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gaming What video games do you think are overrated?


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I swear I've answered this thread before.

  • Grand Theft Auto games. Most of the games are just boring with nothing really to them... After 30 minutes of causing havoc it feels like there's nothing to do.
  • Gen 8 Pokemon. Yeah, Gen 8 is terrible. Gen 4 remakes COULD save it... If Game Freak doesn't decide to defame the best mainline games in the series...
  • Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A good game? Yes, definitely. A masterpiece as Zelda fans would tell you? Not even close.
  • Overwatch. Paladins is straight-up a better game, if you can tolerate a few bugs. It doesn't even cost any money, and it's made by a less established developer...
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day. I don't know how Dirty Grandpa type humor makes a middling platformer worth mentioning aside Rare's greats, but you do you I guess.
  • Super Mario Bros. 3. I don't like the feeling of running with scissors, personally. Which is exactly how platforming feels like in this game.
  • The Elder Scrolls games. They're bugfests that seem very little like they're hyped up to be from my experience, with serious issues with difficulty.
  • World of Warcraft. The game that really started off all the scummy practices of today, and yet people praise it like it's god's gift to gaming.
Edited by Dustlicious ( > ω < )
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On 6/16/2020 at 11:58 AM, Furret ᐡ꒳ᐡ said:
  • World of Warcraft. The game that really started off all the scummy practices of today, and yet people praise it like it's god's gift to gaming.

It didn't start off those scummy practices, it only had the paid monthly subscription, which other MMOs already had at the time, in 2004. It didn't start getting in game purchases until 2009.

  • Brohoof 1
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A definite one I can add to my list:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. One of the most boring, lifeless, overhyped games I've ever experienced. I enjoyed nothing about it. Granted I only put in about 10-15 hours before selling it but I hated every second of that time. What was originally a series with a memorable world filled with fun and unique dungeons, bosses, music and characters was dissolved into a massive "open world" that is as shallow as a tiny puddle. I seriously saw no point to this open world. Sure, you could encounter the occasional skirmish or mini dungeon, but that is in between long sections of nothingness where you run for ages and ages. Even with the horse it felt tedious. Speaking of, the climbing mechanics are slow and boring. Not to mention early on you essentially have no stamina, making everything even more tedious until you complete a boatload of those stupid mini dungeons that aren't memorable in the slightest. The story is also the least memorable of any Zelda game I've played post Link to the Past. Here you're just kinda thrown into the world because Zelda has to happen somehow I guess, Now you must beef yourself up to fight the dumbest version of Ganon by far. He's just a big floating Ganon cloud with a face that just hangs around the castle, not doing much, sorta just waiting for you to kill him. The rest of this supposed "great open world" doesn't seem to mind much about Ganon taking over. People still just casually talk to you and ask for favors to be done. Sure, one could say Ocarina of Time (my favorite in the series by the way) does the same sorta thing, but the huge difference is that when Ganondorf takes over, the entire world is affected and you see that plain as day. Even before he takes over, Ganondorf is actively doing terrible things to the world. BOTW? Eh, everything's mostly fine. The inclusion of some voice acting really didn't add anything to this game, in my experience.

I also was not fond of the combat and especially the unbelievably stupid weapon system. Who the hell thought it was a good idea to have weapons break after like 10 hits? It makes all of the weapons feel pointless in the end since you will be constantly switching them around as they break again and again. Also for a series known for such great and memorable music, I hardly heard any in my playtime. The overworld has no music...at all, until you get into combat and the combat music suuuuuuuuuuucks. Just like the combat itself. Nothing else stood out.

I know Ocarina of Time is considered overrated by many, that's fine. Even though Ocarina is my favorite of the series, I would take literally any other mainline Zelda game over BOTW. I absolutely do not see what everyone else see's in this game. Many regard it as not only the best Zelda game, but the best open world game too. Personally, I don't think it is the best at anything, not even close. It is an amalgamation of a ton of individual ideas that so many other games have done waaaaaay better years before this game came out.



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14 minutes ago, Flutterstrike ️ said:

Saints Row: The Third

Personally I would put Saints Row IV over that one in the "worst" category, mainly because it is just Crackdown with a Saints Row skin. Even so, 1 and 2 are far superior to 3 in nearly every regard.

  • Brohoof 1



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37 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Personally I would put Saints Row IV over that one in the "worst" category, mainly because it is just Crackdown with a Saints Row skin. Even so, 1 and 2 are far superior to 3 in nearly every regard.

I respect that. I think I had so little expectations for Saints Row IV that I was blown away by how much fun it was, and how it took itself more seriously than Saints Row: The Third, despite its insane theme. No game will be better than Saints Row 2 though. The map variety and customisation was amazing.

  • Brohoof 1


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What are games are overrated in my opinion? Hoo boy... where do I begin?

Pretty much any Playstation exclusive except Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Look, I love this game, too, but I don't think it's the best Zelda game, let alone the best video game ever made, which some people have claimed.)

Every Fallout game minus 4 and 76. (Once again, I like these games as much as the next guy, but I have some issues. I liked the atmosphere of the first 2 Fallout games, and I thought the villain of Fallout 1 had a pretty cool design, but I think their stories are only kind of good. Not bad, but nothing spectacular. Also, the gameplay is pretty slow and clunky. I get it these games came out in the late 90s, but still... I think it could have been a LITTLE better. Fallout 3 I also like, but I think it gets WAY more love than what it deserves. It is fun and has some neat ideas, but once again, I just don't think the plot is all that fantastic. It's not bad, it works... but it's not that interesting to me. It's a fun game, but one of the best ever made? I don't see it... and finally, New Vegas. Most of my issues with the other Fallout games can be brought back here, but New Vegas is kinda better. Some of the side quests I thought were really cool, and I loved the callback to the original Fallout games, but once again, while I think this game is really good, I don't think it's one of the best ever, let alone above criticism.) 

Pretty much any well known game from the 1980s. (Don't get me wrong, I love retro games as much as the next guy, but I just think games have gotten a LOT better over the years. I understand technology back then was limited, but games back then were much shorter, were often unfairly challenging, and didn't have much to offer compared to games today. Just because something is older doesn't automatically mean that it's better or that it gets a free pass from criticism.)

The Witcher 3. (I don't hate this game, I just think it's a watered down Skyrim, though I'm sure a bunch of people are gonna jump down on me for saying that.)

Super Mario 64 (I like this game. I really do. I also have a huge nostalgia spot for it, but I seriously don't get the widespread acclaim it has. Sure, it's good. But the Mario Galaxy games, Mario Odyssey, and even the New Super Mario Bros. series I think is better than Super Mario 64. A good game, but not one of the best IMO.)

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Beginning with the obligatory "I like this game", I don't think this game is particularly amazing. Sure, it's fun for what it is, but it's really clunky and broken compared to the later Elder Scrolls games. I also didn't find the story particularly engaging, even though everyone PRAISES this game's plot. I don't get it.)

Team Fortress 2: (I have to say, I was a HUGE TF2 fanboy back in 2014-2015, but then, after Overwatch came out, that all went crashing down. I mean, I still like TF2, but I think it's a largely inferior game to Overwatch. Overwatch is more balanced, more fun, and more graphically impressive IMO, but I see TF2 fanboys all over the web saying TF2 is "better" than Overwatch. I'll be honest, I think they're just saying that because TF2 is older, and as we all know, if a video game is older, it's automatically better. :okiedokieloki:)

That's all I have to say for now. If any other games come out that I think are overrated, I'll post again. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 8 months later...
On 2020-05-27 at 12:10 PM, Steve Piranha said:

Zelda OOT. “Oh, look, another top Zelda list. I wonder which will be the number 1 :dry:. OOT... I would have never guessed  :yeahno:

yes, I get it. OOT was a groundbreak in 3D gaming, but it shows some aging. Can we see a BOTW or ALttP on top for a change :scoots:?

Upon further reflection....... yes, OOT remains overrated. It’s pretty baffling it’s consistently on top of virtually every top Zelda list despite having clearly aged. It’s clear people keep nostalgia glasses with this one. However, objectively speaking, most of it’s faults are result of limited resources at the time, and it’s sensible to play devil’s advocate here. Despite the fanaticism, it’s a product of it’s time, and deserves praise for what was achieved at the time.....

which leads with my most overrated Zelda game: Twilight Princess. OOT can be excused for it’s faults due to more limited resources at the time. But the same can’t be said to TP. You had twice as many resources at least, you made a map at least three times bigger...... and you do exactly the same as OOT :Cozy:? That game should have been closer to BOTW than OOT. Hence why is my most overrated Zelda game. Not to mention additional problems like a two hour tutorial and how insultingly easy it is :yuck:


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Oof, here we go

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag. I'm not a big fan of assassin's creed series but I enjoy these games. Expect for AC 4, I hate that Ubi turned it into a ship simulator, almost no gameplay on ground, only boring sails

Overwatch, Destiny, WoW, etc. Pretty much all online-based competing games. I get why people like them but there's no way they're better than well written AAA games with rich story

All Nintendo games (except Zelda). I still can't wrap my head around it, why do people like them? I get that most of fans are driven by love to Nintendo from their childhood. Because of the spicific thing of my nation (Nintendo games were extremely unpopular before Switch) I'm not a childhood fan, in fact I've never played any modern title. From this position I don't see why games without well written story and characters and with just pure gameplay are more popular than other games

Horizon Zero Dawn. Played for ~10 hours and sold the disk. Plain boring game

On 2020-06-20 at 5:55 AM, Kyoshi said:

Personally I would put Saints Row IV over that one in the "worst" category, mainly because it is just Crackdown with a Saints Row skin. Even so, 1 and 2 are far superior to 3 in nearly every regard.

I've been wondering why Saints Row fans hate 4th game? As a non-fan I found SR 4 fun as a 12 years old boy. Recently I replayed it and enjoyed it even more because I could understand all jokes and references (seriously it's a one big parody on game industry and I'm loving it). But SR 3 seems like a SR 4 without superpowers which is bad for me

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3 hours ago, Vefka said:


All Nintendo games (except Zelda). I still can't wrap my head around it, why do people like them? I get that most of fans are driven by love to Nintendo from their childhood. Because of the spicific thing of my nation (Nintendo games were extremely unpopular before Switch) I'm not a childhood fan, in fact I've never played any modern title. From this position I don't see why games without well written story and characters and with just pure gameplay are more popular than other games


Personally, I think they give a better feeling of escapism :mlp_icwudt:. Then again, you may have a point. They did go to a dork age with WII, which they’ve only recovered recently with Switch :yuck:

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm not the gamer nerd I use to be but I have a few:

  • Mario Games:  I have had backlash over this but I tend to like Kirby more.  
  • Sims:  If I wanted to do "slice of life" I would go outside and watch ppl.
  • FF7:  Ok I like the FF games given FFX is my go to game but I always felt it was this master piece ppl make it out to be. 


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Genshin Impact and Animal Crossing

I tried Genshin Impact and I don't understand the hype..? Could just be me and my love for actual games with character creation, but it's just.. boring? I don't understand anything about it.

As for Animal Crossing, I just don't really care for it. I've never played the Switch versions because I'm poor as hecc, but I've tried the mobile one. It's just not my cup of tea. Perhaps if it was more... advanced in a way? Like, if you could choose if you wanted to live in a huge city, a farm, anything.. and then build from that? The fan art is really adorable though.

Although Identity V isn't as popular anymore, it was extremely overhyped. Tried it once and never played again. The gameplay was super boring, and the story wasn't really that great either. IT just repeated the gameplay over and over again; finding the boxes to hack just to open a door, and that was it most of the time.

Don't even get me started on that Dangrandampa game or whatever it's called. Absolutely despise most of the fandom as well.

Homestuck. That's it. I don't need to explain anything else.

The Gacha Life series. I can't with them. The art style is adorable but seeing them everywhere... It just gets uncreative after awhile.

And as a FNAF fan myself, I do believe the game is quite overrated. While I do enjoy it, just seeing a whole bunch of literal children entering the fandom makes me extremely uncomfortable, due to the amount of violence and other stuff in both canon and fan works. Don't get me started on the amount of literal MINORS that make and post NSFW art, which is illegal in the US.
I mean, I'm fine with the game getting recognition, but not to literal 4-9 year olds, which most of the merch seems to be targeted towards unfortunately.
 I am hyped for Security Breach, though! Especially since it's the first free roam FNAF game, and the gameplay so far looks definitely better than what we used to get.

  • Brohoof 1

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On 2021-02-23 at 9:02 AM, Vefka said:

I've been wondering why Saints Row fans hate 4th game? As a non-fan I found SR 4 fun as a 12 years old boy. Recently I replayed it and enjoyed it even more because I could understand all jokes and references (seriously it's a one big parody on game industry and I'm loving it). But SR 3 seems like a SR 4 without superpowers which is bad for me

That's the thing, I actually think SR4 is a super fun game, but it is hardly a Saint's Row title. While 3 tried to take the series into a wacky direction and failed, it still had the basic groundwork of the first two games. SR4 threw that groundwork out the window and feels more like a full on spin off, like Agents of Mayhem but not shitty. It basically went full on parody with most of what made the first two games good not considered. It does make up for it with its superpowers and extra craziness, but that simply isn't what Saints Row should be, in my opinion. I want an experience like 2, where the gameplay is more down to Earth but has wacky elements in it. A story that has humor but also moments that can be taken seriously. SR4 just isn't that. 

5 hours ago, Megas said:

*insert your favorite game here*

HOW F***ING DARE YOUUUUUUUUUUU. *rages like Godzilla on crack*

  • Brohoof 2



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Bioshock comes readily to mind. The gameplay was meh, the atmosphere passable at best, and the story. if one were generous enough to call it that, was predictable down to the beat. Heck, even the sequel was more engaging.

Other than that, Fallout 2. It's a perfect example of a perfunctory sequel - the story was recycled from the original {we're kicking you out to find the plot macguffin, oh there's a bigger threat that threatens everyone} and the NPC dialogue was a constant game of Guess The Pop Culture Reference. A perfect example might be the boxing agent's monologue in New Reno which I thought was actually a clever bit of self-deprecative metahumor... which turned out to be lifted neatly verbatim from an episode of X-Files. The wider world, minor gameplay improvements and companion NPC personalities were high points, but not nearly bright enough to carry the rest of the game.

Edited by Quinch
  • Brohoof 1

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Every single 3D Zelda game is at least somewhat overrated. Not going to go into too much detail about it here, but I wouldn't give any of them above an eight out of ten. Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword in particular, have serious problems that are never addressed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason i didnt mentioned Silent Hill 2, maybe i was to afraid.

I think SIlent Hill 2 is one of the most overrated games in existence, the game design looks boring, the gameplay is exhausting ( constantly running around in large empty spaces with your stamina running out ) the enemys arent really that creative in my eyes and the fact every monster looks like a human, even though its supposed to be symbolic and all that, is just completely uninteresting to me.

For me it is easily the worst entry in the entire franchise. Only the Silent Hill Historical Society/Prison level was awesome and the Maria Bonus Scenario kinda cool, everything else was boring. Also the story was predictable. But at least parts of the Story of SH 2 spawned Silent Hill - The Arcade, which i think is a pretty good spinoff.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 5 months later...

Super Mario Bros 3 - Still a Masterpiece but its not the best game ever as Super Mario World was better

Pokemon Red & Blue - Also a amazing game but, Gold/Silver & Crystal were 10x better

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