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S06:E24 - Top Bolt

Ashen Pathfinder

What did you think of the episode?  

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  1. 1. Did you like it?

    • Top BAD is more like it. -_-
    • No; that was underwhelming.
    • Meh; total meh.
    • Yeah, I like it.

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I think the episode can be summed up like this:




I've already said before, but I loved this episode. First off, it's a Dash/Wonderbolts episode in season 6 that doesn't take a huge shit on them so it already gets bonus points for that alone. And it's a Season 6 episode where Twilight gets to do something, more bonus points. It's also a map episode where both ponies are useful, so even more bonus points.


Anyway, Twilight and Rainbow Dash prove once again that they make magic together, and makes me wish they'd pair up more often, and Vapor Trail and Angel Wings are adorable. If there's one complaint it's that I can see Sky Stinger being more difficult for people to warm up too

Edited by T-SPARKS
  • Brohoof 11
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I love this episode, probably my favorite of the season. It's one that I was able to 100% enjoy. I gotta say, I really need myself a friend like Vapor. 

Finally got to see Twilight do something again, to me it has felt like she hasn't been doing all that much so it was pretty neat, and I'm glad that Rainbow Dash had a wonderbolts episode where she doesn't make an ass of herself, feels good to not have to cringe. 


Sky is kind of an idiot though but I'm glad he became a bit more humble at the end. I mean even the professionals have to train and their training is rigorous.

  • Brohoof 2
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I think the episode can be summed up like this:




I've already said before, but I loved this episode. First off, it's a Dash/Wonderbolts episode in season 6 that doesn't take a huge shit on them so it already gets bonus points for that alone. And it's a Season 6 episode where Twilight gets to do something, more bonus points. It's also a map episode where both ponies are useful, so even more bonus points.


Anyway, Twilight and Rainbow Dash prove once again that they make magic together, and makes me wish they'd pair up more often, and Vapor Trail and Angel Wings are adorable. If there's one complaint it's that I can see Sky Stinger being more difficult for people to warm up too


Oh T-Sparks. You old so and so.  :kindness:


Yes, the ship is strong. People may indeed have trouble connecting with him because of his arrogance at the start but Vapor was stealing the spotlight even if he wasn't.  :squee:



I love this episode, probably my favorite of the season. It's one that I was able to 100% enjoy. I gotta say, I really need myself a friend like Vapor. 

Finally got to see Twilight do something again, to me it has felt like she hasn't been doing all that much so it was pretty neat, and I'm glad that Rainbow Dash had a wonderbolts episode where she doesn't make an ass of herself, feels good to not have to cringe. 


Sky is kind of an idiot though but I'm glad he became a bit more humble at the end. I mean even the professionals have to train and their training is rigorous.


While I may not agree to it being the top of my list for the season, I do agree it's good. It was a nice break not to have Dashie totally crazy. If anyone was crazy then it was Twi and her love of lectures.  :lol:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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While I may not agree to it being the top of my list for the season, I do agree it's good. It was a nice break not to have Dashie totally crazy. If anyone was crazy then it was Twi and her love of lectures.  :lol:

lol, perspective....I'd have said the other way!

  • Brohoof 1

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Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews," the penultimate edition of Season 6!!!  Just like last week, we were once again treated to an absolutely delightful episode, albeit far less surprising than last week's was.  It was a high flying adventure this morning set at the Wonderbolt Academy, so without further ado let's dive in, this is "Top Bolt"!!!


So let's get this out of the way to start things off: I didn't like Sky Stinger.  I know some people are shipping him like crazy already with Vapor Trail, and not for entirely bad reasons, but frankly I found him insufferable.  This is purely a personal opinion, mind you, I'm not saying you're wrong if you liked him.  Really I think it comes down to two things: (1) I found his voice to be grating and annoying in its natural-cocky mode he seemed to slip into every time he spoke, and (2) I've played sports and have known some people like him in real life, which made him all the more insufferable.  I think the final factor that made me not come around to him is that less time was devoted to him fixing things than it was to Vapor Trail.  Vapor Trail started improving what she needed to fix in her own life for at least half of the episode, if not more, whereas Sky had at best the last third, probably more like the last fourth, to get better.  Is that entirely fair of me since it was just a matter of episode pacing?  No, not entirely, but the fact remains that we spent far less time seeing Sky in a better light than we did Vapor, and in the end I just didn't really come around to him that much.  He's not as bad as Zephyr Breeze was, no way, but he was still plenty annoying all in all.




*cough* DOUCHEBAG *cough*


Besides Sky, however, I really loved everything else about this episode.  I love pegasi, I love the Wonderbolt Academy, and I love the pairing of Twilight and Rainbow Dash.  Those two, when they're really on their A-game, make for a very fun and entertaining pair, and I love seeing them work together because they have very different ways of approaching problems, as was nicely highlighted in this episode.  Twilight's very methodical and much more bookish, whereas Rainbow Dash acts much more based on her instincts, which we saw very much in this episode given the setting where she was very much in her element.  As with Fluttershy and Applejack as well as Pinkie Pie and Rarity earlier this season, while these two had their disagreements in the course of solving this friendship problem, they ultimately overcame them and utilized their strengths to the best of their ability in helping out both Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger.  Good pep talks, good learning experiences, very mature behavior from both of them all around, which is especially commendable for Rainbow Dash considering what she was like when the show started (Sky was definitely a call back to that, no doubt, very similarly to how Lightning Dust was in Season 3).  Overall, I thought that they both had a very solid episode and were just the right amount of wise, entertaining, and adorable.


The stand out character of this episode was without a doubt Vapor Trail.  Oh goodness, I liked this character A LOT.  She was adorable (both in her behavior, design, and even voice), she had a very compelling character arc, and all around was just very likable.  Like I said before, she definitely had more time devoted to her character arc and development than Sky did, and it definitely paid off for the better in her case.  They both certainly had sympathetic backgrounds, heck, Sky's might have been even sadder (although I thought their depiction of the dysfunctionality of a multiple-sibling family was a bit simplistic and exaggerated, it seemed to me more so like maybe their problem was their economic situation more than anything else), but Vapor got the lion's share of time to change and ultimately it made for the more compelling character arc of the two.  Her problem was one of self-value, heck, there's even lessons there for victims of domestic abuse who give too much care to their partners (I'm not saying Sky was abusive, he clearly cared about her, just that the parallels were there).  She definitely didn't care enough about her own needs, and in the process she actually hurt both herself and Sky as well as a result.  So before she could really be there for him, she had to learn how to care about what she wanted for herself as well, besides being around Sky.  Given her devotion to him, I can certainly see why people are already shipping those two in earnest, but like I said, this devotion is far more complicated than it appears at first glance since it was at the center of what she needed to fix about herself.  If fanfics subsequently come out starring these two, I hope that writers identify this and are able to handle their relationship with the care that it deserves, because it's far more nuanced than people might think at first glance.  It was a pleasure getting to see her grow and learn to care about her own needs and wants as the episode went on, in fact, it was my favorite part of the episode, and like I said before I found THAT conflict to be far more compelling in its execution than Sky's own growth and development was.  So all in all she was a delightful character to get to know and I would love to see more of her in the future (even if it means we'd see more of Sky as well).




I like this pony, she knows her stuff.  :smug:  Also, I seriously can't get enough of that Twilight face  :icwudt: 





Oh no, my heart!  THAT IS JUST TOO SWEET!!!  I thought that might be a fan playing her, but I had no idea those were the circumstances of her getting that role!  ALL THE FEELS!!!  :( 


As far as laughs go, this episode wasn't nearly as fun as least week's was, but it was still very funny.  The classroom scene was a riot, but honestly my favorite source of humor in this episode was Spitfire.  It was a blast getting to see her shooting the breeze with RD as a fellow Wonderbolt, not just a superior, throughout the episode, and the running gag about her loving her job as the Academy instructor was hilarious.  Some of the Wonderbolt recruits were pretty funny as well, especially that fan-girl pegasus, and Twilight and RD definitely had their moments throughout.  But I think it wasn't quite as funny as last week's episode because there was something undeniably sad about Vapor holding herself back to boost Sky's own ego and Sky being so unaware for so much of the episode that he wasn't the hot-stuff he thought he was.  Definitely made for an interesting friendship problem, just not as funny of an episode.






Man there was a lot of blowing in this episode... wait... BLOWING HORNS AND WHISTLES, BLOWING HORNS AND WHISTLES, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!!!  :love: 


Overall, this was a solid penultimate episode for the season, and that is not to be taken for granted.  My least favorite episode to this day is "MMMMystery on the Friendship Express," and that sullied the otherwise amazing season that was Season 2, coming right at the end right before the season finale.  So really, even though this was hardly the best episode we've had this season, I'm just glad that it was good.  It's been a great season of MLP everypony, but as with every season, it must come to an end, and next week we close out Season 6.  I'm glad to say I have NOT watched the finale despite the early leak, so I'll be going into it fresh next week and cannot wait to do so!  Until next time everypony, this is Batbrony signing off.  I'm off!!! *cue dramatic exit*

  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I lost my original post (the browser crashed and didn't save it like it used to when I had a mac) :( So here I am trying to recreate its magic:


I do have to admit when I heard there was to be a friendship problem at Wonderbolt Academy, I sincerely hoped it meant that it'd be something with the Wonderbolts themselves. I mean...they have some pretty serious issues (even if Spit Fire did apologize to Sorin at the end of Rainbow Falls, the fact that they found that ok in the first place just shows they have a long way to go). BUT I was not disappointed with what we got. Seeing Dashie come completely full circle to help out pegasi that had once been in her place was just too good. 


Speaking of our main ponies, T-Sparks and The Dashinator were in tippity top form. I love it when they do the cutie map episodes because not only are there friendship lessons to go around Equestria, there's lessons between the mane six too as they learn to gel together in their differing ways.


It was really interesting seeing this episode juxtaposed right after Where the Apple Lies. That episode was all about not hiding the truth and telling lies. In this episode their first attempt at solving the problem revolves entirely around not telling the truth. They weren't necessarily lying per say, but they were definitely creating a falsehood by withholding the truth. What really interested me was how, between these two episodes, all theories about AJ and Rainbow having had their elements swapped seems to have been blown to bits. First AJ learned just why honesty is so important (and even then it looked like she had some issues with telling her fibs, and she certainly sucked at keeping up with them - seriously she was a horrible liar), and now in this episode we see Rainbow having absolutely zero qualms with with holding the truth. In fact.....that plan was her plan to begin with. Though I do believe AJ's rainbow-eyes-key episode also revolved around her learning a lesson about with holding the truth, so maybe that whole point was neither here nor there.


And on the other side of the equation we have Sky Stinger. Man did he Zephyr that up. I know the idea was that he had a big head because he never failed, thanks to Vapor, but...That was a horrible relationship. I do admire her loyalty, but Sky Stinger was constantly putting her down to build himself up. That kind of trait only really happens in one type of relationship: an abusive one. Sure she was really strong and it turned out she didn't care, but Rainbow also pointed out later that she never really acknowledged her own strengths. So even if she was aware of the situation and 'above it' in a way, it still seemed to be affecting her. Seeing all the people talking about shipping them is giving me flashbacks to Twilight. Not the pony. The rancid book/movie series about an abusive vampire and the robot he eventually had a child with. I do not ship them. I really hope for something better for Vapor. She's a beautiful character and deserves someone who cares about her more than himself. (Heyy maybe we could tie up Flash Sentry by shipping him with Vapor. Can this be a thing? Keep Flash away from Twilight by putting his nice-guy-ness to good use with a nice girl pegasus?)


When I watched the livestream lots of people were saying "Zephyr was worse" but I have to disagree. Zephyr was annoying and whiney and took advantage of his family, but he didn't outright abuse them. And at the end of the day, he just really had confidence issues and didn't know how to express them, which is kind of a common problem. Annoying and sometimes you want to punch them in the face, yes. Abusive? Not half as much as Sky Stinger. Even his 'compliments' were backhanded and raised him above her. Not once did he ever just compliment her for her own abilities. And no, telling her she has a cute sneeze does not count. His childhood is no excuse for that behavior. (Tho....the Princess of Flying was a really funny joke. Especially if he thinks he's ahead of Dashie on that list.)


Ughhhh I was so not rooting for him.


Now don't get me wrong, I liked this episode well enough. I was ok with the ending. I just think they went a little to hard on his character because I sincerely wanted him to fail. Or at least be just mediocre and have a 'long way to go.' MLP used to do that sort of thing all the time. Having him excel was too much. All I can do now is hope he doesn't come back up. Vapor tho - I'd love to see her again any day. 


And speaking of Vapor, the ways she helped Sky Stinger were kind of genius. If the Wonderbolts used her tricks to help each other out, they could make their performances 30% cooler. She'd be a great choreographer for them. If she doesn't want to be in the center of attention that might be a better fit for her. :3 She'd also make a stellar back up for Rainbow in case 'Official Friendship business' gets in the way of Wonderbolt business.


Gotta love Angel Wings :3

Edited by vanillapudding
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...when I heard there was to be a friendship problem at Wonderbolt Academy, I sincerely hoped it meant that it'd be something with the Wonderbolts themselves. I mean...they have some pretty serious issues...


Oh, that would have been fantastic.

we got a solid episode, but I'm suddenly ACHING for the writers to deal with some of the wonderbolt dysfunction.  


And speaking of Vapor, the ways she helped Sky Stinger were kind of genius. If the Wonderbolts used her tricks to help each other out, they could make their performances 30% cooler. 



You have some really nice ideas.

  • Brohoof 3

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I do admire her loyalty, but Sky Stinger was constantly putting her down to build himself up. That kind of trait only really happens in one type of relationship: an abusive one.


Okay, just gonna say...I really didn't see this at all. Constantly putting her down? He seemed worried about her to me. He's arrogant and cocky in his own abilities, but he didn't really feel like he was putting her down. The first thing he says about her is that "He never flies without her", and when the solo flight test is brought up to him, he mentions that "They" can handle it no problem. Then later on he mentions privately to Dash and Twilight that they have to help her, and that he's concerned about her.


 He reacts with anger when he finds out she's been helping him this whole time, which isn't entirely excusable but is understandable. He's basically just found out the majority of his talent has been a complete lie, and that he's not nearly as good as he thought he was. That's got to be a tough pill to swallow, and she was the one who convinced him of that lie basically.


 When they make up after all that, he's nothing but supportive and caring for her. I don't recall him ever putting her down, unless I missed something?

  • Brohoof 2

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Vapor is pretty cute and I noticed when she flies fast she leaves a trail of a marshmellow/easter rainbow like Dash.


Easter colors are my favorite! I love Vapor~!  :squee:

Did you see those Vapor cuddles at the end of the episode? So adorbs!  :pinkie:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Good morning everypony, and welcome back to another edition of "Batbrony Reviews," the penultimate edition of Season 6!!!  Just like last week, we were once again treated to an absolutely delightful episode, albeit far less surprising than last week's was.  It was a high flying adventure this morning set at the Wonderbolt Academy, so without further ado let's dive in, this is "Top Bolt"!!!


So let's get this out of the way to start things off: I didn't like Sky Stinger.  I know some people are shipping him like crazy already with Vapor Trail, and not for entirely bad reasons, but frankly I found him insufferable.  This is purely a personal opinion, mind you, I'm not saying you're wrong if you liked him.  Really I think it comes down to two things: (1) I found his voice to be grating and annoying in its natural-cocky mode he seemed to slip into every time he spoke, and (2) I've played sports and have known some people like him in real life, which made him all the more insufferable.  I think the final factor that made me not come around to him is that less time was devoted to him fixing things than it was to Vapor Trail.  Vapor Trail started improving what she needed to fix in her own life for at least half of the episode, if not more, whereas Sky had at best the last third, probably more like the last fourth, to get better.  Is that entirely fair of me since it was just a matter of episode pacing?  No, not entirely, but the fact remains that we spent far less time seeing Sky in a better light than we did Vapor, and in the end I just didn't really come around to him that much.  He's not as bad as Zephyr Breeze was, no way, but he was still plenty annoying all in all.




*cough* DOUCHEBAG *cough*




You're not a very smart pony, are ya Sky?


Besides Sky, however, I really loved everything else about this episode.  I love pegasi, I love the Wonderbolt Academy, and I love the pairing of Twilight and Rainbow Dash.  Those two, when they're really on their A-game, make for a very fun and entertaining pair, and I love seeing them work together because they have very different ways of approaching problems, as was nicely highlighted in this episode.  Twilight's very methodical and much more bookish, whereas Rainbow Dash acts much more based on her instincts, which we saw very much in this episode given the setting where she was very much in her element.  As with Fluttershy and Applejack as well as Pinkie Pie and Rarity earlier this season, while these two had their disagreements in the course of solving this friendship problem, they ultimately overcame them and utilized their strengths to the best of their ability in helping out both Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger.  Good pep talks, good learning experiences, very mature behavior from both of them all around, which is especially commendable for Rainbow Dash considering what she was like when the show started (Sky was definitely a call back to that, no doubt, very similarly to how Lightning Dust was in Season 3).  Overall, I thought that they both had a very solid episode and were just the right amount of wise, entertaining, and adorable.




Excited book horse is excited




Behold everypony, through the power of science we have made... A RAINBOW DASH!!!


The stand out character of this episode was without a doubt Vapor Trail.  Oh goodness, I liked this character A LOT.  She was adorable (both in her behavior, design, and even voice), she had a very compelling character arc, and all around was just very likable.  Like I said before, she definitely had more time devoted to her character arc and development than Sky did, and it definitely paid off for the better in her case.  They both certainly had sympathetic backgrounds, heck, Sky's might have been even sadder (although I thought their depiction of the dysfunctionality of a multiple-sibling family was a bit simplistic and exaggerated, it seemed to me more so like maybe their problem was their economic situation more than anything else), but Vapor got the lion's share of time to change and ultimately it made for the more compelling character arc of the two.  Her problem was one of self-value, heck, there's even lessons there for victims of domestic abuse who give too much care to their partners (I'm not saying Sky was abusive, he clearly cared about her, just that the parallels were there).  She definitely didn't care enough about her own needs, and in the process she actually hurt both herself and Sky as well as a result.  So before she could really be there for him, she had to learn how to care about what she wanted for herself as well, besides being around Sky.  Given her devotion to him, I can certainly see why people are already shipping those two in earnest, but like I said, this devotion is far more complicated than it appears at first glance since it was at the center of what she needed to fix about herself.  If fanfics subsequently come out starring these two, I hope that writers identify this and are able to handle their relationship with the care that it deserves, because it's far more nuanced than people might think at first glance.  It was a pleasure getting to see her grow and learn to care about her own needs and wants as the episode went on, in fact, it was my favorite part of the episode, and like I said before I found THAT conflict to be far more compelling in its execution than Sky's own growth and development was.  So all in all she was a delightful character to get to know and I would love to see more of her in the future (even if it means we'd see more of Sky as well).




Oh my goodness she is too cute




I like this pony, she knows her stuff.  :smug:  Also, I seriously can't get enough of that Twilight face  :icwudt: 





Oh no, my heart!  THAT IS JUST TOO SWEET!!!  I thought that might be a fan playing her, but I had no idea those were the circumstances of her getting that role!  ALL THE FEELS!!!  :( 


As far as laughs go, this episode wasn't nearly as fun as least week's was, but it was still very funny.  The classroom scene was a riot, but honestly my favorite source of humor in this episode was Spitfire.  It was a blast getting to see her shooting the breeze with RD as a fellow Wonderbolt, not just a superior, throughout the episode, and the running gag about her loving her job as the Academy instructor was hilarious.  Some of the Wonderbolt recruits were pretty funny as well, especially that fan-girl pegasus, and Twilight and RD definitely had their moments throughout.  But I think it wasn't quite as funny as last week's episode because there was something undeniably sad about Vapor holding herself back to boost Sky's own ego and Sky being so unaware for so much of the episode that he wasn't the hot-stuff he thought he was.  Definitely made for an interesting friendship problem, just not as funny of an episode.






Man there was a lot of blowing in this episode... wait... BLOWING HORNS AND WHISTLES, BLOWING HORNS AND WHISTLES, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!!!  :love: 


Overall, this was a solid penultimate episode for the season, and that is not to be taken for granted.  My least favorite episode to this day is "MMMMystery on the Friendship Express," and that sullied the otherwise amazing season that was Season 2, coming right at the end right before the season finale.  So really, even though this was hardly the best episode we've had this season, I'm just glad that it was good.  It's been a great season of MLP everypony, but as with every season, it must come to an end, and next week we close out Season 6.  I'm glad to say I have NOT watched the finale despite the early leak, so I'll be going into it fresh next week and cannot wait to do so!  Until next time everypony, this is Batbrony signing off.  I'm off!!! *cue dramatic exit*

No wonder, Angel Wings seemed way out of touch of MLP female pegasus ponies. Most pegasus especially around the Wonderbolt area would be tomboyish.

  • Brohoof 1


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Pretty good episode! Rainbow Dash had a lot of good bits of comedy, like being the only one to fall asleep and the twice repeated "but I was just there!" and I loved Twilight's face when Vapor Trail blurted out the truth. Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail were pretty solid characters, if somewhat unoriginal. In some ways, Sky Stinger felt like a male version of Rainbow Dash, while Vapor Trail definitely has a lot in common with Fluttershy. Their relationship differed from FS and RD, however, so that was definitely a nice change of pace. The real star for me, however, was Angel Wings! Wish we'd gotten to see more of her!

  • Brohoof 1
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No wonder, Angel Wings seemed way out of touch of MLP female pegasus ponies. Most pegasus especially around the Wonderbolt area would be tomboyish.


Personally I would love to see more of this. I loved how her style was different and most of all her voice! We get the same voices so much that I was surprised by the different voice and very pleased I might add.  :idea:




The real star for me, however, was Angel Wings! Wish we'd gotten to see more of her!

Yep. Love the colors too. I liked both hers and Vapor's colors this episode. Angel's voice though was an added bonus.  ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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This was a great episode to watch. Rainbow and Twilight are sent to help out Spitfire with a couple of encouraging new cadets for the Wonderbolt Academy, and it just happens to coincide with Rainbow having just left there after spring training with the Wonderbolts, much to her annoyance.


Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger are the two new cadets that Spitfire sees plenty of Wonderbolt material in, but as it turns out, each of them is helping the other to look good as neither are very good at certain talents. Vapor Trail is helping to make Sky Stinger look good since he actually isn't as good a flyer as he thinks, but it causes Vapor Trail to disregard her own flying in the process. This stems from Vapor being an only child while Sky had so many sisters that getting attention from his parents was difficult.


After the first attempts to help cause some problems with Vapor and Sky when the truth is accidentally revealed, they are able to pull together, help Vapor and Sky overcome their handicaps and improve individually, and prove to Spitfire that they are worthy of admittance to the Wonderbolt Academy.


However, once Rainbow and Twilight return home, Misty Fly appears to drag Rainbow back to the Academy again because of an emergency, leading to a comical ending.


This was a very nice episode to end this season's Cutie Map missions for the Mane Six, and I give it a 9/10 for my score.

Edited by Sonic5421
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This was great. First map episode which I unreservedly adore, and a lot of that is down to Sky Stinger and Vapour Trail, who are some of the best new characters from a season which has been absolutely fantastic for new characters. Their dynamic is wonderful, they have just the right amount of complexity, they're sympathetic, and it's emotionally satisfying when their problem is solved. And, as per usual this season, the leading duo is a lot of fun, and though they're not my favourite character pair, I loved how the episode built on their character arcs so they could help the newbies. This was just lovely. 


Full review on my offsite blog


Additional thoughts:


Really liked Spitfire in this one, as well, especially in the cold open. That locker room banter is just the best, and I really hope we see more of Rainbow Dash with the Wonderbolts. Also, can we just take a moment to talk about Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolt picture hanging on the Academy wall? That feels really, really good. She made it!


I'm pretty sure I overstated my issues with Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle here in my review, as while watching I certainly was pretty pleased with them. I don't like this show pushing characters into this sort of "help other ponies grow" role, but this is like one of two episodes this season which makes no effort to develop a focus character, so I can deal with it. Wish Twilight would get some sort of character development again, though. 


Most of my issues here are personal biases which I don't even consider all that important to this episode, so adjust the score as you wish. Was seriously thinking I'd give it 100, and I still might on my inevitable second viewing. So damn good. 


Apparently I have a stronger tolerance for supposedly irritating characters than a lot of you here, because I really liked Sky Stinger, as well as the likes of Flurry Heart, Zephyr Breeze, and Quibble Pants from earlier this season. Huh. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Guess my theory on who voiced the three new characters was incorrect. I thought at least one of them would have been voiced by someone who voiced a previous character, but it turned out they were all new voice artists. My theory can still be salvaged though if a certain someone voiced two certain characters even if it was just a few lines.


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One of only two 10/10 episodes this season. Twilight got something to do, Rainbow Dash showed who she truly is as a character, great new secondary characters, good use of the wonderbolts, great chemistry with everyone, and a satisfying conclusion. The finale feels flat and needless in comparison.


Fantastic conlusion to a bummer of a season.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh, Poo!  I thought it was a great season - and this ep was one of my favorites. 


Both Vapor and Sky were beautifully designed, and the story was big fun.  Dash was her good self.  Would really like to hear military Bronies talk about this one...













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I may not have enjoyed this episode quite as much as most did, but I still really liked it. Twilight and Rainbow Dash were portrayed wonderfully here, which seeing that for RD is a breathe of fresh air. The new characters were pretty good too, not my favorites but still good. I also really liked what Twilight said 'They cannot get better if they don't know what they should improve'. That is something I think a lot of people in real life don't realize. Also liked Spitfire in this one which again is refreshing to see her portrayed in a more positive light.


Overall, definitely one of the better episodes for the season. Another huge winner in the facial expression contest as well. XD



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One of only two 10/10 episodes this season. Twilight got something to do, Rainbow Dash showed who she truly is as a character, great new secondary characters, good use of the wonderbolts, great chemistry with everyone, and a satisfying conclusion. The finale feels flat and needless in comparison.


Fantastic conlusion to a bummer of a season.

Agreed, except that this is perhaps one of three 10/10s this season for me, and this season was totally great. 

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You're all gonna be surprised by this but I despised Vapor Trails way more than Sky Stinger in this episode. Someone being egotistical is annoying yes but there is NOTHING worse than an enabler. It's like parenting. It's not the child's fault they have a ridiculous ego and behave poorly it is the parent's fault for not raising their children right. The same principle applies to Vapor enabling Sky skills as a flyer. Sky's behavior was excusable to be honest. When someone is blinded by so much winning they can get pretty arrogant when they don't realize they've been doped by their partner. But for the partner to just sit back and watch their best friend continue to boast without a second thought. To not once think that maybe I should confess. Ignorance is bliss to the receiver and annoying to the viewer, BUT permissive modeling is toxic to the mind of the reciever and leads into lies that will indefinitely ruin a relationship forever.


I have seen this happen numerous times where either the female or the male enables their partner until the lies come out and the relationship is over. If twilight and RD weren't there to save the day (because they wouldn't be in real life) they might have never gotten back together because Vapor was so submissive.


Needless to say though I will give Sky some flack. To never notice Vapor helping him was pretty oblivious on his part. Arrogance aside he was tolerable. And once I understood why he was arrogant I got a lot more mad at Vapor. Like I said it's like parenting.


Take advice from someone who has seen it like 5 times in his life by now. Co-dependent relationships are always a means to an end.

  • Brohoof 2


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