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Can you fully trust bronies?


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This question has been going through my mind for a while.

I was just wondering if you should actually "trust" a brony.Like tell secrets or problems.Or even tell where you live.


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While it's true that bronies tend to be pretty caring of others, remember that they are still strangers on the internet. Never fully let your guard down-you have no idea who is on the other end.

Edited by Auroreita Borealis
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Brony IRL: I'd say yes, unless they're an absolute fanboy to the extreme, then they may serve you the wrong advice.

Brony in the webs: Internet ain't a safe place to begin with, though I'm pretty sure you can trust the good folk over here :)

Edited by akimBrony
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Bronies are people. People. They are people that happen to like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Most people are great, but people are not perfect. Similarly, most bronies are great, but they are not perfect as well.


On the Internet, you have no idea who is sitting on the other side of that screen. You should try to be cautious with personal information online. This goes double for you if you are a minor. Be careful out there.


I am not saying that you should hide in a safe and never tell anyone anything online, but I am just saying that you should use common sense. If you feel nervous about telling someone something, then this is probably a sign that you shouldn't do it.


Look, I have been talking with people through online services since the days of the bulletin board systems (when I was of a single digit age). I will say this. Most people are fundamentally good and you can trust them.


The problem is that some people are bad and their "badness" goes way beyond what most of us can imagine possible. Being a brony or not being a brony has absolutely nothing to do with anything.


The problem with online services of any type is that it is really difficult to pick out the bad people from the good people, because both of them can be really nice. It is because of this difficulty that you should be generally cautious with your personal details online.


Don't be paranoid, but just use your common sense. Trust your instincts, but make sure that your instincts are pointing in the direction of general caution.


As an example, if someone wants to know where you live, then you should ask yourself why they are bothering to ask you this? If you can't come up with a good reason then that is a red flag.


Once again, no, being a brony or not being a brony has nothing to do with anything, because bronies are people too. Just like with normal people, there are some bad apples out there.


Edit: Just wanted to add some things...

Edited by Scootacool
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Well, it depends who exactly the brony is. I don't give out anything personal online unless it's for a purchase or something, but seeing that my identity is nearly completely anonymous and I can control what others know and don't know about me (never link any accounts for anything together!), then I find that the internet is safer than most people think it is.


I don't trust anyone online enough to give my address or anything, but as with problems or secrets, sometimes it's good to talk with a stranger about the former, but the latter should only be talked of with trusted friends. I posted this on a different topic, but speaking with strangers (not the type you're thinking, ones on sites like this) can often be a good solution to things. Since they don't know you at all (and if they do, very little), they can't judge or base anything on you, meaning they at times give honest from-the-heart advice, whereas people who've known you for a long time will give you what they think you will like most or something similar.


But hey, this is only what I think. I only place trust in those that I know won't betray me.

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I'm going with no on this one. I don't think i'd ever give anyone on the internet very detailed information about myself irl (where i live, phone number, etc) unless i happened to actually have known them in real life at some point in time. Even then there are other factors. While i don't think bronies in general would do anything with the information, you can't really be to careful in this situation and there probably are some who would use it, in a good or bad way.

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Um, don't trust anyone on the internet. 'Nuff said.


Um, don't trust anyone on the internet. 'Nuff said.


QFT. It's that simple. It doesn't matter what, who, or where they are. Don't give anyone on the internet your private information. Ever.

Edited by PaganPony
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Well, i don't see much harm in telling a secret to a brony on the internet. what's the worst that'll happen? but personal info is a no-no, i've fallen prey to giving some away to others. Luckily those i have are actually good moral human beings.

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Can't trust anyone on the internet. No matter how much you may have in common with them, they could still be some creep behind a screen. LIKE MUFASA!


...Even if they're a brony... they could be disguised!

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I try to put a good amount of trust in just about everyone I meet.

Only until they do something that would change my mind otherwise, do i feel the need to change my view on them.


However if anything is a good factor, it's usually time itself.

The longer you know someone and such can usually lead you to your answer.


Obviously there are exceptions, but lets be honest. Everything always has exceptions.

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