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Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?


Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?   

37 users have voted

  1. 1. Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy?

    • Yes. It is.
    • No. It isn't.
  2. 2. Would you tell the real Luna to get out of your dream?

    • Yes.
    • No.
  3. 3. What would you say to angry real Luna seeing your romantic dream about her?

    • Get out!
    • You can watch.
    • Other (state in post.)

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Is Luna seeing into dreams a breach of privacy? 


Could seeing into dreams be a breach of it? In some ways, yes she can help save you from a horrible nightmare. Luna could kill horde of of zombies/justinbiebers/and other monsters coming at you in the nightmare.


But what if you were having a private dream.... a dream that involved romantic times with Luna herself. And the real Luna gets angry of daring to dream such a thing about her? What would you say to her?


Luna: Stop dreaming about me you dirty hairless ape! (is more less her reaction due to seeing your dream.)


Well, I would say to her. "Get the hell out real Luna! This is my fantasy!" 

Edited by Bendy
  • Brohoof 4

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I genuinely enjoy topics like these because I find them amusing to think about.


Imagine all the dirtty secrets she has access to and no one knows it? Tsk tsk Luna dear.


But many ponies within the series seem to nelgect privacy.....especially our lil Pinkie Pie

  • Brohoof 2




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I'm waiting for the show to do this, where Luna goes into a dream and freaks out, and the response from the dream owner is, "Well, maybe you shouldn't just go into random ponies dreams!"

  • Brohoof 1

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Luna: Stop dreaming about me you dirty hairless ape! (is more less her reaction due to seeing your dream.)  

For me Luna would be like: "Holy hay bales, why are you dreaming about death machines and having fun with them" (I think ponies would think cars were death machines)

I think it depends on their overall standing in the universe. I mean, the two sisters are like gods. One controls the moon and the other controls the moon and the stars...and occasionally dreams of other ponies. I dont think she sticks her nose...muzzle into other ponies personal dreams. Rather, she senses distressed ponies dreaming nightmares and enters their dreams to help them cure them of their nightmares. 

I mean, the two sisters arent dark dictators who would banish a pony who would dare question their leaders abilities to lead....or will they?

Now you got me thinking about how dark MLP:FiM REALLY is. Are all these ponies in a coma? Is Twilight just a regular girl in a coma from the 80s, dreaming about having friends and magical adventures in a nearly perfect world of super cute, open-minded ponies? 

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But what if you were having a private dream.... a dream that involved romantic times with Luna herself. And the real Luna gets angry of daring to dream such a thing about her? What would you say to her?


Something like this maybe?



But yeah, it would be a breach of personal privacy if Luna were to step into just any old dream.  But I think she "scans" the Dream Web for colts and fillies who are afraid and then homes in on them to enter their dreams.  I highly doubt that she's abusing her power to view the more lurid dreams of adults like some depraved voyeur.


Now Molestia on the other hand.....

  • Brohoof 1
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It probably is, but i don't think the thought ever even comes across the ponies' minds. I mean, she is a Princess of Equestria. They wouldnt dare to say anything to her about it.

Edited by Princess Bradley

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And if Luna enjoy seeing this kind of dream? Or if that Luna in your "romantic dream", actually is the real Princess? Who knows?  :comeatus:

Edited by RedFox
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"Thou dreams are most highly inappropriate!" 


Would be her response if she walked into a dream that was....well, out there.



Something like this maybe?


But yeah, it would be a breach of personal privacy if Luna were to step into just any old dream.  But I think she "scans" the Dream Web for colts and fillies who are afraid and then homes in on them to enter their dreams.  I highly doubt that she's abusing her power to view the more lurid dreams of adults like some depraved voyeur.


Now Molestia on the other hand.....

I like this concept of her 'scanning' for ponies in distress, since it seems often that a pony has dreams about whatever they are distressed about so this could be a good way to single them out. In that case it is not an invasion of privacy since she is there to help. Plus, she be a princess. Who can deny her?



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Well, if the dreams genuinely creeped her out I doubt she'd be that anxious to watch what your brain is firing up again. So no worries. If she does come back, she clearly can bear whatever is going on. So she can sit and watch whatever happens. 

To each their own

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Yeah, I always figured she could tell which ponies were having nightmares and focus on those dreams. Also, I am sure she fully understands that dreams run the full gamut and has probably run in to a dream or two involving a dream version of her in an "interesting situation". If it happened with me, I would simply ask her to join in ;) (ok ok, no I wouldn't, I as I do not see Luna as a being of lust I doubt I would ever have such a dream). She may run in to me and dream-Vinyl getting a little frisky tho, as I have had such dreams.

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Actually no. Luna is the Princess of the Night. The Dreamscape is her domain. Luna simply allows other ponies to explore the realm in their sleep and protect them from the native creatures that live in this realm.


When ponies dream. Luna isn't the only thing that can see the dream in question . Her own creation, the Tanibus, is an example of such a creature and even ponies themselves can create their own monsters in this realm, their fears manifesting as shadows or nightmares.


Luna will only appear to a pony in distress. just as a fearful pony might attract a nightmare, Luna in turn will pursue it into the effected dream. Luna also uses dreams as a method of granting an audience. In humans, dreams are your mind processing the days events and planning ahead. In ponies, Luna can give them advice on how to overcome their fears and sleep peacefully.


Also, Luna is 1000 years old. She has probably seen dreams worse than anything you can cook up... yes, i'm talking to you, person who is reading this comment.

  • Brohoof 2


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If we were to hold 'dream monitoring' to the same legal standards as intercepting the communications of, monitoring or otherwise spying on your own population then it would be illegal without 'good reason' (usually expressed in the form of a warrant.) Just replace 'Luna' with NSA / local equivalent and you have the current debate on privacy, with national security being rather more important than whether or not you have a bad dream (i.e. Luna has less justification for doing what she does.)




The Dreamscape is her domain.


By that argument, Google is fine reading all of your e-mails (if you use g-mail) because it is their e-mail service (same goes for any other e-mail service and its parent company.) Also, do you have a choice? Is there a 'disable royal observation' toggle available? Is it opt-in or opt-out?

  • Brohoof 3

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Luna will only appear to a pony in distress. just as a fearful pony might attract a nightmare, Luna in turn will pursue it into the effected dream. Luna also uses dreams as a method of granting an audience. In humans, dreams are your mind processing the days events and planning ahead. In ponies, Luna can give them advice on how to overcome their fears and sleep peacefully.


Also, Luna is 1000 years old. She has probably seen dreams worse than anything you can cook up... yes, i'm talking to you, person who is reading this comment.


Even if it's only dreams that are distressing that she can enter, what if said pony is distressed about having murdered or raped some other pony? Is it her business to be judge, jury, and (possibly) executioner if the deed was real and not a fantasy?


Actually, that might explain why Equestria is relatively peaceful. Who's going to want to commit a capital crime if there's a chance they'll dream about it and alert Luna to what happened? It's a quick way to earn a one-way ticket to the royal dungeon, or worse...


As for dreams that are weird or perverse but don't correspond to any real event having taken place, I agree with you there - she's been around long enough, even before being trapped in the moon - to have probably seen every weird thing imaginable and is desensitized to it. It might explain some of her standoffish personality. Who can be outgoing and friendly if they've seen the darkness that lies in many a pony's deepest thoughts?


That begs another question. If she sees some pony dreaming about highly inappropriate fantasies, does she have a duty to warn other ponies about the things she saw? Like, "Thou wouldst do best to keep thy foals away from this one." Y'know? Or is that an invasion of privacy? It's a bit like "Minority Report" I suppose, guilty before committing an actual crime.

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Her own creation, the Tanibus, is an example of such a creature and even ponies themselves can create their own monsters in this realm, their fears manifesting as shadows or nightmares.

She create it because of her alicorn magic(Magic that turn her to nightmare moon and create living shadow)




Also, Luna is 1000 years old

Doing nothing inside the moon(Sleeping since she banish inside the moon)




She has probably seen dreams worse than anything you can cook up... yes, i'm talking to you, person who is reading this comment.


The worse dream she will see is people who want her as waifu(Her fan).Also they havent invented computer yet,If she play horror game she will fear.Or read creepypasta. Also japanese horror manga(Franken fran)

Edited by Failboy4
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But yeah, it would be a breach of personal privacy if Luna were to step into just any old dream.  But I think she "scans" the Dream Web for colts and fillies who are afraid and then homes in on them to enter their dreams.  I highly doubt that she's abusing her power to view the more lurid dreams of adults like some depraved voyeur.





I like this concept of her 'scanning' for ponies in distress, since it seems often that a pony has dreams about whatever they are distressed about so this could be a good way to single them out. In that case it is not an invasion of privacy since she is there to help. Plus, she be a princess. Who can deny her?


Have either of you read The Gentle Nights: Audience of One? This is exactly how PaulAsaran portrays Luna's dreamwalking, and he does so magnificently. She sifts through magical leylines that, depending on colour, size, vibration, etc., depict the intensity and emotions of a dream. He also delves into this exact issue of ponies wanting privacy, and lashing out when they feel it has been violated.


I would certainly recommend the story.

  • Brohoof 1
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Actually no. Luna is the Princess of the Night. The Dreamscape is her domain. Luna simply allows other ponies to explore the realm in their sleep and protect them from the native creatures that live in this realm.


When ponies dream. Luna isn't the only thing that can see the dream in question . Her own creation, the Tanibus, is an example of such a creature and even ponies themselves can create their own monsters in this realm, their fears manifesting as shadows or nightmares.


Luna will only appear to a pony in distress. just as a fearful pony might attract a nightmare, Luna in turn will pursue it into the effected dream. Luna also uses dreams as a method of granting an audience. In humans, dreams are your mind processing the days events and planning ahead. In ponies, Luna can give them advice on how to overcome their fears and sleep peacefully.


Also, Luna is 1000 years old. She has probably seen dreams worse than anything you can cook up... yes, i'm talking to you, person who is reading this comment.


what if the ponies nightmare involves luna - how would luna save herself.


Also, how would luna save herself, from her own nightmare..





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By that argument, Google is fine reading all of your e-mails (if you use g-mail) because it is their e-mail service (same goes for any other e-mail service and its parent company.) Also, do you have a choice? Is there a 'disable royal observation' toggle available? Is it opt-in or opt-out?


If your using their infrastructure, they are going to need to see what people are doing with it and you should expect them to. XD


She create it because of her alicorn magic(Magic that turn her to nightmare moon and create living shadow)



But other ponies can do it too, Such as the shadow that kept granting Applebloom random cutie marks... ofc, thise enitities don' have anywhere near the power of Luna's omega-tulpa XD


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But other ponies can do it too, Such as the shadow that kept granting Applebloom random cutie marks...

No.The shadow is because Applebloom dream of it.It is not an entity.It if can manifest,then for the last 1000 year ago,why havent other pony nightmare manifest when luna is not there helping them.

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No.The shadow is because Applebloom dream of it.It is not an entity.It if can manifest,then for the last 1000 year ago,why havent other pony nightmare manifest when luna is not there helping them.



the dreamscape is a living thing. it reacts to your emotions. and it IS an entity. It manifested from applebloom and returned to her once she realised what she feared. it could be part of AB's subconsicous but in the dreamscape, those thoughts have a life of their own.


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

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Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Surely, if Luna seeing into ponies dreams is a violation of privacy, it would pale in comparison to the NSA surveillance Sunbutt has on her students (and likely everypony else), secretly watching and manipulating their entire life's events, like shown in her celestialscape, with all the screens

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