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Free OC art here! No catch, Just art!

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OC Name: Garnet

Gender: Male, though I want to see him redrawn with as a female.

Body Colour: Emerald Green

Main Mane Colour: Yellow

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT):N/A

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT):N/A

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture):


Eye colour: Garnet Red. Same red as the Gem in the Cutie Mark.

Personality: Artist. Isolated. Knowledgeable. Bookworm.

Race: Unicorn

Or, if you prefer, you can view his profile here.
Thank you!


post-31281-0-23148100-1428212606.png  Here ya go! Hope it's okay LOL :D




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attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-05 at 06.42.31.png  Here ya go! Hope it's okay LOL :D


*Stands up and applauds furiously*

Yo! Twilight-sama and Rainbow Dash! How are you doing? Check it out yo!

Garnet... What is this "Shakera Kyou" that you speak of?

Hey, Retro! Don't say that, it makes you look dense!

... Shakera Kyou...

My OC, Garnet Ask Garnet

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Could you do mine please, you dont have to


OC Name: Saturn Ring

Body Colour: dark creme

Main Mane Colour: White

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): Red

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT): Pink

(Kindve like a peppermint lel, oh yea and mane is in pony tail tied up by blue ribbon)

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture): A bass clef. https://www.google.com/search?q=bass+clef+image&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OuMgVYH3AY3ZoATo5IG4Cg&ved=0CB4QsAQ&biw=1920&bih=969#imgdii=_&imgrc=lUyDbaD1qQ4e2M%253A%3BFsXYoJDZOVZm6M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.soundswell.co.uk%252Fpages%252Fother_bits%252Fbassclef.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimgarcade.com%252F1%252Ftransparent-bass-clef%252F%3B325%3B400 (here is a long link to the image of one)

Personality: usually sad or very annoyed

Race: Earth Pony

Edited by xxXX_SaturnMlg_XXxx


.My Instagram: http://instagram.com/nick_tenn/  Sig made by Blue Moon: You're awesome man

My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thunderhawkx7

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I'll get to everyone's today. Sorry, i've been so busy lately. Hooves up who hasn't been serviced?

I requested mine a while ago but it was from last year. Here's the info if you need it again.



Edited 25/2/15: OC Name: N/A (it's my friend's OC)

Body Colour: Yellow

Main Mane Colour: Dark Brown

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): N/A

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT): N/A

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture):


Eye colour: rose, I think 

Personality: N/A (not my OC, it's my friend's)

Here's a picture of her. 




Rainbow Dash SIG 1.png

Sig by Kyoshi.

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I'll get to everyone's today. Sorry, i've been so busy lately. Hooves up who hasn't been serviced?

I don't think I got mine yet. But that may just be my forgetful memory.


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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OC Name: Captain Cookie Caramel

Body Colour:


Main Mane Colour: seen in the picture above

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): also in the picture

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT): nope

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture):


Eye colour: also in the first picture

Personality: Loyal, friendly, helpful, secretive, doesn't trust ponies very fast 

Race: Pegasus 


Your stuff looks amazing, so take yer time. Thanks in advance!

Edited by Pucksterv
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Semi-OC Name: The Master (Formerly Fluttershy)


Body Color: Same As Fluttershy


Mane and Tail Color: Black, mane is combed back into a very masculine pony tail


Eye Color: Teal


Cutie Mark: Analog clock with a teal eye in the center


Personality: Controlling, egocentric, yet very protective.


Race: Time Lord Pegasus

Edited by Cobalt-Willow
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OC Name: Royalhue

Body Colour: Royal Purple (derp)

Main Mane Colour: Navy Blue

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): Magenta

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT): Tertia-what? Uhh...Cyan.

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture): Blank Flank

Eye colour: Darker shade of royal purple...?

Personality: (Wait, does this matter?) I can't give you an entire backstory, so does tom-coltish work?

Race: Unicorn

(She's a filly)

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OC Name: TickTock Starblast

body colour: Purple

main mane colour: Browny red

secondary mane colour: Midnight purple

eye colour: Purple

Gender: Cult/stallion

personality: Kind





always tries to do the right thing even if it sometimes goes wrong.

race: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: It Is a yellow and white 8 tipped star with purple and blue magic swirling around it.


P.S: Can you sorta base it of my profile picture please



Many Thanks,


Edited by NexusBrony2312

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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OC Name: Frozen Star

Body Colour: Cyan

Main Mane Colour: Ice blue

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): Navy blue

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT):

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture): Blank flank.

Eye colour: Sky blue

Personality: Frozen tends to be jumpy, sort of hyperactive, always keeping a smile on his face.

Stays loyal to his two friends.

Though he seems he does not like others, he is always there to lend a hoof to anyone who asks.

Protective over his family, always watching around everywhere he goes. (Guardian I think fits better)

Race: Pegasus (yes another one to over crowd equestria)

(Frozen is a colt)

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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@@Poet Flame,


OC Name: Running Loose

Body Colour: Blue

Main Mane Colour: Teal

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT): Aqua

Tertiary Mane colour (OPT):  DK blue

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture): The swirly line that represents wind.

Eye colour: Red-Orange

Personality: Welp.

Running Loose is always to help, and unlike the flim flam brotherhood, there's no catch. Although his emotions are easily rocked. He also desperately want's a special somepony, and he's a very fast runner. As a result, he gets hurt easily.

Race: Pegasus (Doesn't live in cloudsdale, don't include it in the picture)


Thanks mate! I'll cite this page. -Blue

<p>I'm in a better place. Thanks for the ride.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OC Name:  Arctic Sunbeam

Body Colour:  Ice/sky blue

Main Mane Colour: Baby/candyfloss pink

Seconday Mane Colour (OPT):  Baby/candyfloss yellow

Cutie Mark (detailed description OR png file picture):  White snowflake with a black paw print in the middle

Eye colour:  Brown

Personality:  Sweet, kind, adores animals, shy, self-concious and doesn't think much of herself, but everypony seems to like her and she's very friendly.

Race:  Unicorn


Have fun drawing her! I'll include a rough picture, it doesn't have her cutie mark but hopefully will give you an idea of her mane :) Thanks!



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Name: mars

Body color: Violet and green. (If need more specific color look at muh avatar)

Main mane color: same green as his body

Secondary mane color: bright red

Tertiary mane color: none

Cutie mark: mars with a little rocket ship going around it

Eye color: goldish yellow

Personality: generous, energetic

Race: Pegasus (dang im a stereotype)

P.s I would friggen love it if you could put some waffles in the pic somewhere.

Edited by Mars orbit
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