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What was your all time favorite thing about S4?


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Discord has been my favorite character since season 2. This season provided for his biggest character development yet. However, it was bitter-sweet for me because I liked discord for being a villain and then a mischievous "friend", but i have to say, when Discord finally learned his lesson, I nearly cried (figuratively speaking) seeing how moving it must have been  as him as a character. This was when he was officially reformed.  

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Season 4 was full of "hell yes!" moments throughout. My answer however is going to be unapologetically predictable. Unlike some of the older school Rarifans, I didn't having to suffer through almost two full years without a dedicated Rarity episode. Even so she had FOUR stellar showings this season, and a few hilarious moments in episodes that used her as an ensemble character. Rarity is my favorite aspect of season 4. If you really want me to go straight to one Rarity moment, you ask too much of me. :D


But here are four moments.


Rarity becomes my Best Pony in this moment.



The most unexpected by appreciated moment in Season 4



Generosity Reprise and Filly Vanilli









  • Brohoof 3



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Aside from Twilight vs Tirek battle?


Castle Mane-ia is awesome

Rarity is awesome here

Testing, Testing is my personal non-arc episode, followed by Trade Ya!




  • Brohoof 1



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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So hard to choose, but I'll try~ ;)

  • Filli Vanilli - probably my favourite Fluttershy episode and a contender for fave of all time. Lots of Fluttershy being adorable, it was lovely to see a new side to her and show a passion for something other than animals! Find The Music In You was an awesome song and unlike any other song in the show. The return of Flutterguy was funny, it was nice to see Big Mac having a bigger role, Rarity and the RariShy friendshipping (my two favourite girls! :wub: ) was awesome and the moral/ending was just really sweet, well done and relatable with how they didn't have her immediately join the Ponytones and get over all her fears. Pretty much the only thing I didn't like about it was that one moment with Pinkie, but that's another rant ^^;;
  • Awesome new songs in general, especially FTMIY, Generosity and You'll Play Your Part (Luna singing!!! ^_^ )
  • New characters, especially Coco (duh) and Maud who have become some of my favourites of all time. Honourable mention to Cheese Sandwich~
  • Pretty much everything about the finale, but especially Discord's character development. I loved all his interactions with Tirek and how this was the first time he actually made himself vulnerable/followed orders from someone more powerful than himself - and had it backfire spectacularly. I loved him before as a villain/ambiguously reformed, but I think that had to happen for him to truly appreciate friendship as good in itself, rather than a means for manipulating others for his own gain - for me it makes him so much more interesting and complex, while retaining the qualities we loved him for in the first place :umad:
  • AH LOVE BEING COVERED IN MUD!!! (all of Simple Ways. but mostly Rarity. and Rarijack)
  • Brohoof 1



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Toughie, toughie... but seriously I couldn't get over all the history and alicorn-themed goodies we got this season. Not only did we have a more than predicted detailed background of the Wonderbolts team we also got that super awesomely satisfying history of Discord and Luna's banishment. Despite some character's dialogue going down in quality I was more than pleased. 



^ omg.



Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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   Princess Twilight Sparkle, I love the fact she earned that title, not given that rank by right of birth or hasty marriage, like in most Disney stories, I was getting tired of that worn out story arc, it was nice to see a change, thus My Little Pony became a replacement for Disney to me. Twilight Sparkle deserved to be an alicorn princess, and over the course of three seasons, we got to know her, and when along with Twilight in her daily life learning about being a friend, developed to a point we can understand and admire Twilight Sparkle, furthermore she is also quite funny, like in "Lesson Zero" and "Secret of my Excess", and she even taught Princess Luna to be a friend, in "Luna Eclipsed" after her thousand moon exile, that is powerful, so as far as season four had come, I can love our Princess of Friendship, rather than the nobility of entitled Disney characters, past and yet to come. 

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Season 4 was basically my favorite season with season 2 very close behind it, so choosing any particular thing is so difficult. :P


I loved the songs, the music in this season had so much variety and shows the talent of those making the music for the show. Pinkie Pride is a wonderful showcase of that.


The introduction of so many new characters was great as well. Cheese Sandwich, The Breezies, the new villains, Miss Harshwhinny (I consider her new since she was actually a major part in an episode), again, there was so much variety of characters and voices.


The ending to the season, yeah, I totally loved that too. Just the fact of giving the mane 6 a castle and making Twilight the princess of friendship, I was unbelievably squee happy when this happened. :D Really, the way Princess Twilight was handled was fantastic during the whole season in my opinion. Being a massive fan of Princess Twilight, this season answered all of my wishes really.


Then there is Discord which was kinda polarizing as he never seemed truly reformed and I like how they handled that in the finale.


There is just too much stuff to name! Hasbro and DHX need to slow down with the awesomeness. XD


Well, no, they don't. They can keep awesomeing away.

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Does Rainbow Rocks count as part of Season 4? Since it basically happened after the Season 4 finale.


If it is, thats what I have to say.

If not... then... Well, Princess Twilight Sparkle. (The Flashback scene with Luna turning into Nightmare Moon for the first time)

  • Brohoof 1


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Oh, it would have to be Pinkie Pride, the episode with Cheese Sandwich with it. It had this special meaning to it and that's how I feel sometimes, also  Sweetie Belle's Episode was so awesome! I like the sister episodes as well.

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What I love about Season 4 was how the show matured. It began to take on more mature themes and stronger, more resonant morals and tried its hand at a season-long story arc. Additionally, the technical presentation of the show, more specifically the lighting and effects animation, hit a new high this season, enabling larger and more bombastic visual displays. The show took advantage of its wild popularity and used it to continue making itself better by the week.


This season managed to contribute some of my favorite episodes of the whole series thus far. Unfortunately, I won't call it the best season because there were plenty of bad episodes this season, too, but I'll still say this, as bad as MLP can get at its worst, it is still on average better than a lot of its competition at its best.

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Rapping Pinkie Pie in "Testing, Testing, 123"


Rarity and Applejack mocking each other in "Simple Ways"


Cadance putting up with Discord's bull in "Three's a Crowd"


Sweetie Belle's younger self with lipstick in "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils)(D'awww)


Tirek's DBZ-style fight with Twilight in finale.

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Thanks to Altrunchen for creating both the banner and my avatar!

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I loved how the return of the elements to the Tree of Harmony led to the semi sentient tree offering a gift to Twilight, if she could only prove the intelligence and perseverance to figure it out. I got teary when the tree replaced Twilight's library the best way it could, as a reward for her valor.


I almost forgot to mention. I absolutely LOVE Maude Pie! I sincerely hope we see more of her.  

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

So many good things to choose from though... XD


I really enjoyed the more adventure-y feel a lot of the episodes had, and story arc surrounding the whole season was really cool too, especially when it led to such an amazing finale. The animation quality in this season was significantly better than the previous seasons, creating a large amount of scenes with beautiful lighting. It was a nice touch I'd like to see continue.


This season also gave me some of my top favorite episodes in the series such as Pinkie Pride, Rarity Takes Manhattan, and Twilight's Kingdom. This season's finale was such an amazing two-parter that offered fantastic character development with Discord, ;and that awesome battle betwen Tirek and Twilight, and Pinkie Pride gave us Weird Al Yankovic who was wonderful as Cheese Sandwich. Pinkie Pride also gave a bunch of great songs, though; if you look at the entire season, there were a bunch of great and diverse songs such as Apples to the Core, Bats, Find the Music In You, Hearts as Strong as Horses, Let the Rainbow Remind You, Make a Wish, Pinkie's Lament, The rappin' Hist'ry of the Wonderbolts, and last, but definitely not least: You'll Play Your Part.


In short; too many great things about this season to pick just one.

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