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S05:E05 - Tanks for the Memories


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I didn't like the episode. .-. Reasons have already been given by other people who didn't like it either. but am happy other people did like it at least. >u<"

Edited by Notomi
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ANYPONY ELSE NOTICED THE CUTE MATCHING SLIPPERS THAT TANK AND RAINBOWDASH HAD??? :wub:  and that weird funny picture of that green pony when Rainbowdash hid in that locker :toldya: :toldya: :toldya:

OMG yes I loved the Rainbow Dash slippers, they were adorable plus I found this.







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Overall, I didn't like this episode. The conflict of the episode revolves around Rainbow Dash being unbelievably and escalatingly immature, stupid, reckless, and selfish. Her motivations for her actions throughout the episode - yelling at her friends and not listening to them (and willfully doing/believing the opposite of what they say), trying to "stop winter", and sabotaging the Cloudsdale winter lab - are not well-defined, and I feel like Rainbow Dash's conflict should have been able to be resolved in a much less destructive and unbelievable way than the events of this episode.


Of course, perhaps the biggest problem in this episode is that the central conflict - Rainbow Dash refusing to believe that Tank needs to hibernate, and desperately trying to prevent him from doing so - is implausible in itself. As others have pointed out, it's hard to believe that this is really Rainbow's and Tank's first winter together. And Rainbow should already know about hibernation and how it's necessary for certain animals, like Tank, to do. Fluttershy shows Rainbow in a (assumedly trustworthy) book that tortoises hibernate, and she says that Tank needs to hibernate and that it's healthy for him. If Rainbow trusts her friend, and if she really cares about Tank's well-being (and for both, she should), then you might think that Rainbow Dash would reconsider her willful denial. Instead, she doesn't spend a second thinking about it - she asserts with no basis that Fluttershy and her book are wrong, and yells at and insults Fluttershy in the process.


Rainbow Dash eventually comes to believe that Tank is trying to hibernate because it's cold. So, even within those parameters, she could come up with a solution of, say, keeping Tank in a greenhouse or some other warm location (inside a building, etc. - I don't know if Rainbow's cloud house has heat). But instead, she comes up with the nonsensical solution of "stopping winter", and again, doesn't seem to spend a second thinking about the practicality of that endeavor or how it would affect everyone else. She goes on to do a series of temporary things which would not fundamentally change the fact that it's getting colder, which, as she said, is supposedly the whole problem in the first place. As we see Rainbow doing these increasingly stupid, reckless, and destructive things in the episode - hiding snow clouds, getting rid of ice and snow, hiding ski gear, rerouting migrating birds, putting leaves back on the trees, and the grand finale of sabotaging the Cloudsdale winter lab - I couldn't help thinking that NONE of this is preventing the temperature from going down, which, again, is supposedly the issue. Of course, we would say that Rainbow shouldn't be trying to prevent Tank from hibernating, but if Rainbow thinks that she can stop him by preventing it from being cold, she isn't even acting rationally to achieve that goal. (Plus, if she really were to "stop winter", that would mean that she couldn't do all of those winter activities with Tank, which is apparently a major reason why she doesn't want him to hibernate in the first place.)


And we have to keep in mind what's really going on here - Rainbow Dash apparently can't bear the prospect of Tank hibernating (and hence not being with her) for a few months. To me, this seems like it shouldn't be anywhere near as big a deal as it's made out to be in the episode. Part of the problem is that Rainbow has supposedly had Tank as a pet for less than a year, and we've seen relatively little interaction between Rainbow and Tank up to this point. Furthermore, it has been a joke previously that Tank barely responds (if at all) to events around him, so how different would it really be if Tank isn't there? Throughout the episode, and especially in her song, Rainbow talks about not wanting to be alone, not having to say goodbye, and how much Tank will be missed, but these sentiments seem needlessly overblown. Rainbow would not be "alone" without Tank - she has the rest of her friends, and surely the winter activities she was planning to do with Tank could be done with the rest of her friends. And again, Tank is hibernating for a few months, not dying or permanently moving away. So, considering all of the above, it seems implausible to me that Rainbow "needs" Tank to the point of destroying winter, sabotaging the Cloudsdale winter lab, and causing a great deal of trouble for others in the process. 


This leads to the crying scene. Far from bringing on "the feels", I was just left flabbergasted at the whole thing. Why is Rainbow screaming and crying and throwing a tantrum like an immature child with zero control of her emotions? What's with the slippers and robes on Rainbow and Tank? Why do Fluttershy, and especially Rarity and Pinkie, join in on the crying for no particularly good reason? As discussed above, Rainbow's reaction seems inappropriate to the actual nature of what is going on, and lacks sufficient context in the show to be believable. All of these questions, along with the whole overdramatic nature of the scene, just led me to think "What the hell is going on? Is this supposed to be a joke?" while watching it.


The final big point about this episode is that, as others have pointed out, Rainbow receives no apparent punishment for her reckless, destructive, and selfish actions in the episode. I would think that hiding snow clouds, trying to destroy the work of the weather pegasi, sabotaging the winter lab, causing a "winter bomb" to go off on Ponyville, etc. would all be a pretty big deal, and would lead not just to punishment, but also maybe a talking-to from the rest of the Mane Six about controlling her emotions and thinking about the consequences of her actions. (For example, before Rainbow tries to "stop winter" solely because she can't accept Tank hibernating, maybe she should think about how everyone else - and especially the Cloudsdale weather ponies who have to clean up and repair the winter lab - would be affected by that.) But we don't see any such things happen in the episode.


Now for a few other miscellaneous observations:


In the beginning of the episode, I don't know if there's much point in Rainbow asking Twilight if Tank looks all right, and taking her word for it that Tank is acting normal. I don't know that Twilight should be considered any kind of expert on Tank's behavior (or tortoises in general), and Rainbow has spent the most time with Tank and should know better than Twilight if Tank is acting differently than usual.


Fluttershy's "teensy-weensy-beensy bit slower" line is meaningless and annoying. If Fluttershy can't detect any significant difference in Tank's heartbeat, and thinks that Tank is preparing for hibernation, why not just say so from the beginning?



Fluttershy's explanation of hibernation seems out of place - Rainbow should already know what hibernation is, so the explanation seems solely aimed at the audience.


When Rainbow is infiltrating Cloudsdale, how does she unscrew the screws of a vent from the back with her bare hooves (i.e. she isn't carrying any tools) in a matter of seconds?


The series of events in the winter lab don't really make sense to me. Why would the contraption to suck up and transport clouds be able to create such a large suction force that Rainbow and Tank couldn't escape it? And after that, why is the contraption powerful enough not just to suck Rainbow and Tank through the entire machine, but create a "winter bomb" big enough to cover Ponyville and the surrounding area, without it failing or breaking down at some point? I would think that such a big and powerful machine would be designed to fail (in a relatively safe manner) before things got that out of hand.


After Rainbow lands on the ground from the "winter bomb", is she supposed to be sick from being in the snow and/or going through the machines in the winter lab? Or is she just really cold? Is this supposed to explain why Rainbow and Tank are wearing robes and slippers in the next scene?


This episode wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if they had gone for a more grounded, believable approach. Watching Rainbow go crazy at act recklessly was just as entertaining as watching Twilight go nuts in Lesson Zero. Seems rather hypocritical to me that RD should be demonized for what she did while Twilight gets praise and affection for acting just as reckless and stupidly and doing just as much damage. Heck, I'd even say Twilight's reason for losing it was even more petty and selfish than RD's.


It's a blatant double standard, and it's making this fandom insufferable.

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This episode wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if they had gone for a more grounded, believable approach. Watching Rainbow go crazy at act recklessly was just as entertaining as watching Twilight go nuts in Lesson Zero. Seems rather hypocritical to me that RD should be demonized for what she did while Twilight gets praise and affection for acting just as reckless and stupidly and doing just as much damage. Heck, I'd even say Twilight's reason for losing it was even more petty and selfish than RD's.


It's a blatant double standard, and it's making this fandom insufferable.



As I said before, I can see Dash coming up with the idea of stopping winter. The problem is that she got too far, Twilight decided that it was a good idea to make the CMC fight (which was the only bad thing she did that episode), and did it immediately, not so much time after that she realized that what she was doing was wrong and faced the consequences of her actions (The town fighting for a doll). Rainbow, in the other hand, kept going after she realized what she was doing was wrong, and kept acting irrational for a way longer time. In the end, she doesn't even feel bad for what she did, it was justified because she was feeling sad and it didn't have any bad consequences. Why didn't it ? Cause she was lucky. That's it.



Equestria's best unicorns

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Wow, there are some great thoughts here on this one, both pro and con.  I hope I have time to touch on some of them later.  But for now, this will have to do. 




This episode wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if they had gone for a more grounded, believable approach. Watching Rainbow go crazy at act recklessly was just as entertaining as watching Twilight go nuts in Lesson Zero. Seems rather hypocritical to me that RD should be demonized for what she did while Twilight gets praise and affection for acting just as reckless and stupidly and doing just as much damage. Heck, I'd even say Twilight's reason for losing it was even more petty and selfish than RD's. It's a blatant double standard, and it's making this fandom insufferable.


That's a good point.  But, unlike many cartoons, this one has a definite continuity and progression to it.  It's believable that a younger, unseasoned Twilight in Season 2 could lose her marbles.  It's not quite as convincing that Rainbow Dash at this stage would throw caution to the wind and not give thought to the unintended consequences of trying to stop winter.  RD showed by Wonderbolt Academy that she had already developed into a pony who, to borrow Shockwave's motto, places the clarity of thought before the rashness of action. 


In a nutshell, I think this would have been a great, side-busting plot for an episode in season 1 or 2.  Before living and learning so many friendship lessons with the rest of the Mane 6, Dashie would have been very prone to acting in such a way.  But in S5?  I'm sorry.  Even considering the moment she almost sold Fluttershy into slavery, RD isn't that pony any more.  She's grown up a whole lot during the course of the series. 


There were other touches I liked in this episode including the aforementioned "Who's On First" homage with the pegasi.  It's also funny how RD's crying isn't contagious but Fluttershy's is.  :(


And if dragons aren't reptiles, what are they?  :huh:

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And if dragons aren't reptiles, what are they?  :huh:

"A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile. In antiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but since the Middle Ages, it has become common to depict them with legs, resembling a lizard."  Wikipedia


So dragons never existed, but as far as Spike goes, he could be thought of as a reptile - or not.  Evidently he doesn't see himself as a reptile.  I'd like to think that if dragons were real creatures they would be a whole 'nother class of animals - Draco, or dragons for most folk.  And since they have a tendency - at least in stories - to spend a lot of time napping on piles of treasure, I think you could call that hibernating.  =)

Edited by Foliha
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Agreed.  And correct me if I'm wrong, but you and I are among the few who actually like "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" correct?  :toldya:

Mare Do Well is still one of my most watched Episodes. I've never understood what people have against it.


Back on topic, I now think that May the Best Pet Win would have taken place pretty close to A Canterlot Wedding. And since it was confirmed by the writers that the Slice of life Episodes aren't in order, I no longer believe there is a continuity error.

  • Brohoof 3

My Everfree Empire OC's: Hidden Antler, Earth Pony Ranger

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Remember that I once estimated Rainbow Dash's IQ at about 75? Scratch that, now I put it around 60. This was a pretty bad flanderization of her brash, selfish and unintelligent characterization.


Plus I'm a bit disappointed that her solo song (the only one in the season and possibly the series) was wasted on her doing something really stupid.


I may latter write a thorough rant, but those are my main gripes about the episode.

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I sorta agree. It was really, really.. blunt, but it had its place. I'm pretty sure a let loose a *heh* when I heard it.

All I could think was "Really? That's the best you can do?"


Oh well. One reference falling flat isn't enough to ruin the episode for me.

  • Brohoof 1



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Season 5 has been off to a great start so far! I wasn't expecting much out of this episode, but it wound up keeping me laughing throughout most of it. That being said, I think the Game of Thrones reference was probably one of the worst the show's done.

I didn't get the Game of Thrones reference, having never seen the show, but I almost died when Twilight channeled Bette Davis in season three episode eleven "Keep Calm and Flutter On"!

I thought that was just a bit over the top!

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I didn't get the Game of Thrones reference, having never seen the show, but I almost died when Twilight channeled Bette Davis in season three episode eleven "Keep Calm and Flutter On"!

I thought that was just a bit over the top!


That one was well done. The Game of Thrones reference was about as subtle as a giant stick to the head.

  • Brohoof 2



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I liked it I felt this was a shining moment for Dash and Fluttershy of course pinkie pie was hilarious as usual. Dash's devotion to tank really showed how much she loved him. Sure she went at it all wrong but at least it showed that Dash can care about something other then herself. As for fluttershy she really showed some assertiveness then again when it comes to animals she knows what she is doing.

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This episode was flippin' Loony Toons! AND I ADORE IT!!!!


Also guys I would just like to say that I noticed a reference in there that none of you are going to get!


The show is made in Vancouver


They slipped in this




which is actually a reference to this




I know this because I live in BC!!

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It kind of makes me happy to see that a lot of people on this discussion thread were able to enjoy this episode. I've been trying to come up with something nice to say about it, and for now that will have to do. It's all I've got.


I'll probably have more to say about this in some form later on, but right now I'm just stunned. I thought for the longest time that Rainbow Dash would never be the focus of an episode worse than Mare Do Well, but today it became necessary for me to revise that assumption. Even though I could tell which parts were aiming to be funny/emotional, most of the time I had to try really hard to not cringe. Just... wow. I am absolutely shocked.

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After watching this episode, I'm trying as hard as I can to find anything to increase my opinion of it as much as I can. I didn't -hate- the episode; that title is reserved for ones I would actively skip when I rewatch the show, but I can't really like it either. I'm gonna get the negative out of the way first, so I can leave the post on a positive note.



My primary problem with it was probably how over the top RD does everything over the course of the episode. Yes, I get it, her pet has to leave for a while, and she doesn't want to accept that. I also get that this is a cartoon, and such over the top stuff is normally used for entertainment value. But I didn't feel entertained by or sympathetic towards any of her actions. I probably mentally facepalmed more than anything.


Tank's got to hibernate. Fluttershy has explained this. Spike has explained this. He's gonna be back. That alone is enough to remove any empathy from me towards the idea of it being some big loss.  Sure, I look forward to doing things with my friends, and it sucks when one has to move away for a while. But when you know they'll be back, it's not goodbye forever, it's see you when you get back. I also understand that I'm nothing like Rainbow Dash. I'm very level-headed and take everything from a logical standpoint. I feel emotion but temper it by understanding the reason behind the feels*. But you shouldn't have to think like the character to be able to sympathize with them in an episode - especially when that episode is meant to draw your sympathy as a generic viewer of the show.


Her emotional reaction makes sense; as others have pointed out from Mare Do Well, she hates being alone - and Tank's her only companion we as viewers know of when she's not with the other mane 6. But her physical reactions were vastly in excess of what was actually going on and made her seem like a flanderized villain. I'm sorry, but everything she did was an excessive overreaction for the sake of comedy, and it just didn't work for me. Without the aforementioned sympathy for her problem, all of her reactions were groan-inducing.  The setup was fine, and I liked the ending with her sitting with tank, but the journey from that start to the finish was painful, to the point where I was actually glad when Fluttershy finally stepped in and laid things out bluntly near the end so it could all stop**. I even enjoyed her song. But on reflection, the way she goes along so happily singing about this scheme she's got to stop winter makes that grinch face so appropriate.



That said, the main things potentially pulling this episode up from a dislike to a meh. I enjoyed all the jokes as usual. The who's on first? gag, the angry face, the grinch face, pinkie pie walking through the cloud wall of Rainbow's room instead of the door, Applejack as a whole (for what little she did), and the aforementioned Fluttershy drawing from her breezy lesson and laying down the harsh truth to Rainbow.  These were all great. I even had to sigh a bit (in a good way) when Winter is Coming was said.  I also enjoyed the world building of how Cloudsdale is this floating city that travels around the country to deliver weather to areas that are due for it. 



Basically I enjoyed everything that wasn't the way the centralized plot was executed. I'm no story writer, so I'm not gonna start throwing around suggestions about what they -should- have done. The episode's done, and the best I can muster up if I think about all the angles is a rousing "meh." The most I could say on an improvement is I could believe the reaction if for whatever reason Tank was leaving for good. Not that I want to see that happen, but it would have at least made the plot of this episode feel a lot less contrived.



As to the continuity "error" some are raising, to me a continuous timeline in episode sequence goes out the window as soon as Fall Weather Friends happened two episodes after Winter Wrap-up. And even if this is all in order, as others have said, it's entirely possible she spent other non-episode winter(s) with other pre-planned events and this is the first winter she has with plans for Tank.



*Yes, I have experienced loss, for those of you who might try to pull that card. I had to put down my childhood pet not two years back.

**For those of you throwing this ad hominem around, I'm not one of those people who legitimately feels making Fluttershy cry is inherently a bad thing just because she's Fluttershy. I'll play along with that line of thinking, because it's fun. In reality, it's not cool to go out of your way to make others cry. But it's all based on context. In this case, Rainbow needed this to get her to let her feelings (and tears) to flow, so that she could come to terms with what was happening. And after everything that was happening, it was just so satisfying to see somebody finally bring her to accepting the truth whether she wanted to or not. The crying itself had nothing to do with my enjoyment of the scene.

Edited by Tarilaan
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**For those of you throwing this ad hominem around, I'm not one of those people who legitimately feels making Fluttershy cry is inherently a bad thing just because she's Fluttershy. I'll play along with that line of thinking, because it's fun. But it's all based on context. 


It saddens me somewhat that anyone should feel the need to make that particular clarification. Making someone cry is just generally a not cool thing to do.


On a tangentially related note, so is virtually everything that Rainbow does in this episode.  :blink:

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OMG at the end, I have finally found Scootaloo's dad....Proving that Scootaloo DOES have a family, which means....It's finally canon!


Until there is a card or something officially proving she has parents the orphan thing will go on...wait, what am I talking about? It'll go on even if there is canon disproving it. I'm sure there were other background ponies in this episode we could explore as well. Personally, I'm still buried in Tank fanart.  :)

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I thought for the longest time that Rainbow Dash would never be the focus of an episode worse than Mare Do Well, but today it became necessary for me to revise that assumption.


worse than Mare Do Well



I kid of course, you can think that if you want. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions after all.

We just live on totally different wavelengths, since I consider this one of her best. :D

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I'm with you there, but in the interest of generating discussion (this is a discussion thread) I shall query you. What is one thing in particular you liked about it? I loved the outfits, the song, and Dashie's heart-wrenching denial. Did you like the fact that Rainbow Dash finally did a song all on her own? Or maybe you liked Tank!


On another note, I wonder if Harry the Bear lets any other critters crash at his pad for hibernation.  ^_^

Haha!  Good point there!  I will explain further in that case!  I really enjoyed the song.  I also enjoyed the fact that we were able to see a side of RD that you almost never get to see.  I have never really liked RD's headstrong ways, if you know what I mean.  I love her to death as a character, so don't get me wrong, its just that I think that sometimes it can be a bit much.  I was just left amazed at the character development that we saw in this episode.  It allowed me to relate to RD more than I ever thought I would.  It is almost as if she hides her true emotions behind a facade, that she makes out to be her headstrong, and over confident attitudes.  In this episode however, I enjoyed seeing Rainbow Dash letting out some of that built up emotion.  Life as a bottler could not have been alluded to any better than what was portrayed in this episode.  RD was ready to mope around for the whole winter, before she let her emotions out.  I found this episode to be a great lesson in the fact that to move forward in life, we need to come to terms with our emotions, and let them out.  It was just a great way to say, "hey, everyone has their pitfalls in life, but if there is any chance of rising, and conquering these hard times, we must learn to not only come to term with our emotions, but as is commonly said 'let it out'."  It is amazing how much good it can do for you to have a good cry when you really need to let some emotion out.  It might sound pansie, but we watch My Little Pony for corn's sake! :lol:

Edited by midnightlegacy
  • Brohoof 4

These days, the world has a tendency of taking itself much too seriously.

It is my intention to not follow suit.


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Haha!  Good point there!  I will explain further in that case!  I really enjoyed the song.  I also enjoyed the fact that we were able to see a side of RD that you almost never get to see.  I have never really liked RD's headstrong ways, if you know what I mean.  I love her to death as a character, so don't get me wrong, its just that I think that sometimes it can be a bit much.  I was just left amazed at the character development that we saw in this episode.  It allowed me to relate to RD more than I ever thought I would.  It is almost as if she hides her true emotions behind a facade, that she makes out to be her headstrong, and over confident attitudes.  In this episode however, I enjoyed seeing Rainbow Dash letting out some of that built up emotion.  Life as a bottler could not have been alluded to any better than what was portrayed in this episode.  RD was ready to mope around for the whole winter, before she let her emotions out.  I found this episode to be a great lesson in the fact that to move forward in life, we need to come to terms with our emotions, and let them out.  It was just a great way to say, "hey, everyone has their pitfalls in life, but if there is any chance of rising, and conquering these hard times, we must learn to not only come to term with our emotions, but as is commonly said 'let it out'."  It is amazing how much good it can do for you to have a good cry when you really need to let some emotion out.  It might sound pansie, but we watch My Little Pony for corn's sake! :lol:


Can I double brohoof you?  :P


It's by no means "pansie" to show emotion. I think it's rather messed up that the notion even exists. But Dashie letting it out is why I agree with you so much and one of many reasons I loved the episode to death. I mentioned it in an earlier post, but I also feel like what happened gave further depth to RD's character. Others may argue, but I'm totally 1-on-1 with you on this.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 2


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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I thought for the longest time that Rainbow Dash would never be the focus of an episode worse than Mare Do Well, but today it became necessary for me to revise that assumption.



That bizarre feel when you like Mare Do Well and yet for others it will never be anything more than a yardstick for an episode's garbageitude


The real yardstick should be Rainbow Falls, but thankfully it's hard to purposefully reach that level of sheer suck.




This is another episode where I can understand the reasons why others wouldn't like it... but can't seem to do so myself. The main thing that I didn't like about this episode was the implication that they can't go any further than this while talking about loss. I find that disappointing, since I also feel like this episode would've been better if the stakes had been higher.


As for continuity/Cloudsdale property damage, I really really really don't care. Back muh good old Season 1 they'd trash Ponyville on a weekly basis and no one cared either. Seems to me Cloudsdale can learn to deal, it surely went through worse when RD was a filly there. And also back in S1, they'd do strange things like having a fall episode two weeks after they wrapped up winter. So yeah. We can dwell on that or we can just accept that the episode timeline makes no sense and move onto more important things.


Slipping into a more serious tone, I don't much mind Rainbow Dash's negative actions in this episode because they're never painted as anything good, or anything other than the desperation of a big-dreaming pegasus with some major attachment issues. I actually consider RD to be the villain of this episode. Which might sound funny coming from somebody who once stylized themself her biggest fan and most ardent defender, but it's true. I love it :wub:. As somebody with a few attachment issues myself, I can completely understand how impending loneliness and loss might drive somebody to do something drastic. It's just that most of us don't have the gall to think we can stop entire seasons :lol:




Such is the strength of the bond between a mare and her tortoise


Tying into that, I enjoyed this episode because it sort of deconstructed two of Dash's very best traits. Look at any history book or popular form of media. People who are desperately loyal to something or someone can do some messed up stuff in their name, and RD is no exception. Considering how many times she's been bashed for not going far enough, I found it refreshing to see her go too far in expressing her loyalty. As for the other trait, Rainbow is partially successful because of her ability to disregard reality and aim for the awesome. That's why she can perform impossible flying feats, get her team to form up and finish tornadoes, chase dreams that most others would've given up on. This episode showed that sometimes, reality won't roll over for you no matter how hard you try. Painful lesson, but I think it is important.


But yeah, that's why I think this episode succeeded so well. It showed Dash being belligerent, acting the part of the bad guy, messing everything up for everyone and ultimately failing, and yet the reaction from so many people was




Add in a good song, great humor, great Fluttershy and Applejack characterization and some genuine emotion even if all Dash's reactions were exaggerated, and I'd have to call this one of the best S5 episodes yet.

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