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Why is there so much hate towards bronies on the internet?


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From my own point of view. There can be a lot of things. Some explanation for this is simple, like they're trolls who want fame/ wanted to rally their anti-brony ally


Although, if I had to dig deep, then the best answer I can come with is the fact the it deviates from the male culture that have been built over decades. This deviation is something that people don't want to see. They don't wanna change and they don't wanna see the change. The people have a firm belief that the culture of male is static, not dynamic, not interchangeable.


People will have a reaction whenever a change comes and people will give a mixed reaction. In the Brony case, the negative reaction blooms anti-brony, while the neutral reaction are either shoving it off or supporting change, while the people who react positively will be supportive or become a brony itself. People who are reacting negatively always tries to rally their ally and eradicate the brony, in hope that they will succeed and the world/internet will no longer know the fandom that men believe could crush the remaining dignity that they have.


Sometimes, when an anti-brony attacks us, they often use our main weaknesses. In our case, it's things R34/Clop, obsessive fans of our fandom, prejudice/assumption and so forth. We brony may react to them with fire (another hate), in which it become the never ending fight of bronies vs anti bronies.


I wonder if there's a term of us bronies called Anti - Anti - Bronies.


Anyway, that's all I have to say. I wish someday I can get to the truth of why they hate us in the first place.

  • Brohoof 3



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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For some reasons not stated above, some people are too shallow to discern and believe that this show somehow compromises their self-entitled "manliness". Part of it also comes from the degeneration of mainstream media. You know something is wrong with the world in general when people throw around terms such as "autistic", "pedophile" so loosely without understanding their implications. Most haven't watched the show or cannot accept shifts in social paradigm, or they are simply vying for attention.


Also, I hate it whenever My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic receives unnecessary dubious limelight such as Cracked.com or Good Mythical Morning. I'd rather have a more enclosed group of dedicated fans who enjoy the show for what it is rather than it receive so much attention which always sparks online idiocy.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm going to have to say that Bronies have brought it upon themselves.


Yes, you have the societal norms which dictate that a guy can not like anything for girls. These are very stupid and harmful norms which must be done away with... But the problem is that I think Bronies may have done more to harm this cause than help it. I have sat on the sidelines of this fandom from nearly the very beginning. I was happy to see guys secure enough in themselves to watch a show made for girls... But over time I have seen much more to it than that.


As I said, we have the societal norms in place already. And here we have a franchise aimed at very young girls. MLP:FiM obviously is aimed at an older (but still child) audience than Generation 3.5, but it's still aimed at young girls. This is where the problem comes, and it's not the sole fact that it's guys liking the show that is the problem, although society may think that to begin with. The problem is that the Brony fandom came in, and it created an unsafe environment for the actual target audience. While pedophilia may not be the problem in the fandom that the general public wanted to make it out to be, they are still going to feel themselves proved right enough about how disgusting a bunch of guys liking a franchise for little girls when they see what Bronies have done.


The one thing a young girl should be able to feel safe about searching for on the internet is her favorite My Little Pony character. However, that isn't true now. Inappropriate art has been very poorly tagged by Bronies, and it isn't at all hard to run into something very inappropriate even with safe-search on. I'm an adult, and I really don't want to see this kind of stuff myself, so trust me... I know. Safe-search on, searching for my favorite pony, and inappropriate art still appears. Maybe not in droves, but it just takes one. Especially for a young girl, who just wants to search for her favorite character, and then ends up seeing that.


When a parent runs into this, you can bet they're going to be mad, and they have reason to be. And what are they going to think? Not "Oh dear, poorly tagged MLP porn, what a shame", instead they'll think "Oh god. It's those disgusting Bronies! This is what happens when grown men like something for little girls." and the stupid societal norms that guys should never like anything for girls will only strengthen....


If only Bronies could have just shown that they like MLP for what it is... Didn't need all of the porn, gore, and abuse jokes, then maybe, just maybe they could have proven society was wrong. But I'm afraid Bronies are only strengthening the societal norms. I have seen it myself. This is ALL my coworkers think of when Bronies get brought up.

  • Brohoof 4

Everything needs more woodwind!

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If only Bronies could have just shown that they like MLP for what it is... Didn't need all of the porn, gore, and abuse jokes, then maybe, just maybe they could have proven society was wrong. But I'm afraid Bronies are only strengthening the societal norms. I have seen it myself. This is ALL my coworkers think of when Bronies get brought up.


Well that is how people often will act when they like something so much that they want to see it compared with something else they also like. This is not the case just for Bronies. In other fandoms as well (big and small :okiedokielokie: )  :( .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Furries tend to get a similar amount of hate and the main reason? it's different!


most people take a disliking for the reason of us watching a show aimed for younger viewers which may come out strange to some


many of the (haters) tend to be trolls randomly clicking on MLP stuff just to insult the fandom/show or the people who start spreading cruel comments about us bronies



adults/teens watching a show aimed for young children is quite odd for some and some people can't seem to handle this as it is not normal in their eyes



the same often goes for the furry fandom...it's unusual  and could be considered strange by some ways of looking




however I still feel they have no right to be this way with the fandom I can tolerate people who dislike the show or fandom but they leave us alone often called (anti bronies) or (non bronies)





I may not be right however...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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A run down of the anti-brony fanbase.


95%: Trolls.


5%: Legitimately dislike bronies.


How to deal with trolls: #IGNORE


How to deal with legitimate haters: These people will actually sit down and talk to you about it. So do that.

Edited by BuzzBuzzTheBee



Please, stop fighting...

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In general people seem to assume the worst about weird things-at least at first. Even Ashleigh Ball and John DeLancie had negative thoughts when first hearing about bronies.


Unfortunately one of the main problems for the brony fandom is the franchise itself and how it has been (and still is) marketed. Anyone who has had kids, or has been a kid in the last 30 years has probably seen my little pony next to the barbies in the GIRLS section at the toy store, or a commercial (or even the older show) on TV and that's what they will most likely think of. Most people have no idea that the show has been revamped.


Some reasons for the hate that I can think of

  • A lot of people have the view that it's for little girls only and are too closed-minded to even consider looking at it objectively.
  • Others may just think it's beneath them (it's childish to watch a cartoon, or because it's a cartoon it must be stupid).
  • One thing I've really noticed over the years (in general) is that some people genuinely hate when other people are having fun.
  • A lot of idiots just seem to like trolling other people online.
  • Some people just blindly believe whatever the media says.
  • Some people are just negative and assume the worst.
  • Some people are too cynical to see that someone could genuinely like something like MLP for non deviant reasons.
  • Some people think it's gay somehow- (I think these kind of people have issues with themselves more-so than with the show- lol)
  • Some people think bronies are just hipsters being stupid (AKA Trenderhoof :eww:).
  • Rabidly obsessive fans spamming everywhere they can think of.
  • Brohoof 1



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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People just hate on things for the hell of it. They enjoy making people angry online and tend to target the ones that stand out from the crowd. The only way to really deal with them is to ignore them and not give them the attention the want.

  • Brohoof 1
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Just about anything that remotely looks like it was meant for little girls that peaks a male's interest, is automatically stereotyped in the most negative ways possible. Powerpuff Girls and Sailor Moon are good examples, however due to the nature of the characters of this show, it gives the haters more ammo than ever before.

I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^


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Sadly, its in human nature to generalise, and destroy things.


Anything and everything can be used as an excuse, so long as there is a little nugget of truth behind it. 


It is true that bronies were heavy trolls back in 2010 (gosh I feel old), but that is the only nugget of truth trolls need to go about their business. 


And people do it cause they like it. There is a sadistic pleasure in all of us to wreck something. These people just.....got a little too much of the sadist added when they were born. 


Thus we should pay them no mind. Its inevitable through human nature. 

  • Brohoof 1


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My firm belief is that Bronies caused the problem themselves. The origin lies in this now infamous meme...



It was used to annoy the hell out of people posting on boards featuring Japanese anime and the like, where American cartoon images were against the rules. Then it found it's way onto all manner of boards, because Bronies thought EVERY forum should be about MLP. The movement caused non-fans to begin to hate the upstarts trying to hijack every thread and turn it into one about MLP.


This was soon followed by the "How do I go about converting my friend/brother/coworker/whatever into a Bronie." The annoyance factor was raised 20% when fans started trying to ram the show down the throats of people who just weren't interested.


Next, the hate was doubled, when Bronies started using the phrase "Coming Out" to describe how they admitted to family and friends the dreaded secret that they *GASP* watched a perfectly legal program broadcast openly to millions of homes nationwide. Of course non-fans grasped on that as meaning Bronies were gay.


In summery. All the hate on the internet was DIRECTLY caused by Bronies, at least a very vocal segment of the fandom, THEMSELVES!


No, not all of it. While I do agree some of us definitely caused the hate, otherwise the haters wouldn't exist, it's not all of us. It's something that goes on in both anti-bronies and bronies. The most vocal ones are the ones everyone notices.


Let me give a real life example, there is this school down the road that is known for being the school "the bad kids go to". In-fact, some people who go there are very nice; but because some of the people there are abusive and loud, people are led to believe everyone/most people who go there are like that.


That is my hypothesis on why each fandom opposes eachother so much, both bronies and anti-bronies believe that, because a small percentage of the fandom/anti-fandom are obnoxious, all the fans/haters are obnoxious to boot.

Edited by BuzzBuzzTheBee
  • Brohoof 1



Please, stop fighting...

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Well, I'm a girl, if that makes any difference, but it shouldn't.

Anyhow even I have gotten hate for liking ponies, and I'd very much blame the society for it's ideals and framed view on everything that is considered "abnormal". Like an older group of people who likes something that is meant to be for "little girls", like bronies.

What they don't see, is that this community often is WAY better than the "normal" society actually is. We care for one another, we love basically everything that has with the show to do and what I've seen from videos of Brony conventions, the panels are SO filled with love and care. That's a beautiful thing. It's just that all society and non-bronies hear about us is that we think "horses" are attractive, we're loud and gross, are sitting at home with no money just watching the show acting creepy. Yes, that might be one part of it, but it's a very TINY part, that is getting way too much attention from the "outside world". Which is really sad, cause what we do is nothing but great, we're being ourselves. We're strong, going out there saying that we like a cartoon show made for kids. 


It's just that people don't see that, they just think it's creepy.

Also, yes, trolls are a big part of it, but that's not the biggest reason for all the hate.

It's this. All we can do about it is to just, brush it off and show them that we're not bothered about what they think about us, cause what we do is what we consider right. Hate is not going to stop, it's everywhere.
Keep going strong, everypony.

Edited by rosenflickan
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Don't you think its a bit hypocritical when they call us autistic gay virgins, like if you're going to take that much time to rant and hate on innocent fans of a TV show (Unless its the bronies that shove it down your throat) you seem to have no life outside of harassing people on the internet. DumbUnicorn-head-circle-2.pngs


(If you're wondering about the unicorn icon, that is the lovely Unicorn of Censorship, protecting the children from profanity since 2010)

"...And then the Princesses of Equestria declared, 'Derpy is best pony.'"...

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 Even Some bronies hate other bronies cos they disgrace to fandom for bad things they did/become, but they seem to blame every bronies. Sure some bronies are disgrace but not all are. There people who love the show and ponies, and just called fan, cos they beileve being a brony make you are like these who disgrace to fandom. Even there people who left the fandom & hate the fandom.

  • Brohoof 1

Proud British Brony

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No, not all of it. While I do agree some of us definitely caused the hate, otherwise the haters wouldn't exist, it's not all of us. It's something that goes on in both anti-bronies and bronies. The most vocal ones are the ones everyone notices.


Let me give a real life example, there is this school down the road that is known for being the school "the bad kids go to". In-fact, some people who go there are very nice; but because some of the people there are abusive and loud, people are led to believe everyone/most people who go there are like that.


That is my hypothesis on why each fandom opposes eachother so much, both bronies and anti-bronies believe that, because a small percentage of the fandom/anti-fandom are obnoxious, all the fans/haters are obnoxious to boot.

  You missed where I said "at least a very vocal segment of the fandom". I honestly believe that if a lot of fans (not all) DIDN'T do what I pointed out, there wouldn't be any anti-brony hate now.  To be quite frank, I, as a Pegasister despise when bronies spew that "coming out" stupidity. How DARE bronies insinuate admitting they like a 22 minute long TV show somehow compares to the emotional pain and suffering coming out as homosexual or bisexual can cause. I feel very strongly about it, since I never had the nerve to come out as bisexual to my family. I love MLP:FIM, but it's just a TV show. Most, if not all of the hate was self generated by the many bronies that acted like jerks over it, and felt the need to ram it down everyone's throats.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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You missed where I said "at least a very vocal segment of the fandom". I honestly believe that if a lot of fans (not all) DIDN'T do what I pointed out, there wouldn't be any anti-brony hate now. To be quite frank, I, as a Pegasister despise when bronies spew that "coming out" stupidity. How DARE bronies insinuate admitting they like a 22 minute long TV show somehow compares to the emotional pain and suffering coming out as homosexual or bisexual can cause. I feel very strongly about it, since I never had the nerve to come out as bisexual to my family. I love MLP:FIM, but it's just a TV show. Most, if not all of the hate was self generated by the many bronies that acted like jerks over it, and felt the need to ram it down everyone's throats.

Would it surprise you to learn that the chemical reaction that occurs during anxiety and apprehension related to secrecy and perception of others is nearly identical regardless of the cause? In the end, your brain cognitively knows the difference, but the non cognitively derived emotions ignore social contrivances like pain one-up-manship.



I do agree with you oddly enough. I just recognize that the order is solely based on my personal prejudice between them, and not a neuro-psychological reality.

  • Brohoof 1



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Would it surprise you to learn that the chemical reaction that occurs during anxiety and apprehension related to secrecy and perception of others is nearly identical regardless of the cause? In the end, your brain cognitively knows the difference, but the non cognitively derived emotions ignore social contrivances like pain one-up-manship.



I do agree with you oddly enough. I just recognize that the order is solely based on my personal prejudice between them, and not a neuro-psychological reality.

Yes, but bronies caused it all themselves with declaring it "Coming out". It's just a TV show. Nobody cares if adults watch Adventure Time or Gravity Falls. Fans of those shows didn't go all weird and try to make them something more than they really are.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Yes, but bronies caused it all themselves with declaring it "Coming out". It's just a TV show. Nobody cares if adults watch Adventure Time or Gravity Falls. Fans of those shows didn't go all weird and try to make them something more than they really are.

True, but I have yet to see the highest rated cable news channel imply fans of those shows are just below terrorists. Things like that impacted the individuals perception of how others may view them, just like a person who is scared to publicly admit their orientation.

  • Brohoof 1



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True, but I have yet to see the highest rated cable news channel imply fans of those shows are just below terrorists. Things like that impacted the individuals perception of how others may view them, just like a person who is scared to publicly admit their orientation.

I'm going to stop now because I got myself all upset (again) over the "coming out" thing. Sorry.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Believe it or not, most brony haters are between ages 7-12.  After age 12, people kinda just accept the fact that you're a brony.  One of the coolest guys in my grade during middle school was a brony, and no one could care less.

"Life is not about success or making others happy, but about being happy in the process" - Plato's Pony


"Only the dead have seen the end of war" - Plato


"Night.  Fear and Darkness in one sense.  Peace and Tranquility in another" - Plato's Pony

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