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What group of people did you hang out with in school?


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What group of people (by that I mean cliques: nerds, jocks, etc.) did (or do) you hang out with in school? I personally hang out with the rednecks. :lol: It sounds odd, but they have been my friends since elementary school.

  • Brohoof 3
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I usually hangout with the country folks at my school. Though sometimes I can hangout with people of any groups.

My friends were originally pretty normal, but as time went on they started taking shop class and then turned into rednecks. :fluttershy:

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that depends on the particular school( been to many), last school( and current one), the "nerds", but most of us aren´t really stereotypically nerdy.

When i was younger, i always tried to hang it with the "cool" guys, since popularity was the only thing i was concerned with, back then.

Now i know that noone actually gives a damn about how many "friends" you have, when those so called "friends" won´t think twice to screw you over with every opportunity they get.

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I only ever hung out with one person... does that count? D: foreveralone ;[


Though, I guess I preferred hanging out with geeks kinda (loosely) like myself, really... that or the shadows... =(

Edited by Edwardo_Brony
  • Brohoof 1


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I bounced around all of them my Freshman and Sophomore years, and I'd made friends in all of them. So in my Junior/Senior years, I didn't hang out in any clique. My friends spent time together through me, and became friends. I created a blended group, albeit accidentally. A clique of people I liked. Sure, they weren't ALWAYS together, so I still bounced around the cliques, but for the most part, I hung out with the clique that I created. Even now, my closest friends, my brothers and sisters, are all (well, mostly) people from that group.

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The School I went to was very small, 50-70 in my graduating class. I had some groups I would hang out a with @ school, but a majority of my actual mates were from all over the place in 30-80 kilometer/20-50 mile radius. *shrugs* I don't know, I hungout with everybody at school?.?

Edited by The Professor
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During high school, I either hung out with the special needs kids or some of my emo friends. No, I wasn't emo either. They were just really nice to me during school that I hung out with them a lot. However, when I was eating lunch and what not, if I wasn't sitting with one of my best friends, I was eating lunch with the special needs students. They didn't really mind me sitting with them either. In fact, I think they enjoyed the company of sitting with someone who was more invisibly disabled than they were.

  • Brohoof 1

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


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I was with everybody, really. One of those kids that can just weave in and out of groups without a problem. I do tend to hang out with the gamers and Dr. Who kids most, though. They don't expect me to have lots of money  :derp:

  • Brohoof 2

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I hung out with the outsiders mostly.  Typically social rejects that banded together like the gay kids, transgender, goth, emo, nerds, etc., it was a nice mix of people  ^_^.  I miss the lot of them.

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Nerds and I don't mean that in a rude way. One was a brony and one was a furry and I dunno about the others, but we'd always play Yugioh, poker (we used to bet with pencils), ERS, bs, pencils, and blackjack.


*Slurping up a pink whale through a big straw while in a swimming pool filled with trash and some kinda gravy*.
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I didn't really hang out with any specific types. Just with people I knew wouldn't try to hurt me or wouldn't be getting me into any trouble. I was really a loner but I mostly hanged out with my best friend. There weren't really any types of groups as our school wasn't as big as other schools

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I wouldn't call it a group of people. But most of my classmates in high school were extreme geeks who were into video games, anime, comic books, etc. I went to some parties hosted by them and also ate out and went to the movies with them.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I hang out with nerds, because I, myself, am one. I'm not ashamed of it either. Nerds are becoming way more acceptable and valuable in modern society...

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