Sound Barrier 51 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 Oh god so I'm actually laying in my bed as we speak, on my iPhone writing this. I fell asleep a few minutes ago, but it was strange, like I knew I was sleeping, but couldn't wake up. And I had a dream about getting all these blind bag ponies, and I was playing with them on my bed. All of a sudden, while holding her toy, I shouted "PINKIE PIE!!!" while smacking over this cardboard popup Sugarcube corner house, along with the ponies inside. But my scream of her name just didn't stop and suddenly deepened to like this demonic "PIEEEEEE" that just went on forever... And then everything started becoming static and sounded like static and I felt like I was suffocating, and a man made of static stared over me at my bedside, then I woke up. Literally the weirdest mlp dream ever. Or should I say nightmare -- that was scary! Have any of you guys ever had any mlp-related dreams? (sorry if a topic like this has been made before! D:) 1 REFS Sound Barrier (coming soon): Rock Candy: Breezie: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phoenix Dirac Wright 121 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 In all honesty, I haven't had a completely pony related dream before. Only my dreams slightly relate to MLP where Rainbow Dash or Applejack would help me out while I was in a pinch in my dreams. I wish I had a pony dream. Not like the one you had. Sounds kinda scary ! Edgeworth: "This world has clear contradictions." Phoenix: "My past, is like my logic. Straight and true. Nothing has changed. All I did is point the finger of justice in the right direction." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I've been having semi-lucid dreams recently and when It's time to wake up, I feel it. I know, I've seen them there but I just can't force myself to remember the events of the dream. Sucks for me, I guess. "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiki 5,856 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I remember once I had to help Fluttershy get some kind of yellow plushie of a banana or some kind of banana-shaped... thing before. It lasted for about .0489247 nanoseconds, and I pretty much forgot it as soon as woke up. This topic reminded me about it, though. You'll be entranced by me ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twi Rubix 726 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I think I do have pony dreams, but the thing about me is, I hardly remember my dreams. I mean, I knew I had them, but I remember little to nothing about it. I also have dreams often... I think just yesterday, I was dreaming about me and Twilight hanging out or something like that... If it really was that, I wish I could remember it, because it sounds like a pretty sweet dream. Your dream however... sounds really creepy. Sorry bout that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrooveBroove 680 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 When I was vacationing in Puerto Rico I had one. I couldn't tell you what it was about though. I think we were just hanging out or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solar Wind 595 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I can lucid dream some of the time but one dream really weirded me out... I was at this park where I used to go when I was little. Fluttershy came and we played for what seemed like hours even thinking about it it feels like a long time. Anyway once we had finished racing and what not. We sat down in some flowers and started talking. She said she wanted me to come visit her and I said I didnt know how to get there... Then just when she was about to tell me how I woke up. I have never been in a better/worse mood in my life. But something happened in the dream I wasnt me I was my handsome OC SolarWind.... And now I start to think equestria is real scariest part is there is an actuall possibility that it is. I would explain but thats only if somepony wants to hear my theory... quote me if you do! See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lacey Shadows 164 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 Sometimes they show up in my dreams. But when they do, things go horribly, horribly wrong in the end. The Baron Vain's only favorite~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sound Barrier 51 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 Wow, some crazy dreams, huh? I just reread my post and started laughing, what probably happened in my dream was My blind bag Pinkie Pie toy breaking some kind of fourth wall and then rending reality in the process, lmao. Just my theory though! Hahaha 2 REFS Sound Barrier (coming soon): Rock Candy: Breezie: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graphite 80 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I had a dream with luna in it the other day, I cant remember what happened in it though. all i remember is that it was in the style of the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snizox15 14 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I had a dream i was on a cargo ship with my oc and this ship was a ghost ship. You know, no one was on it. It had vines growing out of windows, cracks and a few doors. It was very rusty and war torn looking. i don't know why we were walking around but i was walking on the very top deck with my OC when i heard a very loud bang and suddenly i felt sick i fell to my knees and looked down and saw my stomach was bleeding, i felt no pain but i started to not have control of myself. I heard my oc say in my voice "Dad?" i fell down forward onto my face and i heard him scream again "Dad!" the ship then started to fall apart i don't think we were even at sea it looked pitch black over bored. i rolled over and looked at my oc's face and he said in my voice "Set the specularity to .0300." I heard another large bang he fell over to the left . with a pinkish grey red mess flying out of his head . I remember a tear came to my right eye. I tilted my head back and opened my eyes. I was in my bead with my laptop and unfinished rendered image of my oc i was working on in 3dsmax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spas-ticShotty 3,584 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I had a unique pony dream last night. In mah dream, the MLP:FiM Movie had come out of DVD and, I swear to god, it was over 3 hours long . Of course, with most movies I rent on DVD, I skip to the end sometimes just to see what happens, since spoilers don't affect me that much. Well, it turns out that Pinkie Pie, RD, and Applejack DIED somewhere in the movie, and I forgot why, but I knew it had to do something with the villain. Anyways, Twi, Rarity, and Fluttershy all sacrifice themselves to defeat this villain or something like that, and the movie ends with Spike acknowledging to Celestia and everybody else that the Mane 6 where in a better place (I.E., heaven). Needless to say, typing this up makes me feel upset 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cupcake Ice Cream 436 August 3, 2012 Share August 3, 2012 I thought we had a thread for this...but whatever I like to go with the flow :-) A few weeks ago was my one and only. I had a dream that I was in a pony/human Olympics. I was partnered with Pinkie Pie...I threw her a frisbee...she missed and fell on her back and we laughed and laughed...very short dream Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 Well I actually did have a MLP dream. I ended up traveling astrally to equestria and my form there was a pegasus with the first symbol of my truename as the cutie mark. I tried to keep a somewhat low profile in ponyville except for with twilight who I did reveal what was going on. I wanted to learn some pony magic and manage the ability to get back as nothing was working as a pegasus. But nothing I tried worked. She actually wanted to call Celestia there but I didnt want that without being ready. The next thing I tried was making the cutie mark be the third symbol in my truename which I figured would make me a unicorn but that didnt work either. Eventually I figured out that pegasus is a magic of form as opposed to being a magic of will and instead tried to manifest a horn for a focus. I was able to transfer enough of the magic and was successful in managing a horn. I didnt have much time though after that before Celestia did arrive as having a pegasus unicorn was unusual enough that someone sent the message through. Celestia was actually a bit more suspicious than I thought she would be, and we were talking about what would happen the other way. I was saying that with the lower magic in my homeworld, a pegasus pony would probably have trouble even surviving here. That an earth pony might lose itself, and that if any were to survive it would be a unicorn. At any rate she wanted to follow back herself. Eventually I did allow it and Celestia actually ended up in a human form here. At any rate I do know what I would look like as a pony. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juggler 345 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I have never had a dream involving My little pony I'm afraid... I haven't been a brony for that long, so not that weird I guess But I'm looking forward to have one! 1 Signature made by Midnightive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoneForeverBye 184 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 YES I HAD ONE IT WAS THE MOST AWESOME DAMNED THING EVER!!! Unfortunately, I can't remember a thing, though. Damn short-term memory. Bit off-topic now: anyone knows about "Lucid dreaming"? Heck, I need to start working on that! 1 Who needs signatures? ...not me seriously, you're not supposed to see this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 What do you need to know about it? Generally it is merely realizing that you are in a dream and then modifying said dream. I usually look at it as "cheating." Yes I sometimes will take over a dream (more usually a nightmare) but generally I like to know what my dream is trying to show me rather than play around with it. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tol'Satha 163 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 ...anyone knows about "Lucid dreaming"? Heck, I need to start working on that! Please forward anything you learn. And no, i havent had any unfortunately. Infact, I dont remember dreaming anything in the past few years. The last thing i remember when i wake up is going to sleep... absolutely nothing in between :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightStallion 28 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I actually had a lucid dream with MLP. I was walking in a beachy area and all of the sudden I saw the mane 6 and a bunch of random characters. I stood in my place and watched them go on with their...whatever they were doing and never got the courage to go up and talk to them. Even in my dreams I'm shy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
letterone 1,204 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 Nope. If I did, then I don't remember it, but I think I'd remember something like that. Heck, there have been crazier/cooler dreams that I can still remember. It's ironic how I fall just to get back up again... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 Actually if anything I am less shy in a dream than I am in real life. As for remembering dreams try setting your clock each night to a random time to wake yourself up say 24 minutes earlier than normal or 13 minutes etc -- eventually you should wake up during a dream cycle. Everyone dreams -- just most people do not remember most of them. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GoneForeverBye 184 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 Please forward anything you learn. And no, i havent had any unfortunately. Infact, I dont remember dreaming anything in the past few years. The last thing i remember when i wake up is going to sleep... absolutely nothing in between :/ Here you go. I personally know what to do, but it's one of these things where the quality heavily deteroriates if you don't work on it, like I did. they have a guide on the subject there and even a forum. I'm a member there, even though I haven't logged in for a while. The guide also covers a good section on "recall". Who needs signatures? ...not me seriously, you're not supposed to see this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akemi Homura 7,680 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 There was already a thread for discussing MLP dreams, so I merged them together. Please use the search function next time in order to avoid making duplicate threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Muffin of Chaos~ 184 August 10, 2012 Share August 10, 2012 I had a dream last night... It was odd. I was in a field, and there was a story book. It was about a girl whos dog died, so their parents bought her a zebra. When one of the girl's tears hit the zebra, it randomly turned into Zecora. I then for some reason burst into tears, causing flowers to bloom around me (?) and all of the Mane 6 appeared. BEST DREAM EVER. 1 Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 August 11, 2012 Share August 11, 2012 This makes for the potential of an interesting dream exercise. If you ever have a pony dream, make a note of the type color and cutie mark you have and try to remember the ones you see of other ponies that are not the mane 6 or other normal characters. Maybe we can track down a shared dream or three. At any rate this is the best opportunity I have ever seen of nailing down shared dreams. 1) We have a fixed common point of reference (Equestria) 2) We have a distinctively unique form of identification(cutie marks) Regardless seeing your own cutie mark could tell you deep things about yourself so it is well worth looking at if you have a MLP dream. One thing I do ask though -- If you do get there, avoid lucid dreaming. The reason is this would at best shunt you off into a personal version removing you from the possibility of seeing others. At worst this could break up the dreams of other dreamers. ---- It seems they are very strict with topics here -- or I would put this under a "My Little Pony Shared Dream Project" heading to try to get people to realize this is going on as opposed to just being under pony dreams, but hopefully people check this occasionally. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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