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How tall do you prefer your partner?


Height preference in a partner  

97 users have voted

  1. 1. How tall do you prefer your partner?

    • Male: Prefer taller
    • Male: Prefer equal or close to same
    • Male: Prefer shorter
    • Female: Prefer taller
    • Female: Prefer equal or close to same
    • Female: Prefer shorter
    • Neutral; I don't have a preference either way

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Had a short discourse with a member earlier, and it got me wondering: how tall do some of you prefer your romantic partner to be? Taller? Shorter? About the same? I'm really curious to see what the community likes. And while the poll doesn't take into account all genders, sexualities, etc., I'd like to see some of the stats on males vs. females in terms of how tall they prefer a partner. I'm also doing stats based on posts, so if you don't fit the bill for any of the poll options, just put up a post!

I'm male and prefer about the same or taller. I was married to someone a few inches shorter than myself, so obviously there's flexibility.  :D


Just as a note, it should go without saying that there are a multitude of factors that go into what a person likes in a partner – subjective ones, objective ones, values and qualities that hold greater and lesser importance than each other. People also have varying strength sexual drives; physical attraction bears different importance amongst everyone, and for some, it can be non-applicable. There's also the matter of each person's love language: some people are more receptive to touch, others to words, and some to gifts or gestures. This is just a poll to query a preference in a specific area, namely physical height. So don't worry, voicing one way or another doesn't mean you're glossing over all the other things.

Also, please be mindful of the language you use. We don't want to involuntarily oust anyone here who might feel one way or another about, well, anything honestly. This thread is just to collect input on where each member stands about the subject, not their thoughts about others' views.

Edited by Vertigo-01
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It really doesn't matter at all when you get right down to it. It's what's on the inside that counts. But in the spirit of the question asked, I'd say taller would be nice. I'm very short and, being attracted to what makes the opposite sex different from me, I'd want someone who reflects that in height as well.  

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm tall for a woman, and tend to like having a partner the same height or taller. That being said, there are qualities that are far more important than height, so for me, it boils down to the person as a whole.

  • Brohoof 2
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It doesn't matter to me.  When it comes to relationships, I'm very much capable of tolerating and accepting anything but abuse and unfaithfulness.  I can accept the 'shortcomings' or we can work through them together.  Afterall, that's what love is to me.


With that being said, I suppose if I had to make a choice, I'd go for taller.  As a female, it's pretty much primal instinct to go for the larger/taller men.  :orly:

Edited by AmarisNsane
  • Brohoof 1
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Added an edit to the initial post to clarify, this poll is just querying a specific preference in a specific area. In no way does leaning one direction or another, or neither, mean that I'm assuming other variables aren't important as well. Cause, I mean, if you're dating someone just cause of their height, then... come see me later for some counseling.  :smug:


Another question then, perhaps, might be:

How do people feel toward romantic partners / persons of interest on the opposite spectrum? For example: if you're a girl, are into guys, and you like your guys taller, how would you feel toward someone shorter? Indifferent? Turned off? Are there cultural values in action – e.g., dating a shorter guy would feel / be seen as inappropriate?

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Around my height, I guess...although if a female were my height, she'd be considered a bit tall, so maybe...a high five, near six-footer? I mean, if I'm love, the height won't matter, so... -u-



Edit: I'm on the "height doesn't matter" side, but I chose a more specific answer for the sake of playing along.

Edited by Eazyfries
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My height, which is about 176 cm, or shorter. I do not like tall women. Though overall currently those things are bothering me the least, lol.

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im dyslexic as hell and i read that as "how tall do you prefer your panther" to answer that, the tank is 2.99 meters tall X3
but if i had a girlfriend probably a little shorter than me.

Edited by Ju88snow
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Not something I've really ever specifically thought about, actually. Now that I have, I'd say around my height or taller. On average taller is what I'm attracted to when I think about it.

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