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general media A character the fandom hates that you love or vice versa


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I liked Trixie at first for her design and comedy, but as numerous better characters were introduced into this series, her continued popularity has made less and less sense to me. She was just an egotistical showman, and unlike how Rarity goes deep with the business and relationship aspects of fashion design, Trixie is just a caricature of a traveling showman. We've seen the kind of character a thousand times before and her speech pattern is very archetypical (the Wizard of Oz has been "Great and Powerful" since 1900, baby!); aside from the character design and the sympathy angle that's been retroactively applied to her given the plot problems in "Boast Busters", there's nothing special about this character that I can decipher.


Another one from this show: I don't really like Gilda either, but I find the hate for her to make no sense when there are worse bullies on this show, namely Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who don't hear it as much. I think Fluttershy fandom is a reason for this and she just happened to skewer their sacred mare.


There was a time when I watched Family Guy (it was a phase), and at the time I couldn't stand Mayor Adam West. I thought he was an enormous douche, and that's saying something in a show where virtually everyone is an enormous douche. He was a mega-douche.


On the Sonic side, I don't give a damn about Shadow. To that end, I just can't get over the irrationality of wanting to destroy the entire world over the death of just one girl. You call yourself "the ultimate lifeform" but you don't realize how little that accomplishes? I know he gets better later on, but as for that character design? Ow. The edge.


If there are any characters I like that others don't, it's King Sombra. He was by far the smartest and most competent villain in the series when he came out, but the thing most people focus on are his design, lack of screentime, and lack of a valid motivation. Motivation is an easy blank to fill: if you can accept that Discord represents chaos, just say Sombra was the embodiment of hatred. Other than that, he served his purpose in the plot; he was a very strong obstacle that Twilight, Spike, and the royal couple had to overcome. They showed their best against him, and he went down fighting instead of standing and gloating.

I agree!  I hate Shadow and dislike Trixie.  Trixie's just uncool compared to more..  showy characters.  Shadow is an edgehog who's has overpowered as he is overrated.  Plus, his character just doesn't fit at all in the Sonic Universe and he's really generic to boot.  Gilda's gotten a bit better imo, she's nice now and hopefully we'll see her this season!


Oh boy. Oh boy...


If I'm perfectly honest, I do not like Vinyl Scratch. I mean, I do not like the way she is often portrayed. I remember a long time ago someone described her to me as being a mix of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie personality-wise.


Her brash, fun-loving, wild personality is something that a lot of people seem to enjoy. But I do not. Whenever I see/hear Vinyl in animations and such, she comes off to me as extremely obnoxious and unbearable.


So, being a mix of two personality types that I don't like to be around didn't win me over.

I just find her uninteresting.  I never understood the fascination people have with certain background ponies/minor characters in FiM, the Cake family is the closest I've gotten to liking minor characters tbh.  Derpy is cute, but along with the others, I don't see the appeal.

  • Brohoof 1

 "The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.  While I live, I want to shine, I want to prove that I exist.  If I could do something really important... The would definitely carry on into the future." ~Grovyle, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky ✿ 

 "Don't lose hope, when the sun comes down, the stars come up." ~Unknown ★

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Well, I rarely HATE a character, dislike is more likely, though, I got these thoughts. If I hate a character,  wish from him/her is to banish from the show at best

In MLP fandom

I like Flash Sentry (ironically, because he's irrationally hated by the fandom  :orly: ), Flurry Heart (Can't resist DIABEETUS. her dislike toned down a bit though :huh:), and I never minded Snips & Snails either. Douches like Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Gilda (those three pre reform), Suri Polomare, Blueblood, etc; I've never disliked them more than they were intended, but I believe their hate go overboard sometimes :huh:


Some characters that I don't like are but everyone does are the Flim Flam bros, because their theme song was kinda obnoxious to me. Goldie Delicious fall to the same category, because.... let's say I had experiences with hoarders  :unsure:


From other fandoms

-Waluigi: Man, he was my most hyped character in Mario Tennis, and was the first one I've played as. HE FREAKING GLOWS HIS EYES EVERY SCORE, HOW BADASS IS THAT? 

-Bowser Jr tends to be one of my most used characters in the handful of spinoffs I get nowadays. Besides, his superboss fight in Dream Team was funny 

-Gabriel Belmont: in MY opinion, Gabriel Belmont is best Belmont, but he's just liked at best in the CV franchise, and that's mostly due to the backlash those "true fans" who wanted ANOTHER metroidvania IGNORING A GAMING JEWEL IN THEIR EYES  :angry: . As such, Gabriel got caught in it too, claiming that the previous protagonist were more complex and such while they were more generic than Gabriel  :dry: (not saying he doesn't follow cliches, but we can't pretend the 80's heroes of the classics nor the anime ones in the later metroidvanias aren't generic either)


Other franchises: Well, this is going to be a problem, as I haven't followed fandoms as closely as this one ever :huh:. But I got a couple that I like while others not

-Toads: Yeah, they get much flak for being useless, far from it, they are usually helpful, as long as they're not in immediate danger. Besides, they're cute :wub:

-Hercule/Mr Satan: He's the comic relief, and while it peeved me he took credit of Cell's death, he's actually a more competent fighter than people give credit for, he's just outmatched by basically flying-planet destroying bio-weapons. He also attempted to face Cell, but got his cowardly character he's known for AFTER he realized he's no match

-Yellow and Emerald: I see these Pokedex holders are given flak mainly for being OCs with no game counterpart, but they do keep the other's job to keep the protagonist side fresh and interesting 


That I dislike and others don't

-Ash Ketchum: He used to be my childhood idol, but as time went on, he kinda got stuck and stale. It doesn't help that the Pokemon Special manga has many protagonists, and ALL of them are FAR more interesting

-Dante: I'm not fond of characters who do the most exaggerated shit and get away with it 

-Kratos: He destroys and kills everything out of revenge and nothing is his fault

-Cheese: At least we all can agree that Bendy is shit, but this Foster's Home character gained popularity, but to me he's an unhigienic and obnoxious idiot houdini   :eww:.  


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Characters that in like that everyone else hates:

Flash Sentry, Flurry Heart and Starlight Glimmer

Characters that i don't like that everyone else loves:

Coco Pommel, Marble Pie and Sunset Shimmer

"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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Pretty much everywhere I go, most fans actually see those guys as examples of the Love To Hate trope.


Then again, White was actually a pretty lame witness gameplay-wise for someone who was supposedly the Emperor Palpatine of all business and law at the time, and his boring live-action portrayal didn't exactly earn him any favors, either, IMO.


I like his anime portrayal, though... All of that Engrish! xD


BUT I did find him to be rather unimpressive. He was supposed to have power over everyone, even the court. Giving that kind of power to a man that's only going to be known and defeated in one case is extremely anticlimatic.


The Ace Attorney series is rather um... good at building up antagonists in such ways and doing just the same, though.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Another character that everyone loves that I (and others) don't really like, Rosalina.  Yeah, I guess she was OK  in Galaxy, but she wasn't special in my eyes.  She's OK but I don't see what makes her the waifu of the Mario fandom.  I found her to be a bit boring and unrelatable.  And I don't get how people can argue that she's better than the other princesses because she "never got kidnapped by Bowser", you can like Rosalina better but how was Rosalina any less dependent on Mario than Peach or Daisy, Rosalina asked Mario to do all the work for while she just floated around in her observatory.  ..And the real kicker is that she's shown to have amazing telekinetic abilities, basically meaning she never needed Mario's help in the first place.

 "The important thing is not how long you live... It's what you accomplish with your life.  While I live, I want to shine, I want to prove that I exist.  If I could do something really important... The would definitely carry on into the future." ~Grovyle, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky ✿ 

 "Don't lose hope, when the sun comes down, the stars come up." ~Unknown ★

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I'm not sure if the fandom likes him, but I outright detest Fluttershy's brother. Zephyr has absolutely no redeeming value. They showed the creep INTENTIONALLY, piece by piece, DESTROYING his father's prize collection. The father worked on this collection for decades. There is no way he didn't know how important it was to him. That is despicable and criminal. Fluttershy should have called the police when she witnessed him destroying her parent's property, with the stated intention of making room to move back in.


I mentioned this in another thread. I, for one, got the distinct impression that he was lying at the end of the episode. The flow of the scene suggested to me that he didn't graduate, but was frantically trying to assure he had a place to crash before his sister and parents discovered the truth. I hope that they never show or even mention the manipulative user dirt-bag in any other episode. 

  • Brohoof 2


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I'm not sure if the fandom likes him, but I outright detest Fluttershy's brother. Zephyr has absolutely no redeeming value. They showed the creep INTENTIONALLY, piece by piece, DESTROYING his father's prize collection. The father worked on this collection for decades. There is no way he didn't know how important it was to him. That is despicable and criminal. Fluttershy should have called the police when she witnessed him destroying her parent's property, with the stated intention of making room to move back in.


I mentioned this in another thread. I, for one, got the distinct impression that he was lying at the end of the episode. The flow of the scene suggested to me that he didn't graduate, but was frantically trying to assure he had a place to crash before his sister and parents discovered the truth. I hope that they never show or even mention the manipulative user dirt-bag in any other episode. 


IMO, he actually started getting a little bit sympathetic toward the end (mostly during his Everfree breakdown).


But for the most part, I just kept wanting to do this to him:


Edited by A.V.
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IMO, he actually started getting a little bit sympathetic toward the end (mostly during his Everfree breakdown).


But for the most part, I just kept wanting to do this to him:

I didn't feel any sympathy for him. He didn't actually spend the night or anything. He was only there for a couple of hours. Remember, Rainbow pointed out that it was only noon when they found him there. Zephyr willfully destroying his father's property is unforgivable. 

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I kind of disapprove of using the word "love" and "hate". I think it's a little too strong for what I feel towards purely fictional characters. Other people may hate, I just strongly dislike. Anyhoo, tangent.


They May Hate; I Appreciate:

Flash Sentry (although perhaps not as many fans hate him as it seems, they just tend to be vociferous in their criticism)

Maud Pie


They May Love; I Strongly Dislike:

I definitely don't like Trixie, yet most fans seem to love her to bits. No accounting for taste.

Moon Dancer. Yup. I've talked about this to death, so if you need an explanation, follow the links.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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Silver Spoon, not so much hated anymore, but rather ignored compared to Diamond Tiara. She has potential to be a great character. I wait to see more of Silver than I do Diamond later this season.

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I like but others don't:

-Sombra (MLP) - I wish they did more with him, so much wasted potential.

-Starlight Glimmer (MLP) - I enjoy seeing her as a member of the main cast, I think the addition keeps things fresh, there is a lot they can do with her character

-Hidan (Naruto) - Most people I talk to think he is the most forgettable Akatsuki member. I enjoyed watching him and Kakuzu, they were definitely underrated in my opinion


Others like but I don't:

-Sasuke (Naruto) - Don't hate him, just enjoyed whenever he got destroyed

-Ash Ketchum (Pokemon) - Horrible Pokemon trainer, he barely earned any of his badges in Kanto. He also tried to use an electric type against a ground type  :lol:


Those are just a few for now

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Kazuhira Miller in MGSV and Connor Kenway from Assassin's Creed 3, because I have a soft spot for bitter revenge-driven characters.


Although it's been a while since I played AC3, so Connor might not be as great of a character as I remember. I recall him saying "CHARLES LEEE!!!11" a lot.

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The PPG fandom doesn't really like the Rowdyruff Boys, but I like them all, specifically Brick, even though yeah they may be pretty two-dimensional and fan serviced to heck, but I like the character designs and a spinoff with them instead of a reboot would have probably worked out.


Another character that people don't like is Stan from South Park. Sure he's the everyman and the average good guy of the group, and that sometimes he breaks character and acts like an a-hole, but still, you need a bit of normality in a show like South Park. I haven't really watched it in a while but I really liked him in the earlier seasons.


I also don't like Bubbles. People don't really talk about Blossom, but she's my favorite. Smart and cute when she doesn't mean to be, she's the best.

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Personally, I really like Spike as a supporting character and a main character, but he's never fully used to his full potential whenever he's involved. It's sad to see him being a punching bag. It never seems to occur that he's, well, a kid. Spike doesn't get a break or any room for mistakes, and he gets disproportionately large responsibilities for his status.  


As for vice versa, I can't bring myself to like Princess Luna past aesthetically. It's not a full blown hate, but all the hype around her is a little unexplained. She can and does have a lot of potential for future episodes, but her appearances aren't all that great.

  • Brohoof 1


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I never really warmed up to Trixie. Stage magic in a show about magical ponies? And yet this is something she can back up.


I'm also not too crazy about Maud Pie. She had one line in "Make New Friends but Keep Discord", a line that could have been given to anypony, and people think it was the best part of the episode.


As far as hated characters, Babs Seed (though this may be a stretch). In her defense, Applejack should have explained why she was bullied at home and the CMC were too pushy with her to begin with.

  • Brohoof 1

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Characters the fandom likes that I don't like: Trixie (wouldn't say hate or dislike, but she's just a bit too overrated imo), Sonata Dusk, Sunset Shimmer and Marble Pie, as well as Shadow from Sonic. Not really a fan of "ooo edgy" characters and he's probably one of my least favorites in the series.


Characters the fandom doesn't like that I like: Gilda and Starlight Glimmer, as well as Bowser Jr from Mario and possibly Alphys from Undertale (she probably isn't hated or disliked, but pretty underrated compared to some of the others).


Oddly enough, my favorite characters from media tend to be ones that are less liked.

Edited by SuperALPHYSBrony
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Okay, here's a live action character I despise. Anyone ever watch "Everybody Loves Raymond"? I liked all the characters except Raymond. I didn't like him in the least. I swear the show would have been better if Ray Romano wasn't in it at all. The man can't act, and he's about as funny as a car wreck.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Okay, here's a live action character I despise. Anyone ever watch "Everybody Loves Raymond"? I liked all the characters except Raymond. I didn't like him in the least. I swear the show would have been better if Ray Romano wasn't in it at all. The man can't act, and he's about as funny as a car wreck.


Personally, I dislike Debra as well as Carrie (King Of Queens) for being complete Jerk Sues to their husbands a lot of the time.

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Discord (MLP:FIM) - I liked him in his debut episodes, but now I don't care that much for him. He's okay in small doses


Misty (Pokemon) - I don't hate her, but I think that May, Dawn and Serena are much better characters. May and Dawn were involved in Pokemon Contests, and now Serena is involved with The Pokemon Showcase. They add a lot more to the show than what Misty did. 


Ash (Pokemon) - I'm just sick of him. I wish they'd retire Ash, and replace him with a new protagonist. But that will never happen. 


Team Rocket (Pokemon) - Same reason as Ash, I'm sick of them. They're shtick got old seasons ago. 


I don't hate Pokemon. I still watch the show, and enjoy it. But I only watch it for the suporting characters like Serena. Bonnie and Clemont. I'm just sick of Ash and Team Rocket

Edited by Phill


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