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Do you love or hate your parents?



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  1. 1. I...

    • love my parents.
    • hate my parents.
    • Other (please explain in the comments)

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alright I wrote quite a bit about both parents it is a bit personal


my father is a great man I would rather die then say I hate him he can get a bit stubborn but I will always love him he has been my idol since I was born, he joined the Army and he missed out on most of my life, I had gone years without seeing his face and most people would hate their parents for that but no my desire to see him only got stronger and now I live with him but I will be moving out within a few years and he is trying to convince me not to leave Arizona and the day I actually do move out will be the hardest day in my life


as for my mother I couldn't care less about her in my eyes I don't have a mother hate isn't even close to describing how much I dislike her she cheated on my dad several times, she drugged me and my sister so she could go partying, she lies about everything to gain your sympathy, she stole from a priest (that irks the hell out of me),she was very abusive to my younger sister, she would constantly get drunk, also on my 15th birthday when I was living with her she spent the entire day drinking with her friends while I was home waiting for her, and on my 17th birthday when I was living with my father she got arrested in the same day and the one thing I hated most about her is back when my dad got full custody of my sister and I my moms response to that was "oh well I will see them when they are 18" so she could drop dead and I wouldn't give a damn I wouldn't even attend her funeral   

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
  • Brohoof 1


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Sure, my parents piss me off every now and then. My dad once cussed me out, calling me every single horrible name in the book and screaming at me to get the eff out of his house and to go to hell, but reguardless I still love them. I knew he was just really angry at the time, and me snapping back only unleashed a huge bubble of anger...didnt stop me from crying and running out of the house but things were fine about an hour later.


Long story short, I love them no matter what things they throw at me.

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I love my parents. My dad and I have had quite a few fights with each other. I have blown up and swore at my dad far too many times to remember . But, when it all boils down to it. I wouldn't prefer any other 2 people to be my parents. They are always there to love me and care for me, regardless of anything I say.


I can always count on those two awesome people to drive me when I need a ride(I can't drive , so walking, and public transportation are my only options most of the time). You have supported me, and loved me, and dealt with your pain in the ass son , for 32 years. No matter what happens, you have not forced me out of your house.


I know I don't say "thank you" as much as I should and I don't say I love you as much as I should , but, I really do more than you will ever know.


I love you mom and dad forever and for always!

Facebook: Josh B.

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My father is super talented artist and can literally make anything out of anything to the point where I've shown people some of his work and they and I both question how it's even physically possible. But life always evens ya out somewhere else. He's got the intelligence and brain of a child sadly. He has a heart but isn't very good at using it too much. I love him but he can be irritating and rude. He also never seems to pay child support or anything and doesn't help my brother or sister with college funds. Not the best father for us I guess... (Note that he doesn't live w/ me because of a divorce.)


Now my mother, as hardworking and loving as she is, it's hard to say that I love her. My stepfather constantly harasses me and does stuff like laughing at me whenever I screw up and assigning physical labor outside (that I'm not fit nor am I trained to do) as punishments. Shes aware of this mistreatment and I've asked her at least 30 times (not exaggerating) to get him to stop. The only time she actually pushed far enough against him is when he tried to disown me. She can clearly see I'm suffering and says she'll do anything to help me stop suffering but never manages to do this. It drives me insane. I have to stand up for myself and only once have I ever been successful, although it only lasted about 2 or 3 days.


Basically these are the reasons I chose other. I can't necessarily decide whether I love or hate my parents most of the time, although it seems to lean towards hate a lot more than I would like it to,

  • Brohoof 1


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How could I hate the ones who gave me the beautiful life I'm having?


I think that was a pretty dumb question.

I guess that depends on the situation you're in, my mother despised her parents for being extremely neglectful.

  • Brohoof 1

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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I don't really know to be honest. When you say love, it makes me think of the same way I love my girlfriend, but I really don't love them in that way. Maybe I love them in a more subtle way, but I'm not sure.


It's not fair.

Edited by SparkWolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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But then there are days where I can't ever be thankful enough for them nor would I trade them for the world. 


I hated them back in high school and my first few years of college. Now that I'm got a steady job and I'm doing well enough in grad school, they're letting go a lot better which is making my life a hell of a lot easier lol 


I mean....I guess I'd say that - for the most part - I love my parents. Pretty sure there are days where they want to punch me in the face too but we still talk to each other and they'd help me out of a jam anytime I need them to. They get kinda offended if I need help with the littlest things and I don't call though....


...which reminds me...I forgot to call them today  :blush: I meant to just to say hi and I never did...whoops...

Edited by Space Woona

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I've always said "UGH I CANNOT STAND MY PARENTS. AAAAGH." But you know what? If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have the job, the education, and the care I needed. I thank them for all they've done for me so far, and right now, I'm rewarding them. Sure there will be days that I'll be completely irritated by them sometimes, but in the future when you are on your own in your life, you will be calling them every day...telling them that you love them so much and you will be keeping in touch. Because there will be one day that they'll be gone, and you'll be on your own. Take this as an opportunity to give your parents a hug, and thank them for all they've done for you. Your children will be doing the same to you in the future. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a love hate relationship with my parents... My dad practically disowned me, not wanting to see his only biological son again in favor of his fucked up wife, and my mom abandoned me when I was 13, but at least she still loves me.... So my dad, screw him, don't care, but I thank him for the life he gave me, and I love my mother, but still have a small grudge...


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

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Mine is a love-hate thing. Since I'm with my mom, she annoys me so much but when she's in trouble or in a bad mood, I kinda feel her. I'd rather be alone in the house since when she is home, she does nothing but call me every 10min to show/do something. BUT! I will take care of her, and help out. We always fight on everything for some reason. When I want to do something, for example: closing my window in my room (still a problem today) she gets all pissy about it.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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I love my parents because they gave me life. They also sacraficed so much to raise myself as well as my brothers and sisters. They taught us so much, especially how to love and respect others. I can not imagine having any other parents. Mine are both caring, loving, hard working people who did their best to give us a nice childhood even though money was always tight. I respect both of them because they put us first and are always there for us. I hope I am half the father to my kids that my father and mother is to me.

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I hate my mom. The second I do something wrong-even on accident- she will start saying horrible things about me, Every single day I have to put up with being called stupid, annoying, a little brat, obnoxious, ugly, and especially hateful. My mom's a social worker, isn't she supposed to dislike stuff like this? I have a terrible self-esteem because of this(I don't usually let it show though) and no self-confidence, it's awful, and when she's not acting like she hates me she's acting like I don't exist. To get anything nice out of her I have to get all A+'s and perfect grades and I have to be obedient and all of that crap. She doesn't like to let me have any privacy- I always delete my history and hide the screen when I go online, I don't do anything but post on forums and watch gaming videos on youtube, she says that she thinks I'm messaging my 'secret online boyfriend'(who doesn't exist) or that I'm making drug deals. Yes, she thinks that lowly of me. She's always teasing me about not having a boyfriend but she says I can't date until I'm 16 (seriously wth). I wouldn't be so private in the first place if she wasn't so judgmental("You're listening to those stupid japan songs by the robot again? Get a life.").

My dad's cool though, so I guess I'll say "other".


Hey there! I'm ~Sylveon~. You can call me Sylveon. xD If you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you. :)

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I don't love them, but I don't hate them either. I am their least favorite child, and my mom raised us in a military style family. I'm overly sensitive, so you can imagine how that went. My mom tries to toughen me up and fails miserably. She often blames the victims. My mom also treats me like I'm stupid. I know I am the dumbest of the three despite not even being the youngest, but it doesn't mean I like being treated like I'm dumb. My mom supports my sister and brother for their future, but she always shuns me for what I want to be. My mom supported my brother when he went into game design, and she supports my sister in her band thing. However, she never supported me for what I wanted to be. Nothing was good enough. I can't be anything in the creative field even though that is what I'm best at. I can't be an architect or a computer programmer, either. I don't know what my mom wants me to be. 


My dad is rarely home, and he doesn't talk to me. He forgets about things often, and he gets annoyed when I remind him. If I don't remind him, he wouldn't remember. 


So I dislike my parents, especially my mother. 





Applejack Fan Club

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Of course i love my parents! Sometimes i say i hate them when im mad at them but i really dont mean it. My parents can be strict and overprotective at times but i know they are only like that because they care for me and love me.


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i guess i hate them.  my dad abandoned me as a baby and started some other family with OTHER kids and never once came back to see me.


my mom is just a horrid, hateful person.  she let her boyfriend abuse me for my entire childhood.  she must have known how bad things were, because one day out of nowhere, she told me that she wouldn't blame me if i ran away.


luckily, my granny was always close and she would always let me stay

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I love my mother. She doesn't deserve the problems she's had.

My father on the other hand, is a selfish, lying, controlling, irresponsible, sexist, money-wasting, delusional, alcoholic, who blames his self-inflicted problems other people, and lives in the past, unwilling to accept change.

Despite him claiming to still love me, he doesn't seem to be making any changes in his behaviour, and he hasn't contributed money for my college fees. Don't get me wrong, I don't normally ask for money from others. Hell, I wouldn't be that upset about this if it weren't for the fact that he paid for his girlfriend's (now ex-girlfriend's) son's entire tuition.

Thank god I don't live with him anymore, or have an obligation to love him.

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I will always love my parents even when i seem like i don't. I mean they have been with my since the start of my life so why wouldn't i love them?.


My dad is alright apart from wanting me to be a lot more active then i currently am and my mum does tend to annoy me a lot, She tends to forget a lot of what i say to her or she just doesn't listen at all and it drives me insane but that doesn't mean i don't care for her.


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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