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Why is there so much hate towards bronies on the internet?


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I mean, it's just a show, sure there are the annoying bronies that shove the show down peoples throats, and don't get me started on the cloppers, but, not all bronies are like that, why do people stereotype all the bronies with those groups of people?


They also think that all Bronies are gay, autistic or faggots for watching a cartoon show, it's just a show, what harm did it bring to you.

I get people all the time telling me to "hang myself" or "go jump of a cliff" or "kill yourself, gay virgin" and stuff like that.


What annoys me even more is that they click on videos/fan art/images related to My little pony and hate on bronies, I just don't get it, do people really need to hate that bad, it's like their lives depend on it?


I know I must not take it personally because they are just idiots behind a computer screen that are more pathetic then how they make us out to be, but it just gets under my skin you know.

I just want to punch them, but I can't.

Why do they call us these hurtful words?, don't they realise that others have feelings too?, and why do they get so angry over someone liking a cartoon show?


have you guys had similar problems?, pretty sure you have, mostly on youtube probably, Youtube is a hateful place.

Edited by Lankman
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Because peple don't understand it. People don't look it through our eyes. They only see their own viewpoint and that has to be true. And because people don't understand it they feel uncomfortable with it. So they insult us to make themselves feel better.


People who are not willing to observe things in other perspectives than their own are usually the ones who act rude towards other peoples opinions or interests.

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People hate on bronies because they don't understand, and they are scared by what they don't understand, so they attack it. And some people thrive on making others feel bad, it just makes them feel good for some reason.


And yes a lot of them are trolls. 


They really don't have any right to hate on people who "clop" either, that's really none of their business.

Edited by Hovershy
  • Brohoof 8

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Because it confuses social logic and throws mainstream societies for a loop. Men are held to a high standard and to see them enjoying something  feminine and childish is quite bizzare, even somewhat threatening to some people

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From what i've seen, there are two reasons:


1. Trolls

2. People don't like things that are different. Bronies are different.



I don't get clop.


I would like a clopfic writer to explain why they like it.


Clop is gonna get the thread locked

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The internet is full of trolls, and what's easier to troll than a fandom which centers around a TV showed geared towards young children, with the fandom being very outspoken and visible?


Point being, we're easy targets.

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In a society there are social norms.  Those social norms are things that people as a whole consider "normal", like obeying the law, laughing at something funny, sleeping 7-9 hours a night, things like that.  Grown men who like to watch a little girl's TV show isn't socially normal to society.  


When people don't like something, only the down sides of that thing become popular or known so others feel the same way, leaving out the good sides (which in this case the good sides outweigh the bad, so it's a shame bronies are known for negative reasons)  


There are people who have a very narrow mind or are just out to seek attention or adrenaline from the fierce comebacks people say.  The only way to stop it is to just ignore it or tell them that their opinion is just as good as yours.

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It's sad to see other bronies getting hated on youtube, there is this brony on youtube called 'prime vinyl', he got hate for saying he didn't like this one youtuber because he didn't like his content, wow, you should have seen the replies, my god (please don't get offended, this is not me talking), "you don't get to have an opinion because you are a brony","there should be a hunger games featuring bronies, just imagine all these autistic fucks killing eachother, it would be hilarious".

Holy shit, I never knew humanity could stoop so low, even low enough to wishing death upon a person because he likes something you don't like, it's just so sicking that society can't accept that some men like shows that don't feature guns, explosions, sex etc.....

Edited by Lankman
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im sure this has been said,


but MLP was made for little girls, yet grown men like it.. That could be a reason. But the ones who get the most flack are the obessesed bronies, who talk about My Little Pony, ALL THE DAMN TIME.. I understand the hate, and kinda agree with it. But if i come across a fan or a not obessesed brony, i either ignore him or treat him/her as nothing different

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Well, trolls are trolls for one thing, which takes up a sizable portion of it. There also people who seem to really enjoy hating/bashing on groups they perceive to be "inferior" or "different". They can be more annoying than the people and issues they complain about, even if they have valid grievances.


I haven't been insulted directly, but I do some incredibly misinformed and downright stupid comments on Bronies when I sift through a YouTube comments section, for instance. It's like people just go out of their way to spread their distaste or really want to troll people badly. I can deal with it for the most part, but I find it extremely grating also.

Edited by Gernia
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I've in the fandom for 3 years now and there are a few common reasons why we get hate.


1. They are trolling. However many trolls do dislike us in some way, probably for one of  reasons mentioned below


2. Bad experiences. This is a big one. Some bronies can take things too far... if you know what I mean. It is a minor group, however it is vocal. And I'm not just taking about clop either. Some bronies have been known to annoy people with ponies and constantly post them. People experience these bronies and assume we all some sort of scum or over-obsessive. Perhaps there could be misunderstandings too or they argued with one before.


3. Prejudice. I don't think I need to explain this one. You probably already know what people immediately think when they hear about guys liking ponies. 


4. It breaks social norms and they don't understand why. Most people though who just simply can't comprehend us simply think us as weirdos and don't really hate us, but some do.


It is usually a combination of the things mentioned above as well.

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It's probably because when MLP was first introduced it was completely directed towards little girls (I'm talking about G1) and Transformers was completely made for boys (I'm talking about Hasbro and their toy marketing) and thus the stereotype was born. For a long time MLP was seen as nothing but a show for little girls and that has been like a tradition. However with the introduction of G4 , like I said, mainstream society has been thrown for a loop  as well as it confuses social logic (or the social norm).  :comeatus:


During times like G3 boys often bullied girls...well.... because they were girls  :fiery: . Since MLP was a "girl show" they used that to bully them. So when G4 rolls around MLP has been seen as "girly" shows and then suddenly boys start to enjoy it as well. Not only does it "throw mainstream society for a loop as well as it confuses social logic (social norm)" as I mention here above but it opens up new possibilities for bullies. People who have perhaps had a bad youth them selves find new targets to direct their pain upon and use MLP as a tool to terrorize bronies.  :(

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It gives people some sense of superiority thinking they are better than other people. Its sad but people are afraid of what they don't understand. Either way I'm fine with that, I don't need ignorant people's approval on something I like. 

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My firm belief is that Bronies caused the problem themselves. The origin lies in this now infamous meme...



It was used to annoy the hell out of people posting on boards featuring Japanese anime and the like, where American cartoon images were against the rules. Then it found it's way onto all manner of boards, because Bronies thought EVERY forum should be about MLP. The movement caused non-fans to begin to hate the upstarts trying to hijack every thread and turn it into one about MLP.


This was soon followed by the "How do I go about converting my friend/brother/coworker/whatever into a Bronie." The annoyance factor was raised 20% when fans started trying to ram the show down the throats of people who just weren't interested.


Next, the hate was doubled, when Bronies started using the phrase "Coming Out" to describe how they admitted to family and friends the dreaded secret that they *GASP* watched a perfectly legal program broadcast openly to millions of homes nationwide. Of course non-fans grasped on that as meaning Bronies were gay.


In summery. All the hate on the internet was DIRECTLY caused by Bronies, at least a very vocal segment of the fandom, THEMSELVES!

  • Brohoof 7


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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As men, society expects us to extoll and celebrate macho things exclusively. Our purview is violence, cynicism, and sex. Anything outside of that is supposed to be ridiculed and faced with scorn. MLP is everything we are taught to hate.

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