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Will you cry?


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I haven't cried during any emotional scene in MLP yet.


However, what really sticks to me as heartbreaking and emotional was the ending of "A Little Snow Fairy Sugar". I really let the tears flow then. QnQ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean i literally didn't flinch when bing bong died in inside out so i doubt it but if it has sombra in it there will be many a tear shed for best pony

Yes, on the inside.  :toldya:  No but really, I often get so sad and heartbroken that it feels like the world is falling apart, but I can't get myself to actually shed one tear.  :huh: I think my tearducts are broken or something  :wat:


Alas your not the only one :)

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The only tears I've shed over movies and TV is Short Circuit and the MLP season 2 premiere two-parter, and that was when I was really young. I don't think I will cry at all during the movie, but if something is REALLY sad then I would probably cry a little. I mean, it's MLP, my favorite thing.

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I'm serious. Will you if there's a scene emotional enough? I don't really at movies but I know plenty who do.

I haven't ever cried at the movies and I doubt I ever will. A story once brought tears to my eyes, but I haven't felt anything since.hqdefault.jpg

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It's very posible, but I think that it depends on how the movie is going to develop. MLP has been emotional before, so I think that the show crew may have prepared something big in that film.

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That will entirely depend on the quality of the emotional scene in question, but if it's good enough then I probably will. I'm quite sappy when it comes to such things and I've long since stopped caring about how people perceive that, so if the feels train is coming in you can bet I'll be boarding it...leaving my girlfriend staring at me incredulously and slightly pitying, probably.

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Ponies is literally the only thing that can make me cry. I guess it's the only thing that I have become emotionally attached to. Like Cadance's wedding I shed tears of joy even though it's on TV but I could hold it together as the best man for my brothers wedding. I think the biggest part is that the characters are so likable and one of the best abilities of the writers is playing to emotion. Wether it's laughter with a joke, anger towards a dick character, sadness like in Tanks for the Memories(I cried rivers for Dashie). 

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I'll probably cry if they give the movie a finale feel, the closest I've been to crying watching the show was when Twilight became an alicorn and when the CMC got their marks, and I probably would have hadn't I been spoiled. I've also gotten pretty emotional with scenes like Rarity crying when she saw Sweetie Belle's drawing, and Big Mac and Applebloom's conversation at the end of Brotherhooves Social (huh, kind of weird both have been in Sisterhooves Social episodes), so if they do something like that I might cry as well. 


I like getting emotional watching shows and movies, so if something does make me cry I'll let the tears flow  :please:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's pretty easy for a movie to make me emotional. I rarely cry unless the characters or storyline mean a lot to me. This movie will probably spark a few tears, just because I've been following these characters so much over the past two years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cried to a lot of endings in past (Super Paper Mario, Gravity Falls, Pokemon MD Sky, Undertale) and for that matter I even cried when Magical Mystery Cure aired (and that was effectively originally supposed to be the series finale of MLP) and after the ending of Pokemon Moon/Sunday, I can safely say... yes, I will surely cry. As I've chosen this movie as de facto series finale, it's veeeeeeeery likely, I'll cry after it.

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