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What being a Princess means


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I think the writers had a bit of a problem with the whole 'Princess' title, first with making Celestia a Princess rather than a Queen, then with Cadance and Twilight being princesses. But its not like traditional concepts of 'Princess' can be tossed away either, because Princess Platinum is a princess, meaning a daughter of a monarch. The Journal of the two sisters, and if you accept it as canon, the IDW comics, provide some insight into what Princesses are. And why ponies don't seem to care too much that Twilight is a Princess, especially in manehatten


So here is my theory. The 'Journal of the Two sisters' makes it clear that Celestia and Luna are not really 'rulers' of Equestria, more like 'protectors', so I think the princess titles that they have are just that, just titles. They didn't make them Queens because they don't have the authority. In the Luna micro-comic, Celestia's main job (other than protector) is a Bureaucrat, and has another job as head of a magic school (in the Celestia micro-comic). Luna fights monsters and... I guess jumping into ponies dreams. So if they rule Canterlot directly, they don't seem to rule anywhere ells in Equestria directly, like the people in Manehatten don't seem to care about royalty (entitled aristocrats can wait in line for the taxi like everypony ells!)


So maybe Princess Twilight was just a curiosity at best because as far as anypony knows, all she did was was study in a library (not including the times she saved the world, nopony remembers those for some reason, so lets forget that point), so who cares what some minor-aristocrat with no job does? But now Twilight both has a Castle and a job, and so does Cadance with that Crystal Empire thing.


So to put it simply. For Equestrians I guess its like this...


Twilight becomes an Alicorn = Rare, but whatever, its just wings.

Twilight is a Princess = And Blueblood is a Prince, so what?

Twilight has a Castle and a Job? = OK, now she is important.


Thats how I think it is anyways.

Edited by Zoraxe
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You're not a princess until you banished somepony or some other creature.


With defeating Tirek and banishing him back to tartarus, Twilight indeed become a real princess (not just a unicorn with flippity floppers attached to it).


Ponies now do worship her (and perhaps pray to never give her reason to feel her wrath).


Fancy castle was just the merchandise bonus; you can't ask for taxes from others at the same time you're living in a tree.

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Is this wrong ?


But honestly, their role is a very confuse anyway.




You're not a princess until you banished somepony or some other creature.

I don't remember Cadence banishing anyone ? Did I miss something ?




Ponies now do worship her (and perhaps pray to never give her reason to feel her wrath).

I don't think the Manehatten people really care about the princesses' powers or wrath. They're more interested in the title.

Edited by ConcorDisparate
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Is this wrong ?


But honestly, their role is a very confuse anyway.




I don't remember Cadence banishing anyone ? Did I miss something ?


We can't tell for sure, but above statement also is more like my personal (and perhaps softly cynical) thought about it.


Through history, rulers have always been feared, no matter how beloved they also might have been. - and that fear had originated in their use of power, in what form ever.


You also could say that Cadance just got real control as princess over the Crystal Empire when she used the Crystal Heart to defeat Sombra, as he before still most probably was (deducted) king and ponies living and suffering under his influence. We (sadly) don't know too much about the Crystal Empire's Lore in that sense.

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And Blueblod is a Prince, so what?


To clarify this, I'll inform that he's more like a duke. Actually, the show developers said themselves that Blueblood was supposed to be "Duke Blueblood", but Hasbro requested them to change it because "It would confuse their target audience", hence they gave him that title.

Edited by Shadow Beam
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Through history, rulers have always been feared, no matter how beloved they also might have been. - and that fear had originated in their use of power, in what form ever.


Through human history. It's fantasy here. I don't remember 6 people defeating the meanest persons in our world because they trusted the power of friendship either.


I respect your opinion though, but you really shouldn't think this way honestly. The show is meant isn't meant to reflect our world's stupid and mean rules and crualty. By thinking it does, you lose a beautiful world to watch and to relate to :) .

Edited by ConcorDisparate
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I think princess just sounds more polite and nicer. I think she's more beautiful when one is called a princess rather than queen. I mean in Disney films, princesses are good and queens are bad, in Wizard of Oz, good witches are beautiful, and bad witches are ugly. And Peach, Rosalina, and Zelda are princesses instead of queens because princess just sounds nicer. Yeah I know it's cheesy that I think princess sounds more beautiful than queen but I really do think that. Deal with it. B)

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To clarify this, I'll inform that he's more like a duke. Actually, the show developers said themselves that Blueblood was supposed to be "Duke Blueblood", but Hasbro requested them to change it because "It would confuse their target audience", hence they gave him that title.


Yeah, thats the reason why he was made a Prince. There is an equally aweful reason why Celestia is a Princess instead of a Queen. So... I guess this means that Celestia and Blueblood are equals as far as 'title' is concerned.


But it is what it is, Celestia is a Princess because she was one of the last two Alicorns (what happened to the others, I do not know), and Blueblood is likely in his position from birth from some royal family from some part of Equestria, maybe the son of the current Unicorn King.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Well, in-universe, Princess has two meanings; the traditional imperial Princess and an Alicorn Princess. It seems that Celestia and Luna, though having the same title as say Princess Platinum or Prince Blueblood, hold a higher rank than them. Celestia and Luna seem to rule Equestria as a whole which is split up into smaller Provences that have their own rulers for the sake of them being able to take care of smaller and more localized problems. As has been seen, the writers of the series tend to shy away from the absolute ruler titles for Equestria such as King and Queen. There are Princesses, Princes, Dukes, Duchesses and probably Counts and Countesses. However, the Crystal Empire seems to have grown separately of Equestria and actually at one point had a legitimate Queen. It seems that it only has real connections to Equestrian Royalty after Princess Cadance took over ruling of the Empire.


An Alicorn Princess, however, seems to fall in a different line. For all intents and purposes, especially to the perspective of the average pony; Alicorns are immortal. Or at least incredibly long lived since Celestia and Luna have both been shown to have not aged a day in well over a thousand years. Due to this longevity, they obviously cannot function within a normal diarchy. It seems that they took the title of Princess after they started ruling Equestria because that's the Royal title that the ponies were familiar with at the time. It would make the transition from traditional monarchy to eternal diarchy easier if there's a little familiarity.

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I agree with prince-firemane, but the other thing to remember is that the whole "we don't care who you are" in Manehatten was supposed to be a play on how everyone is treated the same in New York City. It's not true, but the idea is that people in the big city have seen if all. Never forget that the writers love to bring in elements of our world into Equestria.

Edited by Nature's Spell

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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That is probably the best theory Ive heard in regards to the concept of Equestrian royalty; well done. ^^


You are correct; the Journal states (or at least alludes to) Celestia & Luna shying away from being direct rulers after after the unification of the three races. With this in mind it's fair to see Equestria developing in a similar sense to the Greek or even Mayan city-states; only difference being that the cities of Equestria recognize Canterlot as the seat of power, but still having their own autonomy.

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I'd definitely like to think of Equestria as being made up of different states. There are allusions to ponies of royal persuasion in locations like "Maretonia" and of course Cadance to the Crystal Empire associating with the main princesses. I'd like to think that Twilight is now this to Ponyville, and that Celestia and Luna are this to Canterlot and Equestria on the whole.


Since little is given on the origins of Celestia and Luna, and Cadance's origins depend on how canon the chapter books are (possibly more so than the comics considering GM Berrow is now on the show's writing staff), I'd like to believe that the same standard does not apply to all regions. Some princes and princesses obtain their positions by different means than others.


This is, of course, disregarding the real-life reasons why the titles appear as such in the show. Princess Celestia was originally to be called a queen, but was reversed due to a marketing decision. Prince Blueblood was originally to be called a duke, however Hasbro believed that its target audience at the time would not understand that title. Additionally, Princess Cadance was not to be an alicorn, but a unicorn, this one also goes to a marketing decision. I was thinking of a headcanon where not all princesses are alicorns, but given how Hasbro intends to market the show, this is likely not to happen. Ditto for a world where not all alicorns are princesses, hence the controversies that arise when dealing with alicorn OCs.

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What I think is that besides being protectors, the biggest role of the Alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna is promoting harmony among the different pony and non-pony races in Equestria, which is why the alicorn sisters were made royals in the first place, and now I guess Twilight has this job. Cadance seems to be the 'local ruler' kind of job with Shining Armor, alongside her Alicorn Princess role of realm guardian and Harmony promoter.


They rule equestria in a rather hands-off fashion, and likely have boundaries that would be unpleasent to cross in regards to the authority of the various groups that make up Equestria.

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As to Cadence banishing someone, I've read that in one of the official books she uses her love powers to beat a witch.  Plus, in Canterlot Wedding her husband (Shining Armor) helped her defeat Chrysalis & the changeling invasion.


But, IMO, a lot of the titles in EQ are just courtesy titles with no lands or duties attached.  Over the years a lot of lands have probably joined EQ & the nobility is probably allowed to keep their titles.  IMO, this is where Prince Blueblood comes from.  (Possibly descended from Princess Platinum.  Same good looks & vanity.)  Cadence was the same at 1st.  A mere courtesy title until she got the Crystal Empire.


Twilight was the same at 1st, but now she has her castle.  Until Season 5, it remains unclear just what she does.

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maybe the son of the current Unicorn King


Assuming a "Unicorn King" even exists any more.

After the three tribes united under one banner as the nation of Equestria, it's possible that the individual leaders faded away.


I believe that Celestia and Luna ARE the top tier rulers of Equestria.

Most of the signs point to it. The power, the seniority/longevity, the reverence they receive. Sure Twilight didn't get any of that reverence in Manehattan, but that's not shocking. Celestia and Luna have eons of street cred and truly commanding presence.


However, I wouldn't be shocked if there is a sort of elected council directly below the sisters made up of representatives from each part of Equestria.

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I think its reasonable to think that a Unicorn King and/or Queen still exists, I think Equestria is a collection of realms and the Alicorns are mediators and symbols of unity. And Yes, Celestia is at the top of the totem pole, but not able to do whatever.


Just because Twilight is a Princess in Ponyville doesn't mean Mayor Mare's job is any different, or that Twilight can order Mayor Mare to do anything.


Its actually a tricky situation the writers are in, they can't have Twilight expect special treatment because then she would be entitled and show how much above the other ponies and her friends her status is, unless being treated different is a plot point of the episode. So most of the time ponies seem to have a "Princess Alicorn? Huh, thats weird, whatever" attitude.

Edited by Zoraxe
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To me, each princess has their own speciality. They take care of very important things like Friendship or Love and have responsibilities.


This is the most simple and best answer.

What about Twilight? She isn't taller than the others.
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I do like the protector part.  Yeah the title princess doesn't really mean royaltiy, well i'm not sure about Cadance and shining arour somehow he got prince title by marrage so the implies Royality.   I mean they rule but hey we hardly see them do any kind of paper work or ruling much oher then throwing parties and blasting thngs so yeah

Twilight sparkle Guardains of EQturaia hehe

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To me, each princess has their own speciality. They take care of very important things like Friendship or Love and have responsibilities.


What about Twilight? She isn't taller than the others.


She's still growing. If you watch her closely, you notice that she's already a few inches taller than she used to be.

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She's still growing. If you watch her closely, you notice that she's already a few inches taller than she used to be.

You're are exactly right. She is growing and I expect it to continue.

As with many things in the show you have the core structure and the embellishments that the writers add for effect. What it means to be a princess is never set because the writers don't want it to be constrained. It's fluid in terms of adding new duties and responsibilites depending upon the story. The four princesses are everything we think they are and more: leaders, Royals, protectors, etc. Trying to define them badly misses the point.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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She's still growing. If you watch her closely, you notice that she's already a few inches taller than she used to be.

Indeed, she's slightly taller than the rest of her friends, her horn is slightly longer than the average Unicorn's and her breast is slightly more pronounced. I wonder if she and Cadance will gain waving manes and tails like Celestia and Luna.

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I think since Twilight is going to be going various places next season, we can see what the reactions of the various folk to princess Twilight is, and that will be interesting.

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