TheMarkz0ne 962 July 19, 2015 #1 Share July 19, 2015 Sounds complicated. The thought came to me recently about how crazy the fandom really is and has been since its inception. I know that most bronies are harmless and I don't condemn it in any way. But the other side of the fandom just makes me not want to participate in bronydom. Its already enough that people I see regularly leave comments such as " you're to intelligent for the show.". I don't care what people think. But the things done in this fandom are obvious. I think I'd rather be a fan, but not be in bronhy culture anymore. 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,863 July 19, 2015 #2 Share July 19, 2015 @TheMarkz0ne, as this has to do with the show fandom in general, this topic will be moved to Sugarcube Corner.Also, it isn't necessary for a fan of the show to be labelled as a brony. It's just a name most fans choose to use. You can still be a fan of the show and not call yourself a brony or participate in the fandom. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
man dude man 555 July 19, 2015 #3 Share July 19, 2015 I once considered myself one of those "just a fan of the show" peeps, but then I had to be honest with myself, and in my heart I knew it was true, I was more than a fan haha, this show and fandom saved my life in all honesty, so maybe my connection just became that deep that quickly. I started accepting what I once considered an utterly ridiculous title, "brony" and I did it proudly, MLP and the brony fandom take alternative media in the right direction. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 July 19, 2015 #4 Share July 19, 2015 You don't have to participate in the fandom to be a fan of the show, and you can choose whether or not you want to be identified as a brony. After all, it's just a fan-made label for the fanbase. You participate in a fandom to share your enthusiasm and passion for something with other people, and to discuss the latest news surrounding it. If you're no longer finding that enjoyable for whatever reason, then you could always just avoid participating. But it sounds to me like you're dwelling on the fact that there's a less savory side of the fandom that you don't agree with, and if so, it might be better just to "filter" that side of the fandom out. I hate to break it to you, but ALL fandoms have their share of people that you aren't going to like for whatever reason. You shouldn't let those individuals put a damper on your interest in the product or keep you away from the positive side of the fandom. I don't always like or agree with everything I come across in this fandom either, but hey, it's the internet, you'll encounter it just about anywhere. Take all you see and read with a grain of salt and just enjoy the good stuff. 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HailTrixie 239 July 19, 2015 #5 Share July 19, 2015 On 2015-07-19 at 3:03 AM, Starlight Glisten said: I once considered myself one of those "just a fan of the show" peeps, but then I had to be honest with myself, and in my heart I knew it was true, I was more than a fan haha, this show and fandom saved my life in all honesty, so maybe my connection just became that deep that quickly. I started accepting what I once considered an utterly ridiculous title, "brony" and I did it proudly, MLP and the brony fandom take alternative media in the right direction. Same thing happened to me, really. At first I denied being a brony and just considered myself a fan of the show, but eventually I just went "No, I'm a brony. There's no point in denying it". 6 | Original Sig > | Join CTaM! | She, the magnificent Trixie, A mare among mares! She, paragon of ponies, With wand and with rope! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 July 19, 2015 #6 Share July 19, 2015 This community is pretty much like a microcosm of the world at large, but with a higher percentage of good folks. It's better in here than out there, but nowhere is perfect. But if you don't feel like participating in the community, then don't. No biggie. It's all good. Don't even trip, dawg. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Knight 1,172 July 19, 2015 #7 Share July 19, 2015 On 2015-07-19 at 2:54 AM, TheMarkz0ne said: Sounds complicated. The thought came to me recently about how crazy the fandom really is and has been since its inception. I know that most bronies are harmless and I don't condemn it in any way. But the other side of the fandom just makes me not want to participate in bronydom. Its already enough that people I see regularly leave comments such as " you're to intelligent for the show.". I don't care what people think. But the things done in this fandom are obvious. I think I'd rather be a fan, but not be in bronhy culture anymore. Be whatever you want, don't let people label you, fight the power! 2 created by Blue Moon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
man dude man 555 July 19, 2015 #8 Share July 19, 2015 There is no shame in being a brony. A good underlying message, being delivered by good people(most of the time). I love the music, I love the art, I love the fictions, I love the commerce amongst one another that's created by an origin that begins with a shared artistic interest. I was at first intrigued, but I will say I had become indulged over time. I mean a lot of people think of hoards of conformity, but this is not a disgusting hive like a gathering of the juggalos. I see talent being shared, questions being put forth, and understandings being created. I think bronyism is one of the coolest things I had ever discovered. Outside my hometown and area, I didn't know there were that many decent people alive, let alone that many decent people united. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koppony 254 July 19, 2015 #9 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) You have to think about four things: What good will I gain? What bad will I gain? What good will I lose? What bad will I lose? As far as a can see you will loose much more positives than negatives. And even if you lose some bad you should consider this: If I had a friend that I really like yet comes with some negatives would I keep being their friend?My answer is yes as long as the positives of the friend outweigh the negatives. In the end this is your own choice and as long as you are happy with your decision everyone should respect it. Edited July 19, 2015 by Koppony |OC: Midnight Rush| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 July 19, 2015 #10 Share July 19, 2015 "Brony" and "FIM fan" are completely synonymous with each other. A brony is an FIM fan. An FIM fan is a brony. You're a fan of the product; that makes you a brony. The only way you can really say you're not a brony is to stop being a fan. If the overzealous fans become any reason why you want to stop liking something, then what goes on is two things: It makes you look no better than the overzealous bronies that you wish you don't want to be a part of. A good 99% of the bronies are good despite acting overzealous at times. There's no reason to be embarrassed by them. A common reason why brony separatists don't adopt the title is the idea that doing so will stop their association with them stereotypes, one of them being the rowdier portions. Two words: It won't. In fact, it accomplishes the opposite by fitting into one of the stereotypes more accurately. It tells everyone you have no interest in the product to begin with. What you're doing is blaming them for your decision. In other words, scapegoating. Never scapegoat fans for any reason under any circumstances. 11 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotoriousSMALL 1,984 July 19, 2015 #11 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) As a brony, I can't really say I can agree with everyone else. Being a fan of the show goes hand in hand with being a brony whether you like it or not. As much as you don't care what other people think it won't stop you from being a brony in their eyes and I know this from experience. Saying "B-b-but I'm not a brony even tho I like my little pony" won't stop people POSSIBLY thinking negative things about you that you are worried about and why youre leaving in the first place. As a random person, did this really warrant a thread? This is literally a blog post in the form of a thread. Are you looking for attention? (sorry, but when people are like "IM LEAVING!!!" all I can see is them wanting attention) Edited July 19, 2015 by NotoriousSMALL 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lola bunny~ 56 July 19, 2015 #12 Share July 19, 2015 Oh, trust me honey I get what you're saying. I've seen parts of this fandom that I didn't want to see. But this website showed me that a good chunk of them are good. You don't "have" to be a brony if you don't "want" to. Some females don't like to be called "pegasisters" either. Its just a preference honestly. Doesn't make a difference on whether or not you like the show. "They say I got sas." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nuke87654 1,849 July 19, 2015 #13 Share July 19, 2015 If you wish to no longer be a Brony but remain a mlp fan, by all means do so, let your it be the best choice for your personal happiness in a healthy manner. Do not let someone label you as something you don't wish to be as it is your choice to make. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheChosenPony 279 July 19, 2015 #14 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) On 2015-07-19 at 2:54 AM, TheMarkz0ne said: Sounds complicated. The thought came to me recently about how crazy the fandom really is and has been since its inception. I know that most bronies are harmless and I don't condemn it in any way. But the other side of the fandom just makes me not want to participate in bronydom. Its already enough that people I see regularly leave comments such as " you're to intelligent for the show.". I don't care what people think. But the things done in this fandom are obvious. I think I'd rather be a fan, but not be in bronhy culture anymore. Well, uh... Brony/Pegasister = fan of the show that's above age group for the show. I wouldn't necessarily call it a "Culture", it's just more of a fanbase. It's not a religion either (I'm pretty certain *nervous glances*) But whatever floats your boat man. Edited July 19, 2015 by TheChosenPony May the force be with you, always Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 July 19, 2015 #15 Share July 19, 2015 Too late. You're a brony. I called all your friends and told them. Take a deep breath. Go to the next Comic Con, dress all in blue and glue a lightning bolt to your butt. There is no way around it, so might as well embrace the crazy and have fun. 2 UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,790 July 19, 2015 #16 Share July 19, 2015 "Brony" is just a label, you can still be a fan of FiM without calling yourself a brony or dealing with the fandom in any way 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cwanky 17,602 July 19, 2015 #17 Share July 19, 2015 Welcome to the Twilight Zone! There's many parts of this fandom. As much of a microcosm of the world as MLP fan are, bronies or what would be described as the demographic of younger non-traditional fans are themselves a microcosm of MLP itself. Bronies are very much so a part of a larger group of MLP viewers that includes the target audience of young and adolescent girls, parents and other casual viewers. Regarding bronies, you by no means have to like or even associate yourself with the fandom and still love this show. I myself for example don't embrace the weaboo and 4chan aspects of the fandom. Truth of the matter is for every "brony" you see online whether on Facebook or Youtube with their pony avatars, there are just as many fans like myself who don't necessarily consider ourselves "bronies," at least not outright, but still are vocal about MLP and show a lot of respect and love for it. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klopp 2,050 July 19, 2015 #18 Share July 19, 2015 On 2015-07-19 at 3:57 AM, Dark Qiviut said: "Brony" and "FIM fan" are completely synonymous with each other. The two terms are not synonymous. One is just someone who likes the show, the other is a self-given label that many of the fans give to themselves. It's like having a name badge that says 'Brony' on it. You can choose to wear it, or you can choose not to wear it. That's your own choice. Besides, the word 'Brony' sounds stupid anyways. Saying that is like saying that because you like to go bowling makes you an instant member of the local bowling club. That's pretty much what the Brony fandom is, just a massive kind of club. You can like the show but not join the club. Me, for example, I'm not in the club. I'd rather watch the show separate from the fandom, and mister Markz0ne can as well. As for why I'm here? I don't usually talk about the show, I just thought it best to clear that up so no one actually thinks that being called a Brony is a requirement if you want to watch it. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adachi 772 July 19, 2015 #19 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) The nice thing about the internet is it's completely anonymous. Being a brony isn't stopping you from doing other things or having a life. Just don't bring it up around those who don't feel comfortable with it. Brony is just another way of saying fan of MLP, it's just more convenient to use brony instead of fan of MLP. If you enjoy something, go ahead and enjoy it and talk about it with others who enjoy it. You don't need a label. Edited July 19, 2015 by Adachi “I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna the Great of all the Russias 3,003 July 19, 2015 #20 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) On 2015-07-19 at 5:16 AM, Lunaris Adamantine said: The two terms are not synonymous. One is just someone who likes the show, the other is a self-given label that many of the fans give to themselves. It's like having a name badge that says 'Brony' on it. You can choose to wear it, or you can choose not to wear it. That's your own choice. Besides, the word 'Brony' sounds stupid anyways. Saying that is like saying that because you like to go bowling makes you an instant member of the local bowling club. That's pretty much what the Brony fandom is, just a massive kind of club. You can like the show but not join the club. Me, for example, I'm not in the club. I'd rather watch the show separate from the fandom, and mister Markz0ne can as well. As for why I'm here? I don't usually talk about the show, I just thought it best to clear that up so no one actually thinks that being called a Brony is a requirement if you want to watch it. I consider "Brony" to be a very general term for any MLPFIM fan regardless of level of engagement and irrelevant to whether one wishes to be labelled as such; I don't see "Brony" to signify more engaged fan. TheMarkz0ne may not label himself as being Brony, but to me as long as he's a fan of MLPFIM he doesn't have a choice of removing that label (same goes for others who state that they're fans but not Bronies). But because I consider Brony to be a broad term, there is a need to have sub-categories of Bronies (casual Bronies, dedicated Bronies, creator Bronies, rabid Bronies, etc.). But that's my definition. Edited July 19, 2015 by Tsaritsa Luna 2 Pony Art Thread Brony since ~25 July of 2011. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 July 19, 2015 #21 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) @@Lunaris Adamantine, You are objectively wrong. There's no such thing as a "brony club." "Brony" is nothing more than a fan of Friendship Is Magic, period. To claim they're not synonymous is to believe the lie that there's something exclusive about being a brony. The reality is there's no exclusivity. Bronydom isn't something you need an accepted invitation — figuratively or actually — to go to. Bronydom isn't inherently a convention that requires you to pay for a visit, either. Secondly, your suggestion creates an unfortunate implication that there's a very negative stigma about the concept of "brony." That being a fan of FIM is an inherently bad thing. A negative stigma that creates further division in this fandom and only exists through eyes that trick others, including themselves. Plus, just because you don't interact with the fandom personally doesn't mean you're not in the fandom. A fandom is a collection of fans. By being a fan/brony, you're already interacting with the fandom passively. Why? Because you're expressing a liking for FIM in some way. Edited July 19, 2015 by Dark Qiviut 3 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicSpark 2,120 July 19, 2015 #22 Share July 19, 2015 I use to be one of those people who picked on another person for what they watched, or what they liked, but ever since I found My Little Pony my life has turned around and I have made lots and lots of friends from this fandom. There are going to be people who make fun of someone no matter what fandom they belong to, I am a trekky I get called geek, nerd all because I watch a space show. I also get picked on for liking My Little Pony, but I don't let the hate in, I go, does this make me happy, Yes then I am staying were I am. I am proud to call myself a brony thanks to you lovely ponies. :) . Brony is just a label that can be peeled off, enjoy the show, enjoy the fandom. 2 Ask Cosmic Spark Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arylett Charnoa 4,919 July 19, 2015 #23 Share July 19, 2015 On 2015-07-19 at 5:31 AM, Dark Qiviut said: @@Lunaris Adamantine, You are objectively wrong. There's no such thing as a "brony club." "Brony" is nothing more than a fan of Friendship Is Magic, period. To claim they're not synonymous is to believe the lie that there's something exclusive about being a brony. The reality is there's no exclusivity. Bronydom isn't something you need an accepted invitation — figuratively or actually — to go to. Secondly, your suggestion creates an unfortunate implication that there's a very negative stigma about the concept of "brony." A negative stigma that creates further division in this fandom and only exists in fibbing eyes. Plus, just because you don't interact with the fandom personally doesn't mean you're not in the fandom. A fandom is a collection of fans. By being a fan/brony, you're already interacting with the fandom passively. Why? Because you're expressing a liking for FIM in some way. He can't be objectively wrong because nobody here is objectively wrong. Anything regarding labels such as these are subjective. This is your opinion, and that is his. Saying that he's wrong because he doesn't agree with you, is, in fact, objectively wrong. Unless it were about something that was a fact. But this isn't a fact as so many people are disputing it in this thread, nor can it be scientifically proven. Words are just that - words. People define them, and individuals decide how to use them. Language is always evolving, and in the future, the word "brony" will likely no longer exist or be commonly used. New words like the word "brony" are especially nebulous in this regard. The only words that should really matter are those that have been in use for many many years and are believed to mean the same thing by a wide consensus of people. (Such as "physician." Nobody should refuse the label of "physician" if they practiced medicine and had the proper qualifications. It would be very confusing and harmful.) Arguing semantics is a pointless endeavor. If you don't want to be called a brony because you dislike your interpretation of what the label means, do it. Using alternate labels are perfectly acceptable, provided that others are able to know what it means. Being an MLP fan is just as clear of a term as "brony," but doesn't have any of those connotations you might not like. So go right on ahead. It doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't affect them. And if someone is bothered by that, then that is their issue. 10 Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. Deviantart Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkamena-Pills 6,839 July 19, 2015 #24 Share July 19, 2015 (edited) Just a label, created by a bunch of people on 4chan or something apparently. In the end, seriously, call yourself what you want, im not entirely sure why anyone would truly care to sit and argue whether or not you can personally call yourself a "brony" or a "fan of mlp" or whatever other term you come up with to identify yourself with when it comes to mlp...that's just a pointless endeavor. I don't call myself a brony. What are you going to do about this, besides go back n' forth with me on a forum about what i should personally call myself over my relation to a tv show, and ultimately waste your time? On 2015-07-19 at 5:45 AM, Arylett Charnoa said: Arguing semantics is a pointless endeavor. If you don't want to be called a brony because you dislike your interpretation of what the label means, do it. Using alternate labels are perfectly acceptable, provided that others are able to know what it means. Being an MLP fan is just as clear of a term as "brony," but doesn't have any of those connotations you might not like. So go right on ahead. It doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't affect them. And if someone is bothered by that, then that is their issue. This. Edited July 19, 2015 by Pinkamena-Pills 10 Oatmeal, are you crazy?! "Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly. Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Bun 681 July 19, 2015 #25 Share July 19, 2015 On 2015-07-19 at 5:45 AM, Arylett Charnoa said: He can't be objectively wrong because nobody here is objectively wrong. Anything regarding labels such as these are subjective. This is your opinion, and that is his. Saying that he's wrong because he doesn't agree with you, is, in fact, objectively wrong. Unless it were about something that was a fact. But this isn't a fact as so many people are disputing it in this thread, nor can it be scientifically proven. Words are just that - words. People define them, and individuals decide how to use them. Language is always evolving, and in the future, the word "brony" will likely no longer exist or be commonly used. New words like the word "brony" are especially nebulous in this regard. The only words that should really matter are those that have been in use for many many years and are believed to mean the same thing by a wide consensus of people. (Such as "physician." Nobody should refuse the label of "physician" if they practiced medicine and had the proper qualifications. It would be very confusing and harmful.) Arguing semantics is a pointless endeavor. If you don't want to be called a brony because you dislike your interpretation of what the label means, do it. Using alternate labels are perfectly acceptable, provided that others are able to know what it means. Being an MLP fan is just as clear of a term as "brony," but doesn't have any of those connotations you might not like. So go right on ahead. It doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't affect them. And if someone is bothered by that, then that is their issue. Well, here's the catch. Brony=fan of mlp. Clean and simple. If you were talking to someone about mlp, and they asked you "Are you a brony?" Are you really going to say "No no, I am a fan of MLP." Probably not, and if you did they would probably reply with "Well aren't they the same thing?" It's not about how we label ourselves, because we don't. The world labels us. The general public labels us. Our peers label us. Why do people label people? Because it makes it easy to generalize people (which is wrong), but that's the world we live in. JustMonika Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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