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request shop Free OC Piano Requests (Limited Time Only)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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So, my commission shop isn't getting that much attention...I've decided to open up requests for OC Themes again. However, this time it will be strictly piano solos and piano solos only. So, just give me your OC and it's backstory, and I can make something of it. 


Here's what piano solos from me usually sound like: https://pony.fm/tracks/23754-legend-of-everfree-lullaby-piano-edition

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That sounds really beautiful. Would you mind doing it for an OC with no clear visuals right now? I could give you a description of how she looks like, but I got backstory (I am currently revamping everything, but the basic idea stays the same).



Edited by Fluttery Shy
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My OC was once part of the Chrysalis hive doing normal changeling things. That came to an end once Starlight Glimmer came and changed the hive, he escaped the scene quietly and tried to find Chrysalis. But to no avail, he doesn't like ponies that much but he wants Chrysalis to rule equestria under peace and unity... somehow.



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That sounds really beautiful. Would you mind doing it for an OC with no clear visuals right now? I could give you a description of how she looks like, but I got backstory (I am currently revamping everything, but the basic idea stays the same).



I think Imma need a little more details...best to have a name and an image. 




I can certainly make something out of that.


@@Dynamo Pad,


I can do that.  

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I think Imma need a little more details...best to have a name and an image. 

That's alright, then I think I won't request something, for now, don't wanna rush anything about my OC. I'll definitely check your commision shop out though. :)

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Could you please one for my OC Aria. Backstory and picture is below

Aria's Backstory

Born into royalty her mother a beautiful alicorn and her father a unicorn. She was born a beautiful unicorn, but she learned how cruel the world can be at such a young age. Greed getting the better of one pony desperate for money she was snatched while her parents were patrolling their kingdom. Hearing the news her parents ordered all ponies to search, but it was to late she was gone. Sold to any pony who would pay, she was sold rather fast forced to do work once she hit fillyhood. As she hit her teenage years she ran from her home not wanting to marry somepony she did not love and not wanting the physical abuse that was placed upon her. But even with years of pain and sadness she still had a big heart and was always willing to give. With no place to go she decided to roam helping those in need of it and making friends, But as her luck was looking up an unfortunate event occured costing her, her life. A dear friend of hers who she met on her travels would become victim to a unknown creature who only had death on its mind. Aria rushed to her aid vanquishing the creature, but also losing her life. Her story would have ended there, but a hidden magic inside of her blossomed that day a light surrounding her bringing back the lifeless unicorn, but she was no longer a unicorn, but a beautiful alicorn. Once she was released from the light she stood proud with her new wings proudly out a unicorn princess had passed, but a alicorn was born.


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  • 1 month later...

I was planning to animate a short theme song for my friends, and this is just what I was looking for! I'd like the theme song to be adventurous, kind of similar to the Gravity Falls theme song. It should be hopeful for the future and kind of a roller-coaster, but have everything even out at the end. Do you think you can convey that?
Thanks so much!

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Hope you can also make one for my OC, Starburst. I like the idea of a theme song for an OC. Kinda weird, but nice.


OC's backstory: At a young age, Starburst lost his parents in a car accident, his sister put in a coma. His grandfather, taught him how to play professional shogi, as he had played the sport before with his father when he was still alive. He played the sport more fervently , letting it slowly consume his life, trying to take care of his comatose sister with the earnings he got from every match. Her health deteriorated and she grew weaker every month, turning into years. He started to lose hope, and gave up the sport, renting a small room in an apartment in Ponyville, where he finds work at the Sweet Shoppe.



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