Grtxkkyz 388 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 ....I'm sorry, MLP handled it much better than Gravity Falls ever could've hoped. Diamond Tiara's a filly, she'd be more easy to reform than someone ingrained in their youth. I relate to her heavily because I used to be that way myself before MLP became a part of my life. Well, yeah, you're right. Come to think about it, I was rather unfair comparing Tiara to Pacifica, she's younger and more relatable after all. My Dragon Cave scroll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFanatic34 3,235 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I loved these songs from the episode also I wonder if the voice actress for Diamond Tiara also voiced her mother? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soaring Symphony 372 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 Soooooooooooooooooooooo......... are we just going to ignore this??? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I still can't get over this episode. I think it's my favorite of all time. Season 5 has been a really feelsy one and I'm loving it. I think I'm going to write about this episode in my blog--and it's not an MLP blog. I watched it again for like the sixth time and I cried yet again. It's not like I want to cry....but gosh! Tears of sadness then joy. It's such a ride every time. I'd defintely say it challenges my favorite episodes of all time. 3 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlight Sky 374 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (edited) Amazing episode...honestly, this season is hitting high points all over. The continuity, character development, and themes in this episode are superb - as is the music accompanying it all. We've got some Sweetie magic, recognizable student ponies, new sides to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, family pressures, living by the interpretation of one's mark, Crusaders getting their CUTIE MARKS, reference to The Apple Family's lost members, and fresh takes on cutie, more songs. So. Much. Win. I love MLP!!! ^^ Edited October 13, 2015 by Starlight Sky 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheSwooceMaster 72 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 That little segment where Applejack mentions her parents... That got me right in the feels. This episode was such a roller coaster ride of emotion. I haven't felt this way since I first watched the show! I think this show's just gonna keep getting better and better! Decided to re-write my thoughts, cause, in all honestly, it was rather strong on the unfair side. I re-watched the episode and it's indeed quite an improvement over Magical Mistery Cure. I still think the CMC mark designs could have been a bit better, but are decent nonetheless and that shield-thing is admittedly cool. Yeah, Diamond Tiara's redemption feels rushed, but she's still a filly after all, who has had to deal with such an awful mom until she was able to stand up to her. I am confident Tiara's change of heart will be quite a potential for many upcoming storylines. And yeah, I'm gonna admit it, seeing our little fillies achieving their longtime goal was full of feels. Celestia's Country? I don't know what to feel, man. That was clever, funny and so disheartening all at the same time. Ah great, here come the feels again! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notachangeling 101 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 (edited) Soooooooooooooooooooooo......... are we just going to ignore this??? Confirmation that they got Disney'ed. Off topic: Am I the only seeing everyone as a....*looks up at the banner* Diamond Tiara...she has the Mods on the payroll. Edited October 13, 2015 by Notachangeling Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trixio 443 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 ..Diamond Tiara that become "good"? the cutie mark crusaders who get their cutie marks?!.. the end of the world is near. Joking aside, I usually do not like episodes with many songs, but this episode is certainly among the most significant of this season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I watched it again. Manly tears were shed... 1 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 Soooooooooooooooooooooo......... are we just going to ignore this??? Big Mac cries like Shining Armor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luffyiscool 397 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 Soooooooooooooooooooooo......... are we just going to ignore this???They tried to make a subtle confirmation in Apple Family Reunion, so most of us have known all along. But yes, it was very touching and feelsy that Applejack said it out loud. -Youtube-Patreon-Twitter- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manic 121 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I know they're just fictional characters, but it still feels like my little sisters grew up a bit :') 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fawkes The Phoenix 737 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I got spoiled This is just like when I got spoiled of what was gonna happen in Magical Mistery Cure. Which was another awesome episode. The good thing is that both episodes didn't fail to surprise me anyway This episode reminded me of everything I loved about Magical Mistery Cure, in fact this is kind of like its second part. A musical episode with songs that helped to fit a two-parter material plot in just 1 part. A lot of people complain that both episodes could have been two-parters, but I feel like they wouldn't have had the same emotional effect if they were. First we start with the obvious "This is THE episode" song (kinda like the "Something's obviously gonna go wrong" song in MMC), just to move to a seemingly unrelated plot with Pipsqueak running for president. I liked the song and for whatever reason actually enjoyed watching Diamond Tiara being a bitch (Guess that's the power of music), but I couldn't care less about Pipsqueak, which I don't think I was supposed to anyway. The first part was fun, but then things start to get real when Silver Spoon ditches Diamond Tiara, I always expected that moment to be emotional and hard for her, but I loved how she just got DT burned and then left saying "I don't have to follow her drama anymore", now that was perfect. After that DT goes home, where her mother.... Wait, so is she alive? Amy, how dare you contradict my headcanon! Anyway, we find out why DT is so mean and she sings a really awesome song. I've been waiting for her own song since I heard her singing in Pinkie Pride, and this one did not dissapoint at all. Then the CMCs happen to overhear her singing (?) and decide to help her. I love how she was still trying to be mean but failed at it, and ended up adimitting the CMCs were lucky to have each other. Of course she's not totally reformed yet, so she attempts to become president again. The epic chasing song was my favorite of the episode, it was really catchy, entertaining and showed the CMC finally becoming the ponies they need to become to get they cutie marks. After that they get to the school and DT's mom happens to be there, which helps Diamond Tiara to calm down and finally get the courage to speak up to her mother: "I realized I want something you don't have... FRIENDS!" ... Damn, another "Wooooooo!" worth moment in the episode. So her talent is to get other ponies to do what she wants? That kind of explains how she got away with being a bitch all that time. Then she starts using her talent to be good leader, and the CMCs also realize their true special talent, helping other find out theirs, which is kind of ironic considering how long it took them to find out theirs. The reprise of "We'll make our mark" was really emotional, and we also get the 3 sisters sing to them (which was perfect), and they send a picture to Celestia and Luna just like the opening (Which was perfect too), and.... apparently it's confirmed AJ's parents are, indeed, dead I didn't see that coming. Mind blown / 10 Congratulations to this episode for doing everything right. Now this is one of my 3 favorite episodes (The other ones are MMC and the Cutie Map). 6 Equestria's best unicorns Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
manic 121 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I wonder when Pipsqueak fattened up too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mad Cyantist 30 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I loved this one so much!!! I finally got the Diamond Tiara episode that I wanted, which also ended up being the CMC episode I've been waiting for, and it was also a musical! So many great songs, emotional moments, and significant character development all around. This one instantly became one of my all-time favorites. Season 5 has already given us some particularly good stories, but this episode really worked for me on every level, and I'm eager to see where they go from here. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatBob 3 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 I think that it was great the way that after including the song as a hint that the Crusaders would be getting their cutie marks at the beginning, the writers pulled focus away from it to drag attention to the Pip Campaign, and Diamond Tiara's redemption afterward. It really made the ending take you by surprise, especially the way the Crusaders' conversation at the end was similar to just another end-of-episode lesson discussion. Overall, I thought the writing was great, and really clever. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninja(Pinkie)Midget 180 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 This episode had all of the elements of the series that I like. There was redemption for Diamond Tiara and growth in her character. The cutie mark crusaders moved a step along in their story, there were plenty of laughs, and some good songs. Best episode of the season so far, imo 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grtxkkyz 388 October 13, 2015 Share October 13, 2015 That little segment where Applejack mentions her parents... That got me right in the feels. This episode was such a roller coaster ride of emotion. I haven't felt this way since I first watched the show! I think this show's just gonna keep getting better and better! Celestia's Country? I don't know what to feel, man. That was clever, funny and so disheartening all at the same time. Ah great, here come the feels again! Well, it is kind of a nod to Aslan's Country of Narnian lore. 1 My Dragon Cave scroll: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KirbyFluttershy 2,523 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 I Loved the episode. It's musical, but in the end, it gets emotional. The songs are good too and I couldn't get enough to listen to those songs. Listening to those songs made me want to download them so I can listen to them over and over (If only I know where to download those songs). All I can say to CMCs is that congrats to them on earning their cutie marks. Adventures and Journeys will not stop there, but it will continue. I was also thinking that I get the feels from this episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninja(Pinkie)Midget 180 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 I just noticed we're all blank flanks now. Hahaha! Good call, MLP Forums! 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LHfunk 422 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 The new Disney Channel Original Movie was great. But seriously though, that was a good episode. Ending really surprised me, didn't expect them to get their cutie marks. It was good though. Now I'm wondering what's next. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unified Draft 131 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 I do not normally get chocked up or teary eyed during episodes of MLP or generally anything I have watched in recent years; however, this episode had me really emotional by the end of it especially in the last song when, Applejack, RD, and Rarity all sang their parts in it. I know this sounds cliche but by the end of the episode, I felt like an older brother watching their sibling grow up. This episode was by far one of the best (if not the best) in the whole series and I can not wait to see more episodes involving the CMC and where they go from here. 5 /)Brohoof117(\ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Time Shield 402 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 Now I understand why there was a 3-week pause between episodes not long ago. They wanted to make sure this episode aired at the anniversary, and it only made sense to have the pause be at the mid-point of the season prior to it. 2 Avatar art by Dilarus -- Click below for my game downloads: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HailTrixie 239 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 This episode was amazing. 10/10 would watch at least 10 times again. The fact that it was a musical normally would have pissed me off but I feel like that for something like this, it fits and makes perfect sense. I've always been a Diamond Tiara hater so I thought when Diamond Tiara got her solo I wouldn't feel anything. Wow was I wrong. Her solo actually managed to make me feel sorry for her. I'm really glad she's 'reformed' now (like most other MLP villains ). And the ending... Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hit me right in the feels and my heart instantly melted. And as if that wasn't enough, Applejack had to mention her parents and make my heart evaporate instead. And then I was waiting for the Rarity and Sweetie Belle line that would be equally amazing but nope, Rarity didn't deliver because Rarity = worst horse. Even though they don't exist, I'm so happy for the CMC that they finally got their cutie marks. Also, Button Mash's several appearances was awesome. A Button Mash episode would be great, Hasbro. kthnx So yeah, this episode was amazing and is definitely in my top 10 favourite episodes. Every song was great, the visuals were great, the voice acting was great, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were great, everything was great. My only question now is what will the next CMC episodes be about? Pretty much every CMC episode has revolved around cutie marks, but now that they have them I'm wondering what will be in store later on. I can't wait to find out. :scoots: | Original Sig > | Join CTaM! | She, the magnificent Trixie, A mare among mares! She, paragon of ponies, With wand and with rope! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadprofile 1,122 October 14, 2015 Share October 14, 2015 I really liked the episode. It even made me tear up at the end (a little). The only problem I have are the cutie marks. Especially Apple Blooms'. It does not seem to match her overall color scheme. Plus with all three, the colors within the marks are so similar it looks cluttered from a distance. I think when the CMC are on screen in the future, I think their cutie marks will just be a purple blur unless they are up close to the camera. On a positive future note, this actually allows for the CMC to further grow and develop. They basically have the same task as the Mane 6, but on a more personal level (not so much Friendship but knowing yourself). If we see more like Apploosa's Most Wanted, I highly look forward to more CMC! 2 "In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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