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ooc Witch Hunter - Inermis (Closed)

The Elusive Cinder

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Witch Hunter


RP: http://mlpforums.com/topic/120409-witch-hunter-inermis/



So! I'm giving this DM thing another go, given enough intrest. Inermis is quite possibly my most ambitious Rp to date: where the players will take on the role of the Witch Hunters on their mission to cleanse this recovering world of darkness. Yes, there's a lot to read here, but stick with me folks!

A word of warning: I fully intend to explore some rather mature and dark themes. Death, betrayal and necessary evil are all very likely to appear: possibly even questions regarding the very nature of good and evil themselves. You're expected to be able to distance yourself from your character and understand that this is a roleplay designed to make you think: not to assault your real-life beliefs.


The Land of Inermis.

This adventure will take place within the land of Inermis: a once a war-torn island beset by demons, disease and legions of nightmarish creatures. With no hope for its survival, it was cut off by the mainland of Validus and declared a dead land - one that would be left to rot and not associated with in any way.

After six hundred years of torturous war and suffering however, the unthinkable happened. Inermis managed a few small victories: humans established a foothold, rallied as a gathering of cities and began to build a new life for themselves - in spite of the foulness of the land.

Over a few short years, Inermis has come to be known as - while perhaps not safe - a living land once more. At least within civilisation, children can play in the streets can walk the streets at night and even venture into the woods without any serious fear. The darkness is beginning to be beaten back to the hidden corners of the land, and the good people are once more emerging to claim back the lives that they once had. After a two hundred year quarrentine, ships are beginning to travel between this place and the mainland. Trade has resumed and travel is beginning anew. Most predict a bright future for this land with its rare exports and strong people, and the world watches as it begins to rebuild on the ashes of a barely living empire.

Still, it seems that the land still holds dark magic at its roots... and that is where you come in.

Magic is a dangerous and unstable force, drawn from the otherworldly power of demons. As such, the Witch Hunters of Mercy have maintained an iron grip on the mainland since as far as anyone cares to remember. Protectors who are taken as children and raised to become lawless guardians, they are both feared and celebrated in equal measure - for without their cold, uncompromising law, suerly the world would be consumed by darkness. called everything from heroes to butchers, the Witch Hunters are a mystery to most... but generally considered a necessary evil.

You are one such Witch Hunter: an initiate coming to the end of your training. You have been sent - first by carriage and then by ship - to reinstate order on this tainted land. Know that your authority may mean little here where the hunters are unknown... but so long as you are strong willed and unquestioning in your faith, you will succeed.

Welcome, to Inermis.



This Rp will be heavily character driven - for that reason, detailed characters are a must. The Witch Hunters are not inherently good or evil - they serve a very specific, alignmentless purpose. Some are friendly, some are not. Some are cruel, others not so much. Overruling all of their individual traits is one key rule however: magic is evil, corrupting and inherently destructive.

There are no compromises - any traces of magic must be destroyed, at any cost.



· No Mary Sues or Godmodding: It spoils the fun. Not being able to do something is often the more fun route. No overpowered abilities! <- This can ruin a good RP and folks tend to overlook the rule.

· Give us something to read: 200 characters is good for when you just need to give a reaction, or for your character to answer a question. It’s not good for every single post.

· Make it readable: Cus I cnt reed dis, it no nise. C?

· Be reliable: I'm not asking for a post every hour, but if you're not going to be able to post for over a day or two, let us know so that whoever you're talking to isn't stuck and we aren't all waiting for you.

· Don't join if you don't want to play: If you don't intend on staying, at least for a while, just don't apply. Likewise, if you have to drop out, make a post in the RP justifying you're characters absence please.

· What the DM says goes: I shouldn't need to invoke this, but the DM basically has the final say in any arguments or disputes. Rule 0 of any roleplay or tabletop game.



To apply, please complete the form below. I will be very picky with accepting applications, but my main concern is finding dedicated roleplayers. Please do not apply if you aren't willing to commit to this.


You must grade your characters abilities using talents. There are a total of five talents:
Strength: A measure of physical strength, speed and toughness.
Finess: A measure of agility, nimbleness, coordination and balance.
Charisma: A measure of ability to read and influence others.
Intellect: A measure of knowledge, wisdom and mental prowess.
Faith: A measure of dedication, resolve and resilience.

You may spend up to fifteen points on talents, and each talent must have at least one point. The number of points in a talent will reflect the level of capability:

1 Point: Below average and incompetent.
2 Points: Average, no special gifts or training.
3 Points: Above average, trained or gifted in this area.
4 Points: Largely above average, highly trained and naturally gifted.
5 Points: Unnaturally gifted in this area and under observation by the order.

Note that these stats should be created reflect your character: they will be used to determine success and failure, especially at low levels. As a general rule, the difference between lower numbers will likely be more crucial than between higher ones.


Witch Hunters are well armed for their task. As apprentice hunters, you are given a choice of their less rare equipment to take with you. You have 5 points to spend on gear, each pieces cost is next to its name.

All apprentices are issued with a black leather greatcoat which marks them as apprentice hunters, which they are expected to wear over any armour.

Armour - Choose one:
- No Armor (0pts): Though inadvisable, some hunters forego armour in order to remain light on their feet.

- Leather Armor (1pt): Lightweight and comfortable. While it offers little protection against more dangerous attacks, leather armour is good at stopping minor cuts and bruises.

- Iron Chain Armor (2pts): Heavier than leather, but still fairly flexible. May stop some attacks but is still a last-resort protection. Excellent at preventing minor cuts and scrapes however.


Small Weapons (1pt): Knives, Daggers and the like can be concealed fairly easily, drawn quickly and also only weigh a small amount. They are ineffective in a fight, but better than nothing.

- Medium Weapons (2pts): Swords, Axes and Maces designed for one handed use. These are effective in combat and a staple choice of a hunter, but are fairly heavy and dificult to hide.

- Large Weapons (3pts): Two handed weapons such as Greatswords and Battleaxes are devastating in battle, but are heavy to carry and wield. They are simply too large to conceal however, and are cumbersome to draw or sheath in combat.

- Shields (2pts): The weight and bulk of a shield has left them typically unused by most hunters in recent times, who live and die by their mobility. Still, some prefer the familiarity and defence offered by a literal barrier - especially against none-magical threats. Shields issued by the order are circular 'Parma' shields crafted from strong wood with an iron frame, decorated with the insignia of the order.

- Bows (2pts): Grant a range advantage, but lack power against armoured foes, accuracy against nimble creatures and offer incredibly poor protection should an enemy get close. Few hunters still carry bows for these reasons. Bows are lightweight and require arrows to fire.

- Crossbows (2pts): Slower and heavier than a bow, the crossbow hits hard and at longer range, but is slow and exhausting to reload repeatedly. In addition to being heavy and dificult to conceal, Crossbows require bolts to fire.

- Pistols (2pts): Flintlock pistols are powerful firearms, but take time and concentration to reload. Each can be fired once, before needing to be reloaded outside of battle. In addition to being small, lightweight and easy to conceal, they require both bullets and blackpowder to fire.

- Alchemists Fire (1pt): A glass bottle containing a highly flammable liquid which ignites on contact with air. Smash the bottle to cover an area with flames, or pour to administer it more carefully. One time use.

- Spellblocker Vial (1pt): A glass bottle containing a highly unstable mixture of Blackpowder and Azure Sand. Smash the bottle to fill the air with a magic-nullifying cloud. One time use.

Application form.







- Talents -


The Witch Hunters

Silne Veras, played by @SilverHeart,

Name: Silne Veras

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Silne is roughly five feet and eight inches tall. She has an olive complexion and her build leans more towards being slender and lithe as opposed to muscular or heavy-set. Her body is built for agility and speed as opposed to power or toughness. Her hair is blue-black and a little longer than shoulder length. Her eyes are a light green color. Silne has no visible scars, though she does have a birth mark that covers the area from just under her left shoulder to below her left breast. The birth mark in question is a few shades lighter than the rest of her skin.

Personality: Silne Veras has always struggled with being too kind and merciful, traits which she has been told are not becoming of a Witch Hunter. The man that she trained under has taught her that she must always emotionless and calculating. Mercy only allows the heretics and Demon worshipers to live. That said, while Silne is conflicted about this; she is for the time being, willing to do whatever it takes to cleanse all things demonic. Silne can be rather naive when it comes to the ways of the world but will be quick to adjust her viewpoint on many things. Silne also likes to try new things and is willing to spend her money on frivolous experiences, such as trying new food, paying a bard to sing a song, or even just to view some local curiosity.

When it comes to fighting, Silne prefers to use stealth and a more agile fighting method, while this is in direct conflict with her weapon of choice, the bar mace, it does prove rather effective at keeping demon worshippers alive for interrogation. Silne can be rather reluctant to take unnecessary dangers and is very cautious.

Iron Chain Armor

Medium Weapon - Bar Mace

Small Weapon - Stiletto Dagger with a T-shaped blade.

- Talents -
Strength: 3
Finess: 4
Charisma: 3
Intellect: 3
Faith: 2

Ivondras Zúr , played by @Scribblegroove,

Name: Ivondras Zúr

Age: 26

Gender: Male

The body of a martial artist, carefully trained and built to remove all imperfections. Lean, sinewy but reasonably agile and slender as well, with his muscles laid out in almost perfect symmetry, which show impeccable discipline and bodily control, Ivondras looks like a monk that dedicated his life to keep his body in near-perfect condition. A body that had been worked for over the course of the years. What he had lacked in talent he made up for in practice and dedication.

But besides his lean and muscular stature, there aren’t many more features about Ivondras. His eyes are a slightly blue-grey, a colour bland, boring and uninteresting. His head is shaven bald carefully, and some of his bodily hair seems shaven or even waxed not very long ago.

Ivondras is not the sharpest knife in the box. He is usually quite slow to embrace new ideas and can’t come up with a lot of ideas and opinions of his own. This is not because Ivondras is terribly stupid. He just never valued education and knowledge enough to spend his time on it. Besides that. His mind is nimble enough for combat, but when it comes to knowledge and wisdom, he is heavily lacking.

He makes up for this through his dedication to his purpose however. His descision making is always extremely quick, though not very thoroughly thought through. This is because Ivondras serves towards one goal, and that is the eradication of all foul sorceries and magic. If he gets even the slightest hint that someone might be a conjurer of magic, he will not hesitate to kill that person immediately.

Ivondras is relentless, and infinitely dedicated. He will not be stopped until his body cannot carry his blades any longer. He has an inhuman tenacity, and sometimes even seems to perform impossible feats of human strength purely through the power of his will.

How Ivondras turned out to become so knuckleheaded and resilient about his convictions, is due to a heavy history, with lots of death and agony, the specifics of which you will get to find out in the RP.


2 long scimitars, one-handed, but tough to wield for those not strong enough. They are made for dual-wielding use. (4 points)

Leather armour. (1 point)

- Talents -
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Intellect: 1

Gron Falgus, played by @Evilshy,

Name: Gron Falgus

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: huge guy, with flowing blonde hair and a full beard and mustache. He has brown eyes. He likes to wear blue when possible, but adheres to the witchhunter dress code when required. He is heavily muscled and is usually smiling. He wears a gold ring on his right pinky (because it won't fit on any other finger).

Personality: Gron is, to put it bluntly, an optimistic idiot. He is fiercely loyal to anybody he likes, which is almost everybody who isn't a magic weilder. He is very trusting, which occasionally gets him into trouble, although he will almost always take the word of a fellow hunter over the word of a nonhunter. He also hates being on his own, because he knows that the majority of other hunters are smarter than he is and are more likely to spot subtle danger.
In battle, he likes to stay at the front, protecting his comrades and breaking things with brute strength. When asked why he carries a shield when they have fallen out of favor with most hunters, he replies "I like to have armor protecting me, and my armor likes a shield protecting him." He won't say whether or not he actually thinks his armor can think.

Heavy armor
Spell block Vial

He fights with his shield, which isn't as effective as an actual weapon, but his strength makes up for some of that. Also, he's decent in a fist fight.

Strength: 5
Finesse: 2
Charisma: 3
Intellect: 1
Faith: 4

Aaren Grey, played by @Windbreaker,

Name: Aaren Grey

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Appearance: Aaren stands at around 6 feet tall, with a lean build akin to that of a dancer. He is actually tougher than he first appears, but his light frame is perfect for his preferred style of ducking and weaving as opposed to taking hits he could otherwise avoid. He has mid-length messy dark brown, almost black, hair that tends frame his slightly feminine face and fall along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. His eyes are a cold ice-blue, which is ironic given his warm personality. His eyelashes are longer than most males, though he usually doesn't pay much attention to them unless going through his usual routine grooming. He usually dresses in light-weight, mostly form-fitting leather armour with accompanying pants and boots and his sword on his left hip, as he is predominately right-handed. His leather greatcoat, naturally, goes over his armour.

Personality: Aaren is a kind-hearted man with a mostly friendly disposition towards most people, though he shares the lack of tolerance to magic that all Witch Hunters share. He would be happy to sit down and drink with someone, and prefers to keep an open mind about the world around him. It helps that two of his passions are literature and dancing, though he also enjoys singing now and then. But this laid-back and easy-going demeanour hide the Witch Hunter he really is, and when the chips are down, he can and will spring into action with sword drawn and no mercy for his target. He prides himself on having a solution for almost anything he can think of, but the problem comes in that if he can't think of it, or if the situation takes him by surprise, he can sometimes react badly and lose his composure. When he's not hunting mages and heretics, he enjoys the aforementioned literature and dancing (he actually incoporates dance moves into his fighting style and uses it as a way to stay fit and nimble), as well as drinking tea, singing and browsing swords. He is also an avid sword enthusiast and tends to collect swords he thinks are cool, but he'll only use the ones that are practical for his style.

Equipment: 5 points
Leather Armour (1 point)
Medium Weapon: Longsword (2 points)
Small Weapon: Dagger (1 point)
Spellblocker Vial (1 point)

Talents: 15 points
Strength: 3
Finesse: 3
Charisma: 4
Intellect: 3
Faith: 2

Alice Mare, played by ,

Name: Alice Mare

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Rather short - about 5'2", silky light brown hair which she usually is tied up in a ponytail. She has brown eyes with a strange hint of yellow. She also has very light skin and doesn't really care about how she looks like.. She wears swords on her back which she can, despite her build, carry.

Personality: Alice has a very malicious and mischievous side to her. She often patronizes the same person - most of the time, weak ones or ones she know won't hurt her. She can also pull mini pranks to pranks with the potential to injure someone - or, more commonly referred to as traps. Other than that, she also displays very childlike traits. She can also be very messy and say whatever comes to her mind. She gets hiccups whenever she is sad or angry. She has very good eyesight but doesn't need to use her skill much.

She can also be a kind or merciful person if she deems the circumstance is a dangerous or life-threatening one. She hates being deceived and wouldn't kill someone - just injure them unless it is absolutely necessary.

She is prone to tears if she is made fun of or hurt, and sometimes even fakes it to obtain the person's favor. It isn't hard for her to lie, but that doesn't mean she isn't able to directly tell people the truth. She can be encouraging if she feels it's something she absolutely has to do. Otherwise, she would bring them down if it won't give her or her allies anything to gain. She can be very loyal to her friends (if she's made any that is) and won't betray them under any circumstances. She has a fear of being alone, fear of failure, and a fear of thunder/lightning.

In combat, she is normally very fierce and swift, but doesn't hit very often unless she is sure that she will get a hit.

Equipment: 2 swords (4 points) with no armor.

- Talents -
Strength: 1
Finess: 5
Charisma: 4
Intellect: 2
Faith: 3

Joel, played by @FirstPonySpectre,

Name: Joel (Though he goes by the nickname Masquerade)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: A quite tall young adult. He has a very slender build and has bright blonde hair. His eyes are red and he wears a white mask that covers up the left side of his face in order to cover up a scar he was inflicted with a few years prior. Aside from this he has no other real notable traits. He wears a black trench coat over a white undershirt. His pants, also black, made of faux leather. He also wears a black fedora with a bright red stripe rounded around it.

Personality: Alright, so, I'm using my OC, Masquerade, only in this he will be a HUMAN, not a pony. So, for personality please refer to the link to Masquerade in my signature if you would. I'm just too lazy to type up a short summary of the whole thing so if you wouldn't mind, haha. Again, he'll be human.

Equipment: No armor, Pistols, Crossbow, Daggers

- Talents -
Strength: 1
Fitness: 1
Charisma: 5
Intellect: 4
Faith: 4

Edited by Cinder
  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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Well I'm not sure how into human roleplays I am but I'll give this a shot. You recommended I give one a shot a while back. So I have two characters and I can't really choose between them both. I'm just going to post one for now and if you don't like her and would rather see the other on let me know and I'll throw his OC Sheet up too. I hate throwing this in here but whenever you get a chance we haven't seen a post from you in Bloodlines in a while, if you don't have enough to go on I can make a post for you if you want. No rush though.


Name: Silne Veras

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Silne is roughly five feet and eight inches tall. She has an olive complexion and her build leans more towards being slender and lithe as opposed to muscular or heavy-set. Her body is built for agility and speed as opposed to power or toughness. Her hair is blue-black and a little longer than shoulder length. Her eyes are a light green color. Silne has no visible scars, though she does have a birth mark that covers the area from just under her left shoulder to below her left breast. The birth mark in question is a few shades lighter than the rest of her skin.

Personality: Silne Veras has always struggled with being too kind and merciful, traits which she has been told are not becoming of a Witch Hunter. The man that she trained under has taught her that she must always emotionless and calculating. Mercy only allows the heretics and Demon worshipers to live. That said, while Silne is conflicted about this; she is for the time being, willing to do whatever it takes to cleanse all things demonic. Silne can be rather naive when it comes to the ways of the world but will be quick to adjust her viewpoint on many things. Silne also likes to try new things and is willing to spend her money on frivolous experiences, such as trying new food, paying a bard to sing a song, or even just to view some local curiosity. 


When it comes to fighting, Silne prefers to use stealth and a more agile fighting method, while this is in direct conflict with her weapon of choice, the bar mace, it does prove rather effective at keeping demon worshippers alive for interrogation. Silne can be rather reluctant to take unnecessary dangers and is very cautious.

Iron Chain Armor

Medium Weapon - Bar Mace

Small Weapon - Stiletto Dagger with a T-shaped blade.

- Talents - 
Strength: 3
Finess: 4
Charisma: 3
Intellect: 3
Faith: 2

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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All in order, looks interesting and fits well. That's a straightforward Accepted! 


Good to see you here fella - I've got grand designs for this, and hope it gets some interest so that I can make the most of it.


Indeed, i'll get a post up for Bloodlines when I can too: I've had this thing on the backburner for a while now though and just thought id post it to see if the interest was here.

Never quite forgotten.

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All in order, looks interesting and fits well. That's a straightforward Accepted!


Good to see you here fella - I've got grand designs for this, and hope it gets some interest so that I can make the most of it.


Indeed, i'll get a post up for Bloodlines when I can too: I've had this thing on the backburner for a while now though and just thought id post it to see if the interest was here.

Ah good. I hope this will turn out good. If you want I cand see if Scribbler is fine with you advertising in the Bloodlines OOC.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Name: Gajeel

Age: 19

Gender: male

Appearance: Gajeel is a tall man with long silver hair. His six foot three inch frame is muscular, but a leaner muscle tone. He has onyx eyes and a scar around his left eye. He has a few piercings, iron bar shaped ones. His skin is a tanned Caucasian.

Personality: Gajeel has never been a cruel or kind person. He has only been concerned with being the strongest and getting the job done. As long as he accomplishes those two goals, he has succeeded. However, he has always had a soft spot for those weaker than him and will always try to protect whoever he can, so long as they do not use magic. He has been taught that magic is evil and should be eradicated. He always does the job to the best of his abilities regardless of another's opinion of him.

Equipment:- Medium weapon 2 points - Estoc (long sword variant, used similarly time a rapier.) Flintlock- 2 points. Leather armor 1 point.

Talents -

Strength: 4

Finess: 5

Charisma: 2

Intellect: 3

Faith: 1

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Name: Ryuma

Age: 21

Gender: male

Appearance: Small enough to be mistaken for a young teenage girl but certainly not cute enough to be once they see his face which is riddled with scars on his left side of the face all over and several small ones on the right.  His eyes in contrast to the scars are clearly visible since they are blue, his body although petite can lift somewhat well.

Personality: When he was small he was a cry baby and had no control over his emotions. The trainers told him to man-up even after he got older but he replied that he had no control over his emotions. Ofcourse he doesnt even now and can shift it like no tommorow at a moments notice. Hes also sensitive about him being short since his father was tall. He doesnt know how to speak to people properly.

Equipment: Leather armor, Katana and SpellBlocker Vial.

- Talents -
Strength: 4
Finess: 4
Charisma: 1
Intellect: 2
Faith: 4


I'm sorry for any lazyness in the sheet... I really suck at describing my characters, well sometimes it works. Not any of the other times though. Hope you like it and have a good day though! Or you can just have a good day without liking it.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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This sounds really great! I'll try my best to make a character page once I get home from school. :)




Just a hunch here - I'm not a DM or anything, but do you happen to watch Love Stage? o:


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All I had to read was the part mentioning this would be dark and grim and I knew I'd sign up. ^_^


Name: Joel (Though he goes by the nickname Masquerade)


Gender: Male


Age: 20


Appearance: A quite tall young adult. He has a very slender build and has bright blonde hair. His eyes are red and he wears a white mask that covers up the left side of his face in order to cover up a scar he was inflicted with a few years prior. Aside from this he has no other real notable traits. He wears a black trench coat over a white undershirt. His pants, also black, made of faux leather. He also wears a black fedora with a bright red stripe rounded around it.   


Personality: Alright, so, I'm using my OC, Masquerade, only in this he will be a HUMAN, not a pony. So, for personality please refer to the link to Masquerade in my signature if you would. I'm just too lazy to type up a short summary of the whole thing so if you wouldn't mind, haha. Again, he'll be human.


Equipment: No armor, Pistols, Crossbow, Daggers


- Talents -

Strength: 1

Fitness: 1

Charisma: 5

Intellect: 4

Faith: 4




Hopefully this works out well enough. 


Again, for personality, please refer to the OC in my signature, Masquerade. He'll be human, but his personality will be the same to my OC's. Thanks <3


"We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2

(Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time)

Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar

OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still)

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Freakin' epic, another one of Cinder's fantasy roleplays! Let's not let it die this time :c All your previous ones had awesome potential as well, so I'm wondering what you've got planned for us when you say 'most ambitious yet' :D


I wanted to make a male character, Ivondras Zúr, but then I saw that we have a shitton of males already, so I also made a female character. It's up to you to decide who it's going to be :)


Name: (Amber Cellicks) prefers to be called Flare


Age: 23

Gender: Female

Flare seems like a young lady of royal lineage. Her skin is flawless and smooth, and slighly pale, and her blonde hair seems carefully combed, washed and braided into a long tail that drapes down from the back of her head over her shoulder. Her bright amber coloured eyes pierce from under two soft and carefully plucked eyebrows. This stunning beaty is something Flare has to work for a lot, and it gives her certain advantages in situations of higher class. However, it is not often that she can put up that much time and effort into her appearance. If that is the case, he hair will be scruffy and wildly clitted, and her pretty eyebrows and red lips wont be as inviting and sophisticated anymore.


Either way, Flare always seems confident with the way she looks. Walking with her head high and her shoulders straight, and with a daring look on her face, she can be quite an intimidating precense for men and women around... though mostly men. Her innocent appearance is still only a façade, and a few things give away the strong and agile woman that lies beneath the disguise of harmless girl. Her arms and legs are are somewhat muscular, though still slender, and if she were to show her torso, one would see a slight sixpack and strong but subtle shoulder muscles.



Flare is fairly easy going when she is in normal,friendly environments. Being a relatively hardened and rough young lady, she’s often referred to as ‘one of the guys’, since she loves having some brandy or booze with friends. She likes chatting up with random strangers and meeting new people. She loves telling stories, and loves listening to them even more. Despite her grim and serious occupation, she tries to enjoy life where she can and hopes to make everything seem a little less serious from time to time.


Once her environment isn't as friendly as an inn or pub, she will change her attitude significantly. She won't trust anyone as quickly, and she will make sure that everyone knows that she means business. Even though she isn't quick to judge once she does dislike someone it is almost impossible to change her perception of your actions. She is very perceptive of her environment, and quickly picks up signals that show someone’s intentions.


Being subtle is not one of her strong sides. Even though she possesses enough social experience to interpret other people’s emotions, she often has trouble with properly conveying what she is trying to say upon others. She feels like she’s a natural leader, but since she is lacking in this area she feels discouraged to try and take the lead in things.

Once she is given a task, she is very determined. Up to the point that if anyone opposes her goal, she will violently dispatch of them when she deems it necessary. When it comes to her skills as a pistolera, she is very professional and serious about it. she makes sure you know that she is one of the best at what she does.


2 flintlock pistols. She is very proficient with reloading these, and even though she takes a while she is quite a lot faster than most people. Her aim is impeccable.


She always has a knife on her in case she gets herself in a situation where she cannot reload.


- Talents -
Strength: 3
Finess: 4
Charisma: 4
Intellect: 2
Faith: 2





Name: Ivondras Zúr


Age: 26

Gender: Male


The body of a martial artist, carefully trained and built to remove all imperfections. Lean, sinewy but reasonably agile and slender as well, with his muscles laid out in almost perfect symmetry, which show impeccable discipline and bodily control, Ivondras looks like a monk that dedicated his life to keep his body in near-perfect condition. A body that had been worked for over the course of the years. What he had lacked in talent he made up for in practice and dedication.


But besides his lean and muscular stature, there aren’t many more features about Ivondras. His eyes are a slightly blue-grey, a colour bland, boring and uninteresting. His head is shaven bald carefully, and some of his bodily hair seems shaven or even waxed not very long ago. 


Ivondras is not the sharpest knife in the box. He is usually quite slow to embrace new ideas and can’t come up with a lot of ideas and opinions of his own. This is not because Ivondras is terribly stupid. He just never valued education and knowledge enough to spend his time on it. Besides that. His mind is nimble enough for combat, but when it comes to knowledge and wisdom, he is heavily lacking.


He makes up for this through his dedication to his purpose however. His descision making is always extremely quick, though not very thoroughly thought through. This is because Ivondras serves towards one goal, and that is the eradication of all foul sorceries and magic. If he gets even the slightest hint that someone might be a conjurer of magic, he will not hesitate to kill that person immediately.


Ivondras is relentless, and infinitely dedicated. He will not be stopped until his body cannot carry his blades any longer. He has an inhuman tenacity, and sometimes even seems to perform impossible feats of human strength purely through the power of his will.

How Ivondras turned out to become so knuckleheaded and resilient about his convictions, is due to a heavy history, with lots of death and agony, the specifics of which you will get to find out in the RP.


2 long scimitars, one-handed, but tough to wield for those not strong enough. They are made for dual-wielding use. (4 points)

Leather armour. (1 point)

- Talents -
Strength: 4
Charisma: 2
Intellect: 1


I'll PM you some more specifics on this character. I have a really cool idea but I don't want everyone to know just yet. :3





Oh, and on the subject of minmaxing, I'm usually a little against it as well, but if you're working in a team and everyone has different stats it can cause quite a lot of funny situations. I can already imagine how many stupid things Ivondras would do.


"When I die, this building will collapse! There are magical bonds in this place that are anchored around me! Attacking me now would be foo-"



*rumble rumble*

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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I'm interested in joining this RP. While I love ponies and came here for pony RPs, I also love fantasy, so this should be great fun too!


Name: Xavier

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Xavier is of a rather average height, and has a slim build. He has short, dark green hair, and red eyes. He wears black clothes the same colour as the black leather greatcoat he's expected to wear as an apprentice witch hunter. He also wears a belt, which he uses to hold his dagger and vials.

Personality: Xavier is very ruthless and pragmatic, doing whatever it takes to eradicate magic from the land. He doesn't care if what he does is seen as wrong or dishonorable. To Xavier, anything that's possible is fair game. He is unmerciful and won't hesitate to hurt or even kill something if doing so would eradicate magic. He's good at thinking on-the-spot to come up with the best course of action in his current situation. While such traits are very desirable when on the job, they don't lend themselves very well to talking with and befriending other people. His pragmatic actions could be considered objectionable by many, which make it difficult for him to have normal conversations with others. Therefore, Xavier tends to keep to himself and doesn't say much to others. He doesn't care much for other people anyway. He is poor at talking to people to get information or ask favors, and is essentially incapable of reading and manipulating others. He can be annoying to work in a team with, since he usually won't tell them things that could be important, and tends to do his own thing regardless of what they may have planned out earlier. However, he can also be dependable, as if one of his allies is in trouble, he will usually rush to their aid and help them out.


In a fair fight, Xavier's poor strength and poor close range options will likely cause him to lose. But this usually won't matter, because Xavier doesn't fight fair. He'd probably fire an arrow at his enemy before they're aware he's there. He values his mobility above all else, often using it to reach places which others who don't have as much finesse can't get to. From there, he can use his bow to attack his opponent who cannot reach him. For example, he might climb to the top of a tree, on onto the roof of a house, to keep out of reach. And if Xavier realizes he can't win, he can use his mobility to quickly escape if needed. To this end, Xavier only carries light gear so he doesn't weigh himself down, which is why he chose a bow as his primary weapon and doesn't wear armor. He carries a dagger mainly so if he has a decent option at close range, but he is much better with the bow so using a dagger is mainly a poor last resort. Finally, he also carries vials with various effects, to keep his options open and potentially help him get out of a sticky situation.

Equipment: Bow (2 pts), Dagger (1 pt), Alchemists Fire (1 pt), Spellblocker Vial (1 pt)

- Talents -
Strength: 2
Finess: 5
Charisma: 1
Intellect: 4
Faith: 3


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Didn't see shields on the equipment list, how many points would a big-ass shield cost? This is rather important, it will decide what kind of character I want to make.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Name: Alice Mare (I know I'm completely ripping off the video game. :P)


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Appearance: Rather short - about 5', silky light brown hair which she usually is tied up in a ponytail. She has brown eyes with a strange hint of yellow. She also has very light skin and doesn't really care about how she looks like. She wears swords on her back which she can, despite her build, carry.


Complimenting her childlike traits, she also has the looks of a child. Her eyes also have an innocent look to them making her personality come out as a shock to most people. She wears a ribbon in her hair.


Personality: Alice has a very malicious and mischievous side to her. She often patronizes the same person - most of the time, weak ones or ones she know won't hurt her. She can also pull mini pranks to pranks with the potential to injure someone - or, more commonly referred to as traps. Other than that, she also displays very childlike traits. She can also be very messy and say whatever comes to her mind. She gets hiccups whenever she is sad or angry. She has very good eyesight but doesn't need to use her skill much.


She can also be a kind or merciful person if she deems the circumstance is a dangerous or life-threatening one. She hates being deceived and wouldn't kill someone - just injure them unless it is absolutely necessary.


It actually doesn't take much to get on her good side - just give her something a child would enjoy or help her out on something she's insecure about.


She is prone to tears if she is made fun of or hurt, and sometimes even fakes it to obtain the person's favor. It isn't hard for her to lie, but that doesn't mean she isn't able to directly tell people the truth. She can be encouraging if she feels it's something she absolutely has to do. Otherwise, she would bring them down if it won't give her or her allies anything to gain. She can be very loyal to her friends (if she's made any that is) and won't betray them under any circumstances. She has a fear of being alone, fear of failure, and a fear of thunder/lightning.


In combat, she is normally very fierce and swift, but doesn't hit very often unless she is sure that she will get a hit.


Equipment: 2 swords (4 points) with no armor.


- Talents -

Strength: 1

Finess: 5

Charisma: 4

Intellect: 2

Faith: 3


I might add on more later - this looks like a really great RP. :)

Edited by Kaia


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Wow, a lot happened! Sadly, I'm getting the feeling that I wont be able to accept everyone for fear of not being able to pace the RP properly. Ive played with an 'accept everyone' policy before and it... wasn't fun. Too much pressure.


Nows the bit where I sound really arrogant/rude/generally not nice. Yeah, I dont like being the bad guy here - honest!


So, let me start working through a few of these...



Another Accepted! I have added your preferred character to the list - dont fret about gender balance and so on.



I've added a shield as an item, at two points. Details are in the OP.



Small problem in that the world is based on a medievil style fantasy, and a pretty gritty one at that. Contact lenses, gummi bears, modern clothing and such simply wouldnt exist in the setting. She just needs to fit the setting better.



Sorry, but I suspect that this character wouldn't work well in the context of the RP. I just cant think of a way that a 'crybaby' with no control of his emotions would ever join or stay with an organisation founded on the completely opposite principles.



I like Masquerade and I like the dynamic that someone with his talents would bring - after all, its all good and well trying to fight mages if you cant even investigate them - but after reading over the application there are a few things I'd ask to be changed / clarified.


Firstly, an insane character can quite frankly be a pain for a DM, so just please keep that toned down. Doesnt need taking away completely, but kept to a level that wouldnt have appeared dangerous to the trainers over over many years.


The second part is his equiptment

equiptment. For the sake of avoiding complications... to take more than one of an object will mean that it costs that many lots of points: thus two daggers would cost two points, two pistols would cost four points and so on. He could bring a pistol, a crossbow and a dagger, but you used plurals in your description.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Name: Gron Falgus


Age: 26


Gender: Male


Appearance: huge guy, with flowing blonde hair and a full beard and mustache. He has brown eyes. He likes to wear blue when possible, but adheres to the witchhunter dress code when required. He is heavily muscled and is usually smiling. He wears a gold ring on his right pinky (because it won't fit on any other finger).


Personality: Gron is, to put it bluntly, an optimistic idiot. He is fiercely loyal to anybody he likes, which is almost everybody who isn't a magic weilder. He is very trusting, which occasionally gets him into trouble, although he will almost always take the word of a fellow hunter over the word of a nonhunter. He also hates being on his own, because he knows that the majority of other hunters are smarter than he is and are more likely to spot subtle danger.

In battle, he likes to stay at the front, protecting his comrades and breaking things with brute strength. When asked why he carries a shield when they have fallen out of favor with most hunters, he replies "I like to have armor protecting me, and my armor likes a shield protecting him." He won't say whether or not he actually thinks his armor can think.



Heavy armor


Spell block Vial


He fights with his shield, which isn't as effective as an actual weapon, but his strength makes up for some of that. Also, he's decent in a fist fight.



Strength: 5

Finesse: 2

Charisma: 3

Intellect: 1

Faith: 4


I've never RPd a moronic brute, always wanted to try it but never have.

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Guess i could have phrased it in a slightly different manner than i did, sadly the sleepy me didnt realize this. Could i just change him to have some more control over his emotions of happiness and other troublesome emotions that could hinder the roleplay or make him have control of all emotions except sadness... this would be better explained if i had a backstory to him. (Or we could scratch that idea and i could make him into someone emotionless at the beginning and gradually be more eased up.


But i respect that you are taking the roleplay before the roleplayers, something that can be very conflicting and if you dont want or like me to edit my character to fit your roleplay i can kindly leave if this is the case though. No need for any questions asked if you dont accept this little deal. 


P.S: The thing with his emotions started because i really want him to have some side of me... and i cry like 90% of the time so there you have my inspiration.





No, i do not watch it. And i prefer to just sleep my days on right now.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Finally done ^^ Here's my Hunter


Name: Aaren Grey


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Appearance: Aaren stands at around 6 feet tall, with a lean build akin to that of a dancer. He is actually tougher than he first appears, but his light frame is perfect for his preferred style of ducking and weaving as opposed to taking hits he could otherwise avoid. He has mid-length messy dark brown, almost black, hair that tends frame his slightly feminine face and fall along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose. His eyes are a cold ice-blue, which is ironic given his warm personality. His eyelashes are longer than most males, though he usually doesn't pay much attention to them unless going through his usual routine grooming. He usually dresses in light-weight, mostly form-fitting leather armour with accompanying pants and boots and his sword on his left hip, as he is predominately right-handed. His leather greatcoat, naturally, goes over his armour.


Personality: Aaren is a kind-hearted man with a mostly friendly disposition towards most people, though he shares the lack of tolerance to magic that all Witch Hunters share. He would be happy to sit down and drink with someone, and prefers to keep an open mind about the world around him. It helps that two of his passions are literature and dancing, though he also enjoys singing now and then. But this laid-back and easy-going demeanour hide the Witch Hunter he really is, and when the chips are down, he can and will spring into action with sword drawn and no mercy for his target. He prides himself on having a solution for almost anything he can think of, but the problem comes in that if he can't think of it, or if the situation takes him by surprise, he can sometimes react badly and lose his composure. When he's not hunting mages and heretics, he enjoys the aforementioned literature and dancing (he actually incoporates dance moves into his fighting style and uses it as a way to stay fit and nimble), as well as drinking tea, singing and browsing swords. He is also an avid sword enthusiast and tends to collect swords he thinks are cool, but he'll only use the ones that are practical for his style.


Equipment: 5 points

Leather Armour (1 point)

Medium Weapon: Longsword (2 points)

Small Weapon: Dagger (1 point)

Spellblocker Vial (1 point)



Talents: 15 points

Strength: 3

Finesse: 3

Charisma: 4

Intellect: 3

Faith: 2

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Ive done a lot of thinking on this, a lot more rethinking and made a lot of dificult decisions. Ive finally come to a conclusion on our starting players based on a number of factors: apologies for any unexpected changes or disappointments but I have a responsibility to everyone in the RP to keep things managable and consistant.


A finalised list of accepted players can be found at the bottom of the OP. Please check this for confirmation. Apologies for not messaging people individually, but the site refuses to play ball recently for me and writing large amounts is both impractical and infuriating - doubly so when dealing with @mentions.


I'm halting the party at five players for now: once established I'd like to open it up to more (and perhaps in more varied roles) in the future, but until our starting party is acclimatised with the world this will be everyone.


The RP still needs a little more preparation on my part - it will be posted as soon as it is ready.

Never quite forgotten.

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Ive done a lot of thinking on this, a lot more rethinking and made a lot of dificult decisions. Ive finally come to a conclusion on our starting players based on a number of factors: apologies for any unexpected changes or disappointments but I have a responsibility to everyone in the RP to keep things managable and consistant.


A finalised list of accepted players can be found at the bottom of the OP. Please check this for confirmation. Apologies for not messaging people individually, but the site refuses to play ball recently for me and writing large amounts is both impractical and infuriating - doubly so when dealing with @mentions.


I'm halting the party at five players for now: once established I'd like to open it up to more (and perhaps in more varied roles) in the future, but until our starting party is acclimatised with the world this will be everyone.


The RP still needs a little more preparation on my part - it will be posted as soon as it is ready.


While I respect you are the DM, don't accept people and them drop them for no reason. It's rude and makes people not want to waste their time with them.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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