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movies/tv Whats the most disappointing movie you have have seen?


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A friend of mine hyped up and forced me to go and see world war Z with him when it was in cinemas, and I could not have been more bored after the first 7 minutes or so

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I can't decide on that yet, but I expect Star Wars 7 to be the winning candidate. I just love the old Star Wars movies, but with Disney in charge, it's gonna be a real James Bond x Daniel Craig experience, or at least I expect it to be.

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Well, Amityville 3D...im really a big fan of the Amityville Franchise but...the movie is soooooo BORING...

And most of the 3d Scenes are just unnecessary. Like a 3D Flashlight or a Frisbee coming to the camera. I mean, yeah it looks kinda cool if you have never seen a 3D movie before...but its not really scary for a horror film.


Superman and the Mole Men...oh god, oh god...yes, its an old movie but come on! You only see Superman flying once, the only other times, its just a camera perspective that films the place from above..zero special effects at all and than that almost 15 minute long chasing sequence...even the serial, even the Captain Marvel serial from 1941 had better effects. This is just not tolerable.  :okiedokielokie:


And Amityville Asylum...its more strangely..strange...strange actors, strange voice acting, strange story....and to much cliche Horror.

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Most disappointing movie? PERCY JACKSON AND THE SEA OF MONSTERS!!!!!!!!! It didn't disappoint me so much as it made me mad... They have ruined the books. I could rant all day about what the writers got wrong, but this probably isn't the thread for that.

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Spiderman 3, the movie was such a let down.

world war Z, and I could not have been more bored after the first 7 minutes or so

I agree.


2001, A Space Odyssey I like Kubrick and space, but this movie is really outdated, it was so boring...

I agree, but I do think it is a good film for its time. The problem is just that since we have already seen those kind of things in other films it makes the film come off as super boring. I have seen it 3 times and the latest time I saw it, I literally fell asleep cause it was so boring. (I also watched it at 1 am after walking around in london all day with my friends though). 2001: A Space Odyssey suffers from exactly the same problem as Citizen Kane.



The most disappointing films I have ever seen (films I thought would be good but were super lame) is:


5. The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Before watching this film, I knew that it was a found-footage film. I had heard a lot of people talking about how it was so scary and that it blew all other found footage horror films out of the way easily. When I watched it however, I just didn't understand why people said what they did. I didn't think a single moment in the entire film was scary,

I mean nothing happened! How lame.

people were arguing that what made the film so scary was the atmosphere but I honestly don't think they succeed very good with the atmosphere, in my opinion it wasn't creepy in the slightest and after finishing the film I was just very disappointed.

I'm not saying that I need to see some sort of witch for me to consider it scary, I just mean that they should have made the "scary" moments more scary cause when you were supposed to feel threatened, I didn't really feel the threat. Movies such as Rosemary's Baby or Hide and Seek does this job SO much better.


4. Battle Los Angeles (2011)

This film looked amazing by the trailer to judge. The trailer showed so much action and awesome alien scenes and all so I was expecting a film full of action. There was so much hype for this film on movie forums it was ridiculous. People expected it to be one of the best invasion film of all time because of some information about it that were given out by the director. People eagerly waited and waited for it to come out.. When I watched the actual film however, those action scenes lasted for like 10 minutes and the rest of the film was just ...........lame.


3. The Last Airbender (2010)

Avatar: The Last Airbender is such a good cartoon/anime show. When I heard that they would make a film of it I was skeptical at first but I thought that it might actually be really good as the story in the show is great. I couldn't have been more wrong.. This film failed with pretty much everything. It failed with the effects, it failed with the characters, it failed with the screenplay, heck it even failed with the story that has its own wiki! How is it possible for someone to fuck things up this much when you have the correct story in detail like right in front of you? This film was so stupid, I haven't heard of anyone who liked it.


2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

This was an amazing film for its time with the amazing effects and awesome space scenes. However, nothing really happens. Spoilers yeah yeah I know but there isn't really much of a story anyway and most of you have seen it already anyway. I'm sure this film was a breath of fresh air once it hit theaters but 5 minute long scenes of nothing happening with "The Blue Danube" playing on repeat in the background


gets boring after a while, even if the music is awesome. It just won't cut it anymore. The same thing with the LSD scenes that runs for like 10 minutes straight.



I'm sure it used to look super cool but now it doesn't, it's just boring. Very boring.

I'm not saying the film is bad! It's cool like... the first time you watch it if you are super open minded and remember that this used to be cool.


1. Citizen Kane (1941)

Kane kane kane...


You have probably heard sometime that "Citizen Kane" is the number one film ever made. I kind of agree, but at the same time I don't. It really depends on how you look at things. Citizen Kane was waaaaaay ahead of its time with its story telling but especially filming and screenplay techniques. It basically set the standard for every other film that came after it.


So why is this film at my number 1 spot for the most disappointing film of all time? Well, it's just not very entertaining. The purpose of watching a movie is to be entertained, and this film certainly didn't entertain me nearly as much as it should for a film that is commonly called "the best movie ever made". There's really nothing interesting going during the entire movie unless you are some sort of Charles Foster Kane fan before even watching the film.


"But Jokuc, there is something interesting in the film! Do you not remember Rosebud?"



Yes, Rosebud. The only thing in this film that could be considered somewhat interesting is the mystery of "rosebud" Kane's last word. They try to figure out what it means but honestly, I don't really care for it. I don't think they built up enough excitement for it. Sure it was his last word but they could've done it in a much better way so at least you'd be excited to know what it is. I just sat there thinking "I don't care.." during the entire film. Yes, I have re-watched it. Since the audience never gets some understanding of why rosebud is so important, they won't give a shit about it. And when like the whole second half of the film is about finding out what it means, you won't give a shit about the second half of the film either!


No offense to all you Citizen Kane lovers, the film is very very well made in terms of techniques but it's not very entertaining.


I could EASILY come up with a film from the 40's that I think you will for sure find more entertaining than Citizen Kane:

  • Casablanca
  • Double Indemnity
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • The Third Man
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
  • The Wolf Man
  • The Uninvited
  • Pinocchio
  • Bambi



I would also like to say that I was VERY disappointed with Inception and I would like to put it as my number 3 spot, but I did not fully understand it and I have only seen it once so I think I'll have to watch it one more time to make that decision.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Overall, it was a pretty bad movie, even though Wolverine is one of my favourite super heroes (at least my favourite X Man anyway). But they're portrayal of Deadpool was just the nail in the coffin for me T_T

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Jupiter Ascending was pretty bad. The advertisements peaked my interest at first, but of course, they blew the film out of proportion.

  • It had a boring and entirely useless female lead who has the most convoluted reason to be important 
  • The dude who was like her butt buddy or something had zero personality
  • The bees
  • Sean Bean didn't die
  • The main bad guy was dumbly written and directed

It was a darn snoozer. 


It had cool CGI and fight choreography though, I'll give the Wachowski siblings that.

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The Wolverine, World War Z, Godzilla.

I had such huge expectations for all of those films, but... it's like the directors didn't even know why people loved these things, like the directors didn't even care.

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World War Z seems have been mentioned a few times in this thread, and I gotta say, I agree :blink:


The movie was good until it reached the last 20mins or so... I don't know, it was just incredibly unsatisfying. An anti-climax would be an understatement.

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3. The Last Airbender (2010)
I thought that movie was a joke. Like how people make really horrible stuff and say "jk, that was a prank." Too bad it wasnt.


It was almost as bad as the live action DragonBall movie.
 I cringed then cried when I saw this movie. 

The Judge was pretty lackluster. I liked the first scenes, but then it got bad once the movie shifted tones. The ending was god awful and not on of Robert Duvall's better performances. 

Gravity was also a pretty horrible movie for me. It seemed like the director was relying on George Clooney's star power rather than the story and how it progressed.
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I've actually made a YouTube series where I rank/review all the movies I've ever seen and I have to say the worst I've seen(so far) is Monster High: Freaky Fusion. That movie bored me so much I almost fell asleep.

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Somewhere in Time was just horrible.  It starred Christopher Reeves before his horse mishap and the wheelchair.   Worst possible idea for time travel of all time.  The guy time travels back to the 1800's by just sitting in a chair and thinking about it.  What follows is some lame romantic trist with some 1800's lady followed by the poor schmuck being pulled back to the present by forces unknown, so he sits down and tries to time travel again, but for some reason can't pull it off again, so he's left broken hearted and alone missing his 1800's gal.    Supremely lame

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Prometheus, definitely! BlUrRRr-rg cringe   :unsure: 

That movie was an absolute horror screamer disgust!  :eww:
  Not to mention it was boring and depressing on top of that.

And guess what the PG rating was. 10! 10 years old and you'd be allowed to watch that crap heap by yourself!  :okiedokielokie:

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