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hey Celestia, have you read the god like power mumbo jumbo Lunatic posted relating to my black hole abilities, you have to read it, you will be ammused, its in the ask Luna thread

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hey Celestia, have you read the god like power mumbo jumbo Lunatic posted relating to my black hole abilities, you have to read it, you will be ammused, its in the ask Luna thread


its not mombo jumbo.

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hey Celestia, have you read the god like power mumbo jumbo Lunatic posted relating to my black hole abilities, you have to read it, you will be ammused, its in the ask Luna thread


No I haven't and in my spare time I may look it over.

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its not mombo jumbo.


​You never spew mumbo jumbo Luna.


honestly, i cant see myself as god-like, if i think like that, ill get too cocky, and trouble is never far behind when im cocky


Well at least you know that it is bad to get cocky and absorbed and drunk on your abilities.

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The catch what make's you think i have a catch the fact that i might be evil or because of my looks


I am sorry but that sentence didn't make much sence, but I know what you are trying to say.


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I wont say it again. I don't judge ponies. I know nothing of you, so how can I say you are evil if I know nothing about you? Most peace treaties tend to have a bit of negotiations over other details, and I was asking if there was any of that.

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Hey Celestia, i have another questions for you:

1.Is it hard to make you angry???>Makes a weird dinosaur face<

2.Has Godzilla attacked Equestria yet???

3.How can you ponies sleep peacefully if there are LOTS of always-hungry monsters out there???

4.What animals inhabit Equestria(non-mythical)because i'm a huge animal lover???

That's all

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Oh yeah my father want's to move his soldiers freely throught your land so we may catch a pony and if you would help us we would appreciate

The pony is a colt, Black fur, White mane that fades to red at the tip's, And he is a unicorn

We must find him so we may punish punish him for what he has done

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Hey Celestia, i have another questions for you:

1.Is it hard to make you angry???>Makes a weird dinosaur face<

2.Has Godzilla attacked Equestria yet???

3.How can you ponies sleep peacefully if there are LOTS of always-hungry monsters out there???

4.What animals inhabit Equestria(non-mythical)because i'm a huge animal lover???

That's all


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1: Yes, however there is one method that will get me cross very quickly, and that is when dealing with treats such as Discord.

2:Who? I am going to say no since I've never heard of that name

3: Because those hungry monsters prefer mostly anything else over ponies. And besids, we leave them alone they leave us alone.

4: Oh dear, well we have rabbits, other small critters, dogs and cats, chickens, cows, buffalo, various different bugs, all of fluttershy's pets, and many many more!


Oh yeah my father want's to move his soldiers freely throught your land so we may catch a pony and if you would help us we would appreciate

The pony is a colt, Black fur, White mane that fades to red at the tip's, And he is a unicorn

We must find him so we may punish punish him for what he has done


As long as the soldiers remember they are in my land and will abide to my laws, then sure. What did this unicorn do?


I just asked Luna these same questions, How do you feel with the apocalypse being over? Does it feel good to know you survived? Did you get hurt at all?


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Well it feels good helping my fellow ponies survive. It feels great surviving personally, and I did get hurt. I have a splitting headache from the entire mess. Way too much yelling, loud noises and focused magic. but all in all it was great of the outcome that is. Though I should probably rest soon haha.


Thank you for checking up on me. :)

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This unicorn is the one who gave the order for my assassination, He is the leader of a rebal group that is against my empire and he is my brother but that doesn't matter he needs to be punished


Well if I see anypony who fits that description, I'll be sure to have my guards bring him to me.

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becouse you told entire equiestria about mister cuddles we have to take revenge sister.


here we have...




They don't call me Trollestia for nothing sweetie ;).


oohoohoo, we have a sister war, i just know it


im going to sit back and watch


Feel free to do so.

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