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Bronies worship Satan?


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This is the shirt I was wearing.


I want that shirt!! xD



But seriously, I'm not surprised. This is probably coming from a woman whom also believed that Pokemon led to devil worship, Spongebob was a pro-gay cartoon, harry potter caused kids to do witchcraft, etc.


Yes all us Bronies worship the dark lord Satan. XD




Now bring it down an octave and add in an evil laugh at the end. :3

  • Brohoof 1


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Come on, fellow bronies! Let us join the Harry Potter and Pokemon fandom, where we shall recite creepy hymns and banish non-believers into the underworld, robbing them of their heterosexuality and will with magical ponies!

Edited by ASpark
  • Brohoof 1
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Wait all of this happened while wearing that: "I just don't know what went wrong" shirt? I'm sorry but that is f'ing hilarious. Sorry it happened to you, but the thought that of all things it was that shirt you got yelled in :lol:

As for the act of it happening i'm also not surprised. People will believe whatever they want to justify that, their child, grandchild, whatever, has been changed into something, and not that it was the child themselves being expressive of who they are.


All that while wearing that shirt though... I'm still smiling lol

Edited by applejack is best pony
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If it were me i would stop her and give her a lecture on how if all i do is help other people and all she does is condemn them, then she appears to be the one having things backwards. Anything that stands outside the social norm is immediately branded as evil or strange and is frowned upon, therefore by males over the age of puberty enjoying a colorful and "feminine" show it distorts the gender boundries set by society and scares closed mined people because they have trouble understanding social and phsychological diversity.


...um, hi. I worship Prometheus, who has many mythological links and connections to the myth of Satan.


Sorry if I'm messing it up for you guys.


Naw , love and tolerate. Worship whatever brings you peace bro. Edited by Legate Umbra
  • Brohoof 1
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Humans are the strangest in the least. They jump to conclusions, blame everybody around them, and some that are pretty retarded will say you are going to hell. It's really sad that people have to be that way. All we are doing is finding something we like to do, and making it a hobby. I really don't see what the deal with some people is, but as ponies we have to learn to love and tolerate. And that means even if the person is completely rude, and is dealing with some misdirection.


Luckily we are ponies and are different from these people, who like to judge people. My family hates me now, because they think I'm gay. And want to know something else? It's because.. I'm watching a show with ponies in it, and became a brony. It really is ridiculous, because they wouldn't think anything of it, if I was female. But nope, I'm a male fan of MLP and proud of it.


This pretty much says everything:


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  • Brohoof 1
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Never had that happen, and no, i dont worship Satan.


i would have destroyed that woman if that happened to me (not violently, verbally, like she did to you)

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Eeeyup, i'm after of her nephew heterosexuality and soul, so i can give it to my master Satan to become a MOTHERBUCKING PEGASUS! -not.

Really, that woman have serious problems. My parents told me that God loves me, and He don't want to send me to hell. I think they lied to me.

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Man, I think that if a women yelled at me and called me a gay, Satan worshiper I'd punch her right in the face. Or something. I wouldn't just stand there.


I'm a straight, Christian (Though my patience leaves much to be desired. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png ) and I would take massive offense at that.


I like ponies, and there is nothing inherently wrong with that. Anyone who believes otherwise is a judgmental fool who's words are worth nothing.

  • Brohoof 1

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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What a complete and total nutjob.


I just don't know what else to say. She's so warped, just like those who assume that watching a kid's cartoon makes somebody a pedophile. They're so lacking in the reasoning department...

Everything needs more woodwind!

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*sniff sniff* Why does everybody hate us bronies? We just don't know wat went wrong :(


I honestly think the lady overreacted. Or maybe the nephew is like, watching 24/7, buying millions of toys, locked in his own room, seeming possessed, she overreacted.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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We feel that this is blasphemy to all Bronies!


Our Queen is very disappointed. This is why we stay away from humans--they are so irrational!

Edited by sᴜᴍᴍoɴᴇᴅ


From the depths

We are summoned

To consume

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I'm a closet brony, so it hasn't happened yet.

Also, according to her, since I'm Christian, I'm not truly a brony. Awesome logic.

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Hey, anybrony want to come over later this afternoon for some fresh blood of forty virgins? :D


In all seriousness, her opinion is extremely biased an unsupported. I don't see why she's so upset about her nephew being supposedly homosexual--though I'm no love doctor, I think it's the emotions that count. :huh: There is such thing as surrogate, assuming he's old enough, though it en't the end of the world should her nephew decide to never have children. Millions are being born every day. One child en't going to make a difference.


Five indifferent Big Mac's out of five on the non-existent buck scale here!



Previously known as AbominableAnon.

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If you EVER come across her or any other person like her again, Reply with "One does not simply become homosexual or a devil worshipper from watching a tv show." Tell her "What exactly does this show have to do with homosexuality or the devil?"


I can't believe how danged stupid some people are. I'm christian and I watch the show. I hate the devil. The show has nothing to do with sexual orientation or religion. -_-

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I once met a hater that freaked on me... I was walking in front of a church on my way to school When this guy looked my way he noticed the RD cutie mark on my backpack. I don't know how he saw it considering it was on the bottom. He approached me, didn't say a word, punched my face and broke my nose...after spitting some blood out I questioned him on it and he said "I hate my little pony watching pricks"! He then asked me the apeal in watching the show so I gave the highlights, which he shot down pulling all the BS he could finding a satanic background for all examples. I then laughed in his face telling him that it wouldn't matter to me because I am agnostic!


End result 2 punches to the face, 1 broken nose (twice over), a hurt pride, and a well informed hater.


I'm pretty sure this has happened to more than just me...

  • Brohoof 2

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I wear pony-themed clothes out in public, but the most I've ever received was a few dirty looks from cashiers or people walking by. I would probably cry if someone started yelling at me in public about how my love for ponies was evil.

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That lady should seriously go to hell. We are free to choose to do what we wish and should not be judged.

I do not care if someone is bisexual, that's totally fine, and I don't care if you worship Satan. The fact here is that people are all equal, no mater how old or how young, we are all on this planet together.


If people stopped judging people, and started TO GIVE ONE FUCKING SHIT FOR THIS WORLD, I'D BE A DAMN HAPPY PLACE.


We have a ton of problems in this world, and a bunch of ignorant sons of bitches and trolls arn't getting us anywhere (not you Cloud kicker), what we need to do is RE-EDUCATE and TEACH the others to get fucking along. Where the fuck did understanding go?

No one seems to give a shit about things anymore! What the hell happened to the world?!


But enough of my raging, all you can do is love and tolerate, and do it with pride. If you need some help, give me a call.


All in all, bronies and Satan have nothing to do in common, and this woman should be sent to hell. It doesn't fucking matter if her nephew is straight or gay, but it's the actions she did that do. She is the cause of it, not bronies. This is the classic story, a horrible mother trying to blame others for her poor teachings. Anyway, who gives a fuck if someone is straight or gay? We are all fucking people! Can't we fucking live together?

Edited by VioletLinked
  • Brohoof 1



Quote my Posts if you want me to see your reply please!

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You know i usually dont have a problem with any religions, but there is still a reason im atheist


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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  • 1 year later...

The strangest thing happened to me today. I was driving home today and I decided to stop at the store on the way home. It was a corner store in a part of town I don't usually stop in because in most cases I would have to go quite out of my way to get there. Well, as I walked into the store I passed a lady standing by the door who gave me a funny look. I'm kind of used to getting dirty looks because people tend to assume that all teenagers are evil.


After I had finished buying what I wanted, I walked out of the store and this lady stops in front of me and starts yelling at me! I was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Derpy Hooves that says "I just don't know what went wrong" on it. Well, this lady saw that shirt and pointed at it yelling at me about how "We bronies changed her nephew" and "how we would burn in hell for stealing her nephews heterosexuality" and stuff like that, and I mean she was just RAGING!


I had no clue what to do so I just stood there and took it. Her face was like beat red and she was just screaming at me. After what felt like forever just standing there with my bag of chips, being yelled at until she knocked the bag out of my hands and stormed off.


It was one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me. Can you believe that somebody could actually think that because we like ponies, we worship Satan!? How does someone even come to that conclusion? People are... strange, to say the least.


Anypony else have any similar experiences?img-261371-1-6.jpg

This is the shirt I was wearing.

I would have walked up to her and hugged her saying "shhh, it's ok, it's ok to be mad". Though she would have probably screamed rape or something like that.

Edited by Xelphos
  • Brohoof 2


Random white text!

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I don't think thats happened to me before. I mean, I have gotten some weird looks from people. I was wearing my vinyl scratch over-ears and my derpy jacket and one girl just stopped, stared and shook her head.

As for my worship standings:Noodledoodle_bg3.jpg

Professional Lagger, Traitor and Sniper.

I'll meet your jihad and raise you one crusade. 

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Obviously we are worshipers of Satan. I mean, if you turn the intro theme backwards, it sounds exactly like a sacrifice song that the Church of Satan uses. Not only that, remember Cerberus? Well, that's the protector of something similar to hell. Yes, we totally stayed to watch the show because we all love Satan, not because of the actual show or fandom.


I would've walked up to her and said "Oh no! A kid turns out to be homosexual, whilst his parents are heterosexual! That has never happened before!", give her a hug and walk away.


I haven't had many encounters with haters or random bronies when I wear my shirt. Just a few looks, but ehh, those people aren't important anyway.

  • Brohoof 1
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Wow, put aside what she thinks yelling at someone because you don't agree with their clothing is so rude. Some people just have no tact what-so-ever. That makes me sad.


hail satan ya'll


Signature by the amazing LittleRawr. Avatar by the as equally amazing Breeze.

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