actually had parents. But even though that was a disappointment, hearing about possible Dracone...whatever that look like normal ponies was intriguing, maybe even he was one and he just didn't know it.

"I actually don't know where I come form, or why my birth name is the same as a three headed dog guarding Tartarus." "The ponies who I know as my parents told me that I was just left on their door with a message that asked them to take care of me and told them my name is Cerberus." "At first they thought I was just a weird cat but they soon learned what I actually was." "And apparently this happened just after them deciding that they should adopt a foal, and I mean just after, like few minutes after." He looked thoughtful "Actually now that I mention it, that has been kinda a thing in my life, I'm always in the right place at right time." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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"Hey, I do take life seriously. I saved her, right? I wasn't the one who did a bad teleport spell and made them all fall all over my personal island. This place's dangerous for normal, boring creatures, since I wanted to give everything here a fair fighting chance. Even the sugar dogs can be kinda dangerous.

And penguins... I think the platypus ate most of them like, five years ago. If there's any of them left, they're probably below ground somewhere. I mixed them with moles, hehe."

What? Wasn't like they could fly anyway, so what were the big deal in her switching their habitat from water, to dirt?




Ziggy had been vibrating with energy almost as much as the filly had when she broke free. If it weren't because of the medicine currently still in her system, all they'd be seeing would be a white and pink blur, along with a gleeful *eeee* sound cascading around them. It was just hard not to be caught up in energy like what this filly had

Once Ziggy heard that Serenade's mom were here though, the energized zegasus turned to face that mare with a big, joyful grin plastered over her face, yet as her eyes laid on the mare and saw her scars and missing limb, a sort of mixture of worry and sympathy immediately went over her eyes, and the smile stiffened on her face.

Pushing the glass-less spectacles up her face again she'd go over to the mare and start circulating her, looking over the damages, whilst mumbling a few phrases like *poor thing* and *that one must've really hurt*. She were a doctor, she cared for the well-being of others, and seeing this made her concerned on an instinctual level.

Fah'lina just stood to the side on a crate, still none too happy with the filly, and eyeing the mother with a curious glance. This were the food giver? She seemed hurt. That must mean she had been fighting something nasty, yet were strong, as she were alive, so... Don't attack this one.




Shrimp looked at Lin with confusion plastered over his small face as she spoke. As he weren't certain what were going on, he'd turn his attention towards Omen, hoping that she could tell him what he were supposed to do here, since it sounded important. He just didn't know what exactly were asked of him, as *cleansing* were a term he didn't get. He were less than a week old. That he understood the rest were honestly kind of impressive.

In response, Omen just pointed towards the cluster and gave off a short, simple reply, giving off what she knew about all of this.

"Eat that, do not break it."

Shrimp's eyes got wide and with a happy chirp, he'd lounge straight at the cluster, and soon as his teeth were securely on the gem, he'd begin draining it of color. It were going to take a while as Amethyst said, and he'd need breaks in between, but perhaps some days forth they'd have this done. Until then, they had a bit of breathing time to work with. They might have to remember to not stand too close to Shrimp when energy would start to crackle along his scales though, or they'd get a face full of disorienting glitter fire.

"He eats. What do we do now?"

They had some option s to pick from, ranging from just sitting here and waiting, which as this would take like half a week with breaks included, would likely bore Sen and Lin to tears at some point.

They could also have sneak peeks in and see how Rosa did, though it were likely better to give him some breathing room, so that Stargazer wouldn't get annoyed with intruders again.

Of course, they could also return to the longma village and relay some things on the elder, along with trying to fix up their home a bit more.

These were just three out of likely dozens of options that they could do. Now it were just to figure out what path they'd go down.




Chow kept his trap shut until after Astral had gone, since his input really didn't seem needed before that. Plus they kept yapping on, so who had the chance?

"This here's a right ol' mess Iron, lemme tell ya.

I'm leaving for the hospital to check up on things. Astral might be good with magic and all, but those two stops all kinds of magic from going on. If it's down to a physical bash, I ain't sure she'd gonna do all that greatly, no offense. She's a real pistol, but just saying, magic users usually aren't good at brawling.

Though ergh... Mind giving me one of them teleports to make it a quick trip? Otherwise I'll probably be a bit late in it."

Chow looked all kinds of uncomfortable asking this, but it felt like it were best to, just in case something were gonna go down and he had to be there fast. Sure Chow were still tired and not at his a game, but his b game would still be better in kicking things 'round than the general magic user at their best, soon as magic weren't an option anymore.

"And y'know, for the record? If we're helping 'em get their bodies back together, I'll be standing ready with a knife. I don't trust Emerald further than I can throw her."




"It's a mighty fine place Wings. Soon as we're done with this trial, I might just have to get you a tour there, so you can see what the Coastal Guard is all about. Just a bit of a tip here though: Don't start to try and waft around you with anything that sounds like you're ordering us to do things differently. The Coastal Guard have their pride and traditions, and since historically the city guards liked to think they're better than us, we're quick to push back against their attempts at changing us up. Seven generals in your job tried and failed, and trust me, you ain't gonna be the one to suddenly change it up.

For now though, let's get to walking. I'm sure the bunker's gonna be about ready now. Follow me."




"Even if you uhm, as you put it, *deserve this*, that doesn't mean that I can't be sorry for the rushed nature of, y'know, all of this. I'm a medic, I want things to be best from a medical standpoint, and in my opinion, it would have been better to wait with all of this. Rushing isn't going to ensure comfort for any patient, and you're uhm... Well, patient now, and then perhaps I'm ending up as your reforming officer, I guess? We'll see.

Just uhm... Try to relax. Do you need some water?"

Hogweed were too good of herself sometimes, but it were as she said, she cared for her patients, and much as Chariot were a prisoners with good reason to be in this room, that didn't mean that he weren't still a patient.




At the hospital, Null would be in a room with Void, a doctor, and two guards. It would be the room right next to where the unconscious ambassador would be resting for now, and nothing were really going in said room. They were just getting Void a check up, and she seemed to have a bit of gauze to her head, where her fall had caused a wound that had to be cleansed and then patched up. Overall it seemed pretty relaxed.

They also had none of the things on them they usually had int he saddlebags. Likely in the vault.



@Sweet Scoop

Stare looked down confused as the ground started to shake. It were brief, but still, what were going on there? Probably something strange they did in town. All sorts of noise and vibrations could come around then when especially Pinkie Pie toyed around. A strange mare that one. Never seemed quite right.

"I can just put it on your tab, and you can pay it the next time you come around. Straw understands that sometimes, everypony can forget, and Alonsus can be distracting."

She had no interest in him as a sort of coltfriend or anything like that, but she knew that in varied ways, he had a very... Bombastic personality that tended to sometimes cause others to get distracted from whatever they had been thinking off before that, and then they might forget to pay. Another reason that Straw had his system in check, in case he had to use Alonsus to serve others for the time being.

And speaking off, inside, as the mare's stomach rumbled, he'd give a concerned look towards Betsy and leaned forward a little out of instinct. Barely a few inches though.

"Don't worry madame, I'll make sure your food will be served right away when he's done. Would you like to pay for it now, so that there is no delay once he is done? It is 3 bits if so."

Concern would be in his voice too as he spoke to her about the frankly cheap dish. Ginger weren't really that expensive, so it made for a good, tasty, yet cheap sort of food to sell off. It were quick to make too, which just made it even better.

Behind him, in the kitchen area, Betsy would be able to catch glimpses of the cook, who were a grey-marine sort of color, with a short mane and tail, and old scars over his midsection that made it pretty clear that he had been in the jaws of a rather large shark. His face also had several marks to tell that it weren't just the body that had taken damage, along with his right front leg. A grizzly sight for some, but it were in the eye of the beholder.




"You dunno what booze is? Awh, you poor thing. Here, lemme show you one."

Happy floated a bottle out of his wagon. It were a pretty simple bottle, yet inside of it, were a golden-brown liquid swirling around.

"This here's a fine one, it's called bourbon. Pretty high alcohol percentage, and with a smooth aftertaste. Mostly meant for small glasses.

Alcohol's pretty much just something that gets into your blood stream and causes you to get all woozy and weird. Kinda like a mixture of being disoriented and not giving a rats about it, but in a good way. That's mostly if ya get drunk though. If you just have it for the taste, it can provide some proper rich flavor, and mellow you out to feel all sorts of relaxed and with a bit of a buzz keeping you placated.

Kinda hard to explain, though tell ya what, I'm gonna pop some open once we run into Thorax to use as a sort of peace offering. I'll share then. Wait, no, no, hold on. I gotta know how old you are first. I don't wanna serve minors."

he floated the bottle back to where it came from and locked the door behind him with the key under the metal plate around his neck.

"And yeah, those bears are mighty pretty. Starry as the night, and tall as a bugbear. Trust me, you don't wanna mess with 'em if you can avoid it."




"The Elements of Disharmony are the opposite of the ones you ponies like. Laughter becomes depression, loyalty into deceit, and yes, kindness turns to hatred. As I heard it, they also become weaker when they are together, but I cannot say for certain."

Enzo listened to what Karmic said as they crossed over the sea and finally had land beneath them again. Less overgrown, and seemed to have some regular forest life down there with a few boars being visible, along with several birds. They'd soon be where they had to be.

"Believe me little one, when I tell you that I understand. Any voice is better than the crushing silence that comes from being alone.

However, you two will tears your body apart if you remain together. She must be given form of her own, though perhaps then you two will be able to see eye to eye, and find common ground to bond over. I have been lead to believe that having friends can be a powerful thing."

The sphinx made no illusions about his own place in this grand picture. His kind were not beloved by the ponies, and the feeling were often mutual, so his escape from the loneliness would be to hear the voices of others, be they mocking or otherwise. Karmic here though, would be able to gain friendship and perhaps more, if she were to try. It depended somewhat on her visions though. Some seers or oracles that he had heard of in those of the old legends that he could still remember, had not been able to be near others without having near constant visions. That may well be a large issue, were Karmic to have the same problem.

"How come you have wandered on your own? Does your visions increase in number when more are near?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Spicy would be back soon after with a shovel and would start digging away, whistling as she went along.

"Reminds me of the good ol' days of helping the old geezer in the coal mines. Heh, good times."

Seeing the handle more and more exposed, it were indeed not metal as Spicy had thought, but varnished wood, that even after what seemed like some time underground, had still been able to give off a bit of a shiny. Pretty nice hoofwork honestly. If the one who'd done this were still alive, Spicy had several things back home she'd love to get looked at to make 'em all polished and sturdy, but most buried things were pretty old, so who knew? Might be whoever did this had been here a week ago, or a thousand years. Nopony could know for sure.

After a good chunk of digging down around a half meter, where the handle turned out to be a big circle one of it's kind, attached to a sturdy wooden hatch, she'd wipe the sweat off her brow and plant the shovel in the ground next to 'em.

"Phewey, that got the blood pumping. You want to honors on this boss?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"You danced? Oh, I've gotta see that. Come on, let's go find what's left of that place you got, and we can have a dance off. I can show you some moves from the newer age that'll rock your fins."

New'ish were perhaps more accurate, but anything less than a millennia sounded like it would be considered new, and as such, it wouldn't be out of style to burst out the disco this time around. Horribly performed disco, since Berry weren't that good of a dancer, but long as she didn't stumble, she'd consider it good enough. Sides, she were getting pretty good at the moon walking, so she could always show off with that one, if the rest failed way too hard.

"Got an idea where it sorta were before? We could go to the old castle and you could use that as a sorta center area to go from, if that's any sorta help?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom Nightlight Harmony looked over the Zegasus, "So these are the two you mentioned in your letters Serry". Serenade blushes, "Mooom." She whines, "That's my filly nickname" Sereande breaks the hug, "But yes. This is Ziggy and this is Fah'lina. Girls, this is my mother Nightlight Harmony". Nightlight Harmony returns the look Ziggy was giving her, then looks over at Fah'lina. "A Mimic...interesting, I've not see one in a very long time." 

The Filly is zipping around in one spot, "Your Father is getting the carriage, I assume your three are hungry." Brindisi stops, and licks her lips....not unlike Fah'lina when she see's food. 

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@Blitz Boom

Well… there is evidence that Shrimp is capable of understanding spoken language to an extent. Seeing him respond to Omen is enough for both Sen and Lin to pick up on this and adjust their methods accordingly when the time comes to start teaching the little creature. Frankly, it will probably be the weirdest thing they might talk about for the time being. It would be like teaching timberwolves to adapt to some form of civilized society, one step below posh parties and hobnobbing with the social elites. Maybe around the those living in Ponyville, that might serve as a baseline comparison. Wordier instructions aren’t going to work for now.

“Someone’s going to have to watch Shrimp for the time being. It’s unlikely for Rosa to be let go any time today but we’ll need to be ready in case he or one of the guards come looking for us.”

“We’ll also need some food for ourselves and for Shrimp, and Elder Ghilan will need another update. I’m up for staying here and taking shifts. We could stick around and explore Canterlot every now and again if we grow bored.”

They all have some options and maybe a few more things will crop up in time. It’ll give them some opportunities to get busy and on the back of Sen and Lin’s minds, there is an apparent backlog of places to visit. This could be their chance to tick off a few of those lingering in their mental checklist and it can lead into something new. Of course, someone will have to remain and take the brunt of the boredom but it can be alleviated on some days. They’ve got roughly a week with little on their schedule. Now might be the best time to make that free time count. 

“Alright, sounds like we have some of our concerns covered. Omen, would you come with me? There’s something you might want to see.”

Lin opened another gate behind her, this one leading back to the village outskirts. Given how uncertain the villagers are of foreign magic, it would be best to not startle them for now. There is a nice spot hidden within trees and foliage near the village perimeter that works, safe from wandering eyes.

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby went next to hatch, and as she opened it, she did her best to stay away from top of it in case there was any traps, and she didn't look into the hole under it until a moment after the hatch had been fully open. What Spicy wouldn't be able to notice, was that Ruby was highly uncomfortable now that she knew how much ground there was above the space they were going into. "Do you have any source of light we could use?" the darkness didn't bother her since she could just bring out her lizard eyes to see in the darkness, but it was always nicer to have less risks to get revealed be taken.


"Not that kind of dancing." Nada said with a chuckle "It's just spinning and moving around, but isn't any movement done with music or song considered dancing?" she didn't see herself learning any specific dance moves because she figured that dance moves of four legged ponies doesn't really fit a siren. "I have a slight idea where it was, because I vaguely remember the route from there to the lake I was hiding in." "So if you remember where the lake is looking from here, I can go from that." 



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom


Storm nodded, shooing off her embarassment. "Thanks..but I was going home anyways. I'll come back, as long as nothing happens, with the money." She waves to Stare and dashes off to her small, affordable house. It was nothing elaborate, just enough for a single mare to get by in. Setting her drink down on her small, wooden desk which doubled as a table for her, Storm went to her bedroom. The room was painted black and the windows covered for an easy sleep. The open window made it breezy. 

She checked her savings bank. Still not enough... She'd recently gotten word her younger sister had gone missing, and was saving up to pay a private detective to find her. She figured that in four months she'd be able to afford it almost exactly. 

She opened her wallet, only to find it devoid of anything. A thought occurred to her - she never opens her window. The ground shook again. She shook it off and begrudgingly took three bits from her savings. She ran back to the restaurant. It was mostly smooth, save for tripping into a puddle, and she dashed, crashing into the doors of the establishment.


Betsy nods. "Yes, please." Reaching into her satchel, she retrieved the coins and dropped them on the counter. She did not even notice she had overpayed, and kept staring. She had to wonder what happened for the chef to look the way he did. A thought came in to her mind - her employers wanted her to at least try communicating. So she asked of the chef, "Sir? Don't you find it overly tempting working with food? It's much healthier to only eat every few days...no? Don't you get tempted to eat what you make?"

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@Blitz Boom


"I'm detaching you from your stick so you can roam freely, or at least place your possession on something you can take with you," Twilight told Cherish as a reminder, but it was more her speaking her thoughts out loud rather than a chat. She carefully scrutinised the details of the spell and what needed to be done, along with the ingredients. "We're going to need a fair  few ingredients. By my count, about five, one for each point of the pentagram. They're placed in a circle ... I'm getting ahead of myself. We need to get the ingredients first. And I don't have any of these, fantastic," she groaned when she did a mental count of her stores and tapped her head with her hoof before looking at both the ghost and Last. "We need to go on a search because the first ingredient requires a Tatzlwurm flower."

Edited by Dji



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom


"If alcomoholl ... aclo ... hole. That stuff," Aurora waved at the bourbon that Happy had put away and coughed a couple of times to get her voice under control. "If it does all that, why the heck does everyone like it so much!? From what I remember seeing thanks to that description, it does nothing but 'anger up the blood' as my da says."

@Blitz Boom


"Why are we in a forest?" Atzy questioned Karmic and the pony in question grimaced.

"I'm with my mental companion," Karmic grumbled. "Why are we going over a forest? What are we even going to get?" she then realised Enzo had asked her something and searched through what he had just said before sighing quietly in a more subdued manner. "My visions ... are iffy. I haven't had them lately but that's most likely because of Atzy. They either come true, or they don't. I got sent to jail in Canterlot a lot because I was too busy being an airhead and spouted off random future events that got everypony annoyed."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk was by no means a comedian, so a comment akin to saying she hasn't laughed like this before is more a testament to just how bad a way Harrowmark was in.  Taking the offered metal bit gifted from the bird, he put it into the pouch of his dirty hoodie.  Returning the mug of water to his now free hoof and nodding, it was nice to see such things return to this dark land.  Things that a pony from Equestria took for granted it would seem.  Swirling about the clear liquid inside of his mug while he looked down into it.  A distorted image of his own face staring back at him.  To think, just a week ago he was introducing a sentient mechanical spider bot to the scrap yard crew in his local area and now he just finished battling a dark wizard that had cast the light out of a distant land.  How fast the world to take interesting turn.  Hopefully the sister would be able to return to their new home in Ponyville now without having to look over their shoulders every step.  Would Null have a replacement wing by the time he returned?  Affairs so distorted by being so far from home.

Finally taking a drink from the mug and letting the cool liquid rush down his throat to fill him with that refreshed feeling.  The lack of magical knowledge made sense overall, not that anypony with much of it anyways would understand a word he spoke about the bird.  Twisted wouldn't want a potential resistance rising up in his own backyard from ponies that delved much deeper than the most basic of spells.  Reaching his hoof out too far through, the threat came from well beyond his backyard.  Luckily the sisters of Troy had traveled to a land that had ponies willing to sting back at the hoof stepping out of line.  A dark wizard too use to getting his way with magic also stumbling across a Spell Breaker seemed to end up being his turn of bad luck.

  "Hopefully the word on your Goddess' return will be swift," he wished upon them, glancing at the specter pony.  "Will Thistle now lead Harrowmark, or is there another pony I should mention in my report for the Princesses to considering getting in contact with?" the detective asked.  The fear of revolution always came the issue of power vacuum, which could just as dangerously rip a country apart as a dark wizard.

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