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S06:E07 - Newbie Dash



257 users have voted

  1. 1. Thoughts on Newbie Dash?

    • Best. Episode. EVER!
    • It was pretty great!
    • It needed to be about 20% cooler.
    • I would have preferred a 22 minute nap.
    • Worst. Episode. EVER!

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If I were to play a drinking game where I take a drink every time I see or hear the word cringe used to describe this episode, I'd be dead. Anyway, I thought the episode was, meh. Unlike some people, I actually enjoyed Rainbow Dash's impersonations of the other mane six ponies. I did agree with the comments about how it felt like they justified hazing, and I thought the ending came straight outta nowhere. This is of course, based on my first impressions though. I'm probably going to watch this episode again, not because I thought it was good, but I think I need to watch it more than once before I can give a full retrospective. Overall, based on my first impressions, I thought it was a mehpisode.

  • Brohoof 3
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The Wonderbolts are clearly a group of arrogant hot heads who don't have much respect for others

I am not disagreeing with the rest of what you said because like I said before this ep does have its problems. However I am not sure how you can say that with a straight face. It is clear the Wonderbolts greatly respect their leaders, like spitfire and Dash is included in that, I mean Dash almost worships her. They are in a somewhat competitive setting and smack talk is part of these dynamics. I remember when i played sports and people would always through around a little smack talk. They all clearly love each other and have the utmost respect for each other.

Credit to Kiki


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I really liked this one. It was a bit like Rainbow Dash's version of "Canterlot Boutique" where Rainbow Dash isn't totally happy about where her dream has led her. It was interesting to see Rainbow Dash adjust to being "One of the many" instead of always being "the best". The Wonderbolts seem in character when compared to their other episodes. This episode also might explain why Spitfire had wanted Rainbow Dash to push herself harder in "Wonderbolt Academy" Spitfire knew what Rainbow Dash was getting herself into. This episode was a bit like a reality check for Rainbow Dash. A lot of the parts about them calling her "Rainbow Crash" were painful to watch. I felt really sorry for her especially in the flashback. That flashback explains why Rainbow Dash tried to help Fluttershy and Gilda with the bullies in flight school. What happened to Rainbow Dash in this episode reminds me of a talk I had with someone who was bullied for being a diabetic. He told me that his overblown personality was a defense mechanism to hide his pain. I think Rainbow Dash did what she did for the same reasons. It was so freakin hilarious to see Rainbow Dash imitate the other mane 5 including their entire body language LOL. Rainbow Dash doing AJ was particularly funny because I wondered how Ball pulled that off so flawlessly. I like how this episode says a lot about bullying without making it a preachy, "Don't offend people with your words" speech lesson because it is the intent of the words that matters more than the word itself. The Wonderbolts all own their little nicknames and in today's society this is sorely needed. I liked what they did with Scootaloo in this episode. It was also nice to see Twilight's advice to Rainbow backfire a bit for once. 

  • Brohoof 2

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To be fair, the audience responded favorably when they had Ball do it last season. File this under the whole 'more is better' mentality I suppose.

We can make a guess by when it was finalized. Was this scene written in before or after Griffonstone aired, we don't know yet.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Just started watching the imitation scene.




A good idea on paper doesn't mean it's good in practice.

You have to admit though that Twilight in book form in the Griffonstone ep. was good though ^_^


  • Brohoof 1



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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They all clearly love each other and have the utmost respect for each other.


There was nothing clear about that until the very end. Maybe the episode was trying to be ironic or maybe Dashie didn't actually mind the hazing the whole time, but to me, it didn't make sense.

  • Brohoof 2



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You have to admit though that Twilight in book form in the Griffonstone ep. was good though ^_^


That joke worked there because she did it with some agitation. Here, she did it to try and hide her hurt feelings.

  • Brohoof 1

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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There was nothing clear about that until the very end. Maybe the episode was trying to be ironic or maybe Dashie didn't actually mind the hazing the whole time, but to me, it didn't make sense.

I have to fervently disagree, but I guess that is part of the fun we all have our own opinions. Perhaps it is just because I have been in situations like this, so I have a different point of view.

Credit to Kiki


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This episode could be considered "Equestria Games - Rainbow Dash Edition". Ironically, she featured in that episode as well, considering she was team captain there.


  • Rainbow gets her moment.
  • Rainbow screws up.
  • Rainbow spends the rest of the episode trying to come up with a way to erase her embarrassment.
  • Rainbow's solution causes the most cringeworthy moment ever.
  • Rainbow gives up.


Replace "Rainbow" with "Spike" and you pretty much have the plot for "Equestria Games", except "EG" had more feels. Here, they replaced some of EG's more touching moments with the mimicking gag in the middle.



Since "Equestria Games" has slowly bubbled up to the top of my list of favorite episodes, I really can't fault this one because of the cringeworthy moments. I do agree the Wonderbolts were kind of tough on Dash, but not so much it was out-of-character. Dash's troubles with trying to fit in made sense to me so she wasn't OOC, either.


In fact I feel like everyone was more in-character in this episode than they were in "No Second Prances," so I liked this episode better. Amazingly, "Gauntlet of Fire" is still the best episode of the season, despite it's fluffy no-one-was-ever-in-danger feeling.


I can already see this episode is stirring up a lot of debate, much like "Equestria Games" did. Though for "EG" for the viewers who hate it, half was for Spike's cringy anthem, and the other was for it not being about the games.



Side note: When Dash was acting like Rarity in front of Soarin', I soooooo wanted her to brush his chin like Rarity did to that delivery pony in "Canterlot Boutique" and have Soarin' blush.


But that's just me.  :wub:

  • Brohoof 1

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Just started watching the imitation scene.




A good idea on paper doesn't mean it's good in practice.


Not to mention that scene was the very definition of pointless filler. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Not to mention that scene was the very definition of pointless filler. 

I don't know if it was filler, but the "joke" was a big blunder here.

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Um, Dash? Ships aren't all that fast, so calling Soarin as fast as a ship isn't exactly a compliment.

  • Brohoof 2

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I may have to rewatch it again, but I never really got a sense of bullying watching the episode. Apart from teasing early in the episode, a lot of the times they used her name it just seems amplified because the particular name they used struck a chord with her personally it was mostly and her trying her damndest to get rid of it. Hell there was a scene shortly before the first act ended where Fleetfoot used the name in a rather friendly manner implying that it was just a normal thing(and I remember Spitfire using Soarin's nickname "Clippy" earlier)

Edited by Megas
  • Brohoof 3
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I don't know if it was filler, but the "joke" was a big blunder here.


I'd say it's filler because we know right from the start that none of her imitations will be well-received, and will only serve the purpose of digging her hole even deeper. 


The scene obviously accomplishes nothing else, and yes, the joke falls so insanely flat that it may as well not have even been attempted at all. 

  • Brohoof 5
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Well, I liked it! Good character development for Rainbow Dash! Also, as a future teacher, I definitely liked the message about how much expectations (and name calling) can affect one's ability to perform. In teaching we call it the Pygmalion Effect and it's definitely a real thing. Once others expect you to fail, it's hard to get your own confidence back, even if, like Rainbow Dash, you are really capable. I also like Rainbow Dash taking full responsibility at the end and the Wonderbolts being revealed as not-quite-assholes for once. Rainbow acting like the other Mane Six was pretty funny, too.  On the other hand, I still don't really get why Rainbow Dash wants to be a Wonderbolt. They've been proven time and time again to be disappointing. Oh well.


One thing I wondered about though was Starlight's absence all episode. I mean, they could've had her show up to the event if nothing else. I wonder if that means she and Rainbow Dash aren't really friends. If so, I hope this is addressed. Or else, maybe the writers just forgot about her. Eh.

Edited by Carolina
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I liked it! Good character development for Rainbow Dash! Also, as a future teacher, I definitely liked the message about how much expectations (and name calling) can affect one's ability to perform. In teaching we call it the Pygmalion Effect and it's definitely a real thing. Once others expect you to fail, it's hard to get your own confidence back, even if, like Rainbow Dash, you are really capable. I also like Rainbow Dash taking full responsibility at the end and the Wonderbolts being revealed as not-quite-assholes for once. Rainbow acting like the other Mane Six was pretty funny, too.


One thing I wondered about though was Starlight's absence all episode. I mean, they could've had her show up to the event if nothing else. I wonder if that means she and Rainbow Dash aren't really friends. If so, I hope this is addressed. Or else, maybe the writers just forgot about her. Eh.

Starlight was supposed to show up.. but she blew it off to spend the day with Trixie. :P

  • Brohoof 1


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Um, Dash? Ships aren't all that fast, so calling Soarin as fast as a ship isn't exactly a compliment.


In Ye Olden Times, Clippers were actually some of the fastest ships of the era. While not as fast as a pegasus, of course, they're probably the fastest ships of Equestria's navy. (World building moment - Equestrian Navy confirmed!) Although I guess we kinda already saw ships in the Sombra war alternative timeline.



One thing I wondered about though was Starlight's absence all episode. I mean, they could've had her show up to the event if nothing else. I wonder if that means she and Rainbow Dash aren't really friends. If so, I hope this is addressed. Or else, maybe the writers just forgot about her. Eh.


Good point. I kind of forgot about her as well. You're right though that she should have been in the episode for this moment. I could make something up and say she was off touring with Trixie, but it's not a very satisfying explanation.

  • Brohoof 1

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Don't know why everyone is so angry about Rainbow's impressions, but...the episode got a bit intense and got under my skin when they kept teasing her. There wasn't even a lesson about bullying or teasing harshly, she just sat back and took it and waited for them to explain themselves - which didn't happen until after an accident. :dry: Felt a bit of contempt for the Wonderbolts and their massive disrespect.

  • Brohoof 1
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That was a surprisingly solid episode for me personally. A good start for this new writer IMHO. There were some cringey moments, but at the same time I couldn't stop watching either, meaning the episode did something right. I liked how it gave further insight in the life and traditions of the wonderbolts and the ending itself was solid.


Rainbow imitating her friends was something...special. But at the same time I couldn't stop watching.


I especially liked how Rainbow Dash admitted her mistakes and would accept her punishment, as well as Rainbow being recognized as one of the heroes for having saved Equestria multiple times. That was a very nice touch.

Edited by JH24
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-- completely nonsensical moments like her impersonating the others. That part was embarrassing because it made no sense. What exactly would her being like the others accomplish again? It could have been cute, but instead it was undoubtedly awkward and served no purpose. 


-- Rainbow Dash doesn't seem like much of a leader in the group as I would have hoped. Instead, we have the team that treated her badly and she is all fine with that and will go on with them.


-- Then there was the whole stunt she did at the end. Just...why? SHE CAN DO RAINBOOMS. Why the hell would she need to go insane like that?



I just cannot like this episode. I seriously hope my tone changes upon a second viewing but it is doubtful. This actually has me feeling down now. 


Rainbow Dash has always been an interesting character to me, not because she is "flashy and cool" but because there seems to quite a bit more going on as to why she is how she is. Psychology/Sociology has always been interesting to me and I've had to take quite a bit of it as a Criminal Justice major. The main thing I've gotten out of it is that I'm less harsh on judging people. They are probably some of the most useful classes I've taken. Why people are how they are and why society is how it is.


What I've seen is that when something causes Dash anxiety/ damage to her reputation/ or goes out of her control, she is quick to jump on the spazz train. Her impulsiveness goes up and forethought goes out the window. Imitating her friends made sense to her in the moment. What was she actually trying to do? Spur of the moment idea for damage control? Only Dash knows. ^_^


As for going along with the group after they treat her badly- Unfortunately the real world has quite a few of what I like to call "kindergarten failures" and you just have to deal with it. Is it a good thing, no, but it is what it is. A lot of people are just jerks.


The "stunt" at the end was just supposed to be a lightning bolt going off as Rainbow Dash flew by. She just doesn't know what went wrong... :muffins::smug:

Edited by Cirrus.
  • Brohoof 4



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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Welp, this is not the worst episode I've seen, but I can certainly understand why hardcore Dash fans especially might think so. A couple of highlight moments:


The way Dash acted for much of the episode seems to suggest that she has once again forgotten some of the lessons she has learned in previous outings. Her ego is on full force at the beginning, and again it is treated with disdain even though the Wonderbolts themselves have repeatedly shown acts of egotism and self-serving behavior in the past. To suddenly have them chastise her for acting unprofessionally is a more than a little hypocritical coming from them at this point, especially when they twist the knife by slapping her with derogatory nickname, without explaining to her that this is in fact standard practice for every Wonderbolt. Dash rightfully assumes that she is being victimized, resulting in her pulling a dangerous stunt in attempt to regain some respect. Poor communication is the real culprit here, and that's a pretty serious problem for an elite squadron like the Wonderbolts to be having.


I'm gonna admit, her impersonations of the other 5 gave me a little chuckle, but it was a pretty pointless attempt to get a cheap laugh. :dry:


The resolve at the end was also rushed. Okay, I know they only have 22 or so minutes to tell the story, but it really highlights the problem that this whole plot could've likely been avoided had the Wonderbolts just explained all this to Dash right from the off. It's a poor writing technique and makes the whole episode feel very contrived and set up. Certainly doesn't do that new writer any favors.


It was nice to see further into the inner working of the Wonderbolts (and to see Spitfire get some more screen time!), but I personally feel as though there was a lot of squandered potential here. Unnecessary comedic elements took precedence over a good scenario and a potentially good moral (that even the most skilled of us can still screw up, and you shouldn't let them get to you). But overall, it was still fun to see Dash finally get the chance of her dreams.


Not a bad episode; let it pass.

  • Brohoof 1

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In Ye Olden Times, Clippers were actually some of the fastest ships of the era. While not as fast as a pegasus, of course, they're probably the fastest ships of Equestria's navy. (World building moment - Equestrian Navy confirmed!) Although I guess we kinda already saw ships in the Sombra war alternative timeline.




Good point. I kind of forgot about her as well. You're right though that she should have been in the episode for this moment. I could make something up and say she was off touring with Trixie, but it's not a very satisfying explanation.

The highest recorded speed of a sailing ship was 22 knots. (roughly 25.3171 miles per hour) That's actually still very slow.

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There was nothing clear about that until the very end. Maybe the episode was trying to be ironic or maybe Dashie didn't actually mind the hazing the whole time, but to me, it didn't make sense.


I think this episode's goal is to show that bullying/hazing is bad, and that you just don't know what can REALLY affect someone.


As an audience WE all know the significance of calling Dash the name Rainbow Crash. The Wonderbolts probably don't know of her previous bad time at flight camp. It may have been just the team having a "fun time" razzing/hazing her, but for her it was a BIG deal, and she believed they really thought she was a moron. Something like Hazing can really affect someone in a bad way.


Once Rainbow Dash found out that they really didn't think she was a moron, she was happy and didn't even care that she had to be the new janitor for a while.


I don't see this episode as condoning bullying/hazing at all, It shows the negative effect it can have on a victim.

I think this was an OK episode, but you kind of have to think about what was actually going on too hard. I think I definitely need to watch it again when it's up on YouTube.

Edited by Cirrus.



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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