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gaming Best game intros?

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My candidates:


Final Fantasy X: Kind of narm, but still well put together. It's kind of weird how it goes through about halfway before you get to the title screen, and then goes through once you start the game. W/e


Shenmue: FATHER! NOOOOOOO! Jokes aside, this is probably the most cinematic intro I've seen yet. And in the actually good way, not 30fps garbage.


Fallout: Easily the best, by a faaaaaar margin. Excellent music, excellent visuals (I'm a sucker for late 90s pre-rendered 3D), and manages to be short and to-the-point while also giving you plenty of information about the world and its circumstances. Must see:


  • Brohoof 3


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MGS3 and Final Fantasy VIII. Nothing can beat Liberi Fatali and Snake Eater



Edited by Megas
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This game's intro gets me hyped for adventure every time I watch it.



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Nier's intro was amazing. Whether we're talking about the scene that plays as you turn on the console or the entire first sequence that game had me hooked.


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If we're talking about opening cutscenes, Silent Hill 2 has a fantastic opening that really sets the tone for the entire game. Silent Hill 2 overall is a masterpiece. 


If we're talking opening sequences of actual gameplay, Mega Man X. It is an incredibly well designed tutorial that teaches you to play the game in an exciting and intuitive manner. I would recommend watching Egoraptor's Sequelitis on this for a better explanation.

  • Brohoof 1
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Uncharted 2, to me, has the greatest introduction of all time. Seriously, you are playing as Drake on the side of a snowy mountain with a bullet wound in your side, hanging form a train car where was slip will make him fall to his death. That is how you get the player on the edge of their seat right away, and that is the tutorial!

  • Brohoof 3



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Most Fallouts.



Killzone 2 intro, mostly first part of it (Visari Speech) I just find it kinda epic and it's first game intro that has given me goose bumps.

  • Brohoof 1


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Metroid Prime- explore a cool frigate, escape, oh NOW YOU'RE ON AN EVEN COOLER PLANET

Resident Evil 4- hey sir you seen dis gurl 'Nah I'm gon try to kill ya (rough Spanish translation) and so will erryone else' oh a cabin OH A CHAIN SAW

Xenoblade Chronicles- sets up the world with both showing AND telling how it came to be as it is now, and then gets you right into the man vs machine war, which I find to be a beautiful contrast to what the rest of the game is like

Dark Souls- kickass metal-as-heck lore dump intro telling you who you gotta fight, and then the Undead Asylum will tell you how it's gonna be right away, with HARD AND FAST LESSONS, and you either accept it or you don't, if you can even make it out through these challenges.

Bayonetta 1&2- possibly the most gameplay centric intros I've ever seen in a cinematic action game, dumping you right into a random fight with little context other than a narration dump playing over probably the best music in both games, followed by a real prologue chapter that surpasses the intro in awesomeness (especially Bayo 2's).

I mean, a lot of games' intros aren't half bad cuz they gotta sell it to you but these stick out most to me. :D


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Opening cutscene - hmm....um....  maybe Final Fantasy VII or VIII.


Gameplay - God of War III.  I absolutely love how that game begins--how there's no break whatsoever between 2 & 3.  If you finish 2 and immediately pop in 3 in the same sitting (which I often do), then it just feels like the same game, but suddenly with much better graphics.  I love how they throw you into the Poseiden fight immediately.  No tutorial, no warm up, no nothing.  Just here you go, right out of the gate.  Kill Poseiden.  Don't know how to play?  Too bad.  You shouldn't be here, then.  Go back to 1.  I like games like that.  God of War III is probably my favorite game of all time, actually.


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Hooves down, the absolute best intro to any game ever.... And if you disagree with me, there's only one way to settle it....



... Fox only, Final Destination, No items.

  • Brohoof 2

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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Wild Arms.  No contest.  The opening sequence does its job perfectly, introducing you to the wild west and fantasy theme of the JRPG in just the first few seconds.  From there, the song and visuals cradle you, preparing you for the wonders ahead.



Then you start playing the game.  You get a feel for the characters, learn of their goals, their hopes, their dreams.  Then, just as they unite and you settle in for a fun ride, the game hits you with a curve ball by killing off a secondary character, starting a war, and thrusting you against the first real hurdle of the game...  Then you get a cutscene with the credits.




Keep in mind this is 20 years ago when Western video games are still expected to be on the short side, an hour or two of play time and you're done.  I still remember 9 year old me sitting there with my friends and thinking that this was the end of the game; that we saw all we're going to get and have to wait for a sequel to continue the story teased to us.


Then, just as we're about to shut the game off in disappointment that we would have to wait for more, the funeral march finishes and the cutscene ends.  Wait, what?  We get MORE gameplay?  Oh, yes, my young self.  You're in for some 40 more hours of Wild Arms.  Buckle that seat belt.



[incoming rant]

In my opinion it is a crime that the Wild Arms franchise never became near as popular as Final Fantasy.  The characters in Wild Arms in the PSX and PS2 eras were more engaging and likeable than the emo schtick Final Fantasy was doing.  I remember Clive and his family from the third game, I remember Celia the sorceress and her troubles at the college, Rudy and how he was thrown out of the town that took him in because he used violence to save a child, Greg and the impossible physics of his Stetson, Yulie's dreams of becoming a teacher.  I remember Victoria's upbeat attitude to convince her fellow adventurers to bind together to try to save the world of Filgaia because no one else would.  I remember the demon invaders of the tower of Ka Dingle.  I remember the last elf child as she desperately clings to the small garden she has in an effort to preserve flowers as the world slowly dies.


Each game built on the previous as your party each time tried to help save the fantasy dying world slowly turning into a desert wild west wasteland (by the third game the oceans are gone, replaced with seas of quicksand, and water is becoming scarce).  After the first, the games were given multiple opening themes that would show more key scenes you played through, almost as if the key events were finales to a season of a show, and next time you booted the game up you were starting a new season.  Guns and machines slowly take over from game to game, becoming more and more common as magic becomes less and less.  You can't help but feel sorry for Filgaia as the fantastic elements of magic and mystery start to fade.  You can't help but become rallied with the adventurers as they set out on their journey.

[end rant]


For those of you that survived the rant, have some Advanced Wind from the 3rd Wild Arms.

For anyone wanting to make use of my character in their roleplaying, <a href='http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/synth-tannin-r8033'class='bbc_url' title=''>here</a> is his info.

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I dont know if they count, but i like the Silent Hill Music Video Intros.


There is one in SIlent Hill 1, a better one in Silent Hill 3, because this time its an actual song with Lyrics and there is a cool Video at the beginning from Silent Hill 4.

I dont think Silent Hill Origins and Shattered Memories had one and Silent Hill 2 doesnt even have a real Intro Cut Scene. Well, except for the few seconds at the beginning, where you stare at a Mirror...and thats pretty much it.


Other than that...i think the Opening from Obscure was also cool and i like the Intro Animations from the Final Fantasy Origins remakes of FF1 and FF2.


Thats all i can think off.


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There's a lot of good ones, but I'll name a couple that no one else probably would.


I like how it shows the evolution of racing vehicles:


This one kind of gives me the chills:


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Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

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Hmm, I don't know. Several people have already said Fallout, but I would maybe go with that.


I really liked the intro to Assassins Creed Black Flag. The whole pirate battle in a storm. Shipwrecked pirate who meets an assassin. i enjoyed that.


GTA 5 also had a cool opening. The prologue mission and the way it smoothly transitioned from Michael to Franklin. Very well done. 


Borderlands also had a pretty cool intro. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Ya'll forget inFamous 1, pretty much the coolest intro in my opinion. A nice quiet day, the press start button on the top, the inFamous title just below that. You press start then BOOOOOOM! The story starts. It surprised me when it first came out. Sucker Punch makes some pretty awesome games.


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you also include intro sequences (not just the music and whatnot) then Last of Us had an incredible opening where you're introduced to a younger Joel, his daughter and his brother as the world starts to crumble under the spore infection. The whole sequence is pretty amazing.

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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