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Epic Rap Battle of MLP Forums  

28 users have voted

  1. 1. Who Won?

    • Celestia (Lavo)
    • Luna (Jeric)
    • Eyup ... it's him alright

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That was a magnificent . Love-ly performance on Twily's solo part too. c; Hmm... who is who though? I especially can't click that deep voice (at least an octave deeper than the rest) among the "Winter wrap-up, Winter wrap-up~" harmony.

What, the one that's dead flat most of the time? ;) That's me.

  • Brohoof 2
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Shimmering - Fluttershy 

I sincerely apologise to Fluttershy and all of her wonderful fans   :( My throat was in agony that day (either way, I can't sing anyway).  :lol:

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Great job Pathy!!! That was stellar!


D'aw, thank you very much Seeny! :blush:

  • Brohoof 2
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Great job Pathy!!! That was stellar!

He's a magnificent Applejack isn't he? <3

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He's a magnificent Applejack isn't he? <3



He was indeed very very Perfect!


You guys are too much! Quit making me blush! :blush:  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2
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You guys are too much! Quit making me blush! :blush:  :lol:

Not my fault! :P According to Applejack, you are:

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He's a magnificent Applejack isn't he? <3

That he is! Maybe next year he can sing Raise This Barn if we do staff songs again :)

  • Brohoof 3
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That he is! Maybe next year he can sing Raise This Barn if we do staff songs again :)


I have a feeling someone would mention! XD


Honestly, I'd love to give it a shot if given the opportunity...I'll admit. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Much later than anticipated here is BBBFF 







I ... am ... so ... sorry. 





And no I couldn't get rid of the backing reverb. :P

  • Brohoof 5
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In all seriousness, that was pretty good! You certainly did not make Twilight cry!


You might've pinched a nerve, but not cry! :P


All in good fun my friend, and I'm glad to see you still at it. ^^

  • Brohoof 2
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I cried from how big some of these embedded images were, especially in the early-on pages.

There's a Pinkie vector as tall as I am on page two or three.

My mouse's scroll wheel will disown me for this.  :blush:

You city ponies and your lack of knowledge about the ways of the spoiler tag.  :okiedokielokie:

Glad this was again successful, hurrah for fandom charity work.  :wacko:

  • Brohoof 3
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fillies and Gentlecolts


This song will go down in MLP Forums History. Something that has almost happened in the past, but never quite made it, is about to be witnessed. "What the hay is Jeric rambling about this time", you ask? Well, the $3000.00 stretch goal was met. You guys unlocked ythe god tier prize. One photo was given as a hint. Behold, The Epic Rap Battle of MLP Forums


Celestia (Lavo) vs Luna (Jeric) and a super secret special guest. 







Who will win? You decide!

  • Brohoof 9
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Much later than anticipated here is BBBFF 







I ... am ... so ... sorry. 





And no I couldn't get rid of the backing reverb. :P

Oh dear Luna. XD

Love it. :muffins:


Fillies and Gentlecolts


This song will go down in MLP Forums History. Something that has almost happened in the past, but never quite made it, is about to be witnessed. "What the hay is Jeric rambling about this time", you ask? Well, the $3000.00 stretch goal was met. You guys unlocked ythe god tier prize. One photo was given as a hint. Behold, The Epic Rap Battle of MLP Forums


Celestia (Lavo) vs Luna (Jeric) and a super secret special guest. 







Who will win? You decide!

...Granny Smith won that, obviously.

  • Brohoof 2
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Fillies and Gentlecolts


This song will go down in MLP Forums History. Something that has almost happened in the past, but never quite made it, is about to be witnessed. "What the hay is Jeric rambling about this time", you ask? Well, the $3000.00 stretch goal was met. You guys unlocked ythe god tier prize. One photo was given as a hint. Behold, The Epic Rap Battle of MLP Forums


Celestia (Lavo) vs Luna (Jeric) and a super secret special guest. 







Who will win? You decide!




This was absolutely glorious.

  • Brohoof 3
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