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gaming Super Smash Bros. Thread

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Curse you Nintendo for making a demo only for Japan! X( Still, Nintendo is printing money lately. This game and Pokemon are two of my most anticipated releases. I do not own a Wii U but I have a 3DS and I actually think a portable Smash Bros will be awesomeness xSeveral hundreds. I really hope a demo will make it to other parts of the world. I want to get my Smash Bros fix! Anyone else getting the 3DS version? Wow...I just remembered how much I love this series.


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The whole 3DS game was leaked last night and throughout today- the initial ESRB leak roster was indeed the final roster.



Personally I'm very happy with it. Wouldn't have minded another character or two(like Ridley and Mewtwo or something), but I'll be damned if I can't wait to get my hands on all these crazy new characters and the supposedly heavily updated older ones. :D

The wait for October 3rd... it will be difficult... :pout:


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My most-wanted character, Isaac is no longer an Assist Trophy, and is completely missing from the game.




Not even I, in my infinite pessimism, could have seen an outcome so devastating.



Everything needs more woodwind!

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Final Roster huh?



Holy shit there are so many things I love yet hate with this roster, and it doesn't help that some of my favorites were cut


Here's hoping for DLC



Edited by Megas75
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I'm fairly happy with this roster. Sure, there are a few missed opportunities, but it's generally decent. There's also still a chance for DLC.



Although I'm still quite skeptical about Dr. Mario and Dark Pit, we'll just have to see how they play out. Don't get me wrong, I like clones for serving as alternatives with oppositely balanced stats or differently-functioning attacks.


Edited by Mars Caramel
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Next week, eh? Who wants to bet the eShop's gonna be crashing a lot with so many people downloading the demo next week? XP



As far as the roster's concerned, I'm not sure how I feel about Dr. Mario and Dark Pit taking up actual slots instead of being alternate costumes like Alph is for Olimar. It seems lazy.


Duck Hunt dog's a huge surprise for me, he didn't seem like fighter material.



Get ready guys, the 3DS version's about to be shown off on Nintendo's Treehouse Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/nintendo


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I'm pretty happy with the roster overall. There are some weird decisions and inclusions, but a lot of the characters I really wanted were put in. :proud:


Signature by Kyoshi

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Next week, eh? Who wants to bet the eShop's gonna be crashing a lot with so many people downloading the demo next week? XP



It was sorta like that earlier today. Those who got Platinum status last year on Club Nintendo got a download code for the demo and three extra codes to share (I already gave them away) a week early than the initial release.


Even with the limitations of the demo, I am in love with it. I have been playing it ever since I got home from school and I really can't wait until it comes out in October.

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Source: http://mynintendonews.com/2014/09/13/confirmed-nintendo-3ds-can-be-used-as-a-wii-u-controller-in-super-smash-bros/


AHA, I knew they would do something like this. They had similar functionality between the DS & Wii with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Battle Revolution. The moment Sakurai suggested the Wii U and 3DS versions would connect in some way, that was one of the first things that came to mind. I was thinking they would take it a step further with a more active game. Awesome!


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Why bring Dr. Mario back from Melee instead of Mewtwo?  Was there a quota for clones?


Anyway, I was pretty happy with the roster way back when Mega Man was revealed.  He was pretty much my only 'must have' for the next Smash Bros.  The rest is just extra.


I didn't even know who Shulk was until after he was revealed.


And Metroid could really use more than one representative.  No, Samus in and out of her suit as separate characters does not count as more than one representative.  With Duck Hunt Dog, Mr. Game & Watch, Wii Fit Trainer, etc. there is no sense in saying any character "couldn't work" in Smash.  As such, Ridley should be fair game.  But even if they want to stick with relative scale per franchise, they could have thrown in one of the half-dozen or so other bounty hunters in the Metroid franchise (the ones introduced Hunters and/or the ones in Prime 3).

Seriously, Sylux Noxus (mixed them up) was so freaking cool.

Edited by ErBoi
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No Dr. Mario is his own character. But here's the thing


Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina were likely just going to be alt costumes for Mario, Pit, and Marth. But Sakurai had a little more time on his hands, not enough to put in a new character, but enough to make "clones" with slightly different movesets. Dr. Mario has Mario's melee moveset, Dark Pit is closer to Pit's brawl moveset, and Lucina, from what people have said, is pretty similar to Roy. The clones didn't take anyone's spots, they were just added last minute as sort of "bonus" characters. 

Edited by Ampharos
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Though, I see you know that :3


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I'm happy with the roster, I can't wait to try out Rosalina, Lil' Mac and Mega Man.


To be honest, It doesn't bother me that much that Sakurai added characters that are very similar to other characters, heck, Street Fighter has a bunch of characters that play very similar to each other :P.

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No Dr. Mario is his own character. But here's the thing


Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina were likely just going to be alt costumes for Mario, Pit, and Marth. But Sakurai had a little more time on his hands, not enough to put in a new character, but enough to make "clones" with slightly different movesets. Dr. Mario has Mario's melee moveset, Dark Pit is closer to Pit's brawl moveset, and Lucina, from what people have said, is pretty similar to Roy. The clones didn't take anyone's spots, they were just added last minute as sort of "bonus" characters. 


I really don't agree with this argument. It's not as if clone characters are materialized from thin air. There are a multitude of obvious clones you could make of existing characters, and they still take time to make... Decisions had to be made. For example, Dixie Kong could have been a clone of Diddy, while Dark Samus could have been a clone for Samus.


While either way, clones will not be so well received, if he had chosen those two instead, I would have felt a lot better about this roster. And I know plenty of others would have as well. Doctor Mario is such a strange choice to bring back, and puts salt in the wounds of Mewtwo fans, while Dark Pit is clearly chosen because of Sakurai's bias toward the KI series.


It's asinine that KI has three characters, regardless of whether one of them is an alternate costume promoted to clone or not, while DK and Metroid have two (Metroid's "two" characters being Samus in her suit and without her suit). DK is a far more relevant series than KI by far. Even Metroid can claim that one, while also being relevant to the SSB series. Actually, I'll throw in Star Fox, too. I didn't think that Star Fox deserved a new character, but it didn't deserve to lose one! With a new title on the horizon, Star Fox deserved to have equal, if not more characters than KI. Simple. But it didn't get that.


I love Lucina, I have no problem with her... (at least she is an entirely different character from Marth. Not a costume, or a generic 'dark' version) But Dark Pit and Doctor Mario are ridiculous. Doctor Mario isn't even a different character from Mario... He's Mario in a doctor role. Dark Pit... Well, he literally has the appearance of a pallet swap of Pit. He should have been left an alternate costume.


And you know what? I don't even play DK, Metroid, or Star Fox. I'm not biased towards these series one slight bit... I could actually be said to have more bias towards Kid Icarus, since I love the whole theme of that series. But the bias Sakurai displayed here is just so blatantly obvious that even though I have no interest in those series, I can see they got the short end of the stick... Very unfairly.

  • Brohoof 4

Everything needs more woodwind!

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It was sorta like that earlier today. Those who got Platinum status last year on Club Nintendo got a download code for the demo and three extra codes to share (I already gave them away) a week early than the initial release.


Even with the limitations of the demo, I am in love with it. I have been playing it ever since I got home from school and I really can't wait until it comes out in October.


Aww man I'm so jealous. I wish I could try the demo, but I haven't been able to get a hold of a code. I guess waiting a week for it isn't so bad but it still sucks to see everyone being able to play it while you can't! I've heard that the game has kind of a Smash 64 feel, which I think is great. The roster is pretty awesome too even though King K. Rool didn't make it in like I hoped. The only one I'm disappointed in is Dark Pit. I mean he's basically just a reskin of Pit. Not worth an entire character slot imo. But either way, this is the biggest roster we've seen so far in a Smash game so I can't complain too much! Plus there's a chance we'll get dlc characters, which would be really great.


By the way, if anyone still has a spare demo code, I'm still looking for one! *wink wink* haha :P

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The codes are gonna be hard to comeby because some are used and some aren't. some people can fall for the scam if it's already used by selling or trading those codes. For me, I didn't bother asking for a code unless i'm helping a friend to get one cuz she needed the codes for 2 which is 1 for herself and the other for a friend of ours. My brother downloaded the japanese version of the demo on his Japanese 3DS so I'll be playing the demo from this point on.


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You're dissapointed in Dark Pit but not Dr. Mario? Dark Pit is more like Brawl Pit, but Dr. Mario only has his down B changed from Mario.


To elaborate, Dark Pit hits harder than Pit, and I've heard people saying Dark Pit is better because of that. Dr. Mario is Mario's melee set, which is his current set with the down B being a tornado spin thing rather than Fludd


And I agree with basically everything you said, Envy. You're just the first person I've seen make an intelligent argument about it rather than "Omg wtf Dr. Mario stole Mewtwo's slot" 


Also, there are 9 mario characters (Counting Yoshi and Wario). That's ridiculous. Mario doesn't deserve that many characters over DK, Metroid, Mother, etc.

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Personally I don't mind Mario having the most characters(though I don't count Wario or Yoshi myself) especially considering a lot of people wanted Rosalina and Bowser Jr, but bringing back Dr Mario of all cut Melee characters is a real head shaker(as he was definitely one of the lazier clones in Melee), especially with the demand for Mewtwo being as high as it was. The fact however that staple Nintendo franchises like Metroid and Donkey Kong still only have 2(and for Metroid the 2nd is just Samus without armor), not to mention Starfox losing a character(especially with another game coming), while Kid Icarus, a series with only 3 games(with a game Sakurai worked on), gets 3 characters(and 2 was already pushing it) is insulting to those franchises and their fans and only just confirms how biased Sakurai is with his own works.


As for the cuts, Snake was understandable though still disappointing, Ice Climbers is disappointing as I think they could've worked a way around the issues, Wolf getting cut is very disappointing consider a new game is coming out and he was less of a clone than Falco, Lucas was more fun than Ness imo, losing Squirtle and Ivysaur sucks a lot(though they probably would've ended up filling up the roster with too much Pokemon), and I still have no freaking idea why they didn't bother bringing back Mewtwo despite fans practically begging for his return

Edited by Megas75
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Since no one seems to have brought this up, according to multiple sources, Bowser Jr. will be able to be reskinned into Nintendo's Jim Henson puppets. (By which I mean, the 7 koopalings) Their stats and moveset will remain the same, however.


Looking forward to Ludwig.

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So...no Wolf O'Donnell then? That makes me sad...


I'll still buy the game of course, but it's a bit of a bummer. Ah well, gotta find a new character to main...

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Honestly, I love the roster. The characters I didn't want to see back didn't come back and the characters I did want to see back did come back! :D I was skeptical of other things like Dr. Mario but in the end I actually decided I might main him as my new Mario. Same with Lucina. I could never master Marth but Lucina looks like a good way to help me there. Dark Pit however I will certainly try but Pit is my true main in there. I've seen Dark Pits move set. Don't care for it much. Cool that he's there though!


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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