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If you havent done it already, here is a little bit of advice.

Bring laced meats, poison meat, tinged meat, drugged meat, and put them on the ground when you see him drooling, let him eat the stuff, it will not only do the meat's effects, but it will also stop him from drooling, which if he gets close to you with the drool then you get the defence down, which I advise you also bring adamant seeds in case he does get it on you.

If he goes for the drugged meat and falls asleep, then put down some barrel bomb L+ around his head and set them off with a barrel bomb S+. It will do good damage if he does not get woken up by local small monsters. (Like the zamite in frozen seaway did to both of the deviljho my buddy and I hunted last night.)

I followed your advice, and he was pretty easy actually. :3 I only used 2 mega potions. After that I didn't want to stop, so now I've driven away the Kushala Daora too. It was getting kind of late, so I called it day. Now I'm going to bring my HR up again... :3
  • Brohoof 1
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Oh man. I'm slowly progressing through one of the DLC episodic quests and so far I completed 2 out of 3 parts. The only thing that needs to be done on the episodic quest now is to take down a Ukanlos...in under 15 minutes. I'm so gonna have a really hard time tackling this quest so I'm going to get some strong G-rank armor and weapons to take the monster down quickly.

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I want to switch to using the heavy bowgun, and I wanted a Stygian Zinogre bowgun, because it seemed like a good idea. I've grinded about 12 Zinogres, still no plates... :/

Then I looked up how to get the Stygian Zinogre bowgun, and it's G-rank. I can't get those materials yet... :/ Any other suggestions for heavy bowguns to use?


Also Zinogre is now one of my favorite monsters... :3

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I found this Monster Hunter video where a Zinogre (my favorite monster) is being interviewed. It's in Japanese though so you should turn on the subtitles if you want to check it out.


Edited by Photon Jet
  • Brohoof 5
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I am 2 Rubies and 6 firecell stones away from my Gold Rathian armor.

Why does it need two rubies? And why does the desire sensor have to be working in full force this time?

I now that feel... I needed 2 Zinogre plates to get a heavy bowgun upgrade... I haven't gotten any so far...

It turns out that getting that upgrade wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I made a Rathian heavy bowgun, and upgraded it 2 times. It works like a charm. Playing gunner is loads of fun. :3

I now have full Stygian Zinogre gunner armor, which was surprisingly easy to get. I got the rare drop on one of my first ones. :D

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I now that feel... I needed 2 Zinogre plates to get a heavy bowgun upgrade... I haven't gotten any so far...

It turns out that getting that upgrade wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I made a Rathian heavy bowgun, and upgraded it 2 times. It works like a charm. Playing gunner is loads of fun. :3

I now have full Stygian Zinogre gunner armor, which was surprisingly easy to get. I got the rare drop on one of my first ones. :D

I recently carved two umbrages off a single stygian zinogre and then got a third in rewards.

The rarity game works in mysterious ways, my buddy and I killed a bunch of pink rathian attempting to get my rubies last night and the desire sensor was working full force because he got one or two and I got not a one.

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I recently carved two umbrages off a single stygian zinogre and then got a third in rewards.

The rarity game works in mysterious ways, my buddy and I killed a bunch of pink rathian attempting to get my rubies last night and the desire sensor was working full force because he got one or two and I got not a one.

Random drops always screw you over. If there is a plate, someone else gets it... ;-;

This is true most of the time, but when I grinded my Seregios armor, I got the rare drop relatively fast. I only had a 3% chance of getting one... :3

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I used to think that I'm at my best with defensive weapons like the lance and gunlance, until I used the greatsword. Its power is unbelievable, and I don't need to worry about elements! It surprised me multiple times, because it felt like a hunt ended too quickly. If I need to take down a monster with sheer power, I know which weapon I'll use!

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I used to think that I'm at my best with defensive weapons like the lance and gunlance, until I used the greatsword. Its power is unbelievable, and I don't need to worry about elements! It surprised me multiple times, because it felt like a hunt ended too quickly. If I need to take down a monster with sheer power, I know which weapon I'll use!

Yeah, the greatsword is great... :3 I've mained gs for almost the entire time I've been playing Monster Hunter. At the start of MH3U I mained dual blades... It just doesn't feel powerful like the gs. :/

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i am a single ruby away from my gold rathian armor, and thats only because I used my VE gold ticket to get one of the two i needed.

watch me get like, three on the next hunt.


UPDATE EDIT: I did not, in fact, after several more pink rathians, and six golden rathian battered broken and captured, not a single ruby.

This is getting seriosuly rediculous.

Edited by Yarne
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I'm in a bit of a pickle on this one Bonus Quest. I have to hunt a Uklanlos in under 15 minutes. I was alright with the Akantor quest but this one takes the challenge to a whole new level. How am I gonna beat the Ukanlos in under 15 minutes? My best bet is to just leave it where it is until I get better weapons and armor. I'm a Dual Sword user now by the way.

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I've just fought the Silver Rathalos... It decimated me... I did beat him, with one faint, but it's still a loss in my book. Wait, the armor has 81 defence?! I want to grind 'em! >:3 Online is gonna be much easier... >:3

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I've just fought the Silver Rathalos... It decimated me... I did beat him, with one faint, but it's still a loss in my book. Wait, the armor has 81 defence?! I want to grind 'em! >:3 Online is gonna be much easier... >:3

You can also try out the Gold Rathian armor set for a better chance of getting rare materials. But that's your choice.

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I finally got my gold rathian set all made, the grind for the ruby was hell, but its done now. Thank gods. I took this picture of me and my buddy both with the same gear to celebrate.



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Good for you...now excuse me as I make my thousandth attempt to try and kill Rajang

Rajang isn't so bad, as long as you've got the right traps to set and timed correctly. If everyone brings a few along, you can crush him easily because of his low defense and health!!

Having Para and Stun is great on top of that.


I take a para/stun greatsword, so teamed with the right people we can take it down in just a few mins. :lol:

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Today I learned Demondrugs do not stack with the attack boost from the felyne food. Over the course of my time playing Monster Hunter, that's probably about 500 wasted Demondrugs. I can't believe I've wasted so many of them because I had no idea those boosts don't stack. :adorkable:


Also, I've like to ask for advice. MH4U is the first Monster Hunter game I've reached G-rank in, so I'm new to the idea of creating mixed sets to get particular skills. It's a bit daunting to me, since there's so many good skills to choose from, and so many ways to combine armor, and I'm worried I'm going to make a bad set. I've thought about it a lot, and I've decided that for my first mixed set, I'd like to aim for the skills Sharpness+1, Challenger+2 and Evade+X. I say Evade+X because I'm aiming for Evade+1 as a minimum, but if that turns out to be far too easy and I have slots left over I'll make it Evade+2 or Evade+3 instead. What do you think? Is this a good set of skills? And am I aiming for too much (or perhaps too little) for a starting G-rank set?

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