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Ponies in the Public


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So, yesterday, I was in Fargo with my family, and we were in a Savers store. And after a while, I noticed they were playing MLP on some TVs in front! I tried to work up the courage to go and say, "That's an awesome show!", but I couldn't. I got a picture...


I saw part of The Mysterious Mare Do Well, and, Sweet and Elite.


So, please share your stories/pictures/videos of your experiences, seeing MLP in the public! :)

  • Brohoof 2


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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One time I was at the Movie Theater, going to see the Hunger Games. The previews go on for, what, an hour or so? I noticed there was a line of men in the row in front of me, with their IPhones out. Half of them had MLP Episodes playing, while others were on MLP Forums or Google Images. This is what it was in a nutshell:



There was also this one time at Latitude 30 (sorta like Dave n' Busters, but has bowling and better food). There were projectors everywhere. One guy took their laptop, played the Royal Canterlot Wedding, and connected it to all of the projector (don't ask me how he did it). All of the screens were playing the episode and the sound was on full blast. It was freaking awesome.

  • Brohoof 2
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One time I was at the Movie Theater, going to see the Hunger Games. The previews go on for, what, an hour or so? I noticed there was a line of men in the row in front of me, with their IPhones out. Half of them had MLP Episodes playing, while others were on MLP Forums or Google Images. This is what it was in a nutshell:



There was also this one time at Latitude 30 (sorta like Dave n' Busters, but has bowling and better food). There were projectors everywhere. One guy took their laptop, played the Royal Canterlot Wedding, and connected it to all of the projector (don't ask me how he did it). All of the screens were playing the episode and the sound was on full blast. It was freaking awesome.


Did you talk to them?


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Did you talk to them?


Who? The guy at Latitude or at the Movie Theater? If Latitude, no. By the time I got to him, security had thrown him out (damn haters). If the movie theater, no again. I was busy doing the same on my IPod. I just happened to notice them from the corner of my eye.

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Yeah, once in town when I was going to buy a game I saw this on a wall on a street



Posted Image



Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 7


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Never seen anything pony related in public.... It seriously feels like i'm the only brony in this whole city :mellow:


Ahaha, couldn't agree more. If we start wearing MLP stuff other people should notice us, right?
  • Brohoof 2

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Back when I was in 3rd grade I think (which was 11 years ago at the age of 8), there was this festival after school and all the staff, parents, and students were invited. They had this pony that they were letting the kids pet. I put my hand up to it's mouth and it bit my finger. It hurt. That's the only time I've seen ponies in public.


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I've never seen anything related to MLP in public here. Not even a t-shirt... And I live in a pretty damn big city, I'm not sure why I haven't run across any bronies yet


Back when I was in 3rd grade I think (which was 11 years ago at the age of 8), there was this festival after school and all the staff, parents, and students were invited. They had this pony that they were letting the kids pet. I put my hand up to it's mouth and it bit my finger. It hurt. That's the only time I've seen ponies in public.


i c wut u did thar



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About a month ago, mah grade was doing a project where you and 3 other people had to build a model themepark. One of the girl groups had a carousol in their park with Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Belle as the ponies :P. After the project was done, I saw one of the girls holding a Celestia toy and messing around with it.



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unless im wearing my brony shirt, HT pony belt or driving somewhere (i got a rainbow dash sticker on the back of my car chilling above my "in case of zombie apocalypse fallow me) then no i don't see ponies in public

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Ahaha, couldn't agree more. If we start wearing MLP stuff other people should notice us, right?


Lol yeah, I would think. But so far no one has said anything to me about my Rainbow Dash shirt. They just give me a weird look :P

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I haven't seen anything but one of my friends says that at his school there are so many bronys you can easily find pony posters on the walls

I love twilight sparkle

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At Hot Topic and FYE in the mall, there's plenty of Brony shirts and such, and a Brony button that you put on your shirt, but asides from that, I haven't seen any MLP merchandise yet.


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My last co-op job was as a Computer Science Teaching Assistant at the University of Waterloo. There were about four offices, each with six or seven TAs each, and three or four of us were bronies. In one of the offices one of the tutors put up a couple of MLP pictures, one that said "Erik's coat rack" and the other was a picture of Fluttershy yelling "You're going to love me!" These were up for the whole semester, but weren't noticeable from the hallway.


However, toward the end of the semester, we decided to put this picture up on one of the doorways to scare students walking past:

Posted Image


Other than that, I haven't really run into ponies in public, but I've just ordered a couple of MLP shirts, so a lot of other people will be seeing ponies in public soon.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've seen merchandise around, coloring books at Toys R' Us and the local drug store (weirded out some former co-workers with that one. "Avengers sticker book? Pshaw, none of that for me thanks. Wait, MLP coloring book?!?! I don't have this one yet! Huzzah!"- slightly paraphrased) Got some easter chocolate, a mini-puzzle, a Pinkie Pie flashlight projector thing (range on it is terrible, but having transparent Pinkie Pie slides can only be a good thing), and the shirts others have stated seeing at Hot Topic (which are apparently made for people without shoulders).


As for seeing the actual show playing, no, that has yet to happen. Tons of fans at the local comic expo (Calgary Comic Con, video of the noisy panel went up on EqD a couple weeks back), and apparently a dude at the local mall was wearing a shirt, but I didn't notice him, friend pointed it out and at that point he was maybe fifty feet away so running up and shouting "bro-hoof!" would have been disruptive or unseamly (I was wearing a shirt prominently featuring Pinkie and Fluttershy at the time, but still felt it would only be awkward). Other than that, my shirt has been acknowledged a couple times by baristas, ticket-tearers and such, but have yet to be the one noticing someone ELSE wearing MLP stuff.

According to some survey somewhere, most like Rainbow Dash. Was not expecting that result but I suppose it makes sense.

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