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If your OC was a fighter what would his/her moves be?


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@@Bright Bastion I'm incredibly sorry, but I was on my phone and tapped to quote the wrong person.


@@Hocus Pocus is who I meant to quote, and that reply is for them. But I can lengthen it now. We would still have to settle it in the game, but unfortunately we can't. Maybe if someone creates an illegal mod or something for the game. Still don't feel one uppped at all. My deadly array of metal and hard lightning is unphased. Hope you had fun making up the entire moveset though. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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*sees the thread title* sweet :3 how about I write it like a smash fighter!



Wellll.... crap, the first post used the idea I had.... so let's one-up it >:3


Up+b (recovery special): teleport (yaaaay for stealing mewtwo's recovery)

Side+b: Cutter beam (fires a medium-range [a little farther than PK fire] spinning curved blade-like projectile. Projectile has low knockback, to push enemies just far enough to keep them in the spinning blade as it moves forwards before dissipating)

Down+b: Reflecting mirror (pulls out magic mirror in front, which reflects projectiles)

Neutral b: Charge Shot (chargeable long range magic blast. because Samus)


Up tilt: Dazzle (waves hoof overhead as a rainbow trails behind, low damage and knockback, but high priority, good for priority-canceling areal attackers)

Side tilt: Mirror slap (swings the magic mirror horizontally, Mirror's hit-boxes function like Marth's tilts [the farther the opponent is, the more damage and knock-back the attack deals)

Down tilt: Tail sweep (after crouching, a quick spin swipes the tail at enemies [hooray for copying more mewtwo!]

Neutral a: Magical burst (small explosion bursts from in front, if followed by other neutral a's, several rapid smaller bursts combo opponents shortly before a final, larger burst deals the knock-back)


Up Smash: Flame geyser (a vertical cylinder of fire erupts from the ground in front, dealing fire damage and knocking enemies upwards)

Side Smash: Horn charge (dashes forwards slightly to attempt to stab with horn)

Down Smash: Tornado spin (flattens out with hooves sprawled in all directions while charging, before using magic to rapidly spin when released)


Uair: Sparkle shower (sparks jump outwards in all directions from horn, damaging and pushing enemies upwards.)

Bair: Mirror swing (swing the mirror backwards, functions much like mirror slap, again, mirror's hit-boxes function like Marth's)

Fair: Tail Spike (Flips forward and whips with tail, hitbox on the tail is a meteor smash, hit-box on the very tip of the tail is a spike [spikes are meteor smashes that can't be meteor canceled with a recovery move])

Dair: Double-hoof (quickly kicks one hoof, then the other beneath me in a half-circular motion)

Nair: Twirl~ (spins rapidly [now I'm stealing from Kirby!... So yeah, just imagine Kirby's Nair, but with a pony.])


Grapple animation: Telekinesis (thrusts head forward as horn glows, trying to grab-hold telekinetically, if the grab connects, they are outlined in a pinkish glow)

Pummel: Crush (grappled target vibrates quickly as the outline shifts inward for the frames that the target is vibrating, a crunching sound is played, implying a telekinetic crushing)

Up throw: Cutter gust (throws opponents upwards with a gust of wind, saturated with tiny cutter beams, medium knock-back, medium damage, knocks the target vertically)

Back throw: Whiplash toss (whips head backwards and launches the grappled target, high knock-back, low damage)

Forward throw: Burst launch (fires a magical bolt at the grappled opponent after holding them out at a slightly longer distance, the bolt explodes in a small burst, dealing medium damage and medium knock-back, knocks the opponent in a horizontal arc)

Down Throw: Brutal smash (Slams grappled target directly into ground. Low knock-back, high damage. Can be teched to prevent bouncing, however, damage is still dealt. If thrown at the tip of a ledge, it functions as a meteor smash [though easy to meteor cancel from the low knockback])


Up taunt: "I'm sorry :adorkable: "

Side taunt: "Where do you want me to hit you? Hehe, just kidding; I don't take requests!"

Down taunt: "Pick a god and start praying!"


Final Smash!: Nothing More You Need! (Hocus has a hole appear in front of her that sucks closeby enemies in., if somepony is pulled in, Hocus herself jumps in too. The hole leads to a space where Hocus' two friends, Sugar Sweet the Earth Pony, and Tru Bud the Pegasus [the three's cutiemarks are for sweets {Sugar}, friendship {Tru}, and magic {Hocus}. there's nothing more you need than those three things] are waiting. Sugar bucks the enemies into the air, Tru attacks them in the air, and Hocus finishes it with a massive magical blast that launches enemies back through the hole. Hocus jumps back through the hole and closes it up while the targets are sent flying)

:wacko:  Holy crap..... intricate much? (AWESOME!)

  • Brohoof 1
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Black magic/magical illusions and he has no qualms about fighting dirty either.


Gates of Tartarus: very similar to this one move used by Jeong Jeong in Avatar the last airbender it is a wall of fire that can be used either as a defensive move to protect from attacks or and offensive move to engulf opponents.


Chains of fate: Causes chains to materialize which he can fully control to attack and immobilize opponents.


Lightning storm: Think force lightning/force storm that some Sith can use

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Duster (see icon,) is in between the size of an average mare and a filly. Her size would make her speed, evasiveness, and stamina a force to be reckoned with, but her defenses on the lower end.


She'd specialize in scratching and jabbing with her hooftoes, but her real power is in outrunning attacks. She's a nimble dodger from years of practice running with stampeding giant ancient herbivores and hack-and-slash tactics really wouldn't do much. Kicks or punches she'd weave around, maybe slide under the foe, grab a leg, and pull to trip them up. She's also very cunning and would not hestitate to resort to tactics that cause your own attacks to get thrown back in your face.


If you really want to bring Duster down, use magic. She comes from a primitive society where shamanistic magic is the only kind of magic not considered unspeakably evil. Standard Equestrian magic is unheard of outside of folktales used to scare children (and it's called "witchcraft") and your average unicorn with any decent attack spell can put the breaks on the speed demon eohippus.

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  • 7 months later...

Surely illusions are the only way to go in a fight for the majority of my characters. Assuming the opponent is gullible enough to believe them, you could convince anyone that you were capable of anything! Stronger than any Dragon, bearing more magical capabilities than even the Alicorns themselves! Even if they don't believe them, it would still make combat a rather awkward, tiring and frustrating course of action, the perfect opportunity to run for the hills.


Of course, all of this is just a ruse to hide their complete ineptitude for any sort of genuine conflict. 

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My OC, Storm, has two forms he can switch between, and each would need it's own moveset. Both end up being the fragile speedster type.


Unicorn Form: Quick and maneuverable, but not very strong. He staggers easily, but recovers quickly. He has light magic, which is used to daze his opponents, but actual combat is very physical. His light attacks are very fast, and usually coupled with movement. His heavy attacks are mostly grabs and grapples, and are highly dependent on his position and facing relative to his opponent. His special moves would involve either using his magic to set his opponent up for combos, or switching to fox form.


Fox Form: The fox form is smaller, faster, and does more damage, but loses the light magic, has shorter reach, is even less resistant to attack, and cannot block. His light attacks rely on his claws to inflict quick attacks with high scratch damage, and heavy attacks with his teeth can inflicted bleeding damage. His special moves involve tripping and juggling his opponent, staying out of reach, and switching back to pony form.



Well, that was way more in-depth than I expected.

Edited by Storm Lantern
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I'll go by LoL rules  :D




Q: She dashes in any direction with immense speed. (Using Sanik magic of course)


W: She goes into some kind od enraged mode where she gains tons of attack speed for a short amount of time.


E: She teleports a short distance. 


R (ultimate) : Yennefer teleports and dashes towards a target 3 times straight confusing the target and making her very hard to hit.


(She has a sword by the way .3. )


Something like that :P

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Ryoki Ataru is an earth pony assassin. He keep a longsword that has void magic infused in it, so it shreds up opponents and absorbs materials. Ryoki uses two hoove mounted scythe blades that are made of the same stuff vorpal blades are. He also uses grappling hooks and swings and spears his enemies with them.

Ryoki has no magic, but has mastered the art of using ki (soul energy) to do minor "spells" such as teleport (only about a meter in any direction) and track. He also keeps an Arsenal of weaponry and cocktails in the folds of his loose robes so he can always escape. Downside is he has no social skills.

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Oh all my OCs are fighters. 


Silhouette Dusk is a skilled axe wielder and sheild fighter, as well as a highly practiced mage. Btu she prefers to fight from a distance, controlling and manipulating weaponized puppets and mannequins to do battle on her behalf, sometimes swarming an opponent, or just sending one really big one to crush them. 


Proxy typically fights with a combination of changeling magic and a pair of large dao swords. He also has a fighting style similar to capoeria, where he uses his centaur physiology to strike form multiple angles, having one pair of limbs extra over his opponent at all times. 


Chally uses her high rates of speed during flight as well as her shadow step ability to attack an opponent from their blind spot. She prefers to use a long chain sword whip to slash at or impale her opponents, or to wrap around and cut away and grind them to pieces as the razor sharp chain constricts.  

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My Unicorn OC specializes in Illusion Magic, so he'd have some moves like...


- Invisibility

- Muffle

- Cause Opponent to be under a Illusion (Kinda like Genjustu from Naruto but it's harmless)

- Transformation

- Harmony (Calm Everypony)

- Energy Shield

- Energy Blast

- Detect (Like have heat vision)

- Night Vision


In MLP FIM there is no combat magic I think, besides the energy blast that Tirek, Twilight, etc  used.

My Pony has limits at how much energy he can use, so he's not too powerful. Like maybe he can cast 3 spells at time but wait 4-5 minutes before he can use another spell. He does use different stones for different elemental affinities, and mostly uses onyx. He does not have as much energy as an alicorn would have. And is not special like Twilight who had a gift for magic. And he probably knows more spells but those are the ones he will usually use for a situation.

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My oc only specialized in magic sooo :please:


1.Magic bolts barrage (barrages a wide area in front of me)


2.Explosive magic bolt 


3.Armor spell (weakens enemy magic attacks)


4.Rapid bolts attack (shoots weaker bolts out in rapid mode)


5.Accurate magic shot (takes longer to shoot on how accurate it have to be)

Edited by Princess-Moonlight
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cinnamon will, but you're going to have to anger her really much. Her attack being devastating melee attacks such as a double jaw shot. With all her athletic might... I don't wanna be attacked by her.

Edited by PathfinderCS
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CQB, to sum it up short.


Although he could initiate his fair share of attacks, he also often goes on the defensive and baits his foes, and turns what are referred as "offense advantages" against them.


If his foes have weapons, then the fights may end pretty bad for them.


There is really only one person at his time who could have taught him to that extent





who trained this badass fella too


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I guess... I'd have some general magic things, like teleportation, levitation, and stuff like that. In Smash, I guess it would be like this:

A: Light and fast punches, in the air it would be more powerfull kicks.

B: Magic things:

  • Neutral B: Charges a powerfull beam,
  • Side B: Teleportation to the side, hurts all in the way a bit,
  • Down B: Disappears, and reappears with a magic burst. In air, disappears and reappears way lower with magic blast.
  • Up B: Teleportation upwards, if it hits an enemy, grabs the enemy and explosive jump of him.

Smashes would be charged magic thingies in front of me.


Yaaay! :adorkable:

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sense his main weapon being the bladed gauntlet which is enchanted with his vampony magic he cant afford drawn out fights, so to see him in a fight with his gauntlet he would be that speedy swordpony. no gauntlet he's basically kick boxing


so a speed fighter if that term exists, oc's in link if want to know more

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Probably a cross between a rogue and a sorcerer, so maybe something like:


-Magic bolt

-Invisibility spell

-Sneak attack


-Blinding spell

-Focused magic bolt

-Dodge attack


-Magical blades

-Concussive blast

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Jab: Hit opponent with baseball bat three times

Side tilt: Lunge my baseball bat forward

Down tilt: Crouch, swing my bat, and move forward

Up tilt: Swinging my baseball bat in a circular motion above my head

Neutral aerial: Grab the center of my bat and spin it very fast

Forward aerial: Swing my bat in a circular motion in front of my body

Back aerial: Kicking my two hind legs at the opponent behind me

Up aerial: Swing my bat in a circular motion above my head in the air

Down aerial: Swing my bat in a circular motion back and forth under me

Dash attack: Sprint and swing my bat back and forth three times

Grab: Use my magic to hold the opponent in

Pummel: Hit the opponent with my baseball bat

Forward throw: Throw the opponent up and then swing my bat hitting them like a baseball

Back throw: Move the opponent behind me, throw them up, and then kick them with my two hind legs

Down throw: Throw my opponent down and then hit them with my baseball bat three times

Up throw: Throw my opponent up, dealing damage, and then thrown a baseball at them while they're airborne, dealing more damage

Side smash: Charge my bat and swing

Down smash: Charge my bat, crouch down, and spin with my bat down low

Up smash: Charge my bat and swing in a circular motion above my head

Neutral special: Charge a baseball. The more I charge, the stronger it gets and the faster it goes. The ball is on fire, and the fire on the baseball gets bigger the more I charge it, and the opponent gets caught in the fire if they touch it.

Side special: Throw a spinning bat in front of me. I can control where the bat goes. Once I stop using side and B or the bat goes as far as possible, I launch myself in the trail that the bat went, dealing damage. If the opponent touches the spinning bat, they will be caught in it until the move ends.

Down special: Drop a machine. It shoots baseball's on the sides and the top. It shoots twice and then disappears. The baseballs deal damage.

Up special: Have a giant baseball bat hit me from below. It hits me three times. It hits me higher each time it hits.


I'm pretty sure that's a full moveset. The reason I was saying "me" and not "he" is because I see my OC as the MLP version of myself.

Edited by gamecubeguy214
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