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I just saw Smile HD, okay so, wtf?


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Okay, what the hell. I need to talk to about this to someone, anyone. Like, this came out of the blue. I was minding my own business on Youtube and then as I was listening to remixes and then this starts playing and I'm like "Ah, good beat and twist on the song, this shiz is cute.....HOLY FUUUUU---!"

Is this like an alternate universe character for Pinkie Pie or, what? Is this some type of twist, did someone create her like that, did I miss an episode???

I'm in the same boat with you. I'm sure by this poit you know Cupcakes, the mlp fandom is notourius for creepypasta, the first being cupcakes and then rainbow factory. I myself will wirte a concept of her being crazy, but her doing the stuff in those videos and such... yeah, I understand. It's really gruesome. I see why some find it funny... I just... ugh it's a little too much for me, I guess I'm just not into that stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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If gore is not your thing might I suggest watching the "Rainbow Dash Presents" version of Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory. It's sort of a parody of a parody and is really funny.

  • Brohoof 1


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After reading this thread I decided to watch the video. I strangely found it repulsive and somewhat funny at the same time. I just tried not to take it too seriously.


I hate that the description gives no warning that the video is gory. It could emotionally damage the target audience and give bronies a bad name.

Also, the dissonance of the song and the video is unsettling. The song is a remix of the Smile Song, and of course it doesn't fit with the visuals at all.


Pinkie having an enormous grin while killing her friends is just sick.

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After reading this thread I decided to watch the video. I strangely found it repulsive and somewhat funny at the same time. I just tried not to take it too seriously.


I hate that the description gives no warning that the video is gory. It could emotionally damage the target audience and give bronies a bad name.


I know, I read the comments and one had said that a young boy had accidentally stumbled upon it. The general title makes it seem like an innocent video but it completely surprises you. The inappropriate content people find of the fandom really tarnishes the name. D:


I'm in the same boat with you. I'm sure by this poit you know Cupcakes, the mlp fandom is notourius for creepypasta, the first being cupcakes and then rainbow factory. I myself will wirte a concept of her being crazy, but her doing the stuff in those videos and such... yeah, I understand. It's really gruesome. I see why some find it funny... I just... ugh it's a little too much for me, I guess I'm just not into that stuff.


I may have found it funny if it were maybe a simple punch-and-kick routine but the illustration was what unnerved me the most. The faces and all kind of stirred my stomach as well. >.< I am a fan of a good creepypasta now and the but I would never wanna see them become full-on illustrated.

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Smile HD? Oh dear. :confused:

I was looking up Pinkie Pies's Smile Song and I happened to come across the video. The thumbnail had Pinkie and her friends smiling so I thought it was a good thing. It started out well, then I saw Pinkie running at the screen and I was like :huh:  and then she kills Twilight and I'm like " What are you doing to her." Then cue Pinkie Pie killing the other mane 6 and I was like :wau:  and then the fight between Pinkie and Fluttershy and I thought it was weird. Then Fluttershy died and that was sad. When the video ended I was just staring at the screen in silence. I'm scared of Pinkie Pie now. Her smile in the video ranks up in creepiness with Twilight's smile in Lesson Zero.

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I dont remember the first time i watched it, but i do remember my reaction ("So maybe this show isn't for little girls!(wasn't a brony at the time of watching)), although i remember the funniest times of watching it. All i have to say is; assembly, monitor, full year group! :lol:


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After reading this thread I decided to watch the video. I strangely found it repulsive and somewhat funny at the same time. I just tried not to take it too seriously.


I hate that the description gives no warning that the video is gory. 

That's literally the entire joke though. If they warned that the video was gory it'd take away the shock factor.

Think happy tree friends or whatever. First time watching it you don't expect the cute cartoon animals to murder eachother, when they do the added shock just makes it funnier. 


Also smile HD probably won't give bronies a bad name, bronies in general might xD

(I've never heard somebody outside of the fandom complain about gory smile HD videos, most of the complaints are just how cringeworthy the fandom is xD)

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Luckily, I've never watched it. My brother warned me to not watch Smile HD, Cupcakes, MLP.mov and the like. I heeded his warning and from what I've read here, I'm glad I didn't let my curiosity get the best of me. But while looking for Pinkie Pie pics on Google awhile ago (with safe search on -- why do I even try?) a gory, guts, and blood picture of a deranged Pinkie popped up and I was like, oh my god! It still disturbs me just thinking about it... If a picture can disturb me that much, a fully animated video would have had me balled up in a corner crying. It's sad that Pinkie is portrayed like that in the fandom, even if as a "joke"; it's sick and disturbing. And too lighten up the mood I just put on myself: LEAVE PINKIE ALONE!!! reference lol But seriously, though.


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Yeeeaah, I've seen SMILE HD.... :blink: Don't get me wrong, I see why some people would find it funny but it's not my cup of tea. Way too graphic. I DID however find APPLE.MOV to be pretty hilarious. It reminded me of "Ren & Stimpy" and I grew up on that kind of warped humor. But it wasn't full of blood and gore. Just a matter of personal taste I guess. I do think it's sad if unsuspecting children are clicking on these expecting to see cute innocent ponies.

BTW I'm not sure which character has the worst split personality in these videos, Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy...yes, I've seen SHED.MOV too...never again...the nightmares...the nightmares... :(

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You people going "I've seen worse" ought to go watch "Feast" to up your cred.  (I don't actually recommend that you go watch "Feast.")


Crap (and I do mean crap) like Smile HD and Cupcakes has nothing to do with the actual show or the actual ponies; no matter how much some members of the fandom might otherwise imply or wish.  Grimdork, as a whole, is just creatively bankrupt, bandwagon-jumping, lowest common denominator level garbage.  "You know what this show about colorful equines who celebrate friendship is missing?  Blood and guts."  Boring people with boring ideas.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I think it is all because of Party of One, but I am not sure. Cupcakes could have been apart of it.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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The only reason I enjoyed Cupcakes HD was because of Andrew WK's Ready to Die song was in it. I have loved his music over the years anyways. The first time I watched it though I did cringe a bit because I wasn't expecting that at all :blink:

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, I have nothing against Smile HD. Honestly, I can say it has some good points in regards to animation quality, music, the timing with the music, and Fluttershy being a badass near the end.


Saying that, it's not my thing. The blood and gore by itself have no effect on me, but the video itself lacks substance. All it has going for it is the violence, and by itself, it's not for me. Videos like Children of the Night and A Tale of One Shadow are among my favorites for a reason; they give you a reason to care.


Smile HD is like junk food; it can be fun, but unfulfilling.

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Okay, what the hell. I need to talk to about this to someone, anyone. Like, this came out of the blue. I was minding my own business on Youtube and then as I was listening to remixes and then this starts playing and I'm like "Ah, good beat and twist on the song, this shiz is cute.....HOLY FUUUUU---!"

Is this like an alternate universe character for Pinkie Pie or, what? Is this some type of twist, did someone create her like that, did I miss an episode???

i shouldve never watched that it scarred my mind and i dont know for how long it takes for.me to.get over it. it is very sad in my opinion that youtube even allows that kind of disturbing material to be there.


i dont know how people can view it as funny or even watch that thing i couldnt watch it to the end i was cryin and after that i convinced myself that i didnt see what i just saw makes me very sad to even think about it


It's something that allot of people have desensitized to. No one really cares how horrible or gory things get. If they see it as humorous, they will. I personally see the fan renditions of Pinkie as a crazy killer interesting, but I make no assocation to the show, unlike most people. I have no respect for the cult followings of 'Cupcakes' however, they over do it making everything evil Pinkamena.


Probably though perhaps most well known being Pinkamena Diane Pie of Cupcakes and Rainbow Dash of Rainbow Factory.

I've heard a song called "Rainbow Factory" I didn't know there was an actual origin. Yikes! > n <


Okay. Let me explain a few things. 'Cupcakes' long ago wad made by a man named Sargent Sprikles, who posted the original story on 4chan before it was posted on Equestria Daily. The fan-fic has long since been removed form Equestria Daily so don't try searching for it. The fan-fic came out before the episode 'Party of One' came out and when the episode came out, it started creating a new age of creepypastas and fan-fic with Pinkamena being 'evil' Pinkie Pie. This was mostly done by people who are cult followers of 'cupcakes'. It's been a eternal stain on MLP FiM and the fandom ever since.


Rainbow Factory started out as a innocent yet dark toned music piece made by Wooden Toaster. A probable fan created a fan-fic revolving around the song where in a secret part of the weather station of Cloudsdale, there is  a place where young pegasus fillies are grinded up into rainbows. Rainbow Dash for a long time secretly headed this operation and when she found out Scootaloo failed her flying tests, she went on a murderous rampage. Ending with Scootaloo dying in the end. A fan-fic that has a cult following about as intense as 'Cupcakes'.


There are many things since then that have been made in the grimdark sector. One of my personal faves are the Silent Ponyville series. That series is still not as bad as the two listed fan-fics by a stretch.

Edited by Vemillia Nightshade

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i shouldve never watched that it scarred my mind and i dont know for how long it takes for.me to.get over it. it is very sad in my opinion that youtube even allows that kind of disturbing material to be there.


i dont know how people can view it as funny or even watch that thing i couldnt watch it to the end i was cryin and after that i convinced myself that i didnt see what i just saw makes me very sad to even think about it

Some of us are a little twisted. :lol:


But also things like Smile HD allow us to explore curiosities towards things we can't act out in reality. We can't go around mutilating and murdering people for the sake of seeing what's inside but we can use fiction to explore it. It's the same concept as people exploring the possibility of magic and how it would affect the universe by creating and watching cartoons like MLP.


Some people don't have the heart for it or simply aren't as curious as some of us but thanks to "goreporn" like Smile HD we can see what it's like without having to harm others. It's a pretty valuable experience for those of us who are in it for the intellectual stimulation.

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Hehehehehe....smile HD....  Lol.  Oh, jeebus.  Wacky stuff.


And to everyone who's bothered by that type of thing--just remember, it didn't really happen!  I mean, neither did the show, but you know what I mean.  It's not canon!  It's just wacky fan-made crap!


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[...} Pinkie is a lunatic [...]

So you figured out that Pinkie is in fact my sister.... what to do, what to do... Pinkie, what do you think?


I'm hungry, time for cupcakes! Yummy :lol:


Sorry Lightwing but now the world knows...


In all seriousness tho, it's a form of art, even if it appears sick to others, the video should at least have an age restriction as well as a disclaimer and a warning (Last time I checked I saw a warning in the video, but the content of the warning was rather... part of the entertainment instead of a serious warning of what to come). I don't mind seeing such videos on YT as long as they have an age restriction and/or a warning at the beginning so people will know what sort of video might await them at least.


It's a work of fiction, just like the series itself and with every animated character, you can make them out to be whatever you want them to be, it's similar to an actor you know that usually plays the good guy and decides to take a role in which he plays the bad guy convincingly.


(PS: My text wanted to automatically "pink" itself a few times... Pinkie, are you tampering with my posts perhaps?!)

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 8 years later...

I came across the song on YouTube, looking for videos of "Pinkie Pie's Cupcake party game" And I noticed auto type kept predicting Id type "Smile HD." So, I looked it up and clicked on it. I thought it was a cute, wholesome video, and at first, it made me smile. The twighlight's head's GONE. Like, OH GOD I know I like me some twisted nostalgia but....if a little child STUMBLED upon that...that's traumatizing. 

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I saw that video and I pity the creator, like if that is the maximum expression of creativity they have, Im afraid they are very messed up, does the mother of the creator knows what kind of animations her son is doing? Does she feel proud? I mean if they hate ponies there are less pathetic ways to express it but a bloody video of a cartoon for little girls, using a name of Smile HD to fool people is not sick or anything is just sad. When the guy have his grandsons, little children and he gathers them around, they will ask "granpa, what has been your biggest achievement? and the grandpa will say "I took the characters made for little girls your age and I made a bloody attempt of animation for my personal amusement and to troll the comunity because I needed a boost of selfsteem and feel important" 


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That video keeps me up at night, as I enjoy lore, the fact that there's nothing that says anything about that....another thing is that Pinkie was already kinda creepy and that just turned it up...a lot. The fact that fluttershy died as well...like...:sunny:

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