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Someone has been pestering me to draw a certain image on DeviantArt, they even went as far as including NSFW images in one of their comments. I told them I don't have time for new requests, but they still continued to pester me.

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25 minutes ago, KPackratt said:

Someone has been pestering me to draw a certain image on DeviantArt, they even went as far as including NSFW images in one of their comments. I told them I don't have time for new requests, but they still continued to pester me.

A rather ungrateful attitude for them to have to take your time for granted. Even a simple drawing could take at least an hour to complete, and easily many more hours depending on its complexity.

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Lots of negative emotions this weekend... I didn't plan this but I just needed to tell someone what I think about that person's behaviour and that they do not deserve more than I do. And I did this only becuase I care for our future relationship and the people from our surrounding. No idea how this will end. It's exhausting... :worry:

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I think my almost decade old G502 mouse died today. None of my computers are recognizing it when I plug it in and only a few of the LEDs are lighting up. It had a good run if so, it's outlived like 4 different computer builds and is so worn the grippy coating on the sides is completely worn away. I might see if I can take it apart and fix it, but a newer "HERO" version replacement is only like $20 so I'm probably just going to buy a new one.

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6 hours ago, Rafa Stary said:

Looking at the profile of my only friend on Facebook.........going to talk about this on my profile's status, if someone's interested...

I feel sad of things going south for @Rafa Stary's friend:(  I worry if it's the same friend who helped him turn things around and inspired him to create Mary and Starry World.  

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Pissed off at my computer again. It kept putting pop-ups on my screen telling me to restart my computer for a quick update. So I did and this 'quick update' took hours and damn near ruined my computer. Now I have to have it un-f*cked by someone who knows how to do that stuff. I hate modern tech. Send it back to hell where it came from.

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