Truffles 2,033 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 See, this is what I like about you. You often seem to have a way of tempering my point of view, and looking at it another way that sort of makes me feel better. In this case, that sentence you wrote about not having a show bible makes me feel a bit better about this brother situation. Not a lot, but a bit. Thanks! Glad I could be of a bit of a help. I think it's fine to vent about issues in the episodes. I guess in this particular episode there weren't any triggers for me - although Zephyr's treatment of Rainbow and Spike come close. Especially Rainbow. Spike at least looked happy: Only Spike could make the mundane task of cleaning windows look totally adorable! Oh, I'm pretty sure he can see that's she's female every time she turns around. LOL. Yeah, I was stretching believability a bit to allow for the sake of argument of whether he could be gay and still be interested in Rainbow. But yeah... Considering he's supposedly been acting that way with her since they were both foals, he must know Rainbow's a she. Hmm, if she's been getting hit on since then, it might explain why she gave time-traveling Twilight that uncomfortable look back at flight camp: "Oh great, it's bad enough that Fluttershy's baby brother is giving me the goo-goo eyes, now I've got an alicorn who's hitting on me, too! That's it - I'm outta here!" 1 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PittyPaws 118 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I know this is going to sound strange, but when I saw this episode I was reminded of all those Doctor Phil episodes where someone is mooching off someone else and won't move out. Still it was nice to finally get to see Fluttershy's parents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Music Chart Fan 819 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Overall, this episode was very difficult to sit through, and one I have no desire to see again. Of course, the biggest issue is that Zephyr is so over-the-top entitled, self-absorbed, and annoying that I have zero sympathy for him. I'm astounded that his family (and Rainbow Dash) have continued to put up with him and his attitude for so long, and I don't like any instance of them praising or encouraging Zephyr, since it doesn't feel like he deserves it. This episode wants us to believe that Zephyr's issue is a fear of failure, but I just don't buy it - nothing in the episode prior to that revelation gives any indication of that. The episode also tries to show him on the path of "reformation" and supposedly learning to finish things, but I don't really believe it, and in any case, I just don't care. It might be nice to see Fluttershy take charge and stand up for herself and her parents, but it's just not worth it to have to sit through Zephyr's antics. I'll probably end up reiterating what other posters have said below. I can't go through and catalog everything that Zephyr does to make the audience hate him - from taking advantage of his parents' kindness and meekness to his slimy and creepy "flirting" with Rainbow Dash - but I'll point some of the more baffling and egregious things I noticed. First there's Zephyr's ignorance of, or brushing off, how others are reacting to him. There are so many times with Zephyr when everyone else has pained or exasperated looks on their faces, and they clearly aren't saying or doing anything to indicate interest, and yet he keeps plowing forward. If he even acknowledges others' reactions, it's mostly to be shocked and disappointed that they don't pay more attention to him. To give one example, at Fluttershy's parents' house, Rainbow Dash is deliberately ignoring Zephyr to read her Daring Do book, and even shoves him off the couch, clearly not interested in his self-absorbed ramblings or his advances, but Zephyr just can't take a hint. Although, who knows, Zephyr probably believes that Rainbow is "playing hard to get" or something. At both his parents' house and Fluttershy's house, Zephyr feels free to rearrange the furniture, put posters of himself on the walls and his knickknacks everywhere, and shove aside, break, or throw away things that he doesn't care about (especially his dad's prized cloud collection). And he either does this by pushing his parents around, or in some cases, without even asking for permission at all. Where does he think he gets the prerogative to do all this? He's living in their houses at their pleasure, and as the property owners, they get to set the rules and put their belongings where they want. But of course, it seems that he'll do whatever he wants with no consideration to his parents or Fluttershy if no one stops him, and often no one does. When Zephyr is pushed to move out of his parents' house, he says that moving out isn't "what Mom and Dad would want" and that he really just came back to keep them company, but of course, his actions obviously are at odds with that. Unfortunately, such transparent and blatantly false emotional manipulation has apparently worked up to this point. Of course, getting kicked out of his parents' house or Fluttershy's house later ought to prompt some self-reflection about the way he's acted to cause that to happen. If he has nowhere else to go, maybe that's a sign that he's so entitled and self-absorbed that no one else wants to do him a favor and allow him to live with them. And when Zephyr does move out of his parents' house, he simply goes to Fluttershy's house and immediately announces that he's her new roommate - no pretense of even asking her or acknowledging that allowing that is a favor to him. But again, he's probably expecting that she wouldn't even dare to say "no". And throughout the episode, Zephyr talks repeatedly about his need "to be me", and how others should support that, but he's not the center of the universe, and he's not entitled to live off of others. If his "being me" gets in the way of supporting himself or being a productive member of society, then "being me" has to be lower priority. As mentioned above, the episode wants us to believe that Zephyr's problem is that he fears failure, and failure feels bad, so he just doesn't apply himself and finish, or even start, things that he should be able to do. But I see no indication of this fear of failure in his actions in the episode up to that point, particularly with the jobs he's given by other members of the Mane Six. When Rarity gives Zephyr the task of dyeing fabric and he instead lets a bunch of animals make a mess of the place, he's totally shameless about the fact that he didn't do the job as requested, and he even expects praise for not doing so. Where is the supposed fear of failure here? Or at Twilight's castle, Zephyr is again totally shameless about taking credit for what was 100% Spike's work, and when it's discovered that Spike did all the work, Zephyr knows he's busted and runs away. Only afterward does he even try to pretend that he just wanted to do the job right, and that's an obvious excuse for not doing any work himself. So again, he acts less like he fears failing and more as though he's just never had to commit to any serious task in his life. And so he weasels out of doing these tasks, too, simply because he doesn't want to do them and believes he can get away with not doing them. Finally, even by the end of the episode, when Zephyr is supposedly learning to finish things and has completed mane therapy training, he still retains his obnoxious self-flattering attitude. Only after being glowered at by Fluttershy and Rainbow does he realize to temper his annoyingly self-praising statements. So I think he still has a long way to go before becoming actually likable. Now for a handful of other miscellaneous observations: Rainbow Dash says at the beginning of the episode that "it's great to get a chance to relax someplace quiet" at Fluttershy's parents' house, but wouldn't Rainbow's own house be someplace quiet to relax? As far as we know, only Rainbow and Tank live there. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly right by Pinkie on the ground, even as she's calling to them. Maybe they legitimately didn't notice her, but maybe they were thinking "I don't want to deal with Pinkie's antics right now" and deliberately ignored her in the hopes that she would drop it and leave them alone. I probably would do that if I were in their position. It's a bit strange that Fluttershy keeps blushing and smiling nervously when Zephyr doesn't do his assigned tasks. Did Fluttershy not tell Rarity, Twilight, etc. about Zephyr's lack of work ethic or consideration for others when asking them to give him tasks to do? Is it just that the end results were even worse than they were led to believe? Did Fluttershy preemptively take full responsibility for Zephyr's actions or something? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScarfaceOne 263 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Zephyr slightly reminds me of Vamp or Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear. Actually, the hairstyle and everything. The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Especially since some of the other Mane Six already seem to know him (namely, Rainbow Dash). We seem to have some indication as to why Rainbow might not have mentioned him before. But like I said, I decided to accept how they produce the show that way, so it is what it is. So much me. There may be things I don't like that happen in the show but it's rare for me to really be upset because I don't get rubbed the wrong way when they do something that goes against my preconceptions. The few times I am upset by something it has to do with some episode moral I don't think was right or perhaps was just not well executed. Never has an episode of the show taught me a new word, aside from the fancy words rarity uses. but I can never pronounce those. And that's perfectly natural. *pets* But we did get a cool new word for this episode. "Peeved." Just be sure not to use it in the presence of young foals. Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 It was okay, her brother reminded me of myself. Fluttershy was pretty assertive, suppose it's been a while since she was that much assertive either way finally a Fluttershy episode so that is good I enjoyed it. DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazy Skies 1,010 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I really didn't take to kindly to this episode.. Though i guess that 1 pretty bad main episode out of 9 is pretty good for season 6 in general.. Now on to the things i hat- errm.. I mean "really really really really really disliked" about it.. Zephyr was very unlike-able, selfish, inconsiderate and obnoxious to me.. Even at the end it didn't seem like he changed much in that regard.. Fluttershy was grumpy and stern for (almost) the entire episode.. Seeing Fluttershy like this after not seeing her in her own episode for so long time is very disappointing.. Once again we get another "sibling that is very opposing in personality to the other" cliche.. Though ironically Maud is one of my most favorite ponies whilst Zeph is probably my least favorite pony after seeing and getting to know him.. We didn't really get to see many new and different places, apart from Fluttershy's parents' place.. The plot was pretty lame and uninteresting.. Just "take Zeph ot this place, try and get him to work.. Then he finds a way to get out of it and not work.." over and over.. Poor Mr. and Mrs. Shy.. Having to deal with their son being arrogant, disrespectful and letting him walk all over them.. and we thought FLUTTERSHY was a doormat at the start of "Putting your hoof down" way back in season 2.. Were we even told what Fluttershy's parents' actual names are? I don't think we were.. ... Another disappointment.. Though no episode is without even a tiny speck of good parts.. such as: Mr. Shy's cloud collection was cool, it'd seem like a fun hobby collection to have ^-^ I now have a pony on my list that I actually genuinely dislike.. Wait.. how is THAT a good thing? Fluttershy's smaller than her bigger brother, yet she's still the "Big sister" due to age.. Hahaha, the irony But yeah.. There's my little rant, other opinions and insights to the episode that I didn't really like so much.. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 This episode was just absolutely amazing. It's great seeing Fluttershy's parents and her brother, Zephyr Breeze. I do wonder what the parents names are though. Fluttershy's stern behavior to her brother was something to see and was interesting as well. She doesn't really act that way to her friends and it felt like a nice representation on how siblings behave to one another. The jokes and references were very well done and enjoyable to watch. I really could relate to Zephyr on the fear of failing and I liked how the episode handled this lesson pretty well. The song came out of nowhere, but it was really good and pretty catchy to listen to, in my opinion. All in all this episode was such an awesome episode to watch. This has to be my favorite Fluttershy episode and my favorite episode of season 6 so far. This was a pretty great episode in my opinion as well. Great individual episode for Fluttershy, and nice to see her family at long last after not seeing them for so many seasons already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VengefulStrudel 1,495 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I thought this one was alright, my peeve with it was that Zephyr was too annoying, though that was the point. Speaking of peeves, I loved those 2 moments with Fluttershy 'swearing'. xD I loved that mare's "seriously? you did it again?" face the second time it happened, haha. I really liked that Fluttershy was much bolder than usual! I was expecting her to be a doormat for Zephyr, and learn the "be more confident" moral again, really glad to see that wasn't the case. And even then, she still retained her timid and shy characteristics too. I'd love to see her portrayed like that again in the future. <3 Dashie's reactions to the idea that she was into Zephyr were priceless too, especially the last one. x) Overall I enjoyed it, apart from Zephyr, but he did have some cute interactions with his sis~ 1 Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I really liked this episode, first and foremost it finally gave Fluttershy a family! But it also came with a really really important lesson, especially for some people in today's society where some are reluctant to do anything: It's ok to fail, it's important to keep trying, and determination can make a world of difference. A lesson like that really speaks to me. Zephyr Breeze was pretty annoying, but I'm glad he was finally able to get off of his lazy ass and do something. I felt Fluttershy felt out of character at first, but then I realized she's probably dealt with this for years, and is embarrassed about it. I actually like that Zephyr has a thing for Rainbow Dash, and the fact his parents think it too is pretty funny. Fluttershy's parents were interesting, her mom was cute though! All in all, I enjoyed this episode a lot. We got new interesting characters, a song, and an important lesson. Rainbow Dash is so cute when she's teased like that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 SWEET CELESTIA!!! This episode was just AMAZING!! Fluttershy was grown so much to be able to stand up and take charge for her parents. She's able to firmly tell Zephyr breeze to get a job and even kick him out when he can't get one. Later, she realizes that she doesn't want him to be homeless and she takes him back and even helps him gets his career back on track. She is just.... The best big sister EVER!!!!! Rainbow dash was a fantastic support in this one. Fluttershy usually works well as Rainbow's support, so I was happy to see that it worked just as well the other way around. Also, the song was awesome as always. As someone who is just staring to look for jobs, this episode really hit home for me. Overall, I would definitely list this as my new favorite Season 6 episode. Definitely the magnum opus of this season. Side notes: - Fluttershy's parents are even more shy and less assertive than she usually is. Also, Her mom is adorable. - Zephyr Breeze is hilarious. He kind of reminded me of Kovu's older brother from The Lion King 2. - I just LOVED the way they handled Rainbow's relationship with Fluttershy's family, they are childhood friends after all. Also, the way Zephyr flirted with her was pretty funny. - My only gripe with this episode: NO STARLIGHT. D: I have to admit, I was happy to see one of the Mane Six as the older sibling for once and glad to see Fluttershy help her younger brother out of his rut and on the road to a great career. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jangocoolguy 433 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 A cute episode. Nice to see Fluttershy ep that DOESN'T have her overcoming a fear or issue. Plus, she seems to have come a long way. Though her family was completely different from how I thought they'd be (though how I thought they'd be is wholly inappropriate for this show anyway <img title=":P" class="bbc_emoticon" src=""data-cke-saved-src="" /> ). In fact, if I didn't know better I'd almost think that Mrs. Shy was a Pegasus version of Posy... <img title=":huh:" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" /><br /><br />Thing about Zephyr is that he was meant to be the opposite of Fluttershy, much like how Maud is the opposite of Pinkie. Sure, he was an annoying douche, but that was the whole idea; whereas Fluttershy is thoughtful and considerate (sometimes a bit too much), Zephyr was completely apathic and selfish. His element would be Apathy (or at least Douchebaggery), if you will. (What's next, Rarity having a retconny sibling who's to total slob? <img title=":confused:" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" /> ). Though I must admit that him not trying because of fear of failure is a flimsy excuse. Then again, it's something I don't think I could relate to to begin with, so that may just be over my head.<br /><br />Also liked how the other 5 were handled in this episode, even when they had small roles. (Who else wishes Zephyr had tried working on Sweet Apple Acres? Boy that would've been a hoot! <img title=":lol:" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" /> ). And does any else just LOVE how Pinkie has many photos of one-shot/minor characters in her wallet? <img title=":D" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" /><br /><br />So while I find its moral somewhat questionable because of Zephyr's behavior throughout (didn't really care for the song either), at least it was still enjoyable and entertaining <img title=":)" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" />. And that's what really matters.<br /><br />Now if Dash would only pony up and tell Fluttershy's family the team she's really playing for... <img title=";)" class="bbc_emoticon" src="" data-cke-saved-src="" /><br /><br /><br /><br /> "It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!" How do you think WE feel?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babyyoshi309 1,829 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Uhm, I think you mistook who I was writing about . I meant Dinky's mom who's an earth pony @Steve Piranha I apologize. I thought you were talking about Fluttershy's mom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,863 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 well, I stopped watching MLP a while ago.. but my friends got me to watch this episode.I'm honestly so glad they did! 0:Zephyr Breeze was just awesome. A lot of people say they didn't like him, but I found his mega-confidence and his actions really amusing. His design as well was great! I guess a big part of why I liked this episode was because I really needed it right now?? I'm sort of like Zephyr- I kinda feel like I can't accomplish anything and yeah, I'm scared to try. But this episode made me realize that it's ok to just take baby steps, and get things in my life moving. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babyyoshi309 1,829 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I really didn't take to kindly to this episode.. Though i guess that 1 pretty bad main episode out of 9 is pretty good for season 6 in general.. Now on to the things i hat- errm.. I mean "really really really really really disliked" about it.. Zephyr was very unlike-able, selfish, inconsiderate and obnoxious to me.. Even at the end it didn't seem like he changed much in that regard.. Fluttershy was grumpy and stern for (almost) the entire episode.. Seeing Fluttershy like this after not seeing her in her own episode for so long time is very disappointing.. Once again we get another "sibling that is very opposing in personality to the other" cliche.. Though ironically Maud is one of my most favorite ponies whilst Zeph is probably my least favorite pony after seeing and getting to know him.. We didn't really get to see many new and different places, apart from Fluttershy's parents' place.. The plot was pretty lame and uninteresting.. Just "take Zeph ot this place, try and get him to work.. Then he finds a way to get out of it and not work.." over and over.. Poor Mr. and Mrs. Shy.. Having to deal with their son being arrogant, disrespectful and letting him walk all over them.. and we thought FLUTTERSHY was a doormat at the start of "Putting your hoof down" way back in season 2.. Were we even told what Fluttershy's parents' actual names are? I don't think we were.. ... Another disappointment.. Though no episode is without even a tiny speck of good parts.. such as: Mr. Shy's cloud collection was cool, it'd seem like a fun hobby collection to have ^-^ I now have a pony on my list that I actually genuinely dislike.. Wait.. how is THAT a good thing? Fluttershy's smaller than her bigger brother, yet she's still the "Big sister" due to age.. Hahaha, the irony But yeah.. There's my little rant, other opinions and insights to the episode that I didn't really like so much.. @AURAequine Wait, you liked Applejack's Day Off but not this one? Strange... but okay. Also, you like Flash Sentry?! You said Zephyr was the only pony you dislike... Also, we have not gone to any new places this season other that the dragon lands (or whatever they are called). So that is kind of a stupid reason for disliking the episode (no offense). Also, I can understand why you dislike grumpy Fluttershy, but a majority of people (including myself) really enjoyed it. It was a nice change from her usual. Again, please do not take offense to anything I said. I am not trying to be offensive. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bamboozled321 57 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 (edited) Great episode this week.Zephyr Breeze has a pretty redundant name. Zephyr means a slight breeze, so his name turns out to be "Slight breeze breeze". Pretty dumb.Fluttershys parents were interesting, her dad is this male that's clearly low on the dominance hierarchy, and his wife is too low on the selection of attractive females. This is great characterization because it works very cohesively with Fluttershy and Zephyr. We have a daughter and a son who are dealing with moderate personality issues, social neurosis and grandiose narcissism. Both of these characteristics are too not very desirable, and I'd imagine that due to the lack of parents who never conveyed any reasonable level of discipline due to a lack of self-esteem and backbone could result in these sort of problems. The beta parents have messed up kids, A+.Zephyr himself was characterized beautifully, rather than explain his character through expositional dialogue, similar to Shinning Armour, we're shown his character through his actions throughout the episode. Fluttershys friends also have had a past with him, which helps to flesh out the believably of his sudden introduction. Say what you want about his personality, I found it to be quite funny and entertaining, while also being extremely frustrating, which I think was the point. I say this because by the scene with him in the forest, succumbing to his own frustration with himself, his delusions crumbling, he finally reaches rock bottom and reveals to the world what he truly feels about himself, he's a failure who can't do anything right. Quite the cathartic moment, and without the audience scorning his ridiculous behavior beforehand, this scene would have been far less poignant. Not too shabby.The song works well to complete Zephyrs arc, also very cathartic when paired with the dramatic swells of the final chorus, and too through action shows him come full circle and finally prove to himself that he can complete a task if he really tries. The heel turn isn't so sudden and jarring that he loses his previous characterization, but not so slow as to remove confidence that he is making positive changes, as showcased through the final scene when he graduates from mane styling or whatever it was.Fluttershy's character remains consistent and is further affirmed. She stands up to her brothers bullshit and even passes on advice she learned previously to her parents. There is a second moral, which is to not enable peoples manipulative behavior so that they can help themselves. Rainbow and Fluttershy's interaction has clearly evolved since hurricane Fluttershy, as Flutters is now on more even ground with Rainbow, which might show less of an interesting juxtaposition, but again, more affirmation of growth. I'll take it. Gags hit constantly for me, the flirting thing was gold, especially the final punchline when Fluttershys parents reveal that they too believe that Rainbow was pinning for Zephyr. I had to look up the word, never even heard it before. 10/10. I liked how Zephyr refers to rainbow dash and 'Rainbows", and this like very middle class art student sort of hipster characterization, very unique kind of character for this show, a lot of effort was put into his dialogue to make him stand out. Aside from this, nice little touches include Zephyr and his father sharing a similar coat color, and Fluttershy and Fluttershy's mother sharing a similar coat color, all of the pictures where Zephyr is photobombing to be the center of attention littered around the house, and Fluttershy doing the deep breathing thing to calm down. .Don't really have a whole lot to criticize, I suppose Rainbow referring to Fluttershy's parents as "Mr. and Mrs. Shy" was a bit weird and confusing. Last names are usually separated from a first name, so then is Fluttershy's name actually Flutter Shy? That's not how Hasbro markets the character. Then is Rainbow Dash just retarded? Or maybe her full name is Fluttershy Shy? That's pretty dumb, I hope not. Is Zephyrs last name Shy as well, so is his name Zephyr Breeze Shy? Whatever, can't expect Josh to get every little thing.Pretty good/10, would go for a hot dinner at Applebees with Rainbow Dash. Edited June 6, 2016 by bamboozled321 5 Weekly episodic reviews in podcast format on Equestria Confidential - LIVE every Saturday @10PM EST: Sometimes I even play music: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Finally a song. And I hope for more Zephyr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
d^_^b 27 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 I don't like Zephyr as a character, but I can relate to his fear of failure in some way. I liked the episode only to see how far Fluttershy has come since S1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 June 6, 2016 Share June 6, 2016 Great episode this week. Zephyr Breeze has a pretty redundant name. Zephyr means a slight breeze, so his name turns out to be "Slight breeze breeze". Pretty dumb. zephyr Definitions WordNet 3.6n Zephyr (Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind n zephyr a slight wind (usually refreshing) "the breeze was cooled by the lake","as he waited he could feel the air on his neck" *** Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary n Zephyr The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the zephyr blows.""As gentleAs zephyrs blowing below the violet.""Soft the zephyr blows.""As gentle As zephyrs blowing below the violet." *** Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia n zephyr The west wind; poetically, any soft, mild, gentle breeze. n zephyr In entomology, a butterfly of the genus Zephyrus. n zephyr A trade-name for a textile fabric or yarn, very fine and light of its kind, and for some other things of similar qualities: chiefly in attributive use: as, zephyr worsted; zephyr crackers (that is, biscuits). *** Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary n Zephyr zef′ir the west wind: a soft, gentle breeze: thin light worsted or woollen yarn, also a close-fitting jersey or undergarment made of such: anything very light and fine of its kind *** Etymology Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. zephyrus, Gr. , akin to darkness, the dark side, west: cf. F. zéphyr, Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr. zephyros—zophos, darkness, the dark quarter, the west. More here: There's more to "zephyr" than just a soft breeze. And since he's Fluttershy's behavioral opposite, the "dark side" connotation fits. He's everything she isn't - tall, pushy, loud, crass, and totally solipsistic. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazy Skies 1,010 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 (edited) @AURAequine Also, you like Flash Sentry?! You said Zephyr was the only pony you dislike... I don't hate or dislike Flash Sentry.. But i wouldn't say i like him either.. He just hasn't had much opportunity to show who is is and how he behaves (As a pony at least.. Not a human ), but yes.. There are a few ponies i don't like much.. But Zephyr is one that i actually hate.. @AURAequine Also, we have not gone to any new places this season other that the dragon lands (or whatever they are called) Yes we have We saw different parts of the Wonderbolt training camp in Newbie Dash.. We saw Rarity's new boutique and a dance club Vinyl works at in Saddle Row Review.. More parts of Manehattan in that episode too as well as A gift for Maud pie.. More parts of the spa house, Applejack's day off.. More of the "Dragonlands", Gauntlet of fire.. But in this episode all we really saw was the inside of Mr. and Mrs. Shy's house.. and their backyard and shed.. @AURAequine Again, please do not take offense to anything I said. I am not trying to be offensive. I don't really take offense to many things ... I will however debate or elaborate my point if need be But yeah, no offense taken Edited June 7, 2016 by AURAequine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bamboozled321 57 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 zephyr Definitions WordNet 3.6n Zephyr (Greek mythology) the Greek god of the west wind n zephyr a slight wind (usually refreshing) "the breeze was cooled by the lake","as he waited he could feel the air on his neck" *** Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary n Zephyr The west wind; poetically, any soft, gentle breeze. "Soft the zephyr blows.""As gentleAs zephyrs blowing below the violet.""Soft the zephyr blows.""As gentle As zephyrs blowing below the violet." *** Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia n zephyr The west wind; poetically, any soft, mild, gentle breeze. n zephyr In entomology, a butterfly of the genus Zephyrus. n zephyr A trade-name for a textile fabric or yarn, very fine and light of its kind, and for some other things of similar qualities: chiefly in attributive use: as, zephyr worsted; zephyr crackers (that is, biscuits). *** Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary n Zephyr zef′ir the west wind: a soft, gentle breeze: thin light worsted or woollen yarn, also a close-fitting jersey or undergarment made of such: anything very light and fine of its kind *** Etymology Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. zephyrus, Gr. , akin to darkness, the dark side, west: cf. F. zéphyr, Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr. zephyros—zophos, darkness, the dark quarter, the west. More here: There's more to "zephyr" than just a soft breeze. And since he's Fluttershy's behavioral opposite, the "dark side" connotation fits. He's everything she isn't - tall, pushy, loud, crass, and totally solipsistic. There's more to most words, words have many definitions and they change over time as per semantic change. I don't think a laymen is going to be well researched on the etymology of Zephyr. Websters lists it as a breeze from the west, or a gentle breeze. If there's more Zephyr than a "gentle breeze", than I guess Websters needs to step up their game. It's kind of redundant fam. Weekly episodic reviews in podcast format on Equestria Confidential - LIVE every Saturday @10PM EST: Sometimes I even play music: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foliha 395 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 There's more to most words, words have many definitions and they change over time as per semantic change. I don't think a laymen is going to be well researched on the etymology of Zephyr. Websters lists it as a breeze from the west, or a gentle breeze. If there's more Zephyr than a "gentle breeze", than I guess Websters needs to step up their game. It's kind of redundant fam. Creative use of language is one of the things I like about MLP FIM. As a writer, it's like getting a cherry on top of everything else. I highly recommend "Fine Dictionary", a site with multiple dictionary references for most words. Lots of etymology and usage stuff as well. Check it out... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 Finally a song. And I hope for more Zephyr. I LOVE songs! And remixes. When was the last time we had Shy and Dash for a song? The pet episode? I felt Fluttershy felt out of character at first, but then I realized she's probably dealt with this for years, and is embarrassed about it. How we deal with family can be worlds different than how we deal with others. Some people can go so far as to seemingly switch personalities entirely. Fluttershy was clearly accustomed to her brother's patterns and knew to be firm. I personally used to act very differently with friends than I did family, but not so much anymore. Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 A very good episode. As others have said it's great to have a Fluttershy episode not revolving around her own fears. Great song too. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinky_Music 66 June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 I LOVE songs! And remixes. When was the last time we had Shy and Dash for a song? The pet episode? How we deal with family can be worlds different than how we deal with others. Some people can go so far as to seemingly switch personalities entirely. Fluttershy was clearly accustomed to her brother's patterns and knew to be firm. I personally used to act very differently with friends than I did family, but not so much anymore. Maybe not a full song, but they sung a little together in 'A Hearth's Warming Tail'. They were cute together on a cloud. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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