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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

Vinyl Scratch

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I dreamed of ponies a couple nights ago, but it was one of those dreams where you like barley remember anything about it, I just remember there being ponies, so I can join the club now!

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I had this one not more then hour ago. Just go off work and pass out in my truck, did a 8 hour shift with only 2hours of sleep.. 


Anyway the dream was kind of long and something happened in it that I can't say... for reasons.. Anyway It was me and Spitfire laying on a cloud doing something... then we chatted a bit. 


Spitfire: No never like him like that. 

Me: Oh come on not even a little??  

Spitfire: Nope not even a little, he's like a brother to me. 

Me:Oh I see. 

Spitfire:Okay my turn, what do you miss most of the human world? 

Me:hmm can I pick more then 1 thing? 

Spitfire: No, you know the rule only one thing. 

Me: Okay, my friends. 

Spitfire: You don't miss your family? 

Me: No, because most of my family is dead and gone and who is still alive does not care for me. 

Spitfire: Who do you miss the most? 

Me: woh hold on a min there beautiful! You don't get to ask 2 questions! 

Spitfire: Well I'm just using your turn, so who did you miss the most? 

Me:What? you can't do that! 

Spitfire: I just did, now come on out with it! 

Me: Ugg fine. This girl I knew on a web site. Her name was Sugar Cube, well her real name is Aimee. 

Spitfire: Why did you miss her the most? 

Me: what the... no no no, you don't get three.. (I just laid there looking in to those beautiful eyes of hers) ugg fine. 

I missed her the most  because she reminds me of my sister. My sister was my only friend for most of my life. She stood up for me, she would hang out with me instead of her friends and she was always there for me. Every time I got to chat with her it was like I was talking to my sister all over again. That's why. 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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The only MLP dream i had was a tie into my work place.   I work in

a sub making unit for a collage and in my dream I was serving the kids

and Twilight was in line with them like it was normal and she came up

and asked for a daisy sub with hummus on it....


Thats when I woke up with a sort WTF moments....


(Sig made by Me)

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Sadly I had no mlp related dream so far. I wish I'd have opportunity to be hugged by Coco Pommel though (I am weird, I know :3) That would be best dream ever  :wub:  :blush:

  • Brohoof 2


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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2 dreams to post about


2 nights ago, I dreamt that I was at a baseball stadium, and they had an MLP themed section for kids, but a bunch of bronies were there too, and there was this video game where the characters speech was scrambled and we had to figure out what they were saying, and I jokingly said "Why are they playing the German dub of the episodes ?" and the bronies laughed but all the kids looked at me funny. Then I put a pizza in the nearest oven, and when I went to get it, it was gone, and I went to the owner of the stadium about it, which was apparently Lex Luthor, who promptly kicked everyone out. 


Last nights/ this mornings dream was more interesting. I was at my local grocery store when a street fight broke out between WWE wrestlers Christian Cage, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk. They were punching, eachother, roundhouse kicking eachtoher, arm dragging and hip tossing eachother on the floors, slamming eachother into the registers. Danielson even ran on top of a check out counter and hit Christian with a diving knee strike, knocking him the f##k out! and while this was going on, I was having a stand off with my arch nemesis, and the two of us transformed into monsters and began battling eachother in the store, crashing into display racks and shopping carts, shouting Shakespearean dialogue at one another.  But while the fight was going on I noticed that while people were staring bewildered at us, they weren't exactly scared, which made me think that the whole transformation thing was in our heads and we were really just two dudes fighting in a grocery store. 


Just then, the lights went out, all the fighting stopped and everyone was depressed that they had to go home. The rest of the dream was set like those personal montages at the end of soap operas and dramas, where each character gets focused on for a brief time while sappy music is played in the background.  In this case, It's Much Too Late by Alice Cooper was the song playing. 



Everyone is grabbing their groceries and preparing to leave. We cut to Twilight Sparkle where she walks past Dave Mustane from Megadeth jamming in the clothing section. We meet up and are heading out when we see Gohan, Goku and Piccolo from DBZ coming out of the isle, and they have the one transforming pig dude pulling a cart full of groceries. They ditch him and join me and Twilight as we all start to walk out of the store to end the episode, and the dream.   

  • Brohoof 3

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  • 1 month later...

After a long stretch with no memorable pony dreams, I finally had one last night.  :) 


I was inside my house doing some random stuff when I decided to look out a back window.  I saw my neighbor's window and he had a poster of a pony in it!  :D  It was probably an OC as it was a stallion I never saw before with an orange-brown coat and a golden mane.  I wondered if my neighbor went to a pony convention and that poster was promotional material for it. 


Anyway, it was overdue.  It is quite normal for me to dream about my favorite cartoon, whatever my favorite cartoon may be at the time. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Background: I am a closet brony, and I have been considering becoming open


So, I was in school and I think I was drawing a pony.  Then, a kid sees it and says "Dude, you're gay."  I respond "No I'm not," and it goes on like that for a while, him trying to tell me I'm gay, and me saying otherwise.  Since I was a closet brony in the dream (as in real life), I was worried about other people noticing.  One of my best friends walks into the room then, and I dart out of the room to avoid further shame.


Let me tell you: that solved my closet/open problem, at least for a while.  Now I'm scared of anyone finding out (more so than before).


Sig by Kyoshi

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The closest dream I have ever had relating to MLP was me walking down a street with a Pinkie Pie tee-shirt, and people never noticed or have had a facial expression full of "a teen with a MLP shirt???!!"


Boring dream. :( I wished a lot more than that, like being a pony and meeting the Mane 6 in Ponyville.


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Background: I am a closet brony, and I have been considering becoming open


So, I was in school and I think I was drawing a pony.  Then, a kid sees it and says "Dude, you're gay."  I respond "No I'm not," and it goes on like that for a while, him trying to tell me I'm gay, and me saying otherwise.  Since I was a closet brony in the dream (as in real life), I was worried about other people noticing.  One of my best friends walks into the room then, and I dart out of the room to avoid further shame.


Let me tell you: that solved my closet/open problem, at least for a while.  Now I'm scared of anyone finding out (more so than before).


To be honest, just don't worry about it, my friend.


I mean, a lot of folks know that I'm a Brony and it's just another part of me. No big deal.


Then again, if you're still in public school, just wait for college or once you get out and into the world if college is not for you. People are lot more accepting once they get out of that high school mindset.


Fair warning though... some people never do.

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 3 weeks later...

Praise be to the moon butt goddess..


Had Rarity in a dream last night,


Picture Rarity... with a giant sword and ninja skills going all badassery.... killin zombies.


Oh yes.. I will remember this one

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I had a dream where I was in some kind of house with RD and Rarity, and RD gave me a pep talk when I really needed it. Then I woke up. I think Rarity said something, but I couldn't hear her.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I once dreamt I was married to Princess Celestia and I was actually very happy with my life. When I woke after hugging with Celestia in her Royal chambers my face was :mellow: -"LIFE". I also had a dream where I was fighting in a random war in a dense jungle environments and Rainbow Dash would fly over with jet engine sounds and drop clouds on people.


That would be all the dreams that I have with MLP influence. I hoped you enjoyed :catface:

Edited by Legendary Trixie


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I had one awhile ago....it was me and the mane 6. We were all in this mall somewhere. A friend of mine on these forums was in it too, Rockymoo. He was at the controls of this large, steampunk looking machine and he unleashed a bunch of random anime characters, to attack me and the mane 6. Well, to my surprise the mane 6 and I defeated all of these random anime characters. Then Celestia came in afterwards and destroyed said machine.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had a very strange dream involving ponies, and I just wondered if anyone else has had dreams about ponies and stories about them. 


If you want to know what dream I just had, It's still pretty vivid in my mind.


I was in a junkyard in Pittsburgh, when I see a plane crash into a Pittsburgh skyscraper in some strange second rendition of 9/11. Then, Mayor Mare comes out of no where with a bowl of raspberries and marmalade and says I need to give it to Scootaloo to fight the fires. 


That's about all I remember :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I had a pony dream once. I remember the Cutie Mark Crusaders were trying to build some sort of float for a town parade, and Rainbow Dash was helping them. It was a pretty neat dream.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I actually just remembered another dream I had about a year ago. I was with the CMC and they were playing volleyball, when Scootaloo's wing some how got detached, and she was put in a wagon as me and the rest of the CMC tried to race to the hospital to get it reattached. Problem was, Twilight Sparkle & Pals were oblivious to fact that there was a medical emergency, and were trying to slow us down by talking all the time and stuff XD


Man... I got weird dreams

  • Brohoof 1
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I dreamed that Rainbow Dash was giving me a pep talk, and Rarity was there too. Last night, I prayed to Luna to visit my dreams, but so far no dice :( (maybe because I like the day more than the night)

  • Brohoof 2

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I had a dream the other night where I woke up in Rarity's bed. I could tell we didn't have sex, but she was eyeing me in a "good morning" kind of way :D Kinda made my heart flutter :wub:


So, I got out of bed, and put some waffles on the frying pan (dream logic, eh?) 


I left the room for a second to go take a shower, and when I got back, Rarity was eating her waffles and Rainbow Dash was eating my waffles. I was pretty pissed, so I went and took my waffles back and ate them with Rarity :D

RD went and watched tv after that.


And that was the most recent pony dream I had :D

I have them occasionally; fortunately, they nearly all involve Rarity :wub:

  • Brohoof 6


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I once had a dream that Twilight used her magic to appear pegasus wings on us. My wings were light blue. Then we had a flying race. I woke up before the race ended. OMG it felt SO real.  


I just made this one.

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I have many pony dreams almost every other night, usually with Luna. The setting is usually the same, dark purple/pink/red sky with a full moon and clouds. It really is quite beautiful... there are huge oak trees surrounding a valley between two mountains, that looks over the horizon. Usually Luna is there lying next to me while we watch the amazing night sky. I can never remember what she tells me (its probably the secrets of the universe or something :D) but I only remember what I can see, but it really is very soothing to the hardships I go through everyday. :comeatus:

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