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movies/tv Cartoon Network UK censors lesbian dance scene in Steven Universe

Dark Qiviut

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Steven Universe is a great cartoon. No one can deny that. One thing it really does well is address same-sex relationships and LGBT politics.


One episode featured Rose Quartz and Pearl in a very romantic dance together. It's uncensored in America. But in Britain, Cartoon Network decided to censor the dance and any hint of lesbianism between them in a recent broadcast.


You can find the video and Polygon article here.


Here's the same video on YT (head to the 1:57 mark):


What does CN UK have to say about it?


Cartoon Network (in Europe) often shows amended versions of programs from US originals. The US broadcast system requires that shows are marked with a rating -in this case PG (parental guidance necessary). In the UK we have to ensure everything on air is suitable for kids of any age at any time. We do feel that the slightly edited version is more comfortable for local kids and their parents.


CN UK's statement to Pink News:


“We do feel that the slightly edited version is more comfortable for local kids and their parents.


“We have an ongoing dialogue with our audiences and our shows reflect their preferences. Research shows that UK kids often watch with younger siblings without parental supervision.


“Be assured that as a channel and network we celebrate diversity – evident across many of our shows and characters.”




There's nothing lewd about same-sex romance in "kids' programming," especially this one. Thousands of homosexual couples are parents of kids. To bring same-sex romance into a family show like SU (especially because SU is good and family-friendly) tells kids and gay couples, "We know you exist, and we won't hide behind the idea that they don't." There's no such thing as "just" a cartoon. Cartoons and the decisions from the higher-ups influence certain aspects of society. By going all Hasbro-on-Derpy Hooves and whitewashing this powerful scene, Cartoon Network UK panders to conservatism and enforces homophobia and sexism.


Why sexism? Because Rose kissed Greg, and CN UK wouldn't censor it if it was a male and female dancing. *sarcasm* Good going, CN UK. */sarcasm*


Your thoughts?

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 9

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I'm quite surprised of this. Seriously. Isn't this show meant for kids than 18+? Who does that? Changing the show into some R-Rated show! Well, either their must be a problem with the ideas that are coming up or that they're too lazy to realise what they've done. I'm quite disappointed of that, because I watch Steven Universe and its.. Been going downhill ever since that happened.

  • Brohoof 1
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Quite honestly I really do dislike this approach to media and most forms of censorship. Like you said there is nothing lewd in it, but this is a company that makes the rules. If this company feels it may impact their network negatively due to backlash from parents(And extremists who will use any excuse) then that is their prerogative and I can understand that. I don't like that they have to pander to those who would feel like this is damaging, lewd, or offensive to them, but unfortunately CN have to do what is needed in order to keep everything running smoothly for them.


Society will change enough given time to add in such material or material that may be perceived in a way, but right now CN is just covering all the bases and I can't fault them for that.




I'm quite surprised of this. Seriously. Isn't this show meant for kids than 18+? Who does that? Changing the show into some R-Rated show! Well, either their must be a problem with the ideas that are coming up or that they're too lazy to realise what they've done. I'm quite disappointed of that, because I watch Steven Universe and its.. Been going downhill ever since that happened.

The show is TV-PG in the US so it has to be appropriate for children younger than 14 with parental supervision.

Edited by Commissar Twilight
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Although it isn't sexism. It's homophobia.
I wouldn't exactly call this sexist.

Would they censor this scene if it was Greg and either Rose or Pearl doing the same dance together? No. This censorship isn't just homophobia. It's a combination of both.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

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Why would you remove like 3 seconds of a dance but leave in their transforming kiss?


Also I fail to see how this is sexist. You could argue that it's homophobic, but not sexist.

  • Brohoof 2


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Would they censor this scene if it was Greg and either Rose or Pearl doing the same dance together? No. This censorship isn't just homophobia. It's a combination of both.

If it were two gay males I'm pretty sure they would have censored it. It's definitely more homophobia than sexism.


Though I don't know why I'm arguing with this, it's still dumb regardless

Edited by Megas75
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Would they censor this scene if it was Greg and either Rose or Pearl doing the same dance together? No. This censorship isn't just homophobia. It's a combination of both.

Although I don't agree with you, I respect your opinion as I can see how it would be perceived that way. 

If it were two gay males I'm pretty sure they would have censored it. It's definitely more homophobia than sexism.


Though I don't know why I'm arguing with this, it's still dumb regardless

It is ridiculous either way. For a country that has legalized gay marriage, it's quite hypocritical.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm surprised they'd do something like this in the UK, seeing how that country seems to be more liberal than the US on a lot of issues. Honestly, that dance looked highly tame. I don't know why they found it "erotic" enough to replace the scenes they did.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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I'm surprised they'd do something like this in the UK, seeing how that country seems to be more liberal than the US on a lot of issues. Honestly, that dance looked highly tame. I don't know why they found it "erotic" enough to replace the scenes they did.

It was pointless and did nothing but cause criticism on the UK's part. They honestly should have known better that that. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm surprised they'd do something like this in the UK, seeing how that country seems to be more liberal than the US on a lot of issues. Honestly, that dance looked highly tame. I don't know why they found it "erotic" enough to replace the scenes they did.
It was pointless and did nothing but cause criticism on the UK's part. They honestly should have known better that that. 

It doesn't help that CN UK actively supports their decision and refuses to change their mind.


If it were two gay males I'm pretty sure they would have censored it. It's definitely more homophobia than sexism.

Also I fail to see how this is sexist. You could argue that it's homophobic, but not sexist.

What happened is definitely homophobia. My point is it's more than that. They won't censor it if the romantic dance was heterosexual. Homophobia and sexism share identical vile weapons, namely heterosexism and gender roles. CN UK uses heterosexism to whitewash the romance.


Quite honestly I really do dislike this approach to media and most forms of censorship. Like you said there is nothing lewd in it, but this is a company that makes the rules. If this company feels it may impact their network negatively due to backlash from parents(And extremists who will use any excuse) then that is their prerogative and I can understand that. I don't like that they have to pander to those who would feel like this is damaging, lewd, or offensive to them, but unfortunately CN have to do what is needed in order to keep everything running smoothly for them.


Society will change enough given time to add in such material or material that may be perceived in a way, but right now CN is just covering all the bases and I can't fault them for that.

CN makes its own rules, but not the government's content rating. The romance guideline for the UK's U-rating is as follows:

The BBFC’s ‘Universal’ rating – which Cartoon Network aims for – says: “Characters may be seen kissing or cuddling and there may be references to sexual behaviour. However, there will be no overt focus on sexual behaviour, language or innuendo.”

Pearl's and Rose's romantic dance fits within the content guideline perfectly. No mention that same-sex content violates the U rating. If anything, CN comes across as covering up its hide.

  • Brohoof 3

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It doesn't help that CN UK actively supports their decision and refuses to change their mind.


What happened is definitely homophobia. My point is it's more than that. They won't censor it if the romantic dance was heterosexual. Homophobia and sexism share identical vile weapons, namely heterosexism and gender roles. CN UK uses heterosexism to whitewash the romance.


CN makes its own rules, but not the government's content rating. The romance guideline for the UK's U-rating is as follows:

Pearl's and Rose's romantic dance fits within the content guideline perfectly. No mention that same-sex content violates the U rating. If anything, CN comes across as covering up its hide.

Indeed. Could not have said it any better.

There is a thin line between controversy and conservatism. Just as there is a thin line between intelligence and ignorance. UK is being ignorant in this instant. As well as controversial.

  • Brohoof 1
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From what I've heard, this isn't the only instance of homophobic censorship. From what I've read about this they also censored the scene where Ruby and Sapphire kiss in the episode "We Need To Talk". Not only that, but this isn't the first case of censorship of lesbian relationships under the guise of making a show "child appropriate" (*gags*). This has been going on ever since the original Sailor Moon was airing, where a lesbian relationship was written right out of the English dub (not an expert on Sailor Moon, so if anyone who sees this is feel free to weigh in). Before that, to the best of my knowledge there just wasn't anything to censor, because no one was willing to portray these kinds of relationships.


Seeing these, I can't help but wonder how they're going to handle future episodes, especially "The Answer" which focuses entirely on the blatantly romantic relationship between Ruby and Sapphire. I can't help but expect that the UK is going to get a version of Steven Universe reminiscent of what we see in Adventure Time; a narrative held back by its inability to fully address the relationship dynamics between characters because those relationships aren't seen as "appropriate" (*gagging x2*). 


This offends me as part of the queer community of course, but it also offends me as a writer and as someone who believes in creative integrity. Marring an artist's work and twisting, obscuring, or removing messages that they wanted to convey is nothing short of sick. If you don't like what someone has to say, then don't be greedy by using their work for your own profit while you mutilate it to push your own bigoted agenda. If the people running Cartoon Network's UK branch have such a huge problem with how Steven Universe depicts relationships, then they shouldn't be airing Steven Universe at all and accept the ratings tank that comes with it.

  • Brohoof 2

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This has been going on ever since the original Sailor Moon was airing, where a lesbian relationship was written right out of the English dub (not an expert on Sailor Moon, so if anyone who sees this is feel free to weigh in).

Not much of a SM expert, either, but you're right. Sailor Uranus and Neptune were an item, and Neptune flirted with Usagi. Their relationship was censored by calling them "cousins."


SM's dub isn't alone. When Helvana dubbed Cardcaptor Sakura, they censored every romantic undertone, straight and gay alike. 4Kids did the same with GX by photoshopping Yubel (season three's primary antagonist) as a female rather than a hermaphrodite.


Seeing these, I can't help but wonder how they're going to handle future episodes, especially "The Answer" which focuses entirely on the blatantly romantic relationship between Ruby and Sapphire. I can't help but expect that the UK is going to get a version of Steven Universe reminiscent of what we see in Adventure Time; a narrative held back by its inability to fully address the relationship dynamics between characters because those relationships aren't seen as "appropriate" (*gagging x2*).

I don't blame you. Why is it so good? Because it takes risks, is socially progressive, and handles it so well consistently. The Crewniverse knows what it's doing and has the freedom to work at their very best, including proving that same-sex couples and people exist and are no different than those who are cisgender and straight. The fact that the show reaches out to kids, including kids of same-sex parents, makes SU one of the most important cartoons in the 2010s.


If CN UK suddenly forces Rebecca Sugar and the rest of the Crewniverse to self-censor their content just to pander to the LCD, you'll damage so many stories and hurt millions of people.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 1

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A ton of people are accepting of gays as long as they don't "show it off" that much, which is incredibly narrow-minded; Cartoon Network UK probably predicted backlash from all the angry mothers, who live to make a big deal of everything that influences their child besides them, and chose to avoid it. 


Not defending them, though. I think it's up to companies and advertisers to cement the social changes that are made law more than anyone else. And censorship's not much of a hot topic here. Neither is privacy, unfortunately.  


I should probably watch Steven Universe, huh?  :huh:

Edited by Celestial Sloth
  • Brohoof 1

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Would they censor this scene if it was Greg and either Rose or Pearl doing the same dance together? No. This censorship isn't just homophobia. It's a combination of both.

Ok so I have to ask this,  did they censorship the one of one Connie and Steven fused?  I mean in terms,  Steven does a freaking sex change when he  fuses with Connie....

Edited by Tao


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This is such a small edit that I seriously don't even see why they did the edit in the first place. While I don't consider this to be sexism of any kind, the idea that apparently two character cannot be shown to possible love each if they are of the same gender in a cartoon like this is ridiculous. 



I know the classic argument is: "Well, it is a kids show! Showing sexuality like that is pointless in a kids show!" Nobody ever has a problem when a male and female love each in a show like this, which is shown without any problems. Only when the characters are of the same gender is when people start freaking out. It is ridiculous. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't, think it's that bad and it's a child's cartoon show, they could be following the shows classification of "no adult themes." 


Just playing devils advocate.

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I don't, think it's that bad and it's a child's cartoon show, they could be following the shows classification of "no adult themes." 


Just playing devils advocate.


If it was a straight couple kissing would it no longer classify as an "adult theme"? We've seen that happen in MLP:FiM. But no one's up in arms about that. Thus the idea is that homosexuality displayed at even equal levels as considered acceptable for straight couples in children's cartoons is considered "adult themes".


I don't like that one bit. Homophobes need to get over it. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality. Moreover, there are children that watch these cartoons who already know they're LGBT, or are in the stages of finding out. Representation is important, so they know that they're not alone in their feelings.


For goodness sake, it's just a kiss.

  • Brohoof 5

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Cartoon Network UK panders to conservatism and enforces homophobia and sexism.


They can't "enforce" anything. They are a tv network run by people who have their own political beliefs. They have no influence over the law. You are allowed to not watch Cartoon Network if you disagree with them that much.


You know what it looks like when that stuff actually Is enforced?



Edited by Aedaz

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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I don't see the reason either. It's not like a kid is going to scream in fear that 2 girls are dancing together.

But, censorship can be a funny thing. I heard that in a certain country they had to censor the bottom of shoes in DBZ because it's apparently disrespectful for women to show the bottom of their feet in that country.

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They can't "enforce" anything.

Wrong. They definitely can. Just because CN isn't enforcing the law itself doesn't mean they're not enforcing bigotry. Cartoon Network (UK) enforces blatant sexism and homophobia via heterosexism by censoring this scene. They're implicating that being gay is abnormal and don't deserve to be represented. The LGBT community deserves to be represented in a positive light, not shunned.


You are allowed to not watch Cartoon Network if you disagree with them that much.

Cartoon Network is a very accessible cable network, and they gave the Crewniverse a chance to air a very bold and progressive show. I don't know much about Great Britain's politics, but I know there's a very vocal and proud LGBT community there. It gave SU the chance to succeed, and Cartoon Network is one of two big cartoon-centric networks right now, the other being Nickelodeon.


To suggest to stay silent and back away from CN is a major copout. By shutting up, you tell the company that it's okay to censor any form of homosexual content from any show. At worst, you risk CN from other parts of the world pressuring Rebecca Sugar and the rest of her team to dumb down their content to pander to the conservative sector. To make our voices heard loudly and sharply criticize CN UK for its dangerous implications tells them what they did to the SU broadcast there is NOT okay.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

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To be honest, this leaves me more confused than angry.


Other than the fact that they only censored it in the UK, which I'm pretty sure is very pro-LGBT, out of all the things to censor for being, "too gay," why this 2 second moment. We have openly gay characters on this show who are more blatant about it and they choose this one moment. 


This just proves to me how incompetent a lot of people are with what they choose to censor. Want other examples of incompetent censorship? Try anything that 4Kids censors.

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