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mega thread What is your sexuality ?


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Straight. Not much into hating gays but I find them as annoyances, and a public disturbance.

If someone isn't sure of his sexuality he may look into his/her pants and see.


Grow up please and take your offensive comments somewhere else. 




Earlier on this topic I came out as being Bisexual but im not sure if thats the right definition :P  I certainly do have crushes on some guys and are sexually attracted to some as  well but I still would only want a commited relationship to a girl?  


I know that doesn't; make much sense but thats the way I feel at the moment anyway, so I wouldn't label myself as being fully Bisexual but neither would I label myself as straight either but I am more into girls by a pretty large margin. :D


*Shrugs* who knows ^_^


Maybe Very Bicurious bordering Bisexual xD 

Edited by Skylar
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Straight. Not much into hating gays but I find them as annoyances, and a public disturbance.

If someone isn't sure of his sexuality he may look into his/her pants and see.

Wow dude wow. This beats even the illogicality of Texas' reasoning. (hyperbole, can't be beaten, but still)

1. You never will see people looking at their genitalia to figure out their sexuality, particularly in a public setting?

2. As addressed by River, this is actually offensive to a lot of people, "not against gays" was kinda off.

3. ...and how are we annoying? I would understand the case you put here in a small fraction of a percent. Of course, the ones who are like feminists, and take it too far. (I know they should exist) Still, this was uncalled for.

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I said biological meaning of life. The true meaning of life is to leave a heritage for the generations to come, like Ghandi or Lincoln, or in Serbia's case from the first Despots and Tzars to the last Mountain King. I didn't say it was a crucial thing to have a lot of children, well in case of Serbia our population is decreasing every second, and who knows what future may hold for us. The place where I live (where our natality is lowest) is a crucial area, Hungarians want it, Croatians want it, and some want it to be independant. It doesn't count for China, USA, Russia and other major powers, where natality is the last problem that could happen.



Hahahah silly atheist :D I was only talking about the biological meaning of life, there's not much of it in the bible. As I said before it isn't important for USA that much, but Serbia won't recover from genocide that quickly, the last thing we need is people unsure of their gender. The same goes for Bosnia, the Serbian Republic and the Black Mountains (Montenegro) *curses communism*, the Black Mountains are still recovering from WWII war crimes.


I should have known this doesn't matter to you or to where ever you live.


Also I didn't say gender dictates sexuality, but if you are unsure it is better for you to stick to what Nature blessed you upon your birth.


PS: Glad you changed your profile pic, that RD was so annoying :P

i have a feeling we wouldn't get along that well.... xD



and to stay on topic i'm bi and are completely and utterly obsessed and in love with my best friend

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@Drazha (too lazy to quote. :P)

That would make sense. The thing is, it makes no sense.


Rererebuttal of my on topic sexuality. I'm bisexual and pancurious. On a unrelated note: I have had 1 bf and gf, but they were both short relationships.

Edited by Twilight Sniper
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 A human is composed of his body, his mind and his soul. Animals have a body and soul, but don't have a mind. By saying "living organism" I meant the body.



Yes they do, some of the higher-species(like primates) possess traits startlingly similar to humans and have been observed taking part in recreational activity and building social and family structures something like ours.   

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I am a heterosexual. It seems there are a lot of homosexuals here, which is awesome, coz it gives us more diversity. Besides, gay people are generally very fun to talk to. (Especially guys. xP)

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@,  I want to end this on a good note, we use different terminology here, so I didn't really understand the definition of sexuality until I checked wikipedia, probably should have done that at the beginning of everything.

Anyway if I was unsure I would pick pansexual, cause it limits you the least. But I'm not.

Good luck

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I'm a guy, I'm 21, I'm gay and proud of it (:


It's a cliche, totally, but I love cute things and I like MLP lol, however I'm very masculine.


I hope find someday a handsome, romantic and kind boyfriend, maybe he could to enjoy MLP too! 

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I put my specific sexuality in a list...

45% homosexual

25% heterosexual

30% (attracted to TG/TV, I think the term for that is transsexual)


(I can't count how many times I have posted here...)


I think there is the possibility my sexuality may change to just gay, because I am losing interest in females ... But anyways,...

I am quite feminine, but in public I show my more masculine self usually. All I have left to say is bronies, stay fabulous <3

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I know this is silly I keep doing this... and im sorry but im really confused about it all :(


About two months ago I came out as being Bisexual which was perhaps Naive of me... since then I have had a fair bit of the same sex crushing on me / being quite forward ... and it scared me a little, at first I wasn't really sure why but I have come to the conclusion really...


I want to be in a relationship with a girl, I am totally comfortable with them :)    Even though I do find some guys attractive im going to put myself down as Bicurious now.   I admit the attraction is there and I enjoy exploring a little.... but I am in no way ready / will probably never be ready to have a same sex relationship... im not really sure why but thats that :(   


I think I dived in too deep too soon, and got alot of uncomfortable attention :(


For now I will put myself down as Hetro but Bicurious (if that makes sense lol) 


Sorry = / 

Edited by Skylar
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For now I will put myself down as Hetro but Bicurious (if that makes sense lol) 


Sorry = / 


Don't apologise. Its actually natural for folks who are bisexual to prefer one gender more over another,. Though i suppose being bi-curious is a safer approach XD 

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Don't apologise. Its actually natural for folks who are bisexual to perfer one gender or another. Though i suppose being bi-curious is a safer approach XD 


Its not because it's a safer approach ... 


I only really want to be in a relationship with a girl, yet just have a few crushes on some guys... nothing more than that = / 


I don't think I ever really was fully bisexual... 

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Hey guys! I'm a gay brony and was wondering if there are any other gay bronies here as well. B)

i hope your happy with your sexuality, dont let anyone else make you feel bad about being homosexual, its completely normal.

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Yeah, stop faffing around and get out with it Skylar >_> 


I've put myself down as Hetrosexual  & just admit I have some Bicurious tendencies. 

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if I get it right, you are basically confused about your sexuality and about how it affects the people around you.

I can only say, be honest with yourself, don't come up with anything, always be straight forward to others about how you feel. If they care about you, they will accept and embrace it.

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@@Skylar, Just having some attraction to both genders even though it's only at a bicurious level is still considered to be bisexual but then again whether you decide to identify as bisexual is up to you but you would still technically be considered bisexual even if it's only little attraction but when it's only at a bicurious level it's like I said up to you whether you identify as one or not. Maybe you're just not comfortable with it yet, but you know it's up to you.


Besides, a little attention is just fun and if anything you can take it as a compliment. 

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