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Do you love or hate your parents?



174 users have voted

  1. 1. I...

    • love my parents.
    • hate my parents.
    • Other (please explain in the comments)

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My dad is in jail for selling cocaine for some bad people

My mom steals my money any opportunity she gets and reminds me every day that she hates me


Both have screwed me on different psychological fronts and I hold it all against them.


But hey. They're my parents. Can't live with them, can't live without them.

  • Brohoof 1
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I love them to no end and respect them, but I don't love or respect everything about them. Most of the time, they piss me off to no end as well. None of this changes the fact that I would give my life so that theirs may continue. That is how much I love them.

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When I was young, I didn't like my parents. They were super strict about my behavior and grades, and I developed so much anxiety over that. They grounded me over every little thing I did wrong, making my self-esteem almost completely non-existent for awhile. Not to mention we had a huge falling out a when they refused to accept my sexual orientation in high school/early college. I was super depressed over it. They were just... very closed-minded about a lot of things back then.


Things changed when I graduated from college. One night my parents randomly had a heart-to-heart with me at like 3AM where they broke down crying, saying they don't know what they were thinking pushing me away, that they were excessively closed-minded and bigoted, etc. They said they were proud of me and that they just wanted things to be good. Soooo, we gave it a shot! And ever since then, things are on the polar opposite of the spectrum. I absolutely adore my parents, and they love me in a way which I never knew could be possible. They want to hear about all facets of my life, and they support me unconditionally.


My mom went from someone who once said I was disgusting and going to hell to someone who openly accepts people from all walks of life. I've learned that we are very much alike when it comes to personality and interests. She buys me Care Bears and ponies for my collection, makes me food, and posts pictures of cute animals on my facebook. :3 She's become someone who just means the world to me. My dad, likewise, has become a pillar of support. He is always there to lend a hand and to talk to me about anything that's on my mind. He shows me respect, encourages me... he gives me a hug and tells me "I'm proud of you" literally every time I visit. I don't know what i would do without them now.


Parents are magic ~*~*~

  • Brohoof 10
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I take the Francis Griffin approach from Family Guy.

"The Bible says to love your family, it doesn't say anything about liking them."

  • Brohoof 6
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I love my parents. I consider myself very lucky for the support and love they give me. They support me in all my big decisions. There's really no one in the world I get along more with.

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Mix. I don't agree with all the decisions they make, and sometimes we get into arguments.. but at the same time as immigrants they sacrificed that night out so I could have a future and ate ramen instead. That, I appreciate. So yeah, not on best terms but not on the worst either.

  • Brohoof 1
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I love my dad... he died a few years ago, though. We were really close, and he taught me so many things... I feel extremely grateful to have had him as a part of my life.


I like my mom too, but my dad was always my favorite parent.

Edited by SparklingSwirls
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Yes, of course. I can't thank them enough for putting up with me for this long. Lol. They aren't perfect... But I can't complain much. There's just one more thing... If only I could get a girlfriend again, then maybe they'd take me seriously... But I fail miserably at even that. Lol.

Edited by Envy
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I love my mom dearly. You could say I love my dad, but only because I have to. Honestly... he's an idiot and a bit of an asshole most times. Sure he's book smart, but that doesn't make him smart all around. He's what many would consider a smart stupid person.

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My parents are OK, honestly. Their teaching methods kinda suck, and so do their reasoning methods, and they both have short anger fuses, but hey, they're not perfect. I don't exactly 'love' them either, I'd say I like 'em. Not on the level of love, not on the level of hate, somewhere stuck in the middle.

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Eeyup! As the only child, I was close to them since birth. I know I can be a biatch sometimes and argue with them, with all those years they had to deal with my troublesome self, I have to take care of them when they get older in return, because I love them.

  • Brohoof 2
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[This post is hidden. No offense to anyone, but I am no longer part of the community and no longer wish to be an (active) part of the forums. I treasure the friendships I made along the way. Thank you!]

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