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Blitz Boom

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,


Syo closed the portal with a small flick of her staff. "I didn't realise that she was THAT timid. Of all the creatures and dimensions, it is always the quiet ones that I can't get along well with. I will go and find her..."


Syo did not give any pony much time to tell her otherwise before she blinked away to a place unknown.




"Former home to some magical artifacts? That's more than enough reason for him to be stationed there. But what I don't understand is... who or what would support him? Only some power hungry fool would fall for his temptations... or maybe... someone with suppressed emotions? I don't know enough of this place to form the answer..." Dyr said in a rather quick fashion as she reached the wall.


She walked along the wall for a bit and then she stood back. "A magical territory? You sly dog..." Dyr muttered as she took up her scythe and then winded it up and the blade glowed in a cooling blue. "I see your game, and I am going to play it."


With a heavy swing, Dyr sliced the wall but opened a sort of spacial rift. "Ok, Sole. This is the entrance to his turf. Once inside, stick close and be aware of your surroundings. I know it is a trap and possibly designed for me but... I am not the type that backs away just because it is a trap, I'd face it head on."

(I apologize for my inactivity, I've been pretty busy this week lol)


Sole nodded "You don't have to convince me, Dyr. I agree. If we're gonna walk into a trap, we might as well do it intentionally." He said, grinning with anticipation. Whatever awaited them on the road ahead, it'd be much worse then the few skirmishes they've had so far. He couldn't wait to test his power against a being from another dimension.


"After you" he said jokingly

Edited by ~Sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Do you think I have enough chain to bind my dreams shut from the outside? Do think it will be strong enough to resist anyone or anything, especially somepony as powerful as Luna from getting in?" Allure did not know how this would work or how chains made from her darkest fears and memories would fair holing out those that wished to pry into the sanctum of her unconscious mind. 

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"If we convert your door to a normal door, the chain should at least wrap around once. If Luna were determined, I think she might be able to get in, though I doubt she would try. I've been told that she would not dare enter a dream in which she is not welcome unless the fate of Equestria depended on it. Even she would be at the mercy of whomever's dream she is in if they even had a basic understanding of dream magics, or if they had an Everspirit to help them. If you wrap the door one or two more times, I'm sure she wouldn't be able to get in if she tried. It's your call to make. As it is, most unwelcome entities would be kept out by this," Charlie said.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich


"Pretty sure with what Chrysalis has done, she and Celestia would consider Equestria's fate jeopardized by my mere presence. And I do not know why my door is a revolving one. I suspect, that it might be metaphorical to our shape shifting nature. Like our visage, the door is in an ever changing position, ready to swing one way or the next, not limited by walls, frames or hinges. Or perhaps it is representative of our hive mind. With an ordinary door, one can enter, one can leave, but a revolving door, with the hive mind, many can enter and leave as we please."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"If that's a 'No' on changing your door, then you will need about twice as much chain just to wrap around the door once. In order to keep Luna out, you'll need four times as much chain. Do you really want to go through all of that extra effort?" Charlie explained.


@@Blitz Boom



Seamore just continued his work, waiting for the others to return.


@@Blitz Boom



Luna continued looking through the bookshelves on the opposite side from the others, which was distracting her from the clues in the book titles of the ones from the shelves Omen was searching. By now, if she had focused on that set of bookshelves she would know exactly where to look for the book. It should have been obvious, even to Omen if she could at least understand what Luna was saying when she read the titles.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich, As cresent fell further into his sleeping his dream was an odd one.


 Cresent found himself at a fancy diner with a classy vest on sipping on some cider in a wine glass (the pony equvlint of one) "now I didn't know batponys were found on this side of town" Cresent looked up from his drink to see a stunning looking batmare sitting next to him. The mare looked familiar to cresent but he couldn't place a name to the face.


"that makes two of us, but its not a bad thing is it now?" he waved at the barpony for another Apple cider this one for the mare

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@@Blitz Boom



Nemo walks into the bar and sits down on one of the stools at the other end of the bar. He leans in toward the bar and asks the bartender, "Excuse me good sir, but does this dream belong to you?" At this point, he has a faint smile forming on his face. After he asks, the lights flicker for a moment and the door slams shut, with nopony near it. It couldn't have been Last because she was already too far from the door for it to be her. Nemo didn't flinch, but that was to be expected, at least by Last, as he hadn't shown much emotion up to this point, surprise for him might be a bit of a stretch.

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@@Seamore Sandwich, the light flickering caught the batpony off guard from the conversation he was having with the mare. When the lights stopped the mare it seemed to have gone. He scratched his mane wondering if its something he said, or that maybe it was just the cider he was having. He inspected the mug seeing no signs of poision or tampering. He sighed and went back to his drink. He looked at the clock on the wall hearing a door slam near it.


"must be the wind" Cresent mused outloud


The bartender saw the new comer "ey mate you must be looking for cresent" the bar pony nodded at the batpony looking at the door "he's the one yer be talking too chap"

Edited by cwhip9
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@@Blitz Boom,


There was no doubt in Senlin's mind that Discord may have done this to him, though this would imply that he knew about the encounter with Stargazer or even their his first meeting with Omen in the Everfree Forest. The thought poses a rather opportune time to ask a relevant question. 

"Omen," Senlin began. "What is Discord like? I have a hunch that this tail might be his but I'm not sure what to make of him. I mean, he is the embodiment of chaos but what is he like up close when he isn't busy turning everything upside down?"

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"No. No I don't feel particularly up for it. Thankfully, that was the jist of my files misery. Anything else is gonna be pretty contrived." Allure stood up and walked over to her door. "It's my dream, and I will make this work." She grabbed her chain and wrapped it around the revolving door. And as she tightened it, the door appeared to shrink down in size. "Huh. I was hoping that would work."

The waking world. 

*thwack* Another talisman was slapped onto the wall. The entire room was now lined with them. Dio, Miles, Dime, Cliff & Clive all watched with rapt attention as their mother began chanting in her native tongue, spreading paw fulls of salt on the floor,her mane tied back whilst she was garbed in red and white robes.  She was also swishing with her tail what appeared to be a stick covered in a bushel of folded paper stands. "One way or another, whomever or whatever you are, should you manage to enter here, you will be proceeding to the next world."

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"After you create the final link, using the memory of this lesson, we can proceed to the next step. We could probably reinforce it by adding extra locks instead of lengthening the chain. We won't know if it works until we try," Charlie said, unsure how well this mess of improvisations would hold. "Now focus on something that gives you strength, using that strength to hold the chain together, sealing the door. A cherished memory or a loved one is often the thought used to create the locks. For each lock, you will need a secret. That will be your key, something that only you and whoever is welcome into your dreams know. It can be anything, you can even make up a number if you want, but remember, your closest secrets make the best keys."

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"After you"


"How nice of you, let me return the favor." Dyr laughed a little and used the hook end of her scythe to go around your neck and pull you into the tear. Maybe you should have been expecting her using a more brutish way to accomplish her goals. "Can't have you being cut off just because I went first."


The world inside the tear resembled that of a castle and you both just came into the main landing. Dyr was looking around carefully as she unhooked her scythe from around your neck and walked forward a little. Her ears are perked to listen out for potential danger.


Fine rugs, well decorated walls lined with elegant pictures and crystal statues were all that you can see for now. Dyr was eyeing everything with suspicion and doubt. Her eyes glanced upward and saw a huge crystal chandelier and then came to a stop.


"Get back..." Dyr whispered to you. And right after, a new voice echoed through the lobby.


"Welcome, I have been expecting you." it said and Dyr did not respond to it. "Cat got your tongue? Oh well, maybe I should be a good host and give you both something to drink for coming all this way... oh Jeeves~ please entertain our guests while it is getting ready."


The chandelier at the top started to shake and then it dropped down and rose up like a huge metal and crystal bird. It reared its head at the both of you and screeched.


"Well, at least he is being quite hostile..." Dyr commented as she backed up to you to get a better position. 


@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,  


"Bri....TTLE!" Syo called out as she appeared out of nowhere and landing on her and then giving her a great big hug. Her soft fur rubbing on her body and Syo was holding on tight and was not letting go. "Sowwy for scaring you~" 

Edited by Melke

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Blitz Boom,@@Frosty Frost, @@Damonater,

summer took a bite from her vanilla cupcake with pink whipped cream 'it's delicious' summer said and took an other bite. a bit of the pink cream came on her nose. she wiped it away with her front leg. summer yawned and laid her head on frosty's shoulder. it was still early in the morning and she had barely slept. but she knew the others hadn't to and they where probably tired to. so she sat straight, stretched and looked at damon 'do you have any ideas of where barrel could be?' she asked him 'we can't just stay here and wait for him to come back, if we ever want to find him, we have to search him' summer said. if bad people had barrel they maybe should find where he was is and if they didn't want to give barrel back, they could fight. maybe that is not such a bad idea summer thought, they had a bomb expert, a brings-hell-on-earth shoot thingy. and summer and frosty could do some cool tricks as well. together, they could find barrel!

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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A blue earth pony was admiring the sights around Ponyville, as it was his first time in the town. His name was Copper Strikes, and he was one of the more kinder stallions anyone would meet. He trotted along, greeting everypony with hellos and good wishes.


"Ah, what a great day in a nice town!" he said.


Even though he heard about some of the most strange events happening here, it didn't seem to bother him, mostly because he wanted to help anypony in need, which after he found his cutie mark, he found as his destiny.


He decided to head over to Sugarcube Corner to have some breakfast before setting out to see the rest of Ponyville.


"This must be it," he stated as he trotted to the building.

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"This just keeps getting better and better..."


The bitterness in what Last said when she looked over the party was thick enough to nearly tap and store in bottles.


That the door had slammed shut was one thing. That was bad enough, as they were now more or less trapped inside the head of this dreamer as far as she could tell - perhaps even with a hostile force considering the slamming of said door - but then came this place...


It might just be a personal pet peeve of hers, but fancy dinners made her coat itch, though at least there wasn't any big style dancing going on yet, and nopony had tried to scold her for not wearing a dress... Bah, it was time to get on with this.


While Nemo had headed out to try and figure out who had this dream, Last hadn't the need to look far when she saw Crescent nearby next to some other batpony. A mare from what she could see, though the sight didn't last long. Light flickered and though she couldn't see anypony move away, the next second the mare was gone, like she had been snagged away in the moment of darkness.


Trying to stop herself from feeding her paranoia further she moved over towards Crescent, trying to see if he would take notice of her before she'd get there. She was standing out a good deal in here, so if he wasn't taking notice he'd have to be either blind, or distracted a great deal.


"Hey, Crescent. Drinking anything good?"






@@Seamore Sandwich,


The hug wouldn't last long as the jade fires went over Brittle the second Syo landed on her, resulting in another random transformation that this time turned out to be a scrawny looking bunny striped and coloured like a lollipop. The flames would likely feel slightly tingly to Syo, but wouldn't burn her, though the now-bunny Brittle did quickly - and frantically - wriggle out of her arms and scramble behind Briar with a whimpering sound.


"Oh dear... Syo, might I ask you to please lend me your attention for a moment?"


Briar let out a small sigh, not needing to see what had happened to know it this time around. Nothing major like the spider incident from before, but the fragile state of Brittle and the sudden appearance of a being that she was getting quite afraid of had hit a crack, though at least she wasn't crying... Well, not yet anyway, though this was the reason why he really hoped that Syo would grant him her attention for a bit.


"While I am aware that you attempt to be nice towards Brittle, I have to inform you that she is not very good with sudden contact like that, and I would greatly appreciate if you could perhaps approach more regularly and ask another time.


I wish it could be different, but for the time being, I ask that you please respect her personal space, and perhaps simply speak with her for a while whilst we return to Seamore before trying something akin to that again? I'm sure it will help if things have eased up somewhat between everypony."


A vine slid out from under his cape and slowly went towards Brittle as he spoke, and when she climbed up on it, he lifted the Changeling-bunny to a new position on his back, where he felt she would be more safe from the time being. Before she was completely settled in however, he leaned in close to Syo and whispered to her in a low voice as to make sure that Brittle didn't hear him.


"And please, do not show the beast from before near her again. I would prefer to shield her from things like that if possible."






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Despite what some might think, Omen had no idea what kind of system was used here. Unfamiliar to any kind of library, the order here might as well be random for all she knew. Furthermore, considering her focus was on finding books that had the same writing as the first one, the thought that perhaps she should focus on the books that had been rejected hadn't crossed her mind. She just heard the no, set he book to a side, and kept on looking.





@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,


Blitz was halfway through her cupcake when the wording started to go around gathering themselves and finding Barrel! Or well...that and sleeping, but to be fair, some of them looked Really tired too.


"I'll help for sure! Barrel made all sorts of fun things I wanna know more about, and I don't want Mr. Hu- I mean, Daymon, to be sad over his friend being away."


She beamed a big grin around, then had a small light go off in her head before rising her front hooves and clapping them together excitingly.


"Ooooh, I can bring some of the Really fun bombs Mayor Mare told me never to give anypony. It'll be fun. Or do anypony need to sleep first? Some looks kinda tired, and falling asleep in the middle of things is no fun."







"Master was strange, but if not when he played games..."


Omen stayed silent for a bit, tilting her head from side to side as she tried to think of something.


"One time, I found master when he was alone. He cried, spoke words of how he wanted others to like him to himself... Then became angry, hit at mirages of ponies smiling together, speaking words I didn't understand before I showed and he stopped.


I saw it other times too, but he never said why he was like that when he thought he was alone, but I heard others say he was... Depressed? Lonely? One of them. Or both."


Time took many things from an old mind. Though she could recall a good deal of things,some still slipped away from her, and when she thought about her master she didn't usually recall this kind of meeting. Especially not since she had been ordered to forget it.


"Master had many layers like that, but he didn't let me see them all. But I saw things he didn't want, even... No, I can't say that one. "


Omen stopped herself from telling a particular thing she had seen - or being to be more exact - and instead trailed away from it. Master had made certain that she knew that more than anything, this one was a secret. And so was it how he was around her. Even if she had told other things, she neither could - nor would - share this one.


Instead, she looked back at where Senlin had the tail he guessed was from Discord, and moved away from where she had been going.


"...Seems strange if the tail is master Discord's. No energy, no laughter."







Copper wouldn't get much further towards the bakery before somepony bumped slightly into him. A somepony that, if he turned and looked, would turnout to be a large, elder batpony that seemed to be from the Night Guards, who was starting to look a bit knackered. Something that wasn't surprising considering the time of day it was for his kind.



(This is Stargazer, the batpony.)


"Sorry about that sir. Seems like I wasn't watching my step."


Frankly, after standing in line at the post office to send the mail containing the papers he had filled out for the Longma he felt a little besides himself and not completely in focus. What he could use right now was some sleep. Or at the very least, a strong cup of coffee, and something sweet to counter the bitterness.


Ah, but he had to handle this first. It wasn't fitting for somepony from the Night Guard to just bump into somepony and leave. he had to stand there, make sure the citizen was okay, and then take it from there. They'd see what would happen.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, hearing his name he turned to see yet another mare he felt he recognized but couldn't place a name too. The funny part was the bar pony had the 2nd drink and slid it front of cresent smelling then getting back to his regular duty's. "appeal cider just to keep things easy, have the 2nd one on me" he said to the mare. wondering if another flicker of lights will happen. As Last sat next to him resent looked back at his drink then looked at the mare. "I'm sorry I'm bad at remembering names but I think we've met before"   the batpony said with a uneasy smile. buyng a mare drink and then forgetting her name was still common even in his dreams it seemed.

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@@Blitz Boom



"See, he's not remembering you right away," Nemo said to Last, having moved over to where the two of them were. He sat down again with Last between him and Crescent. "Focus Crescent. Try to remember her, think hard." He was still not showing much emotion, if any at all. Then the bartender vanished, but nopony would notice. Not Last, not Crescent, not even the assorted crowd occupying Crescent's dream would notice when the bartender was replaced with a version of himself that seemed a bit faded in color, almost to the point of being grey.

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, Cresent scratched the back of his mane. took a swig of the cider still looking at the mare...then he noticed a small spider on the bar. Odd for a bartender to let through his cleaning, he brushed it asaide then it came to him. "that's right you helped us with that chaos spider the other night" he said smilling at the mare. With the 2nd newcomer on the other hoof.


He looked past the mare at Nemo. "and I know we havnt met yet, what are you doing here?" his tone was half cheerful yet with a side of seriousness. This was still his dream right?  

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@@Blitz Boom,


@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,  


(( I apologise guys if it is a short reply but I am just so god damn tired from my trip... Parents making me walk all over the place. It exhausting...))


Damon zoned out for a minute, just him being really tired jumping from dimensions, times and places. Searching for Smoking Barrel. He just really wanted to get something to drink and sleep. As well as eat a little bit. He yawned and then drank his water that was given to him by Summer. Was good for a change since it was fresh water. Damon then rubbed his eyes and had them half open. 




Barrel looked at the other pony, He pointed his M1911 at him and gave him a threatening look. "Who are you? Are you working for them??" Barrel asked angrily. He wasn't afraid to pull that trigger since he has been through a lot.


They were both in what seemed to be in an abandoned town, really rundown for that fact. Buildings half destroyed, that kind of thing. No other pony in sight. Or so it was... For now....


There was a strange figure coming up behind the pony that greeted Barrel. But it was at a distance... Slowly creeping up on both of them... Barrel knew what it was.... A zombie pony.


He leaned to the left and took a shot of what seemed to be at least over 600m away... The figure then just dropped to the floor... and also what seemed to be a spray of confetti went off as Barrel shot the target. 

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@Blitz Boom


Copper felt something bump onto him.  He turned and saw, to his surprise, a rather large, elderly pony who was armored.  He assumed the pony was a guard, a night guard to be exact.


"Sorry about that sir. Seems like I wasn't watching my step."


Copper shook his head.  "It is all right, good sir.  Everypony does that once in a while."


He knew a lot about royalty, they demand high respect to anypony under them, even a guard, which explained his formality.  Then he decided to introduce himself first.


"My name is Copper Strikes.  Might I inquire what your name is?"

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Blitz Boom,


Though strange as the creature that Discord is, there was something more to him than simple chaos. It was a reassuring thought that even a creature like him had many layers beneath his chimeric visage. Omen had things to hide but Senlin kept true to his word that he wouldn't press someone for information if they were uncomfortable with it.

Looking back at the tail, he examined what appeared to be seams connecting one end of the leather to another. It wasn't the work of somepony who was an expert at tailoring but it was enough to trick him. Senlin smiled to himself, even chuckled a little. He may have gotten overworked at the idea that Discord was watching them but even a mundane prankster had him fooled.

Commendable work to whoever did this. Definitely not Discord but possibly somepony who knows a thing or two about sewing. And pranking.


"It's time we head back on track." The castle was the next destination.

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Summer Breeze,


Frosty looked at Blitz alarmed when he mentioned bringing bombs.

"Wait, bombs?! You seem a little too exited about those... But yeah, bombs are ohke in my book. Just don't throw 'em at me. We should rest though. Sleepiness and bombs don't go well together, I'm afraid."

He looked around, seeing Damon rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, see? Damon is tired too. Let's all just take a nap, and go search for Barrel later."


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"The name's Last Stand,and we're here to try and figure out a way to get back to reality. According to Nemo here, we're forgotten and trapped in a sorta middle world, and considering you couldn't remember I'm starting to think that he knows what he's talking about."


She didn't feel the need to sugarcoat things. There was no telling how long he was still going to be sleeping, and frankly, as it looked right now she couldn't be dealing with being talking for ages upon ages. Something still told her that they weren't alone here, and that they might have to be ready to fight sooner rather than later. Something that would be easier if she could use her dang blade!


No... No. Thinking on that wasn't gonna solve anything, though if she ever found whatever being had made this happen, she was going to find some way to have her revenge for this, amongst many other things that was going on right now. Though, if she had been paying attention to everything around her, she would likely have been able to find it in herself to prioritise her anger about not being able to use her blade towards the fact that things were changing in this dream. Yet, when the light would eventually start to shine and either her or one of the others would notice things, it would likely change fast.







Huh, that was a new one around here. Not that the pony was nice, the general populace here seemed to be like that, but the way he spoke.


Most around here he had spoken with were more landly and rural in it than in Canterlot, and it had suited him well really when it had happened. He had never been part of the higher ups, and it had gotten on his nerves sometimes when the nobles came to him with their petty complaints when he tried to get some actual work done, so hearing the noble way of speaking had often annoyed him greatly in his youth. It wasn't getting to him anymore, but still, he had felt a spot of relief somewhere deep inside when he heard the more regular tongue.


Still, though he liked the way the others were talking, he wouldn't hold it against this one that he spoke like he did. Some guards had their heads a bit high in the sky, so for all Copper knew, he might not be any better. Or he just preferred to speak like that. Neither was anything Stargazer would hold against him.


"Good to meet you Copper. My name's Stargazer. Newly transferred to help your town out a little."


Stargazer offered his hoof towards Copper, in case he was the kind who would shake on things when meeting somepony.







"If master Discord is there, he can answer you."


It was all Omen said as she started to move again and followed Senlin as they moved closer towards the castle, wondering how it would be there.


She had seen the one who called it her castle before, though Twilight had never seen her. Neither had Applejack or Fluttershy, whom she had also seen with the purple one and had followed some from the shadows a few times. Fluttershy more, as she was the one she heard master Discord spent time with now and again, but the others had been watched too, and she knew a few, minor things. Including their names.


The castle itself however, she hadn't been into. She had tried once, but something had kept her from wandering out of a gate in there. Whenever she had tried, she ended up some distance from the place. Why she wasn't sure about, but others said the Princess of Friendship was a powerful magic user, so she had just resigned herself to thinking that it was something magical and not thought more on it. Magic was too complicated to try and understand for her most of the times.





@@Summer Breeze,


@@Frosty Frost,


"I Never throw my kaboomies at anypony without a reason. I wanna be a famous inventor, not some crazed lunati..."


Near the end of the sentence she suddenly spaced out, standing and swaying while her eyes went unfocused for around 10 seconds before she seemed to jolt back again and shook her head with a grin.


"Huh, usually I have to be awake like, 30 more hours before That starts to happen. Hehe, perhaps a nap would be a good thing."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Copper noticed the surprised look on Stargazer's face when he spoke in his formal voice.  It was like he never heard anypony speak the way he did, but the next words told him otherwise.


"Good to meet you Copper. My name's Stargazer. Newly transferred to help your town out a little."


Copper thought for a second, then he realized that Stargazer was in a town where he doesn't expect anypony to speak as formal as he did.  He saw the out-stretched hoof and assumed he wanted a hoof-shake, in which he complied.  He smiled while he did, knowing he had to explain himself of his formal talk.  


"I see, you didn't expect me to speak to you like I did.  Well, long story short, I had a run-in - well, the good way, that is - with royalty back in Apploosa when I was young.  The moment I saw your armor I knew I was talking to royalty.  Sorry if I caught you off guard."


He hoped Stargazer didn't take it personally.  

Edited by DwhitetheGamer

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@Blitz Boom



"There's no point. I remember being alone for a very long time. There is no way out." Again, he had only the slightest hint of emotion, this time it was depression. The bartender put a drink in front of him and he began drinking it, even though he hadn't ordered it.

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