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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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Okay ladies, hold on to your panties or they might fly off.


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  • Brohoof 1


At my table there's no place for your rituals of grace

I will drink to myself for I know there's nothing else

Words of faith reflect your fear

Thinly veiled but far too clear

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Several pics laying around....



In this one we have me cutting across the field near a friend's house and he took it and put it up on Facebook immediately after...

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I don't know about you guys but this is how I battle winter...

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Me in the red cap with my sis outside Ben n Jerry's Ice Cream Factory

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Last but not least my current FB picture of me being a derp in Downtown Boston

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Edited by TOMahwk
  • Brohoof 6


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

V Check out my Artwork at V

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This is the first time I posted a picture on here since page 60 something, I think. Hm.



It's one of about 80 senior pictures I have (because I AM A SENOR AT BLANKETY BLANKETY HIGH SCHOOL). No, I don't plan on putting them all here.


The next time I put a picture here, it's probably going to be in a few months with a mustache again. Just a heads up, because I do plan on bringing it back.

  • Brohoof 3


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Well.... I said I wouldn't upload any picture of myself, bu I've been here for soon 4 months and well THIS IS MY 2000TH POST. It's in the middle of the night right now so it's quite dark... But oh well... Here's me at 2:26 am and I'm about to sleep.





Picture doesn't work anymore. I demand request you upload a new image! :)
  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I think this picture of me was taken 3 or 5 years ago.. I couldn't remember when was the last time I took a picture of myself but here you go!



  • Brohoof 1


Edgeworth: "This world has clear contradictions."

Phoenix: "My past, is like my logic. Straight and true. Nothing has changed. All I did is point the finger of justice in the right direction."

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I uploaded 2 pictures because I'm so cool.

Got some new stuff at Nike Factory Outlet. :D


Click the link below my siggy. Educate yoself befo' you wreck yoself, foo. (While you do look fly, please take the time to learn about the stuff you support. I don't normally tell people to watch for this kinda stuff, but dayum. You needin' da help, mon.)


You do look like a nice young laddie, though. ;)

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Eh, wasn't going to post one of myself, ever (I'm extremely self conscious, a few people at my old hischool gave me the nickname "the ugly f*ck", but that's another story) but I've been suggested to do so anyways. No interesting pose, just me, trying to get a non-blurry shot of myself through an incredibly low-quality webcam. Samsung makes good laptops, but the webcams they stick on the top of 'em are another story.


Posted Image


Also had to tilt the screen down a bit, otherwise the light source would blind the viewer, being you. You're very welcome.


Maybe in the future I can post one of me with a ridiculous 80's haircut that for some reason I want to get. Party in the back?


Edit: a haircut like this!



  • Brohoof 5



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Eh, wasn't going to post one of myself, ever (I'm extremely self conscious, a few people at my old hischool gave me the nickname "the ugly f*ck", but that's another story) but I've been suggested to do so anyways. No interesting pose, just me, trying to get a non-blurry shot of myself through an incredibly low-quality webcam. Samsung makes good laptops, but the webcams they stick on the top of 'em are another story.


Posted Image


Also had to tilt the screen down a bit, otherwise the light source would blind the viewer, being you. You're very welcome.


Maybe in the future I can post one of me with a ridiculous 80's haircut that for some reason I want to get. Party in the back?


Edit: a haircut like this!





you don't look ugly to me at all, those high-school pricks just want to make fun of other people to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities, for your next pic I want a big smile, make it happen

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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you don't look ugly to me at all, those high-school pricks just want to make fun of other people to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities, for your next pic I want a big smile, make it happen


Not gonna happen ;) not until I lose the braces, that is. I mean, they're not THAT stand-out, but they bother me, so no.


SilentCircle Haircut, however, is a possibility.



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Not gonna happen ;) not until I lose the braces, that is. I mean, they're not THAT stand-out, but they bother me, so no.


SilentCircle Haircut, however, is a possibility.


I wish I could be wearing braces right now, I would show them proudly to everypony, and poor of the person that dares to say anything mean about my awesome braces... I don't care if you have braces (I actually think they make people look better, but each to their own culture), at least give me a smirk or a grin, you look pretty depressed in the last picture and I don't like that...

and no, that haircut is horrible please don't do that


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I wish I could be wearing braces right now, I would show them proudly to everypony, and poor of the person that dares to say anything mean about my awesome braces... I don't care if you have braces (I actually think they make people look better, but each to their own culture), at least give me a smirk or a grin, you look pretty depressed in the last picture and I don't like that...

and no, that haircut is horrible please don't do that


Haha, I looked depressed? I was in a good mood for once, too! :P


As for the braces... Eh, maybe some other time.


As for the haircut, I am actually considering it; mostly as a joke though, I have no idea if it looks good, I don't quite know what type of haircuts look good on guys ;)

Edited by Ashbad



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Haha, I looked depressed? I was in a good mood for once, too! :P


As for the braces... Eh, maybe some other time.


As for the haircut, I am actually considering it; mostly as a joke though, I have no idea if it looks good, I'm not quite attracted to males ;)


yes dude! you give the sad feel to it.

and your comment about that you're not attracted to males is completely out of context...I never asked for that information :huh:


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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yes dude! you give the sad feel to it.

and your comment about that you're not attracted to males is completely out of context...I never asked for that information :huh:


I don't see why it's out of context; I'm simply stating that I don't know what type of haircuts look good on guys, so I can only go off what people who do know what looks attractive say ^_^



What has fanfiction has Ashbad written lately?

We should totally find out by clicking this link.

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Proof of bronyism(in case you weren't already convinced for some reason)

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My cheeks raise a lot when I smile, although here it's sort of a half smile. :blush:


Something a little more serious:

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Sorry if they're a little small, cell pics are all I can do for now. ;)

Edited by (\SBB64/)
  • Brohoof 2


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I don't see why it's out of context; I'm simply stating that I don't know what type of haircuts look good on guys, so I can only go off what people who do know what looks attractive say ^_^


I'm just going to leave this as it is ...I just wanted to say that I liked your pic :)


feelin' good after a good shavin' B)


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  • Brohoof 6


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Came across this pic just minutes ago, found the "facepalm" thingy funny xD

(It was a rap performance, I was mockin' Facebook in my lyrics and had this sign, so... xD)


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  • Brohoof 1
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