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Decline? Pfft. It's still going as strong as ever IMO.

You seem like one of the people who just doesn't agree with the slight shift in tone after Twilight became a princess?


And what you call overly fudgy cake, we call a funtastic celebration of the fandom and the show's longevity.

No, I didn't really care about Twilight being a princess. My wording was slightly confusing, so I will correct that:


I was resigned to the fact that the show was never going to go back to how good it was before (in my opinion, of course). However, I saw my first glimpse of its decline in the beginning of Season 3. It's just by the time the Season ended, I knew it wasn't going to be to my tastes anymore. 


But it's fine if you enjoy your cake. As I said, it amuses me. I still was entertained by the episode, and that's the only reason I watch the show anyway. 

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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No, I didn't really care about Twilight being a princess. My wording was slightly confusing, so I will correct that:


I was resigned to the fact that the show was never going to go back to how good it was before (in my opinion, of course). However, I saw my first glimpse of its decline in the beginning of Season 3. It's just by the time the Season ended, I knew it wasn't going to be to my tastes anymore. 


But it's fine if you enjoy your cake. As I said, it amuses me. I still was entertained by the episode, and that's the only reason I watch the show anyway. 

Since I was new to MLP I caught up in a binge watch. I went in blank without any expectations. Season 1 was cheesy half way season two is when it got good and season 4 is where some of the best stuff comes from for me. And so far I've not really hated anything this season, couple of dislikes but that is bound to happen. I don't see why people keep saying the first two seasons were the best. It reminds me way to much of gen oners. 

  • Brohoof 2


                                                                Sig by Destiny


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Even thought this was obvious fan pandering in the extreme, I still think it was a wonderful nod to the fandom, by which a 100th episode might not have happened without our interest.
Derpy was so cute and adorable and I really enjoyed what they did with her. Although I found Doctor Whooves to be a bit much in his behavior. I liked the ending with the scarf though. I think it was sort of jab at fans though when the Doctor said something about a traumatic past, which is something lots of pony OC's have. I love the fight with Celestia and Luna, behaving like sisters, I would have loved to have seen Luna and Celestia switch the tag on Spikes present, but I know they're to honest for that. Shining Armor crying like a baby was wonderful. The changeling was also a nice surprise. I would have liked to have seen maybe Discord watching from a window, or pretending like he didn't care. 
I went into this episode knowing it was going to be blatant on the fanservice, as an everyday run of the mill episode, I probably wouldn't have liked it, but as a special episode, it was great. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Decline? Pfft. It's still going as strong as ever IMO.

You seem like one of the people who just doesn't agree with the slight shift in tone after Twilight became a princess?


And what you call overly fudgy cake, we call a funtastic celebration of the fandom and the show's longevity. 




To quote Zebasiz Shadowbane:

"Honestly, if people call 'pandering' on THIS episode... Dear lord, people, you need to re-check your standards here.

I can understand your argument when it's a regular episode and they like, throw in a meme or reference or something like that.

But on a celebratory episode? Y'know, the 100th episode special? I think they're kind of excused for that, because it's a special celebratory episode.

Lots of shows do that. 


Take it from me Luffy, don't spend too much time talking to grumps; they're from a far-gone generation and should really just switch fandoms entirely and stop logging on at this point~ :D


This was quite literally pandas, the episode, but I see no issue with it, either. As you said, it's a special, it's not as if they're doing this on a regular basis. On top of that, the writing hasn't lost any quality in my mind, so who cares if there are pandas? I'm not opposed to pandas from the getgo. They're fluffy.

  • Brohoof 3


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I completely loved this episode. Surprisingly it ended up following a very similar plot with an episode that I had an idea for, even having the same set of background ponies. The idea for a changeling being at the wedding raises an interesting question. Do Luna and Celestia let changeling live freely now? It wouldn't surprise me because they are fair rulers. They might have realized that they just needed food to survive. As long as they stop trying to kidnap ponies and steal kingdoms it wouldn't be so bad to have them roam freely to feed. I love all of the references made to Doctor Who, but as I read through the credits, I was rather surprised. First of all, the Doctor was voiced by Peter New, the Doctor is basically a British Big Mac. However, Peter New did say that he watched Doctor Who during a Jenga match with Andrea Libman. Second, Bon Bon wasn't called Secret Agent Sweetie Drops. Finally, they censored Derpy's name again. The credits gave Derpy the name Muffin. I am surprised that name wasn't thought of earlier.

Edited by FlutterFly761
  • Brohoof 1
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This is by far my favorite episode.


Word. Seriously, your list is mine too.  ^_^


I was so blown away by this episode that I'll probably be addicted to it for a while. It's the embodiment of so much I love about this show. I've never seen any other show that is so responsive to the fans. Hooves down.  :D That aside, my own rating is 11/10. Everyone knew what this episode was all about: background pony goodness for the fans. It more than delivered.  :wub:


I'm having a hard time deciding which parts I loved most. Derpy and talking? Gummy and talking? Vinyl and Octy together? Lyra and Bonbon together? I'm still sqeeing in joy over it all.  :yay:

  • Brohoof 3


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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This episode was one big fan-pander, but that doesn't mean it wasn't entertaining!

I liked seeing background characters being fleshed out more, even though pretty much all of it was fanon anyway.

  • Brohoof 2
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I thought this episode was absolutely amazing.  It did something a milestone episode should do, it went in places the show hadn't done before.


In regards to the show pandering to the fans, I have to agree with everyone who says that it makes sense since this show may not have ever gotten to 100 episodes without the brony fanbase.  Don't use slippery slopes, assuming if they do it in this one episode that it will become more prevalent in subsequent episodes.  Slippery slopes rarely actually happen.  This episode will likely be an anomaly and you likely won't see any of those background ponies in roles anywhere remotely like they were today.


Wonderful and warm episode,  I loved it.

  • Brohoof 3

It's Pony Clobberin' time!

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I see that Tara Strong is the only one that didn't get to voice any background characters. I guess she just doesn't have the range that the other three do.


Also it bugs me a little that Derpy was listed as Muffins in the credits.


Doesn't have the range?  Nah, she's got the range (dear Lord, she can't still do her PPG Bubbles voice and her Dill voice from Rugrats), I'm guessing it's just that (1) since she plays the main character and (2) has probably far more VA work than the other crew members, they wanted to save her voice for her own sake as much as possible.  Or they just ran out of roles to fill too, IDK.


And I'm saying this as a "as diehard a Derpy fan as they get," but I get it.  I get if her "canon" name in the show is Muffins.  Getting her back to the point where she can be an actual character is enough for me; yes, it was amazing when they called her Derpy, but if her being an actual character means they can't call her that in the show anymore, that's fine by me.  It's not like they can stop us from continuing to call her that, and we certainly won't, that's for sure.  So I just say accept it and live and let live.  :muffins:

  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Firstly  Steven maginet..was not expect that and second he is an asshole...

Shining armour crying...what! oh come on, like he asn't enough of trouphy to cadance arleady

AS for the other stuff...meh i really dont care...
twicane..ugh... Also i guess the music part with viyle was nice.  Great nod at the end to the fans as least.

honstly i was expecting worst(granted i never cared much for most background ponies so yeah)

only reaon i liked derpy and hooves thing was cuase of Ponies with Pockets productions really

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So I just say accept it and live and let live.


I'd like to add in my agreement. I understand what happened with all the back-and-forth on Derpy, but her talking this episode was one of the reasons I loved it so much. I may totally prefer her original "first" voice but I will gladly accept this one if it means she at least gets to talk again. She'll always be our little Derpy.  :kindness:

  • Brohoof 2


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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This episode was pretty good..I loved Octavia's bit in it. I loved all the Dr. Who references as well. Steven Magnet...might be gay. I also liked Mayor Mare's speech she gave. She makes a good point.


To me, they id it fairly well. One I'd watch again for sure. I"m just curious now if they'll make an episode about the Mane 6 going after that Bugbear.


Also, did anyone else catch this quick bit? It was after the twilicane in Vinyl's and Tavi's rampage through Ponyville.



  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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And I'm saying this as a "as diehard a Derpy fan as they get," but I get it.  I get if her "canon" name in the show is Muffins.  Getting her back to the point where she can be an actual character is enough for me; yes, it was amazing when they called her Derpy, but if her being an actual character means they can't call her that in the show anymore, that's fine by me.  It's not like they can stop us from continuing to call her that, and we certainly won't, that's for sure.  So I just say accept it and live and let live.  :muffins:


What if her name would (or could) be: Derpy Muffins? Would that make any sense (since she was called "Derpy" on The Last Roundup)?


Has anyone thought of that before?


If it has been mentioned before, sorry for not knowing anything about that being mentioned WAY earlier.

Edited by Jonny Music
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What if her name would (or could) be: Derpy Muffins? Would that make any sense (since she was called "Derpy" on The Last Roundup)?


Has anyone thought of that before?


If that's her canon name, whatever, but you won't hear me calling her that.  Derpy Hooves now and always for this guy, at least personally.  :bedeyes:

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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One thing I disliked however: the fact the ponies don't give a damn about the bee-bear and are like "What is it this time?" It was absurd and not realistic at all... But I guess that's just me.


Um....Have you been paying attention? Throughout the series Ponyville has been in danger from:

  • Nightmare Moon's Endless Night (Pilot)
  • Stampede of cows and bunnies (Applebuck Season)
  • An Ursa Minor (Boast Busters)
  • A Parasprite invasion (Swarm of the Century)
  • Evil Discord turning it into the Chaos Capital of the World (Return of Harmony)
  • (I'll count this one) Twilight losing all reason and "making" a friendship problem to solve (Lesson Zero)
  • Spikezilla (Secret of My Excess)
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies (Do I even have to say it?)
  • Corrupted by Power Trixie (Magic Duel)
  • A chance Discord might not have reformed by Fluttershy (Keep Calm and Flutter On)
  • The changed destinies of the Mane 5 led to total misery in Ponyville (Magical Mystery Cure)
  • The Everfree Forest is invading! (Princess Twilight Sparkle)
  • Possessed by Power Rarity (Inspiration Manifestation)
  • Takeover by Tirek (Twilight's Kingdom)
  • Bugbear (Slice of Life)

Honorable Mentions: Doesn't affect Ponyville directly, but would have if left unchecked:

  • Changling Invasion (A Canterlot Wedding)
  • The Return of King Sombra (The Crystal Empire)

Look at all that above^^ The Ponies of Ponyville should be used to dangerous situations by now.

  • Brohoof 5


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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 (Seriously, how did Discord leave the Twilight scepter lying around for over a season? It makes no sense!)





I refer you to discords first line ever.

Edited by TwistedGear

Sig by Pucksterv

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This episode was pretty good..I loved Octavia's bit in it. I loved all the Dr. Who references as well. Steven Magnet...might be gay. I also liked Mayor Mare's speech she gave. She makes a good point.


To me, they id it fairly well. One I'd watch again for sure. I"m just curious now if they'll make an episode about the Mane 6 going after that Bugbear.


Also, did anyone else catch this quick bit? It was after the twilicane in Vinyl's and Tavi's rampage through Ponyville.



 Steven Magnet might be gay? why? Just because of his voice? Even though the majority of Gays don't talk that way, and in spite of Steven not showing romantic attraction to neither male or female characters? (assuming he'd even have romantic affection for donkeys or ponies, who he's only been seen in the company of) =_=

@@Jonny Music,@@Batbrony, Earlier in this thread I proposed that her name could be Derpy "Muffins" Hooves.

My headcanon is that her name is actually "Ditzy Do Hooves" (or "Double D Hooves"). "Derpy", I feel, was more a slang nickname used by Rainbow Dash, in "The Last Roundup" to describe Ditzy's actions, which she's had experience with, unfortunately, before. And "Muffins" is a more affectionate nickname that ponies might call her, due to her love of muffins.

Um....Have you been paying attention? Throughout the series Ponyville has been in danger from:

  • Nightmare Moon's Endless Night (Pilot)
  • Stampede of cows and bunnies (Applebuck Season)
  • An Ursa Minor (Boast Busters)
  • A Parasprite invasion (Swarm of the Century)
  • Evil Discord turning it into the Chaos Capital of the World (Return of Harmony)
  • (I'll count this one) Twilight losing all reason and "making" a friendship problem to solve (Lesson Zero)
  • Spikezilla (Secret of My Excess)
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies (Do I even have to say it?)
  • Corrupted by Power Trixie (Magic Duel)
  • A chance Discord might not have reformed by Fluttershy (Keep Calm and Flutter On)
  • The changed destinies of the Mane 5 led to total misery in Ponyville (Magical Mystery Cure)
  • The Everfree Forest is invading! (Princess Twilight Sparkle)
  • Possessed by Power Rarity (Inspiration Manifestation)
  • Takeover by Tirek (Twilight's Kingdom)
  • Bugbear (Slice of Life)

Honorable Mentions: Doesn't affect Ponyville directly, but would have if left unchecked:

  • Changling Invasion (A Canterlot Wedding)
  • The Return of King Sombra (The Crystal Empire)

Look at all that above^^ The Ponies of Ponyville should be used to dangerous situations by now.

all those catastrophic incidents, I wouldn't be phased after a time, either. Ponyvillians be like "just another Saturday. Monster? -yawn- Princess Twilight's on speed dial". -hits the snooze button-


totally realistic, at this point. No need for anyone to panic, unless Pinkie encourages it (and sometimes, not even then)

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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The Ponies of Ponyville should be used to dangerous situations by now.


Ponyville is ground zero for quite a bit of problems. Kind of how Tokyo is a magnet for giant monsters.


Also...bowling, man.  ^_^


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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The wedding at the Town Hall: Matilda and Cranky Doodle Donkey got married today. Dr. Hooves and the rest loved it with flameless fireworks (instead of "flowers") are the best part of the episode!  :D

Edited by Allen

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Um....Have you been paying attention? Throughout the series Ponyville has been in danger from:

  • Nightmare Moon's Endless Night (Pilot)
  • Stampede of cows and bunnies (Applebuck Season)
  • An Ursa Minor (Boast Busters)
  • A Parasprite invasion (Swarm of the Century)
  • Evil Discord turning it into the Chaos Capital of the World (Return of Harmony)
  • (I'll count this one) Twilight losing all reason and "making" a friendship problem to solve (Lesson Zero)
  • Spikezilla (Secret of My Excess)
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies (Do I even have to say it?)
  • Corrupted by Power Trixie (Magic Duel)
  • A chance Discord might not have reformed by Fluttershy (Keep Calm and Flutter On)
  • The changed destinies of the Mane 5 led to total misery in Ponyville (Magical Mystery Cure)
  • The Everfree Forest is invading! (Princess Twilight Sparkle)
  • Possessed by Power Rarity (Inspiration Manifestation)
  • Takeover by Tirek (Twilight's Kingdom)
  • Bugbear (Slice of Life)
Honorable Mentions: Doesn't affect Ponyville directly, but would have if left unchecked:
  • Changling Invasion (A Canterlot Wedding)
  • The Return of King Sombra (The Crystal Empire)
Look at all that above^^ The Ponies of Ponyville should be used to dangerous situations by now.
Oh well.

The real question should be "why they still live in Ponyville?" then. :P

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 Steven Magnet might be gay? why? Just because of his voice? Even though the majority of Gays don't talk that way, and in spite of Steven not showing romantic attraction to neither male or female characters? (assuming he'd even have romantic affection for donkeys or ponies, who he's only been seen in the company of) =_=

My headcanon is that her name is actually "Ditzy Do Hooves" (or "Double D Hooves"). "Derpy", I feel, was more a slang nickname used by Rainbow Dash, in "The Last Roundup" to describe Ditzy's actions, which she's had experience with, unfortunately, before. And "Muffins" is a more affectionate nickname that ponies might call her, due to her love of muffins.

all those catastrophic incidents, I wouldn't be phased after a time, either. Ponyvillians be like "just another Saturday. Monster? -yawn- Princess Twilight's on speed dial". -hits the snooze button-


totally realistic, at this point. No need for anyone to panic, unless Pinkie encourages it (and sometimes, not even then)



Ponyville is ground zero for quite a bit of problems. Kind of how Tokyo is a magnet for giant monsters.


Also...bowling, man.  ^_^



Oh well.

The real question should be "why they still live in Ponyville?" then. :P


Wow! My previous post on this topic got quoted thrice in about 25 minutes by those above. New record that I never imagined would happen.

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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