Key Gear 6,663 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 While you do make a good point, I'm still not sure that Canterlot is that far away from Ponyville...up until now, with the level of detail we could see of the castle from Ponyville, I'd always figured Canterlot was fiffteen to twenty kilometers away tops, because otherwise the castle is far, FAR larger than I thought it was. Actually, now that I am thinking about it. Didn't the Grand Galloping Gala take place in Canterlot as well? Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't feel like it took over 12 hours for them to travel to Canterlot for the Gala in The Best Night Ever. It also seemed as though they were travelling at a much more leisurely pace in that episode. Maybe the train in today's episode just left really late to get to the event? Of course, this is a cartoon. I think that I may be overthinking? It is fun to think about this kind of stuff though... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 April 7, 2012 Author Share April 7, 2012 (edited) Maybe her friendship with Rainbow Dash is possibly an additional explanation for Fluttershy's taking a bite out of the cake? From what we have seen in the show so far, Fluttershy and RD have a tendency to stick together. This tendency seems to result in Fluttershy sometimes doing things that are somewhat unexpected: May the Best Pet Win - Agreeing to allow her pets to participate in a race where one of the could have been injured Sonic Rainboom - A brief moment of Fluttersertiveness when RD was challenged by the resident "jocks" in Cloudsdale Party of One - Collaborating with RD to deceive Pinkie Pie (using a completely weak cover story) Taking a bite out of the cake seems like a very Rainbow Dash thing to think of doing. It is not the kind of thing that Fluttershy would probably normally agree too. However, I think that peer pressure from RD and Rarity would probably have been sufficient to motivate Fluttershy into participating. Most likely Fluttershy was just caught up in the moment... That makes a good bit of sense actually. I could totally see Rainbow Dash and Rarity applying peer pressure to get Fluttershy to join them. And I'm willing to bet they didn't ask Applejack, not only because Applejack would have refused, but also would have ratted them out to Pinkie Pie/actively prevented them from obtaining a taste. Yes, that's my point. You (even myself) think that it's 15-20 km away from Ponyville, but it's only because of the mountains' large heights does it make you believe in this. However... we should take note in the fact that Canterlot is a city located within a mountain. I would assume that trains would take longer to reach Canterlot as a result, in contrast to reaching some other location such as Baltimare or Las Pegasas. I would also assume that it took Twilight and Spike a good 2 or 3 hours to reach Ponyville in the first episode (when they were given the task to make friends), and this was through a royal flying carriage. Oh, I figured the train would have to wind around. After all, we can't see the rest of Canterlot from Ponyville, just the castle. I' generally figure the rest of the town is somewhere on the other side of the mountain, so a good hour or two train ride makes perfect sense. It's just the twelve hour train ride that doesn't work quite as well...we see a clock at the station when the train pulls in, at about 10:30 or so, presumably 10:30 AM. Given that it was still daylight when they left Ponyville, that means it took even longer than twelve hours. Or I'm once again reading far too much into everything. Actually, now that I am thinking about it. Didn't the Grand Galloping Gala take place in Canterlot as well? Maybe I'm wrong, but it didn't feel like it took over 12 hours for them to travel to Canterlot for the Gala in The Best Night Ever. It also seemed as though they were travelling at a much more leisurely pace in that episode. Maybe the train in today's episode just left really late to get to the event? Of course, this is a cartoon. I think that I may be overthinking? It is fun to think about this kind of stuff though... You're right. I forgot about that. It definitely doesn't make much sense that they'd get to Canterlot much faster via the carriage at that kind of pace, if it's so much further away than we suspected. Something's not staying consistent here. Edited April 7, 2012 by Kyronea 2 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 Of course, this is a cartoon. I think that I may be overthinking? It is fun to think about this kind of stuff though... If you ask me, I think the developers would love it for us to be thinking abstractly and be analyzing such details within the realms of a little kids' TV show. While you do this, you give off the vibe that this really is a cartoon that would not only be worthwhile to watch, but also to get into. It also entices the viewers to keep coming back for more of the show, and makes you wonder what will happen in future episodes. Or I'm once again reading far too much into everything. Not at all! If anything, it really shows your commitment as a fan towards the show, and no doubt would the developers and Lauren Faust herself be delighted at that! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Cassie 3,058 April 7, 2012 Author Share April 7, 2012 Not at all! If anything, it really shows your commitment as a fan towards the show, and no doubt would the developers and Lauren Faust herself be delighted at that! I sure would hope so. I mean, I know that if I created a work and had people analyzing it in depth, I'd be flattered, but then, I analyze things practically as a lifestyle. That's what's so wonderful about this forum: people actually want to hear my analyses! Most of the time if I try examining stuff people tell me to turn my brain off. 4 Used to be known on here as Kyronea. Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 That's what's so wonderful about this forum: people actually want to hear my analyses! Most of the time if I try examining stuff people tell me to turn my brain off. Well, you're succeeding in that department. You're quite the intriguing individual. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Flame 381 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 This was the best Pinkie episode this season. Plenty of humor, great references, and culprits that weren't blatantly obvious from the beginning. I had low expectations going into this episode, but those were blown away about five minutes into it. The only thing that felt off was the lesson. It didn't seem necessary. Seeing a new griffon and the return of Doughnut Joe were nice surprises. But didn't they call Joe "Pony Joe" in The Best Night Ever? Or was that just the name of his shop? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Founder Twilight Sparkle ✨ 8,528 April 7, 2012 Founder Share April 7, 2012 The episode has aired. Please move to the episode 24 discussion thread to continue discussing this episode. Avatar credit: robinrain8 Signature credit: Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Joe 583 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 In my completely unbiased opinion, that was the BEST EPISODE EVER. Because I FINALLY HAVE MORE AVATAR MATERIAL. Seriously, though, I loved every second of it. I felt like the mystery aspect of the episode was done perfectly, actually giving the audience clues to work with and predict whodunnit, and most importantly, not going with the cop-out "Pinkie did it in her sleep all along!" resolution. I have to admit, though, by far the best part was Pinkie's insane theories. I laughed out loud at her silent-movie-villain depiction of Gustav, and Pony Joe as Con Mane, complete with a doughnut-themed Bond intro, was pretty much the greatest thing ever ever ever. Other evidence that this episode was amazing: - Confirmation that there are other griffons integrated into pony society! - Alliteration! Alliteration everywhere!!! - Sherlock Holmes, and the aforementioned James Bond references! - A cake so massive that even Big Mac can't lift it! Keep in mind, this is the same Big Mac who, given proper motivation, can drag a house without a second thought. 3 That's really all there is to say on the matter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thewookie Wooker 64 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 Awesome episode, I have no other words that can describe its awesomeness. I like the idea that Rarity and RD may have influenced Fluttershy into helping with the plot. I would guess RD came up with the idea to which Fluttershy likely at first attempted to stop. Then Rarity woke up due to she had already plotted to take a small lady-like bite. She decides to join in on RD's plot to which both them coerce Fluttershy into joining in on. They arn't going to bring the element of honesty for obvious reasons... Twilight wouldn't go along with any amount of coercing. Lastly Pinkie was hell-bent on protecting the cake, not eating it until after the judging. Leading us to the crime being comitted. Loved the references. Canterlot is likely a good distance from Ponyville, but it is the capital of Equestria, the country. Ponyville belongs to Canterlot's influence or else the Mayor wouldn't be a mayor and it would have its own army of sorts. One explantion for the long ride could be rather than the train going on the short length up the mountain, it went on a different route with less incline to make sure the treats didn't get destroyed. For example, the train headed to Fillydelphia and then headed to Canterlot on the route that slowly rises to Canterlot's elevation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,681 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 The only thing that felt off was the lesson. It didn't seem necessary. I have to disagree with you on this. When Pinkie Pie was "investigating", she didn't realize that she was just blatantly making accusations left and right; she was just pointing fingers at people just based on her own rising paranoia from the start of the episode. In essence, she was jumping to conclusions based on what she thought she knew, but her "suspicions" all ended up crashing into the ground. In all honesty, she did look quite foolish after she was proven wrong. It was 3 of the Mane 6 who ate the cake, not the bakers (though they did take bites off each others' desserts). 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tejntanga 42 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 Element of Honesty, b*tches! AJ does not steal cake. 4 Love and Tolerance for everyone! Especially the ones I don't agree with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 I LOVED this episode! Reasons: It's awesome. It's awesome. It's awesome. It's awesome. It's awesome. It's awesome. Pinkie Pie was in it. And it has SO many references. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshmallow 1,137 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 Zat French griffin "There was me, that is Pinkie, and my three droogs, that is Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, and we sat in the Ponyville Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." A Clockwork Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GThing64 11 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 Because of computer problems, I missed the best bits of the episode so I had the reveal which, I'll admit, felt a bit of a naff 'yes I did it, now every thing's okay. The ending with Pinkie searching for clues seemed a bit rush and an attempt of shoe-horning an extra 'Look Mummy, I learned something!' moment in, which the show has tried to stay away from. That being said, the 'good' moments were the best in the series, especially with d0ughnut07 and Pinkie's GIANT NOM at the end. Chubby Pinkie is best Pinkie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 I didn't think this episode was so great...I mean the references were funny and whatnot but, maybe it's just me... What?! This is one of my favorite episodes now :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tejntanga 42 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 So many great references... Dastardly Dash, James Bond, Kill Bill (or just Wuxia films in general), Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes. SO MANY ALLITERATION PUNS! Seems every other line was for added alliterative appeal. I had a lot of fun with this one... one of the most laugh-out-loud episodes of the season. Love and Tolerance for everyone! Especially the ones I don't agree with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 (edited) [Deleteing old comments] Edited August 8, 2018 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twi Rubix 726 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 I loved those references they put in there. Twilight and Pinkie searching for clues was probably my favorite part. I liked the 2 of them always switching hats Celestia trying to eat the cake at the end is hilarious. The characters were all interesting, especially the french griffin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 oh by the way, pinkie is a racist, the first thing pinkie blamed was the griffin 2 My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randomiser 115 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 (edited) Not my favorite, but a decent one with a lot of references. Like I said in the speculation thread, I'm glad they went with multiple culprits because it didn't feel copped-out. I was wanting Pinkie to act a little... smarter but it was entertaining anyway. Celestia REALLY loves her cake. Edited April 8, 2012 by Randomiser 3 "...and this great blue world of oursseems a House of Leavesmoments before the wind." OC: Dream Pop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hironakamura 126 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 oh by the way, pinkie is a racist, the first thing pinkie blamed was the griffin I think she was just randomly accusing characters. It just happened Gustave was the closest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 (edited) First true blue episode review: The episode begins with Pinkie Pie helping transport a cake made by the Cakes (see what they did there?). At this point I have to ask two questions: 1) Why are the Cakes asking Pinkie Pie to take the cake*, rather than do it themselves? Pinkie already proved that she could look after the baby cakes, so why are they the ones staying home? 2) Why is Big Mackintosh carrying the cake on his back? Can't they get a cart or something else more stable to put it on? Certainly easier than having the cake stabilized by two pegisi and magic with a net just in case. The cake in question is the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness (FYI: spell check sucks), an entry for the national desert competition. The M4 is probably a pavlova made with almond flour and topped with cream cheese icing. It sounds delicious, but Pinkie Pie managed the same by just calling it the "mmmm". Works for me. Anyway, Pinkie and her friends are going with the cake on the train. Wait a second, how come Pinkie didn't invite Big Mac to come along? He did most of the work. What is this, an all girls club? Do they not want to catch Mac's cooties? Come to think of it, there is a re-occurrence of "Macs" in Lauren Faust's work. Maybe that's her favorite name. On the train, we meet the other entrants to the contest: a french Griffin that somehow grew a mustachio (my money is on steroids), Doughnut Joe (bet you thought they won't use that character again), and a jackass* (NOT the same one from another episode). The snooty* Griffin enters his eclairs, the donkey a chocolate mousse shaped like a moose*, and if you can't figure out what Joe made there is no hope for you in this world. As you might have expected, each entrant believes that the competition will get their just deserts*. We also see a rather amusing picture of a pony general. I challenge you to name him, unless someone already has in the last 5 hours. I vote for Edward the Black Mane (even though its grey). Only because I can't come up with any good horse puns to go with Ulysses S. Grant's name. Maybe "Ulysteed S. Grant"? Is that even good enough? Anyway, back to the plot. Pinkie becomes convinced that someone will sabotage the M4, even though none of the competitors showed any sort of concern for the cake. As she stands guard, Pinkie notices someone sneaking about the train and is led from one end of the train to the other (literally). However, in the morning, Twilight turns the cake to reveal that three comically over-sized bites were taken out of it through the night. How Pinkie didn't notice this I--oh wait, its Pinkie Pie. Carry on then. Pinkie starts making wild accusations as well as references to Sherlock Holmes, Dudley Do Right (seriously?), James Bond, and every film Japan ever made that didn't involve Godzilla (and a few that did). Twilight points out how she's wrong on every turn, and Pinkie gets confused. Why? Because the culprit only took the cake*, not the other deserts. She starts being all Pinkie Pie and describing how awesome the other treats are. Anyone who was simply hungry could have eaten anything. At that moment, they go through a tunnel, and come out with one of them MURDERED!!! Nah, just kidding. All the other deserts are eaten. Twilight finally has enough of Pinkie's nonsense and shows her how to get things done. They retrace Pinkie's steps from last night and find a blue feather in the caboose, a pink hair in the engine car, and that the portrait in the desert car is now of Emilia the Black Mane. Actually, its a fake eyelash that got stuck on the picture when the culprit ran into the wall. So clearly...we are looking for a blue angel with bubblegum pink hair that really wants the guys' attention. Oh that is a joke, it was Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Notice how AJ showed some frickin' self control. We are very ashamed of you, young fillies. Oh as for the other deserts, Pinkie figures out that the other chefs ate them so they learn a lesson in...Hell if I know what lesson they learned. And once again, AJ was the one with some self control. Does she get anything for it? NO! They arrive at the destination, but have no desert to enter; so they put together what's left of their deserts to make one super-desert that sounds totally unappealing. I know one of you will try to put eclairs, doughnuts, and mousse on an M4. DON'T...DO IT! Anyway, they all enter together in the contest, wherein Princess Celestia teaches her subjects some complacency by forcing them to watch her eat. Twilight asks Celestia if she'd like some cake. As if you need to ask. We all know that cake is Celestia's true weakness: All and all, this was an average episode of this series. It had a lot of good bits, but I feel like it went to fast. However, slowing it down would have risked turning it into a two-parter. And Lord knows that a two-part episode about a cake mystery wouldn't impress. *These are not jokes, only coincidences. *sigh* Made it through the entire review without making a Portal reference. ... CRAP! Edited April 7, 2012 by Forlong 2 Check out my YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dany Heatley 160 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 (edited) Was I the only one expecting applejack to get blamed for something? She looked guilty the whole entire time while twilight was figuring out who ate everything, but then nothing happened. Edited April 7, 2012 by ʎǝlʇɐǝH ʎuɐp ¿ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʇɥƃıɟ oʇ ʇuɐM˙ǝzıs ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇ,uǝɹɐ slıdnd ʎɯ ɥɐǝʎ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 I knew Rarity wore fake eyelashes. Still, I was disappointed with her, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy for that matter. We all love cake, I suppose? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Champion RD92 8,658 April 7, 2012 Share April 7, 2012 I liked the Pony Joe James Bond thing XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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