Moony the Cat 3,702 June 13, 2016 Share June 13, 2016 Im sorry and i dont even want to write a to long post but...i just thought the Episode was horrible. The Character of Fluttershys Brother was completely unlikeable, all of the new Characters had weird Hair Styles and drawing Styles and the Animation looked weird, when Fluttershy and Rainbowdash started flying in a room. I dont know. Normally, since its a Kids Show, i wouldnt mind, if i dont like the Episodes that much, but...i dont even know, this Episode just felt so weird and unlikeable and i feel, we had a similar lesson already. It was just painful to watch for me. Sorry. 1 Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess_Bellalatanya 1,053 June 13, 2016 Share June 13, 2016 the episode flutter brutter reminded us of at the age of adult we need to work hard and find our own plsce to live shining armor is best pony,cadence is best princess,im flurry heart,the pretty pony tnk u so much Bwuu moon!!!!!!!!!!!1 im looking for somepony who likes me likes me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash 1,472 June 14, 2016 Share June 14, 2016 I wonder how many of us here can relate to this situation... from either side of the tale. I am Zephyr!!!! Omg I hate how the show provides me with magical moments but also moments that make me think about myself. I would have preferred him styled differently though. His voice actor was awesome though. R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sh Pie 65 June 14, 2016 Share June 14, 2016 (edited) This was a decent episode. Zephyr was a lazy egotist with no motivation or remorse for his actions. I notice the writing was lazy too since "You saved Equestria like a dozen times!" was said in episode 7. Zephyr accomplished something with some positive encouragement from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Now we've seen Pinkie's, Twilight's and Fluttershy's parents so maybe we'll see more Mane Six parents in the future. Probably not AJ's. Edited June 14, 2016 by Sh Pie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JesseJack 37 June 15, 2016 Share June 15, 2016 I LOVE seeing more of the mane 6 families. Especially Fluttershy's!! Her parents are the sweetest things that's ever existed! I've already completed my toy collection of my fave family, The Cakes, now I'm going to need this family to add to my collection. (Probably the only time it's appropriate to say I want to add a "family" to my "collection" lol.) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crusaders Forever 88 June 16, 2016 Share June 16, 2016 This was a weird episode. I love seeing the ponies family, but the addition of her brother was interesting to say the least. I thought it was neat though how Fluttershy was standing up for her parents when she's normally the timid one. It showed a lot of her character. I was getting annoyed with Zephyr though, and the way he kept thinking Rainbow Dash was in love with him, or something along those lines. I hate when a character acts like that towards another. I also thought it would have been fun if Discord would have came over while Zephyr was there. I can imagine what would happen when Zephyr met Discord for the first time. Anyway. It was an okay episode. I now want to see Rainbow Dash's family, and that will tie up all the family for the ponies. Except for what happened to Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom's parents. 1 Made by Emerald Bolt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SephiVA 9 June 16, 2016 Share June 16, 2016 Personally, her brother got on my nerves. He was supposed to though, so I guess I understand. All in all it was an okay episode, though I hope for more enjoyable ones in the future! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud Strife 928 June 18, 2016 Share June 18, 2016 This is ridiculous, literally the first time Fluttershy has had ANY DIRECTION to her character in YEARS and people just bitch and moan about a character who's MEANT to not be likable... isn't likable. No this is literally the first time Fluttershy's been handled well in one of her episodes since like season 2 or so, I don't give a single shit about Zephyr, I don't care if he's likable or not, I just want writers to remember THIS FLUTTERSHY in future episodes so she can FINALLY, FINALLY FINALLY get out of the hole she's been in for so goddamn long. This is literally the first time I have cared about Fluttershy at ALL in YEARS. No, seriously this reception is idiotic, this episode blew every single Fluttershy episode between Hurricane Fluttershy and this one out of the water simply because it actually DID SOMETHING with her beyond "O I AM SO SCARED AND SHY, LOOK AT ME BE SCARED AND SHY". Most people who are complaining about Zephyr have acknowledged that they think Fluttershy's character was strong in this episode. It's not a problem with any of them. Just because someone likes one aspect of an episode, doesn't mean they can't complain about other aspects, especially if those other aspects make the episode unenjoyable and thus difficult to take in the positives that it presents. This is the nature of constructive criticism; just because you liked this one part of the episode enough to not care about the possible bad parts, doesn't mean others are supposed to enjoy it with you. Also, you're right, Zephyr was clearly written to not be likable. But why was he written like that, especially when we're supposed to sympathize with him in the end? It's a very deceptive way to pull off a "he's not all that he seems" kind of plot, a way of tricking the audience. There's a way to make his problems relatable and to even give him some realistic flaws while still making him sympathetic. I get that he's supposed to be a realistic depiction of this kind of personality type, but the issue is that television is here to entertain first before it's meant to reflect real people. Certainly, realism in character depiction is a good thing, but not to the extent that it makes your audience angry or bored. Lastly, Fluttershy has had other episodes in which she has been assertive, though in some of them she didn't have as much stage presence. "It Ain't So Easy Being Breezies" is one example, and "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3" had her ending a fight between Twilight and Rainbow before it could escalate any further. There are other examples; these are just the two I can name off the top of my head. I present to you a question: why is it "idiotic" for someone to be upset with something within an episode just because some other thing went well? Hurricane Fluttershy isn't a point of comparison here, because Hurricane Fluttershy is widely regarded as a great episode. Let's say, hmm... You dislike Filli Vanilli. Would you think it would be reasonable for someone to say that your upset at how Fluttershy is possibly learning the same lesson again is "stupid" because the songs in the episode are good, or maybe because her friends were well written? After all, Zephyr is the point of this particular episode, and Fluttershy was the point in Filli Vanilli. This is simply hypothetical; I don't know how you feel about that episode. The point I'm trying to stress here is that if you're going to make that argument, I would hope that you back it up in relevance to every episode, not just this one, and stay consistent with your own logic. You don't have to respond to this, it's merely food for thought, of course. As for me, this was an episode that I enjoyed for Rainbow and Fluttershy's depictions, but the more I think about how Zephyr treated Rainbow, the more...uncomfortable I feel. She was giving off some pretty clear signals that she wasn't interested in him, but he kept on going and going with that slimy behavior and he was never called out for it, not to mention it's played simply for humor's sake. I don't blame people for finding it funny, but I do think the writers were bordering on dangerous territory with it, especially since characters like Rainbow often have their behavior misconstrued as actually liking the other character secretly, which is a problem that should be addressed. Rainbow was not "playing hard to get"; she was legitimately put off by him and wanted him to stop hitting on her. 4 AVATAR | SIGNATURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 June 19, 2016 Share June 19, 2016 (edited) Good point about Rainbow. Her napping habit goes all the way back to Applebucking Season. Even if she did a hard half day of work, she did know that her friends needed help with the apples. So...yeah. There's room for argument there. On another note, this episode brings something else to the discussion. What about employment in Equestria? We have little to no information of how the mane6 got into their positions or even if they have jobs at all. So that could be a very big double standard. We can of course get into discussing how Twilight might have been a paid librarian or Pinkie might have worked for the Cakes and, yes, Rarity obviously runs her own business. But what about how they got to that point and how what they do is "enough to support themselves." I'm sure all of this is kept vague in the show because of the target audience, but that's never kept us from digging in before! Rarity and AJ are pretty much covered (how Rarity got her first boutique is the only major question for her). It would be interesting to see how Fluttershy, Pinkie, and RD came to their jobs. Twilight ... there is a Friendship Tax! Rainbow is obviously hired by the weather team and paid that way. Yeah we don't see it on camera much but that just off camera work. Plus hard work keeping those pesky Everfree clouds to behave. Fluttershy..hmm its still a mystery where she get her bits from, I mean is she a vet? maybe, but Ponyville has a vet office so it's still a mystery of how she earns her living other then maybe bird song director. whatever she does must be very specialized. Pinkie yeah she works the bakery established that in like episode 4 during AJ trophy thing. I think Twilight just has access to princess treasury at this point. Edited August 6, 2016 by BlinkZ Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrystalRarity 119 June 27, 2016 Share June 27, 2016 Yes, for real, what is Fluttershy's job. Personally have so little/like no experience with a person in Zephyr's position, it's rather impossible to judge if his getting out of his hole was so easy as to really bring the episode down or not. Seems like it'd be way harder than presented, but MLP always and should be allowed to simplify things… ..This question pesters more than anything. Am a little peeved ( :awuh: ) at how Zephyr's interests/appearance very obviously played off a human stereotype that doesn't need it. Let the men wear their man buns, jesus. Pros of the episode! That Flutterdash, awwwww!!!! What good friends omg. So cute to see how Flutter's parents were so friendly and familiar with RD, clearly RD's been over many times before. picture the filly flutterdash sleepovers. Friendship is magic. Am fine with ZB's comments to Rainbow, how it was portrayed.. RD's grossed out expressions needn't mean anything more than she's arrogant and honest as always; moreover, Zephyr didn't much hit on her. He only alluded to her liking him and didn't, himself, even seem to much like her. Harmlessss. Or I've already forgotten contradicting details. Dialogue was great and Beil did a fab VA job. As a character created to be a nuisance, thought Zephyr was very likable.. guy had a problem. *shrugs* It was wonderful to see assertive Fluttershy, of course. Always love her and her episodes, but for certain their themes are repetitive. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Guy 22 June 27, 2016 Share June 27, 2016 I enjoyed this episode, but not Fluttershy's bro. It was funny when he hit in rainbow dash but I can't relate to him. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarnation 142 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 (edited) finally we see fluttershy's family, and I love them. mr and mrs Shy are so kind. I think Fluttershy is the worst pony (but I still love her) and this ep. made me smile at her. The true duty of a big sister! Zephyr Breeze was awesome. Edited July 12, 2016 by Cocoa-sweet-Rarity <p> best pony .......... And what in TARNATION?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pear Steve 17 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 Did not like Did not enjoy Did not learn Will not remember 1 file:///Users/BigBooBoo/Downloads/giphy.gif Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ph00tbag 108 July 12, 2016 Share July 12, 2016 As for me, this was an episode that I enjoyed for Rainbow and Fluttershy's depictions, but the more I think about how Zephyr treated Rainbow, the more...uncomfortable I feel. She was giving off some pretty clear signals that she wasn't interested in him, but he kept on going and going with that slimy behavior and he was never called out for it, not to mention it's played simply for humor's sake. I don't blame people for finding it funny, but I do think the writers were bordering on dangerous territory with it, especially since characters like Rainbow often have their behavior misconstrued as actually liking the other character secretly, which is a problem that should be addressed. Rainbow was not "playing hard to get"; she was legitimately put off by him and wanted him to stop hitting on her. I agree, and think this was an underdiscussed topic. Moreover, I found it most unsettling when Fluttershy's parents reiterated the misunderstanding, and tacitly encouraged the perception that Zephyr's flirting was reciprocal. I got the impression that up until then, RD felt fairly safe from that kind of harassment in the House Shy, as long as Zephyr Breeze was out of the way. But when they side with Zephyr, I personally get this sinking sensation, like suddenly this place that was like a second home is now deeply hostile, and it's played off as a joke. Up until that point, I felt I could laugh at it, because I know that when push comes to shove, RD shoves pretty damn hard, and Zephyr would be shut down pretty hardcore, but then I saw that he's being bolstered by people RD implicitly trusts, and I just kinda felt sick. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatieBelle 302 July 24, 2016 Share July 24, 2016 I'm just curious whether or not someone has started an official "Zephyr's Man bun fan club", yet.^^ ... Mane bun? Colt bun? This needs work. I don't know, I enjoyed seeing both new and relevant characters in this episode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyo Sunbringer 11 August 3, 2016 Share August 3, 2016 Uhm... C- can we first talk about this episode's aura for a sec? Like despite how we enjoyed or hated the episode, you can't fault the fact that it felt WAY too realistic and (in my case especially) way too familiar and it literally feels like the episode was a punch in the gut for me. I loved the episode, don't get me wrong but... Holy moly! I swear, this episode made me want to get a drink for reminding me of my own failures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest90210 3,569 August 4, 2016 Share August 4, 2016 (edited) For whatever "Flutter Brutter" is trying to accomplish, it isn't working. Zephyr, also know as Flutterbro's (and Fluttershy's parents) character designs aren't too interesting, but that takes a backseat to the episode's jaded characterization. Zephyr does very little to win anyone over. I like the concept of a struggling creative mind trying to grow into their own shell, but Zephyr is not a good example. He's less of a "struggling artist", and more of a compulsive jerk. He hits on Rainbow Dash despite her clearly not having any interest in him. He gloats about himself constantly. He treats his parents like 'bros that let him crash on their sofa. In one scene, Zephyr destroys his father's prized cloud collection to build something for his own gain. This isn't a guy simply down on his luck - this is a guy abusing his parent's kindness to pursue his own desires. The episode doesn't try to salvage his character until the tail end. We get a song, which is catchy, well-sung, and overall really enjoyable, but its message is confusing. If we are to believe the lyrics, Zephyr is a swell guy, he just doesn't put enough effort into his passions. But this doesn't make sense. We've seen that Zephyr has gone through and attempted countless business and creative pursuits - he just failed extensively at all of them. The episode didn't convince me that Flutterbro's problems lay in his lack of effort. He has an ego problem, more than anything, and likely a strong lack of empathy and self-awareness. It's a bad episode headed by a sketchy new character, but one pony that does shine is Fluttershy. Throughout the episode, Fluttershy stands up for herself and others. She isn't taking any of Zephyr's crap, and she doesn't back down from speaking her mind. This was very refreshing to see, and it made Zephyr's actions a little more tolerable to watch Edited August 4, 2016 by Rivendare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EVBP 94 August 6, 2016 Share August 6, 2016 Did anyone notice the reference to "Plank" from Ed, Edd, and Eddy when Rarity and Fluttershy return to Carousel Boutique? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlinkZ 1,151 August 6, 2016 Share August 6, 2016 Now that' i've seen the episode, i'm still 50/50. The song was rather meh and seemed kind of pointless like singing the moral. I still don't like that guy even if he has fear of failure I still don't have sympathy for that guy, don't hate me mind you but really ruining the collection or getting spike to do a job for him isn't the fear of failing it come off as being lazy. Yeah he relatable but I still can't see myself really watching this episode again. (hi moderator ) Zubric(fimfiction) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honeysuckle 135 August 8, 2016 Share August 8, 2016 i quite liked it. Zephyr Breeze reminds me of my brother... except the personal growth at the end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 September 14, 2016 Share September 14, 2016 (edited) Now that it's been awhile, I wanted to revisit this episode with a little rant. Fluttershy's characterization was excellent. Fine. Great. I don't think that's really in debate. Rainbow was wonderful. Peachy. This episode is mostly hated for Zephyr's poor characterization, and rightly so. (They could have done the exact same story with the exact same moral while making a likable character that you root for without changing much, and then it would have been infinitely more effective.) Yeah, okay, great. But I don't even care about that! The biggest reason I hate this episode is because of the fact that Zephyr exists in the first place. It's a massive, gaping continuity error, and simply to fantastic to believe that nopony breathed a word of his existence until now. The worst part is the way in which they literally total rickalled him into existence. The gang just recalls his antics and goes, "Yep, that sounds like good ol' Zeph," leaving us the viewers to wonder if we have been watching the same show all along, or if suddenly fell into a time warp and missed several seasons. A much better and more validating way of introducing the character would have been for the gang to say, "Oh, Fluttershy, I didn't know you had a brother. How come you never talk about him?" Instead, they just pretended he existed all along, when he clearly didn't. Inventing characters that DON'T EXIST, out nowhere, cheapens the lore of the entire show. I know I covered this in my original review, but I felt it needed revisiting due to how the fandom talks about it now. I think what annoys me the most is the fact that the fandom either quickly forgot about this, or never cared much to begin with. I know I'm really, overly-sensitive about it, but it just really gets under my skin. I'm never going to accept how he just appeared out of nowhere. And honestly, when discussing this with the fandom, I sometimes feel a little bit like Annie Wilkes: No offense to anyone. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Edited September 30, 2016 by Justin_Case001 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatonRyu 1,033 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 I sincerely liked Fluttershy in this episode because she was actually proactive in getting her lazy brother to actually do something. I really thoroughly hate Zephyr, though, so in the end I'm not really sure whether I like this episode or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmberDust 1,118 September 29, 2016 Share September 29, 2016 Can't believe I missed this. Link is now a My Little Pony character I never noticed. 0_0 And I never heard about it until today. What the heck?? 2 Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy! ♦ My main OC ♦ Vector Commissions ♦ Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 September 30, 2016 Share September 30, 2016 (edited) A much better and more validating way of introducing the character would have been for the gang to say, "Oh, Fluttershy, I didn't know you had a brother. How come you never talk about him?" Instead, they just pretended he existed all along, when he clearly didn't. Inventing characters that DON'T EXIST, out nowhere, cheapens the lore of the entire show. Yes, I also (and still believe I) would have preferred if Fluttershy didn't talk about her family because she was estranged from them after she decided to live like an Earth Pony instead of becoming a great flyer. That would have worked better to explain why she never talked about him before. Of course, that would make her parents seem like jerks, but it could have been something they worked out in the episode along with fixing her brother's slimy moochiness. Edited September 30, 2016 by Truffles 2 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holy Sword Excalibur 87 September 30, 2016 Share September 30, 2016 I loved Zephyr. For some reason, I like his kind of character and thought he was hilarious. Sure, it made no sense for him to suddenly show up out of thin air, but I still like him, especially as a love interest for Rainbow Dash. My OCs: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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