Azureth 687 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I was watching a video of top 10 theme parks that should be made, and to my surprise an MLP one was #9. I think the concept of one would be awesome, you could have different sections such as one based off Ponyville, one Canterlot, one Crystal Empire, etc. etc. And have all kinds of different rides and attractions. Of course, I realize that realistically it's in no way plausible or practical. As popular as MLP is it's nowhere near popular enough to warrant a theme park based off of it. In all honesty I am sure the attendance would be extremely small, perhaps on its grand opening you could get a few thousand from those that would come from all over, but I am sure after just a few weeks it would be down to barely nothing sadly. Still fun to think what kinds of ride and attractions an MLP theme park could have. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I don't think it would do well, it would be cool but i don't think it would last long 1 It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I don't really think that MLP FIM is big enough to warrant its own theme park. Maybe the MLP franchise could get its own section in a Hasbro themed park, but that's about it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dreambiscuit 10,178 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) I don't really think that MLP FIM is big enough to warrant its own theme park. Maybe the MLP franchise could get its own section in a Hasbro themed park, but that's about it. Yes, as one sub-theme under a larger overall name like Hasbro, maybe it could work. Otherwise, the MLP characters could be used as a theme element in another park that doesn't have a specific theme of its own. Knott's Berry Farm and Magic Mountain use characters (Looney Tunes, Peanuts) on loan from other companies, maybe someone should do the same with MLP. Edited August 21, 2016 by Dreambiscuit 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,445 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 I don't think MLP is big enough to have it's own theme park. Could have it's own section in a theme park Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phanact 333 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 All of my yes I would live there 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alex Z 848 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 I don't think centering an entire theme park based on one property will ever be a good idea. Maybe I could see a Hasbro themed amusement park, but just MLP? No. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whirlwind 1,059 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 For those Who Don't know me. I'm a Roller Coaster Enthusiast. But I've always wanted to discuss a topic like this. Can it be possible in any way A My Little Pony Theme Park could be built? Well Not exactly. But I wanna here some Ideas to Make a My Little Pony Theme park. After all, The show and fanbase is viewed by all ages. But Come up with some cool ideas! 1 "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whirlwind 1,059 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I would love to see a My Little Pony Theme Park. I agree what DreamBisquit Said. Something Knotts Berry Farm Like. My examples of a theme park would be divided into 5 seprate Themed areas. Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Crystal Empire. As Well As A CMC themed area (clubhouse) for kids. Cloudsdale would be more of a Thrill seekers type area Which would include A launched Roller Coaster themed to Rainbow Dash or the Wonderbolts. Maybe include some flat rides as well Ponyville could be similar To Knotts Ghost town with various building/props with animatronics,as well as food and shopping. Canterlot would be more live show areas and maybe some family flat rides and a Mine Train Roller Coaster/dark ride Similar to Big thunder mountain Railroad but themed to the Two Sisters. Crystal Empire will be another thrill and family district combined with Games, a water ride themed to The Crystal Empire itself and maybe even a drop tower down the Crystal Castle. And for the CMC area. Just Kids stuff, games, small rides, kiddie coaster 4 "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eragaedrhaerh 64 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I guess you could have a couple MLP related attractions at a theme park, but there's really not enough to base a theme park off. Surely if you make too many related rides, it would just end up with rides named after random characters, and have no actual relation to them except for the landscape. I don't know, maybe it'd work. I'd be sure to check it out, but I don't think it'd do too well. 1 look I have a quote or something in BOLD. I AM SO WITTY. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unused account 91 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I think a theme park just for mlp is a bit impractical. But I think it I possible that ther would be like maybe one ride based on mlp in a Hasbro theme park or something like that :3. Sadly, given the fact that Mlp is and always will be a kids show. It will probably only be a kid's ride as well. That seems a bit more probable. P.S. If it was a kids ride... I'd still ride it x3 2 all about my OC EthRitt: my soundcloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 as cmarston said, it could work in a section, inside an Hasbro theme park. With other franchises like Transformers, littlest pet shop, etc. But it will only be really good, if they sell MLP Ice cream bars there. 1 My OC Mesme Rize: > Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FluffyGoat13 375 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 Well.... I don't like theme parks. At all. So there's your answer. "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglass Adams Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 Well, I did once contemplate what attractions would suit which characters if such a park were to be made. Of course Rainbow Dash's roller coaster would have to be a thing, and not some pansy coaster either but something worthy of Dashie herself with lots of speed and dips and loops and all the fun stuff I've created countless times in sims. FYI, I always go with the most I could get away with while obeying the laws of physics, and I've always wanted to ride a ride like that in real life. Obviously, Fluttershy's petting zoo should be a thing, along with Pinkie Pie's sweet shoppe. Maybe Rarity could have the souvenir shop and AJ could have something cute like a wood roller coaster. What? I love those. They may not be the fastest, but they're super quaint and there aren't very many around anymore. This one would actually be brand new but based on the older design of a wood coaster. That would be so AJ. I guess Twilight could have the ferris wheel, as that's all about friendship. Maybe Starlight could have the swing ride. Spike could have the toddler's ride, or maybe that could go to the CMCs while Spike could get something like one of those experience type rides we see at Disneyland that tells a story with Spike as the narrator. The tilt-a-whirl could go to Princess Cadance as those are often pink and girly and the Princess of Love would suit something like that. Oh, Celestia could have the boat type ride that swings back and forth, though in her case it could be themed after a chariot. Luna could have her own experience type ride involving some plot relating to dreams. Oh, that leaves the type of ride that lifts you up and spins you around really fast to the tune of some kind of music. Obviously DJ Pon3 could be suitable for that. Discord could have some kind of simulated roller coaster like at Universal Studios. Yeah, I could see that. The auditorium could go to Octavia. Maybe we could give Queen Chrysallis or some other villain the G-force type ride. It's a work in progress, but it's starting to come together. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Choros Isorropai 409 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 i would love an mlp world, but i would insist on animatronics or "3d, hd, cgi, hollogram" shtuff... using live actors would be a chalange and would be too demanding of the preformer, and if you figure only the mane 6, thats 12 people... and 6 of them would have to know the voice, unless they do the "disney" and go mute! would we want pre recorded greetings, or halfassed voices to the characters? would we want the ponies to be portraid by actors in costumes? OC: Blog: The unasked questions are what bother me, not the answers. The answers give me clarity. Silence is in its self an answer, so ask! To not ask is to deny the existence of said question, and leaves you with just "what if". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 I would love this so much. I wish it could happen. My examples of a theme park would be divided into 5 seprate Themed areas.Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and Crystal Empire. As Well As A CMC themed area (clubhouse) for kids. Cloudsdale would be more of a Thrill seekers type area Which would include A launched Roller Coaster themed to Rainbow Dash or the Wonderbolts. Maybe include some flat rides as well Ponyville could be similar To Knotts Ghost town with various building/props with animatronics,as well as food and shopping. Canterlot would be more live show areas and maybe some family flat rides and a Mine Train Roller Coaster/dark ride Similar to Big thunder mountain Railroad but themed to the Two Sisters. Crystal Empire will be another thrill and family district combined with Games, a water ride themed to The Crystal Empire itself and maybe even a drop tower down the Crystal Castle. And for the CMC area. Just Kids stuff, games, small rides, kiddie coaster I love all of this. That sounds so amazing. Being a lover of extreme coasters, I'm more excited by the prospect of the thrill seeker areas. I want a Kingda Ka clone called The Sonic Rainboom. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whirlwind 1,059 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 I would love this so much. I wish it could happen. I love all of this. That sounds so amazing. Being a lover of extreme coasters, I'm more excited by the prospect of the thrill seeker areas. I want a Kingda Ka clone called The Sonic Rainboom. Heck yeah. That would sound amazing 1 "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow 7,561 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 i mean.. it would be amazing. but it would be for kids, and well.. i would love to go to one, but i would feel super not welcome and super embarrassed beans Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChikaChan 7,326 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 I can imagine that people are driving huge muffin bumper cars now 0-0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarge Sixteenbit 287 September 1, 2016 Share September 1, 2016 A replica of the cloudsdale factory with synthesized rain, wind, etc. Fluttershy-themed petting zoo Real life Sugar Cube corner Discord stage show with audience involvement Costumed actors all over the park, both mascot ponies an Equestria Girls humans 1 DevianArt Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 September 2, 2016 Share September 2, 2016 For those Who Don't know me. I'm a Roller Coaster Enthusiast. But I've always wanted to discuss a topic like this. Can it be possible in any way A My Little Pony Theme Park could be built? Well Not exactly. But I wanna here some Ideas to Make a My Little Pony Theme park. After all, The show and fanbase is viewed by all ages. But Come up with some cool ideas! Hi, as there was already a thread on this topic I decided to merge yours with it. Also, now that the two topics are merged you can see my lengthy post on the subject. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpectraDust 149 September 2, 2016 Share September 2, 2016 I don't think a MLP theme park would do well on it's own, but I think it could work with something else. Maybe a Hasbro theme park or cartoon theme park or something along those lines. I have a few ideas in mind for rides and attractions. ^^ Sonic Rainboom ride would be something like a Stealth from Thorpe Park. (Maybe not so intense so little ones could ride it.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valiant 2.0 65 September 2, 2016 Share September 2, 2016 DUDE. A MLP theme park would be amazing. I'd be all over that, regardless of how out of place I might look to the usual target audience. Like others are saying, however, I don't think it would be successful in the long run...but boy, it would be awesome. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knightgem 158 September 2, 2016 Share September 2, 2016 A replica of the cloudsdale factory with synthesized rain, wind, etc. Fluttershy-themed petting zoo Real life Sugar Cube corner Discord stage show with audience involvement Costumed actors all over the park, both mascot ponies an Equestria Girls humans I suppose make the Carousel boutique as the gift shop? Or A gift shop. Ya know with Pony earbands(pun), pony tail belts, eleastic ali/unicorn headbands, pegasus wing backpacks. Ya know the more I talk about this, the more I want it to happen. 1 isn't flashing your riches, it's sharing it with others that don't know how or can't Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChikaChan 7,326 September 3, 2016 Share September 3, 2016 @,What the Cake's shop? x3 it could sell ice cream,cakes and other goodies like the show? :3c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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