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S05:E20 - Hearthbreakers


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Trixie said that she worked on A rock farm. Not necessarily the Pie family rock farm. Assuming that there is more than one rock farm in Equestria. But, yeah, if it was the Pie farm, Limestone would have been a hard ass boss!

Are you kidding? The episode had Trixie show us the whole thing, and we clearly see it's Pinkie's dad. So yeah, it was at the Pie's family Rock Farm.



  • Brohoof 4
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Wow, remembering the near-universal praise of Maud Pie when it first premiered, I came into this thread expecting "I LOVED IT!!!" to be the most popular opinion by far...hey, I'm not complaining. I'm enjoying being with the only slightly less popular opinion at the moment, which is just liking it. :P


My opinion on this episode is the same as my modern-day opinion on Maud Pie, it's not spectacular, but fine. I thought the plot was pretty predictable, I saw the Apples not enjoying the Pies' family traditions but learning to love them in the end coming from a mile away, but it had its moments, like with Pinkie's Pie two other sisters and Maud Pie's really funny lines. That dream conversation she had with Apple Bloom... :lol:



Thanks!  :pinkie: Saved from insanity.  And I loved seeing Pinkie Pie's whole family!

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Awwwww~ That was cute!

+++ I've been waiting for more Pie family since S1! FINALLY!
+++ MarbleMac! Let their ship sail!
++ Maud still as good as ever!
+ Pretty much exactly as cringy as I thought it would be. Works for me!
+ I'm such a sucker for callbacks! "Its about rocks. They're all about rocks" "Uhh, just what I've always wanted...a book..."

Loved it! I'll rate it SHIPITLIKEFLUTTERMAC / 10

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I actually didn't like this episode, it was more of a "meh" episode for me. I thought the topic in subject was a good one but it could have been executed a bit better. I thought Pinkie Pies family wasn't relate able and they didn't even really have a personality. I like the continuity in the episode, and the Spikes first Harthswarming story was sweet. I did like when Pinkie and Applejack were in the mines, because not only did it let us see what they were thinking, but it also helped to move the plot along. Was it only me, or was Pinkie and Applejack talking at the same time just adorable? (Insert Smosh video here ;) ) I'm not ashamed to say it, this episode brought a tear to my eye. I thought some of the traditions the Pies had were cute, and it showed how Pinkie Pie grew up. They subtle hinted about Christ- *cough cough* Harthwarming not just being about presents, but about spending time with your family. This episode defiantly isn't on my top ten list of favorite episodes, but it is an episode I would watch over. I really really like the Harthswarming dolls, they are really adorable and shows that the staff is paying attention to detail, which seems to be something they are doing more and more. Good job writer person guy! 

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Was it just me, or did the show imply that Limestone, Pinkie and Marble are tripplets, born on the same day, and only Maud is older and born on a different day than them?

Edited by Persona22
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To be fair that is really REALLY far back. Something like 50 generations back I believe. People can argue that it's it's a bit too distant for it to even matter.

Yup, and before we all go getting out panties in a bunch over incest, watch this...


Oh, and as far as having winter already...  whatsay the folks at Hasbro are compressing time so they can put out a whole boatload of Cadance's baby merch.  Just in time for human Xmas.  :sneer:

Edited by Foliha
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That dragon rock could either be a petrified egg, just a rock, or is yet to hatch. The dragon rock could even be magical and may be the cause of their ability to be able to eat rocks.

Either way, they really know how to get us interested and that look of pure wtf on Applejack's face when Pinkie broke logic with 19 hooves on screen was the greatest thing.


That is the other possibility, that somehow the former nest they live on gave them the rock-eating abilities of dragons. Sounds like a perfect vehicle for an episode for Spike to investigate next season!  :mustache:




Do you think the egg will hatch in a later episode?


Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it did because it seems too obvious. But see the above statement, there simply is no way to tell because all three scenarios are plausible.




Was it just me, or did the show imply that Limestone, Pinkie and Marble are tripplets, born on the same day, and only Maud is older and born on a different day than them?


I'm under that impression as well. But... only Pinkie and Marble are confirmed fraternal twins, so who knows...



FORESHADOWING! I like how they foreshadowed everypony having their own taditions, through Twi and Spike. That little head caress Twi did with him was adorbs.


It wasn't until I watched the episode for a second time did I notice how uncomfortable AJ was with Twilight's and Spike's tradition! That really did telegraph how she would react to the Pie's traditions later on!




Shipping: this is how it works




See?  Ya know, I wonder how that happened?


We should totally ship mah brother with your sister!!!



It occurs to me Pinkie seems to have mixed up Hearthswarming Eve and Hearts and Hooves day. Maybe because they sound similar?  :lol:

This is the second time Apple Bloom has had her friends try to hook up her brother with another pony right in front of her!

  • Brohoof 2

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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Can we not? Please? They could be cousins.... that's really sick and messed up. 



2)Since Pies and Apples are probably related, and Marble and Mac have hots to each other, incest is now canon. I-N-C-E-S-T
  1. We don't know for certain that the Pies and Apples are cousin; it's merely speculation. But let's say they are. Chances are they're very distant cousins, and cousins that far removed being in love is perfectly normal. In some states, first cousins are allowed to be married. The U.S. is the only Western country where cousin marriage bans exist.
  2. Since when has them being family stopped shippers from shipping characters? Princest (Celestia/Luna) is very popular in this fandom.
  • Brohoof 3

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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  1. We don't know for certain that the Pies and Apples are cousin; it's merely speculation. But let's say they are. Chances are they're very distant cousins, and cousins that far removed being in love is perfectly normal. In some states, first cousins are allowed to be married. The U.S. is the only Western country where cousin marriage bans exist.
  2. Since when has them being family stopped shippers from shipping characters? Princest (Celestia/Luna) is very popular in this fandom.



And that is extremely disgusting

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I think Marble+Mac is cute. I guess he couldn't make it work with Cheerilie.


As far as them being cousins goes, it is still up in the air if they are indeed related, but if they are, they would be so distantly related as to not cause a problem. It would not be incest. 

  • Brohoof 3


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You're a hearthbreaker, Dream maker, love taker

Don't you mess around with me.


Plot and Characterization

"Applejack is excited to celebrate Hearthswarming Eve with Pinkie Pie's family but soon discovers that the Pies have very different ways of enjoying the holiday at their Rock Farm."

Applejack finds the celebrations for the holidays on the rock farm to be odd and tries to impose her traditions on the family in hopes of showing them a better way. Applejack was on a high horse for most of the episode, but she learned a valuable once she understood what she did wrong.

Pinkie Pie struggled with reconciling between her friends and family over the difference of traditions, but she was her usual bubbly self for the most part while sharing at time Applejack’s zealousness for the holidays,

The other Apples were up to par with their usual selves but a secondary concern for the most part.

Maud Pie was a delight per usual, but the real treat was meeting Pinkie Pie’s family ranging from the puritanical Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz to the stern Limestone and shy Marble Pie.

It was a nice touch learning a little about Twilight’s traditions in the cold opening.

Pacing was rock solid for the episode, and it delivered an excellent moral concerning respecting and valuing one’s traditions as well as others. 


Animation and Music

Background music was appropriate to the episode, but I was somewhat surprised there was no song for this one, but not disappointed. 

Animation wise I loved the backgrounds in this one as it covered a wide range covering Twilight's Castle, Ponyville, the rock farm and the land surrounding it. I also enjoyed the style used when Applejack was giving her boring sister lecture about the holidays and watching the fault crack was a delight. Facial expressions were pretty good in this one as well..


Voice Acting and Dialogue

Voice acting was sharp and sounded on par for course, and Pinkie Pie’s family stood out in this department especially Limestone and Igneous Rock.

The dialogue was simple and amusing leaving few good nuggets here and there while effectively driving the story.


Overall this episode scores a 30/30 or a 10 and the second half of Season 5 continues its resurgence and another holiday episode comes up next before the final month of Season 5 arrives. What a ride!


Edited by UnknownFry
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Marble Pie is now one of my favourite ponies  :D

  • Brohoof 1
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Are you kidding? The episode had Trixie show us the whole thing, and we clearly see it's Pinkie's dad. So yeah, it was at the Pie's family Rock Farm.



Speaking of which, do you think we'll see Trixie again next season? We haven't seen her since Season 3, and no, the EQ version doesn't count!

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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Most of the Mane six have characters out there somewhere that take their traits to the extreme.


First of Rainbow had Lighning Dust from "Wonderbolts Academy" who had Rainbow's dedication to be the greatest flyer but lacked Rainbows loyalty.

Then Twilight had Moondancer from "Amending Fences" who had Twilight's dedication to study but lacked Twilights new found trait of friendship.

Rarity had Sassy Saddles from "Canterlot Boutique" who had Rarity's dedication to be successful in Canterlot but lacked Rarities creative passion and, in some ways, her generosity.


Now I guess we have met Fluttershy's match with Marble Pie. She shares Fluttershy's trait of timidness but lacks Fluttershy's development of opening up. I guess because Pinkie was so protective of her when they were younger, probably to the point of sheltering her, Marble probably feels too shy to open up yet.


So I guess there's two more ponies out there that are the extremities of Pinkie and Applejack.


Overall I found the episode to be a bit meh though. Felt pretty jarring to have the "pseudo Christmas" episode a week before the "pseudo Halloween episode" near Halloween. That jackolantern Discovery Family watermark said it all. Like having Chistmas displays set up in stores earlier and earlier each year, it just doesn't feel right.

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The idea of two families with completely different traditions over the same holiday seems like a great point for conflict. The holidays only come once a year, and you only live once. You have to make the most out of every holiday you get, because the memories last forever. Thus, it's natural that every family or even individual person develop their own unique traditions in order to get the most enjoyment they possibly can out of the holiday while building it up as something to look forward to every year. It makes sense that some might find a sudden (if even momentary) break from that tradition jarring, especially someone as set in their unique lifestyle as Applejack is.


Meeting Pinkie Pie's family was a delight, with the always scene-stealing Maud Pie making yet another appearance, and her other sisters being characterized as a shy wallflower and a butch enforcer. Their eccentricities provided a great counterbalance to Applejack's more reserved and level-headed ways of enjoying the holiday, and if "Apple Family Reunion", and as much as it pains me to mention it, "Somepony to Watch Over Me" are good enough indication, Applejack does trend towards taking extreme actions when things aren't "right" in her eyes. The Pie family traditions are just that to her; intimidating and therefore not right because of how little sense they make and how off-putting they seem to outsiders who don't keep an open enough mind.


The Planes, Trains, and Automobiles reference serves not only as a moment for fans of that movie (as I am) to absolutely lose our collective ability to even in fanboyism, but for those familiar with the film, it's subtle foreshadowing to the events of this episode. Like Neal and Del respectively, Applejack's sensibilities and sense of righteousness conflict with Pinkie and the Pie family's eccentricities and unconventional celebrations. Applejack, like the stick-in-the-mud businessman Neal, learns to accept the Pies' traditions as he gains a greater respect for Del as a person despite his lack of manners, and the mutual understanding between the two families in this episode mirrors Neal's iconic and heartwarming final gesture to Del. I'm definitely sure Nick Confalone or whoever was behind this didn't just put in the reference for posturing. They more likely legitimately studied how John Hughes was able to make PT&A work as a well-balanced film that managed to be both comedic and emotionally resonant at the same time and decided to work that into the episode considering how they were given a similar premise, thus the reference works as both a subtle foreshadowing, a shout-out, and an attribution of where some of the episode's inspiration may have come from.


Overall, this episode gives Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and their respective clans a very strong bonding moment while taking Applejack's character to where it works best, outside of her comfort zone and dealing with unfamiliar situations with a tinge of familiarity and support from her family and friends. It shows that those we know best are our best way through such an adverse social situation, and bonds we share with our close friends and family are the best way to mutual understanding. It's a great message to have in a holiday episode against the sea of holiday-themed entertainment with endeavors towards trying to "save Christmas" or find "the true meaning of Christmas". Above all, it was entertaining and emotional in equal parts, just as much as you can ask for out of an episode.

  • Brohoof 4
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The rock soup does look delicious.

Also, here is my idea for the full names of the other Pie sisters:

-Maudesra Athena Pie

-Inkareen Iuno Pie

-Bilingkhas Hermia Pie


And as a whovicorn that exchange in the train reminded me too much of Midnight.



This toy is disgusting.

Whovicorn? I like it. Now I don't have to merely say I'm a fan of Doctor Who and my Little Pony!. I agree. But I really enjoyed Midnight, and the similarity gave me a good kind of chill.

Edited by BestPony
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Yes! This was a wonderful way to start the episode, and gave us a little more insight into Twilight and Spike's relationship. I did notice Twilight didn't say exactly when her and Spike had their first Hearthswarming Eve together. If they did, it would have confirmed or denied Celestia raising Spike before giving him over to Twilight.


Oh, and her running her hoof through his head fins/spikes - such a touching moment!  :(  


Y'know, Spike probably should visit the Pies someday. He'd probably appreciate their rock soup a lot more than the Apples did. Just keep him out of their mines unless he wants to face Limestone's surly wrath!  :lol:



I did notice his canines are more pronounced when he smiles. Aging the little fella, perhaps, like they have for the CMC? *crosses fingers*


Speaking of aging, Apple Bloom's voice sounded notably older in this episode than any other this season! Almost to the point of it being a bit jarring.




Yes! I was floored when Pinkie said Marble was born only minutes before her! And I am also going to assume that Limestone is another twin since she seems the same age and the three of them are triplets. My thoughts are Limestone was first, then Pinkie and finally Marble. And Maud was part of a separate... "litter."  :lol:




I'm with Brony_B on this. Pinkie only says their cousins (implying first cousins) because she very much wants them to be a family. But the truth is, even if they are related they are so far apart on the family tree that Big Mac would have a better chance of dating a more genetically similar pony if he picked some random pony off the street.

 And buck... They make such a cute couple.  :wub:  Raise the anchors, the SS MarbleMac/BigPie is setting sail!  :bedeyes: 



Yeah the canon about her never being seen crying is pretty much over. Perhaps she's just gotten more in touch with her emotions by being around the other Mane 6 and isn't afraid to cry anymore. Maybe it was all about not appearing weak compared to her nearest competitor, Rainbow Dash, and since RD has already had several sad moments maybe AJ doesn't feel like she needs to hide it anymore?




It's supposed to be a representation of how Amish people speak, even though most don't.



YES - it was! They were practically like sisters in those scenes.



Yeah, I would have preferred if she just been grumpy, but she did cross over into the bully territory; so much so that hearing her reminded me of Babs Seed when she was berating the CMC.  :( 





The revelation that the Pie farm was formerly a dragon's nest threw me for a loop! There are suddenly a lot of interesting possibilities about the backstory of the Pie family!  :o


I noticed the boulder looked like an egg, but didn't make the connection to it being a possible dragon's egg until Granny revealed the history of the rock on the train.


It would not surprise me if it ends up being an actual egg; though you're right that it could just be a rock a mother dragon thought was an egg that needed hatching since it is very large and stone-like compared to Spike's egg. Of course, we don't know where Spike's egg came from either, so using his egg as a point of comparison doesn't help us, much...


Also, the bit of history about Holder Cobblestone coupled with fact that their whole family eats rocks and dragons eat gems makes me wonder if the dragon nest wasn't exactly empty when he found it and there's some undocumented dragon blood flowing through those Pie veins....  :blink:

Indeed ADORABLE! Yeah the beginning scene with Twilight and Spike almost makes it sound like Spike wasn't a tiny baby dragon by their first Hearth's Warming(it sounds like he might have been old enough to be more aware) but you never really know and perhaps it was Twilight's family who raised him, not Celestia, then Twilight took over as Spike's caregiver. Yes they were like sisters! I do not think the Pie parents are supposed to talk like the Amish. I have met Amish people and they are very polite with an accent but I did not see any similarity between the Pies and the Amish really. The Pies are obsessed with rocks more than simplicity in my humble opinion. 



That is the other possibility, that somehow the former nest they live on gave them the rock-eating abilities of dragons. Sounds like a perfect vehicle for an episode for Spike to investigate next season!  :mustache:





Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it did because it seems too obvious. But see the above statement, there simply is no way to tell because all three scenarios are plausible.





I'm under that impression as well. But... only Pinkie and Marble are confirmed fraternal twins, so who knows...




It wasn't until I watched the episode for a second time did I notice how uncomfortable AJ was with Twilight's and Spike's tradition! That really did telegraph how she would react to the Pie's traditions later on!




It occurs to me Pinkie seems to have mixed up Hearthswarming Eve and Hearts and Hooves day. Maybe because they sound similar?  :lol:

This is the second time Apple Bloom has had her friends try to hook up her brother with another pony right in front of her!

Yes Applejack had a very strict idea in her mind of what Hearths Warming was SUPPOSED to be and it lead to trouble because she couldn't loosen up. It was a good lesson for her. If you vist someone's home it is a good idea to respect their way and not push your way onto them. I think Marble and Pinkie are twins and the other 2 are separate births who are older personally.  Applebloom sounded normal to me. She sounded the same as in "Lost Mark" and "Pinkie Apple Pie" to my ears. 

Edited by StitchandMLPlover
  • Brohoof 1

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Alert! Alert! New ship! New ship!


Now that I got that outta the way...let's get into the real thing. 


So this episode was just awesome. The lessons are getting even better. In fact, this episode deals with our cultures today. Because now that mixed families are sprouting, it is hard to keep family traditions and introducing new traditions. 


And I tell you, there were some super adorable scenes. 


Marble Pie is probably the new most adorable character. Her smiles and quietness just really make my d'awww meter rise. 

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I was neutral on this episode in particular. I found it to be meh. It didn't look too special to me.


However, I did find the slice-of-life part in this episode to be quite relatable (when it comes to trying to get along with other families who may have different traditions and ways of doing things, etc.).


I didn't notice until my middle bro showed me three very peculiar background OCs during that early train scene. He pointed out that those 3 OCs were from the following movies: the two stallions, supposed to be Steve Martin and John Candy (don't know their character names in the movie) from Planes, Trains and Automobiles and the mare with the familiar looking coat is in fact supposed to be, Mrs. McCallister from Home Alone (Catherine O'Hara)! :D


Edited by Jonny Music
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Most of the Mane six have characters out there somewhere that take their traits to the extreme.


First of Rainbow had Lighning Dust from "Wonderbolts Academy" who had Rainbow's dedication to be the greatest flyer but lacked Rainbows loyalty.

Then Twilight had Moondancer from "Amending Fences" who had Twilight's dedication to study but lacked Twilights new found trait of friendship.

Rarity had Sassy Saddles from "Canterlot Boutique" who had Rarity's dedication to be successful in Canterlot but lacked Rarities creative passion and, in some ways, her generosity.


Now I guess we have met Fluttershy's match with Marble Pie. She shares Fluttershy's trait of timidness but lacks Fluttershy's development of opening up. I guess because Pinkie was so protective of her when they were younger, probably to the point of sheltering her, Marble probably feels too shy to open up yet.


So I guess there's two more ponies out there that are the extremities of Pinkie and Applejack.


Overall I found the episode to be a bit meh though. Felt pretty jarring to have the "pseudo Christmas" episode a week before the "pseudo Halloween episode" near Halloween. That jackolantern Discovery Family watermark said it all. Like having Chistmas displays set up in stores earlier and earlier each year, it just doesn't feel right.

Applejack and Flim Flam Brothers. The brothers possess AJ's drove and work ethic (Yes, they use machines but it must've taken a lot of work to create them) but they lack her honesty.

  • Brohoof 1


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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since when did blushing equal "I wanna do yu like they do on the Discovery Channel. ", and not plain, simple embarrassment?

And now that song is playing on repeat in my noggin lol


Shipping goggles remove all possibilities beyond "they should be together", its the nature of the shipping mindset. 

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This episode was like meh for me.

It wasn't as amusing as other mlp episodes that have come out lately in season 5!

But I was glad that I finally know that applejack and pinkie pie have something in common!  :icwudt::)


Rainbow dash is life :)
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