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How often do you use profanities?


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I swear all the time, and I enjoy it. I tone it down substantially here because rules, and overall I tend to swear far more often in person than I do online. 
It's not something I take pride in, however. It's a habit. Not one I find good, but not one I find particularly harmful, either. 
One of the main reasons why I swear is to find some form of catharsis. Swearing, for me, is a way to peacefully release stress and anger. I can release pent-up anger and such through swearing about things without actually swearing at people. I often do the latter sarcastically when I know I'm around people who will understand that and not be truly offended by it.
I also do it in comedic contexts.
Sometimes, I do it because I simply do not care. Apathy is not a virtue, but due to the nature of the anxiety I've gone through on a regular basis for years I'm too busy worrying about large issue x, y, or z to care about whether or not I use a vulgar word. There are only some very specific situations in which I feel the need to care about this, such as when I'm around children, around people I know would be offended, or in a place IRL or online in which I choose to respect the established rules.

  • Brohoof 3



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From time to time, yes, I do drop a few f bombs and some other choice words.  But more often than not I'm not a big user of curse words.  I've been told by some of my coworkers that I swear so rarely I don't even sound right when I curse.  :P 

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It's pretty unavoidable NOT to throw a few bombs when you play something online.  :fiery:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I swear a lot in school and Skype. You guys don't see me using swear words on mlpforums. You guys don't know how much i swear in Skype :P


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Usually when I'm really mad, although I have used it in casual conversation before. It's not a big deal as long as you only use it in appropriate settings.

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Mostly. Sometimes every second fucking word ends up being fuck. Shit if I make a bad or drop something. Bitch is a pet term reserved for only the best of friends.

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It mostly depends on the mood I'm in.


I don't use profanity often, but when I do it usually much more refined, I tend to say 'shite'(instead of shit) and 'feck'(instead of...well, you know.) sometimes I will use straight profanity if enraged. Oddly enough, instead of saying 'Bullshit' I will usually say 'Humanshit'(because humans are worse than any other species, so its fitting). So I try to refrain from swearing, but I'm not above using such colorful metaphors either.

"It is part of a good man to do great and noble deeds, though he risk everything." - Plutarch


"As long as humans continue to be the ruthless destroyer of other beings, we will never know health or peace. For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, those who sow the seed of murder and pain will never reap joy or love." - Pythagoras, Greek philosopher, ca. 530 B.C.

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  • 3 months later...

Pretty much never when I'm around other people, aside from occasionally 'sh(t' around my family. On my own, I mutter sh(t and f@ck to myself sometimes, if I'm getting pretty frustrated with something =/


...I can't bring myself to say the actual profanities on here... ;_;

Edited by Edwarda_Bronette


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I rarely swear in public. At home...well, that's a pony of a different color; my language would probably make a sailor blush.

The Brony Code:

Humans are a lie, there are only ponies. Through ponies, I gain friendship.

Through friendship, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken. Ponies shall set me free.

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I'm a programmer, so it's part of the job description, really. But seriously, I swear all the time for every conceivable reason. When training goes wrong, I swear, when training goes right, I swear in satisfaction. ("Fuck yes" and the like) When I'm having a horrible day, I swear. When tiny little things go wrong I'm muttering evil curses all day long.


There's only one curse I don't use anymore these days, which is really the swearword of choice for today's teens in the Netherlands. I'm not even saying it here, not because it offends me but because I hate the word. Let's just say, here we swear with diseases, and this one comes a bit too close for me to still use it except when I'm really foaming at the mouth already. (All the other disease-related swears I use all the time, those being 'tering', 'tyfus' and 'kolere', respectively being an archaic word for tuberculosis, typhus, and a twisted version of cholera.)


These days at competitions I also use 'mierda' a lot for reasons I don't even know.

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There was a time when swearing was a regular part of my language. At first, it was because everyone else was doing it and because since everyone else thought it was cool then I did, too.


Over the years that's changed for me. At first, I was annoyed at myself for doing it and, as time went on, I started realizing how bad and trashy it sounded coming out of my mouth.


Eventually I got disgusted at myself for doing it and broke myself of the habit. The way you see me talk here is the way I talk in real life.


Now, I'd be a liar if I told you that I never swore anymore at all. If something really infuriates me or makes me mad enough that I want to pound someone into the ground then, yeah, I'll cut loose with some real choice ear burners but only then and since that kind of thing doesn't occur to me very often it's rare.

  • Brohoof 1



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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It depends on who I'm with. Some friends of mine and I have inside jokes and calling each other a "whiny little bitch" is pretty much a term of endearment between us.


However, when I'm not with that particular group, I tend to keep myself censored. I swear a lot in my mind, but not out loud. Out loud, I tend to use the word "bloody" a lot in place of swear words since I hear it's an official swear word in the UK, but not here in the US. It releases the kind of stress that swearing releases without soiling my vocabulary.... unless I ever travel to Brittan, in which case I'll probably be cussing like a bloody sailor!

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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It depends on who I'm with. Some friends of mine and I have inside jokes and calling each other a "whiny little bitch" is pretty much a term of endearment between us.


However, when I'm not with that particular group, I tend to keep myself censored. I swear a lot in my mind, but out loud, I tend to use the word "bloody" a lot, since I hear it's an official swear word in the UK, but not here in the US. It releases the kind of stress that swearing releases without soiling my vocabulary.... unless I ever travel to Brittan, in which case I'll probably be cussing like a bloody sailor!


Forgive me for this but, being an American, I never could understand how "bloody" could be a cuss word in British English.



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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